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Велосипедный тур по центру Денвера.

Присоединяйтесь к знающему местному гиду, который безопасно проведет вас на собственном велосипеде по самым важным и значимым туристическим достопримечательностям в центре Денвера, включая исторические здания, архитектурные шедевры, профессиональные спортивные стадионы, множество арт-инсталляций, парки и открытые площадки. Группы небольшие, 2-16 человек с соотношением гида и гостя 1:8. Продолжительность тура 2,5 часа и примерно 9 миль. Электровелосипеды доступны в ограниченном количестве.
Город: Денвер
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $79.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $79.00
Что включено
Bottled water
Private tour
Use of bicycle
Use of helmet
Bottled water
Private tour
Use of bicycle
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослых
  • Работает в любую погоду условий, пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответствующим образом.
  • Нет доступных детских кресел или переносок
Что ожидать
Mile High Bike Tours
This is Mile High Bike Tour's signature downtown bicycle tour.  It encompasses all of Denver's best attractions and provides great sightseeing.  Groups are small, usually 8-10 people.  We'll ride on bike lanes, riverside paths, neighborhood streets and navigate our way around exciting downtown Denver.  The distance is approximately 9 miles and the terrain is relatively flat.  This tour is an excellent way to get to know what there is to see and do in Denver.  The bicycles are 3 speed city cruisers with disc brakes. 
Mile High Bike Tours
This is Mile High Bike Tour's signature downtown bicycle tour.  It encompasses all of Denver's best attractions and provides great sightseeing.  Groups are small, usually 8-10 people.  We'll ride on bike lanes, riverside paths, neighborhood streets and navigate our way around exciting downtown Denver.  The distance is approximately 9 miles and the terrain is relatively flat.  This tour is an excellent way to get to know what there is to see and do in Denver.  The bicycles are 3 speed city cruisers with disc brakes. 
Mile High Bike Tours
This is Mile High Bike Tour's signature downtown bicycle tour.  It encompasses all of Denver's best attractions and provides great sightseeing.  Groups are small, usually 8-10 people.  We'll ride on bike lanes, riverside paths, neighborhood streets and navigate our way around exciting downtown Denver.  The distance is approximately 9 miles and the terrain is relatively flat.  This tour is an excellent way to get to know what there is to see and do in Denver.  The bicycles are 3 speed city cruisers with disc brakes. 
Mile High Bike Tours
This is Mile High Bike Tour's signature downtown bicycle tour.  It encompasses all of Denver's best attractions and provides great sightseeing.  Groups are small, usually 8-10 people.  We'll ride on bike lanes, riverside paths, neighborhood streets and navigate our way around exciting downtown Denver.  The distance is approximately 9 miles and the terrain is relatively flat.  This tour is an excellent way to get to know what there is to see and do in Denver.  The bicycles are 3 speed city cruisers with disc brakes. 
Mile High Bike Tours
This is Mile High Bike Tour's signature downtown bicycle tour.  It encompasses all of Denver's best attractions and provides great sightseeing.  Groups are small, usually 8-10 people.  We'll ride on bike lanes, riverside paths, neighborhood streets and navigate our way around exciting downtown Denver.  The distance is approximately 9 miles and the terrain is relatively flat.  This tour is an excellent way to get to know what there is to see and do in Denver.  The bicycles are 3 speed city cruisers with disc brakes. 
Велосипедные туры на милю
Это фирменный велосипедный тур Mile High Bike Tour по центру города. Он включает в себя все лучшие достопримечательности Денвера и предлагает отличные экскурсии. Группы небольшие, обычно 8-10 человек. Мы будем кататься по велосипедным дорожкам, прибрежным дорожкам, окрестным улицам и прокладывать свой путь по захватывающему центру Денвера. Расстояние составляет примерно 9 миль, а местность относительно ровная. Этот тур - отличный способ узнать, что можно увидеть и чем заняться в Денвере. Велосипеды трехскоростные, с дисковыми тормозами.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (109)
Oct 2022
Jace was our guide and did a great job! Good historical information to give a better understanding of Denver. He brought us to lots of interesting parts of the city - it was an enjoyable ride.
Oct 2022
Really enjoyed our bicycle tour of Denver with Karen! She was very knowledgeable and took us to lots of places that we would not have known about if we had not taken this tour. Great fun, great weather, and a great guide!
Sep 2022
We had such a great time on this tour! Justin was an excellent guide and took us to what seemed like every interesting part of the city. If you're nervous about biking in city traffic, relax. Denver is incredibly bike-friendly and Justin put safety first during the entire tour. Take this tour early in your visit to Denver, because it will show you all kinds of great places to visit during your stay.

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