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Лучший сафари-тур по дикой природе Джексон-Хоул

Тысячи оленей-мулов, лосей, лосей, больших рогатых баранов и бизонов ежегодно мигрируют в долину в поисках пищи вместе с койотами, лисами, белоголовыми и беркутами, лебедями и даже стаями волков. Это собрание зимующих диких животных делает зиму одним из лучших времен для наблюдения за дикой природой в Джексон-Хоул!

После полного утра в поле мы вместе пообедаем в местной закусочной, а затем отправимся обратно во второй половине дня. Когда это возможно, мы проедем на санях, запряженных лошадьми, через Национальный лосиный заповедник в центр крупнейшего стада диких лосей в Северной Америке. После катания на санях мы вернемся в поле, чтобы увидеть больше диких животных.

**Поездки на санях не обязательны.
Город: Джексон
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $305.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $305.00
Что включено
Use of spotting scopes
Bottled water
Small group tour : 8 guests per vehicle, maximum
Sleigh ride (when available)
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Минимальный возраст для участия в сафари по дикой природе — 8 лет. (Для частных сафари нет минимального возраста.)
  • У нас есть 48-часовая политика отмены для всех однодневных сафари по дикой природе. При отмене бронирования до вступления в силу политики отмены будет произведен полный возврат средств. При отмене менее чем за 48 часов до вылета и до дня вылета возвращается 50% стоимости. При отмене или незаезде в день отъезда деньги не возвращаются. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем страхование путешествий, чтобы защитить вас от непредвиденных перерывов в поездке, которые мешают вам присоединиться к нам.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Регулярно транспортные средства продезинфицированы
  • Гид обязан регулярно мыть руки
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
National Elk Refuge
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton National Park
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
National Elk Refuge
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton National Park
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
National Elk Refuge
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton National Park
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
National Elk Refuge
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton National Park
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
National Elk Refuge
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton National Park
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
National Elk Refuge
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton National Park
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Grand Teton
Your wildlife safari may stop here. Your guide will educate you on the historical or geological significance of your stop. All stops are dependent on the road conditions, weather conditions and needs or interests of each group.
Национальный лосиный заповедник
Ваше сафари по дикой природе может остановиться здесь. Ваш гид расскажет вам об историческом или геологическом значении вашей остановки. Все остановки зависят от дорожных условий, погодных условий и потребностей или интересов каждой группы.
Национальный парк Гранд-Титон
Ваше сафари по дикой природе может остановиться здесь. Ваш гид расскажет вам об историческом или геологическом значении вашей остановки. Все остановки зависят от дорожных условий, погодных условий и потребностей или интересов каждой группы.
Гранд Тетон
Ваше сафари по дикой природе может остановиться здесь. Ваш гид расскажет вам об историческом или геологическом значении вашей остановки. Все остановки зависят от дорожных условий, погодных условий и потребностей или интересов каждой группы.
Показать 18 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (53)
Dec 2022
Our guide Jeffrey was great!! He was so incredibly knowledgeable about the animals and the park. He made sure we were comfortable and we saw so many amazing animals! I would definitely recommend doing this tour, especially toward the beginning of a trip. Thanks for everything Jeffrey!
Josh B
Nov 2022
This was a wonderful experience that I would highly recommend! Jeffrey Meehan was our guide and he was very knowledgeable and engaging for any questions that we had about anything pertaining to the wildlife, local area and general questions. We were on our honeymoon and booked this as a special event, a full day tour and it went well beyond our expectations! Halfway though we stopped for lunch and per recommendation of our guide we ate at a delicious Mediterranean place called Figs! It was a lovely atmosphere and the food was very, very good! Overall 5+ stars for the experience and quality of the tour. Would recommend to anyone and will look to do it again once we return to Jackson!
Oct 2022
Seeing the wildlife was an incredible experience, however I wouldn't be doing it justice without mentioning our guide Duane. He was a treasure trove of information about the terrain and wildlife. Seeing the wildlife is one thing, but to have him share his knowledge and expertise really adds to the experience of the Safari. Having your own binoculars for the duration of the trip and the use of a spotting scope adds to the immersion. You can see the faces of the wildlife very clearly as well as herds up to 2 miles out. I couldn't believe how well he could spot the wildlife (without the spotter). You'll just see a vast of land and he'll point out wildlife a mile away like it was nothing. Regardless, it was amazing to me and my friends. We saw moose, plenty of bison, bull elk, few pronghorn antelopes, trumpeter swans, American wigeons, and grey partridges. Unfortunately no bears.

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