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Раскрыты секреты национального парка Бэдлендс

My XO Adventures считает, что Бесплодные земли могут быть прекрасным опытом для ваших чувств, и о парке можно рассказать много историй. Он также изобилует дикой природой, но вы должны знать, куда идти.

Мы ходили, ползали, карабкались и проезжали через парк проселочными дорогами, чтобы найти места, которые, как мы знаем, вам понравятся. Это не напряжное путешествие и подходит для всех возрастов. Мы рекомендуем вам ознакомиться с нашими обзорами Google для My XO Adventures в Интернете, чтобы узнать, какой опыт вы получите, присоединившись к нам.

Мы позаботимся о деталях и даже можем преподнести вам несколько сюрпризов. Каждый день разный, и мы любим то, что делаем. Мы исследуем Бесплодные земли, а не просто путешествуем по ним. Узнайте об истории, дикой природе, окаменелостях, геологических формах и священных местах. Обычно пропускаемые и необычные места - это то, куда мы идем.
Город: Рапид Сити
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $259.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $259.00
Что включено
Bottled water
Air-conditioned vehicle
Bottled water
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Для путешественников и сотрудников доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируется с высокой степенью зоны движения
  • Снаряжение и снаряжение дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Wall Drug
One of the greatest success stories you'll ever hear. Wall Drug is known around the world for its free water and unmistakable billboards. This roadside curiosity has been around for almost 100 years, and its still going strong. Let's enjoy lunch and peruse what started as a modest drug store in a dirt poor town into a mammoth operation today.
Badlands National Park
Sit back and enjoy an educational experience while you're taken through one of the most unique National Parks in the US! A massive area of constant change, they named it the Badlands for a good reason. Not to worry, as our ride takes us safely through this otherworldy land, stopping along the way to see beautiful formations, wildlife, mineral deposits, and open sky. You'll love your time, and learn what most miss on this magical tour.
Ben Reifel Visitor Center
A stop at the Visitors Center gives you time to take a break, ask questions from the park staff and pick up a souvenir.
A stop at the old Ghost Town of Scenic before visiting Sheep Mountain Table. Spend some time in the old jail or peek in the windows of yesterday.
Caputa Alpacas & Guest Ranch
A stop out to the Stronghold Unit of the Badlands takes us right past the Alpaca Farm. You can't pass up these cute little faces, so let's stop to feed them a snack.
Wall Drug
One of the greatest success stories you'll ever hear. Wall Drug is known around the world for its free water and unmistakable billboards. This roadside curiosity has been around for almost 100 years, and its still going strong. Let's enjoy lunch and peruse what started as a modest drug store in a dirt poor town into a mammoth operation today.
Badlands National Park
Sit back and enjoy an educational experience while you're taken through one of the most unique National Parks in the US! A massive area of constant change, they named it the Badlands for a good reason. Not to worry, as our ride takes us safely through this otherworldy land, stopping along the way to see beautiful formations, wildlife, mineral deposits, and open sky. You'll love your time, and learn what most miss on this magical tour.
Ben Reifel Visitor Center
A stop at the Visitors Center gives you time to take a break, ask questions from the park staff and pick up a souvenir.
A stop at the old Ghost Town of Scenic before visiting Sheep Mountain Table. Spend some time in the old jail or peek in the windows of yesterday.
Caputa Alpacas & Guest Ranch
A stop out to the Stronghold Unit of the Badlands takes us right past the Alpaca Farm. You can't pass up these cute little faces, so let's stop to feed them a snack.
Wall Drug
One of the greatest success stories you'll ever hear. Wall Drug is known around the world for its free water and unmistakable billboards. This roadside curiosity has been around for almost 100 years, and its still going strong. Let's enjoy lunch and peruse what started as a modest drug store in a dirt poor town into a mammoth operation today.
Badlands National Park
Sit back and enjoy an educational experience while you're taken through one of the most unique National Parks in the US! A massive area of constant change, they named it the Badlands for a good reason. Not to worry, as our ride takes us safely through this otherworldy land, stopping along the way to see beautiful formations, wildlife, mineral deposits, and open sky. You'll love your time, and learn what most miss on this magical tour.
Ben Reifel Visitor Center
A stop at the Visitors Center gives you time to take a break, ask questions from the park staff and pick up a souvenir.
A stop at the old Ghost Town of Scenic before visiting Sheep Mountain Table. Spend some time in the old jail or peek in the windows of yesterday.
Caputa Alpacas & Guest Ranch
A stop out to the Stronghold Unit of the Badlands takes us right past the Alpaca Farm. You can't pass up these cute little faces, so let's stop to feed them a snack.
Wall Drug
One of the greatest success stories you'll ever hear. Wall Drug is known around the world for its free water and unmistakable billboards. This roadside curiosity has been around for almost 100 years, and its still going strong. Let's enjoy lunch and peruse what started as a modest drug store in a dirt poor town into a mammoth operation today.
Badlands National Park
Sit back and enjoy an educational experience while you're taken through one of the most unique National Parks in the US! A massive area of constant change, they named it the Badlands for a good reason. Not to worry, as our ride takes us safely through this otherworldy land, stopping along the way to see beautiful formations, wildlife, mineral deposits, and open sky. You'll love your time, and learn what most miss on this magical tour.
Ben Reifel Visitor Center
A stop at the Visitors Center gives you time to take a break, ask questions from the park staff and pick up a souvenir.
A stop at the old Ghost Town of Scenic before visiting Sheep Mountain Table. Spend some time in the old jail or peek in the windows of yesterday.
Caputa Alpacas & Guest Ranch
A stop out to the Stronghold Unit of the Badlands takes us right past the Alpaca Farm. You can't pass up these cute little faces, so let's stop to feed them a snack.
Wall Drug
One of the greatest success stories you'll ever hear. Wall Drug is known around the world for its free water and unmistakable billboards. This roadside curiosity has been around for almost 100 years, and its still going strong. Let's enjoy lunch and peruse what started as a modest drug store in a dirt poor town into a mammoth operation today.
Badlands National Park
Sit back and enjoy an educational experience while you're taken through one of the most unique National Parks in the US! A massive area of constant change, they named it the Badlands for a good reason. Not to worry, as our ride takes us safely through this otherworldy land, stopping along the way to see beautiful formations, wildlife, mineral deposits, and open sky. You'll love your time, and learn what most miss on this magical tour.
Ben Reifel Visitor Center
A stop at the Visitors Center gives you time to take a break, ask questions from the park staff and pick up a souvenir.
A stop at the old Ghost Town of Scenic before visiting Sheep Mountain Table. Spend some time in the old jail or peek in the windows of yesterday.
Caputa Alpacas & Guest Ranch
A stop out to the Stronghold Unit of the Badlands takes us right past the Alpaca Farm. You can't pass up these cute little faces, so let's stop to feed them a snack.
Wall Drug
One of the greatest success stories you'll ever hear. Wall Drug is known around the world for its free water and unmistakable billboards. This roadside curiosity has been around for almost 100 years, and its still going strong. Let's enjoy lunch and peruse what started as a modest drug store in a dirt poor town into a mammoth operation today.
Badlands National Park
Sit back and enjoy an educational experience while you're taken through one of the most unique National Parks in the US! A massive area of constant change, they named it the Badlands for a good reason. Not to worry, as our ride takes us safely through this otherworldy land, stopping along the way to see beautiful formations, wildlife, mineral deposits, and open sky. You'll love your time, and learn what most miss on this magical tour.
Ben Reifel Visitor Center
A stop at the Visitors Center gives you time to take a break, ask questions from the park staff and pick up a souvenir.
A stop at the old Ghost Town of Scenic before visiting Sheep Mountain Table. Spend some time in the old jail or peek in the windows of yesterday.
Caputa Alpacas & Guest Ranch
A stop out to the Stronghold Unit of the Badlands takes us right past the Alpaca Farm. You can't pass up these cute little faces, so let's stop to feed them a snack.
Наркотик стены
Одна из величайших историй успеха, которую вы когда-либо слышали. Wall Drug известен во всем мире своей бесплатной водой и безошибочно узнаваемыми рекламными щитами. Этой придорожной диковинке уже почти 100 лет, и она по-прежнему актуальна. Давайте насладимся обедом и посмотрим, что начиналось как скромная аптека в грязном бедном городке, а сегодня превратилось в гигантскую операцию.
Национальный парк Бэдлендс
Устройтесь поудобнее и наслаждайтесь образовательным опытом, пока вы путешествуете по одному из самых уникальных национальных парков в США! Огромная область постоянных изменений, они не зря назвали ее Бесплодными землями. Не беспокойтесь, так как наша поездка безопасно проведет нас через эту потустороннюю землю, останавливаясь по пути, чтобы увидеть красивые образования, дикую природу, месторождения полезных ископаемых и открытое небо. Вы полюбите свое время и узнаете, чего больше всего не хватает в этом волшебном туре.
Центр посетителей Бена Рейфеля
Остановка в Центре посетителей дает вам время, чтобы сделать перерыв, задать вопросы сотрудникам парка и забрать сувенир.
Остановка в старом живописном городе-призраке перед посещением Овечьей горы. Проведите некоторое время в старой тюрьме или загляните в окна вчерашнего дня.
Caputa Alpacas и гостевое ранчо
Остановка в Stronghold Unit of the Badlands приведет нас прямо к ферме альпак. Вы не можете пройти мимо этих милых личинок, так что давайте остановимся, чтобы накормить их закусками.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (13)
Nov 2022
We did the tour the day after snow and ice covered the road. It was treacherous, but uniquely beautiful given the unusual snow and ice covering everything. Daniel, who could have easily cancelled the tour, was incredibly careful and, above all, concerned for our safety. We never felt in danger and were very confident in his judgement. The tour was excellent, easily exceeding our expectations. He knows every view and photographic opportunity and has deep knowledge of the area, it's history, geography and culture. To top it off, he is a great companion, and it is a joy to spend the day with him.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you, Andrew! It was quite a day, and the weather there can be ominous, but sometimes that's exactly when you find amazing experiences and photographic moments. Although my hands were gripped tight to the steering wheel, it was one of the best times out there. I have to say, after seeing the Badlands, Pinnacles Overlook, Homestead Overlook, and Panorama Point in such cold, I feel like I know the Badlands even better than ever. The most animals and wildest scenery, plus amazing company!! Thank you for choosing My XO Adventures and inviting me on an incredible journey. Safe Travels!
Nov 2022
This was a fully customized tour based on my interests, which made the whole experience unforgettable. Really knowledgeable and experienced tour guide! Highly recommend booking with My XO Adventures
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you so much, Teodora. It was so much fun riding through Pine Ridge and making our way North to the Southern Unit of the Badlands and then beyond. I loved how excited you were about everything. It's the way I feel when I go out there. I appreciate your comments and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. See you down the road!
JoAnn W
Aug 2022
So many cool things to see: Hot Springs - quint little town. The Mammoth Site is a MUST See! The Plunge is a great water attraction. Wind Cave, very cool! The scenic Custer Loop is where all the Bison and Prairie Dogs were. (Be safe, 25 yards away!) Hill City, another great little town with scenic drives. To eat - Pizza Ranch, enough said. 😋
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
JoAnn, thank you for taking the time to write a review, they mean so much to us! I had a great time with your group, and I'm happy you enjoyed your time in South Dakota. Please tell your friends and come back to see us soon!

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