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Бесплодные земли: закат и приключения в ночном небе

Это наш любимый тур! Никогда не знаешь, что увидишь. Множество животных выходят, чтобы резвиться и позировать для красивых фотографий в золотой час.

Мы настроимся на красивое ночное небо в месте, известном только My XO Adventures. Наш тур включает в себя одеяла, удобные коврики и подушки, чтобы увидеть как можно больше неба. Лежа на уютных ковриках, мы увидим планеты, падающие звезды и галактику Млечный Путь.

Наш гид сделает ночные фотографии и поделится ими с вами в конце тура. Мы даже можем показать вам, как снимать их с помощью телефона. Фонари красного света предназначены для того, чтобы любой белый свет не мешал вашему ночному видению!

Город: Рапид Сити
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $249.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $249.00
Что включено
Private transportation
Professional Photography Taken During the Tour
Bottled water
Pillows with Disposable Covers
Hot Drinks During Colder Days
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Лицевые маски для путешественников
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук
  • li>
  • Социальное дистанцирование на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Дезинфекция снаряжения/оборудования между использованием
  • Регулярная дезинфекция транспортных средств
  • Сопровождающие должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Вакцинация от COVID-19 требуется для руководства
Что ожидать
Sage Creek Wilderness Area
We know the best way to view the park during sunset. We'll take you through the Sage Creek Wilderness area to see all types of formations, with the sunset at our backs. This makes the photography of wildlife, shapes, and shadows amazing. It's our favorite tour area, and you'll understand why.
Pinnacles Overlook
We’ll enter Badlands National Park at the magic time just before sunset. Folding chairs will be brought out at the perfect location for viewing. After, we’ll head to the Amphitheater for night sky viewing with telescope and watch the stars light up the sky.
Badlands National Park
We'll set up for the beautiful night sky at a location only My XO Adventures knows. Our tour includes blankets, comfortable mats, and pillows to see as much of the sky as possible. Laying on the cozy mats, we'll see planets, shooting stars, and the Milky Way Galaxy. Our guide will take night photos and share them with you at the end of the tour. We can even show you how to take them using your phone. Red light flashlights are provided to prevent any white light from interfering with your night vision! We also provide a chart of the night sky showing the constellations and satellites that zoom overhead. Truly a unique experience for adults and kids. Badlands National Park offers clarity that few people in the United States enjoy. Over 7,500 stars are visible on any given night.
Sage Creek Wilderness Area
We know the best way to view the park during sunset. We'll take you through the Sage Creek Wilderness area to see all types of formations, with the sunset at our backs. This makes the photography of wildlife, shapes, and shadows amazing. It's our favorite tour area, and you'll understand why.
Pinnacles Overlook
We’ll enter Badlands National Park at the magic time just before sunset. Folding chairs will be brought out at the perfect location for viewing. After, we’ll head to the Amphitheater for night sky viewing with telescope and watch the stars light up the sky.
Badlands National Park
We'll set up for the beautiful night sky at a location only My XO Adventures knows. Our tour includes blankets, comfortable mats, and pillows to see as much of the sky as possible. Laying on the cozy mats, we'll see planets, shooting stars, and the Milky Way Galaxy. Our guide will take night photos and share them with you at the end of the tour. We can even show you how to take them using your phone. Red light flashlights are provided to prevent any white light from interfering with your night vision! We also provide a chart of the night sky showing the constellations and satellites that zoom overhead. Truly a unique experience for adults and kids. Badlands National Park offers clarity that few people in the United States enjoy. Over 7,500 stars are visible on any given night.
Sage Creek Wilderness Area
We know the best way to view the park during sunset. We'll take you through the Sage Creek Wilderness area to see all types of formations, with the sunset at our backs. This makes the photography of wildlife, shapes, and shadows amazing. It's our favorite tour area, and you'll understand why.
Pinnacles Overlook
We’ll enter Badlands National Park at the magic time just before sunset. Folding chairs will be brought out at the perfect location for viewing. After, we’ll head to the Amphitheater for night sky viewing with telescope and watch the stars light up the sky.
Badlands National Park
We'll set up for the beautiful night sky at a location only My XO Adventures knows. Our tour includes blankets, comfortable mats, and pillows to see as much of the sky as possible. Laying on the cozy mats, we'll see planets, shooting stars, and the Milky Way Galaxy. Our guide will take night photos and share them with you at the end of the tour. We can even show you how to take them using your phone. Red light flashlights are provided to prevent any white light from interfering with your night vision! We also provide a chart of the night sky showing the constellations and satellites that zoom overhead. Truly a unique experience for adults and kids. Badlands National Park offers clarity that few people in the United States enjoy. Over 7,500 stars are visible on any given night.
Sage Creek Wilderness Area
We know the best way to view the park during sunset. We'll take you through the Sage Creek Wilderness area to see all types of formations, with the sunset at our backs. This makes the photography of wildlife, shapes, and shadows amazing. It's our favorite tour area, and you'll understand why.
Pinnacles Overlook
We’ll enter Badlands National Park at the magic time just before sunset. Folding chairs will be brought out at the perfect location for viewing. After, we’ll head to the Amphitheater for night sky viewing with telescope and watch the stars light up the sky.
Badlands National Park
We'll set up for the beautiful night sky at a location only My XO Adventures knows. Our tour includes blankets, comfortable mats, and pillows to see as much of the sky as possible. Laying on the cozy mats, we'll see planets, shooting stars, and the Milky Way Galaxy. Our guide will take night photos and share them with you at the end of the tour. We can even show you how to take them using your phone. Red light flashlights are provided to prevent any white light from interfering with your night vision! We also provide a chart of the night sky showing the constellations and satellites that zoom overhead. Truly a unique experience for adults and kids. Badlands National Park offers clarity that few people in the United States enjoy. Over 7,500 stars are visible on any given night.
Район дикой природы Сейдж-Крик
Мы знаем, как лучше всего смотреть на парк во время заката. Мы проведем вас через пустыню Сейдж-Крик, чтобы увидеть все типы образований, а закат за нашими спинами. Это делает фотографии дикой природы, форм и теней потрясающими. Это наша любимая туристическая зона, и вы поймете, почему.
Пиннаклс Оверлук
Мы войдем в национальный парк Бэдлендс в волшебное время перед закатом. Складные стулья будут выставлены в идеальном месте для просмотра. После этого мы отправимся в Амфитеатр, чтобы посмотреть ночное небо в телескоп и посмотреть, как звезды освещают небо.
Национальный парк Бэдлендс
Мы настроимся на красивое ночное небо в месте, известном только My XO Adventures. Наш тур включает в себя одеяла, удобные коврики и подушки, чтобы увидеть как можно больше неба. Лежа на уютных ковриках, мы увидим планеты, падающие звезды и галактику Млечный Путь. Наш гид сделает ночные фотографии и поделится ими с вами в конце тура. Мы даже можем показать вам, как снимать их с помощью телефона. Фонари красного света предназначены для того, чтобы любой белый свет не мешал вашему ночному видению! Мы также предоставляем карту ночного неба, на которой показаны созвездия и спутники, летящие над головой. Действительно уникальный опыт для взрослых и детей. Национальный парк Бэдлендс предлагает ясность, которой наслаждаются немногие в Соединенных Штатах. Каждую ночь можно увидеть более 7500 звезд.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (10)
Mary Ann W
Sep 2022
This was a wonderful tour. Our tour guide, Daniel, was great. He was very knowledgeable and friendly. He made sure we got to see and do all that we expected. We saw prairie dogs, big horn sheep, a coyote, buffalo, and antelope. The night sky was awesome. We never realized how many satellites were in our skies. Daniel had water and snacks for us. Thank you for such a rich experience.
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Thank you for writing such a nice review Mary Ann! This is my favorite tour and I’m glad you enjoyed it so much too. The night skies are the best here in the Badlands. We do our best to make sure you view the sunset and stars most comfortably. The places we chose are off the beaten path to avoid the crowds , while the mats, blankets, hot cider, hand warmers, star charts and lasers bring it all together. I never get tired of seeing the shooting stars, planets, satellites and occasionally the star link launches. It was a lot of fun and I hope you come back to see the park again. My XO Adventures thanks you for allowing us to host you for a special event!
Sep 2022
Fantastic guide, shared interesting facts about the badlands. Wonderful experience watching the stars lying flat on mats provided by Daniel. He was caring, respectful, polite, professional and a lot of fun. 100% worth the cost! Jan and Deb
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Thank you for such a nice review! This is too on my list of tours to do, and it makes me very happy that you enjoyed it. The night sky and sunset at the park are outstanding. Most people don’t realize how many stars are out there given the proximity they live to the city. I hope you enjoyed your entire time in the Black Hills and Badlands. Come back again and bring your friends!
Sep 2022
Close up look at bison, bighorn sheep, prairie dogs and mule deer. Bill our guide was very knowledgeable about the region and the Lakota people. Very relaxing gazing at stunning landscapes.
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Thank you for your review Chris! It was a pleasure meeting you both. The Badlands are such a unique place to experience, and even a favorite of Frank Lloyd Wright! I was so happy you had the chance to see all the wildlife and an amazing sunset. Safe travels and see you down the road!

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