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Приключенческий тур к вулкану на Большом острове Гавайи с обедом

Уникальный всеобъемлющий тур с приключениями на вулкане на острове Гавайи, известном как «Большой остров». Этот тур посвящен северо-восточной стороне острова Хило. Откройте для себя действующие вулканы и древние кратеры в Национальном парке Гавайских вулканов и осмотрите достопримечательности причудливого города Хило. Ваш опытный гид-водитель поделится легендами и историческим и культурным значением известных мест и укажет на многочисленные живописные чудеса по пути.

Этот тур предлагает трансфер из отеля только в районе Хило (не в Коне).
Город: Хило
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $162.08
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $162.08
Что включено
Pick-up and drop-off at specific Hilo hotels
Tour narration by a professional driver/guide
Air-conditioned vehicle
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park admission fee
Pick-up and drop-off at specific Hilo hotels
Tour narration by a professional driver/guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Пассажиры, страдающие астмой и другими респираторными заболеваниями, должны рассмотреть другие предложения туров, чтобы избежать потенциальных проблем со здоровьем, возникающих в результате воздействия дым
  • Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с поставщиком тура как минимум за 7 дней до даты тура для ADA и всех особых запросов.
  • Наблюдения за лавой не гарантируются
  • Бесконтактные платежи для чаевых и дополнений
Что ожидать
Akaka Falls State Park
Beautiful waterfall, easily viewable from a lookout point and surrounded by a verdant jungle.
Rainbow Falls
Witness rainbows forming in the mist at one of Hilo's most magnificent waterfalls.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Home to Hawaii's active volcano, Kilauea.
Steam Vents
See and feel the power of the volcano through the steam vents, where ground water seeps into volcanic rock.
Chain of Craters Road
A drive along the Chain of Craters road.
Banyan Drive
Drive through quaint Hilo Town along magnificent Banyan tree-lined streets along Hilo's coastline known as the "Hilo Walk of Fame".
Liliuokalani Gardens
Renowned for it's lush Japanese gardens.
Banyan Drive
Drive through quaint Hilo Town along magnificent Banyan tree-lined streets along Hilo's coastline known as the "Hilo Walk of Fame".
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Home to Hawaii's active volcanoes, Kilauea and Mauna Loa.
Chain of Craters Road
Chain of Craters Road is a 19-mile (31 km) long winding paved road through the East Rift and coastal area of the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the island of Hawaii. Some areas are inaccessible.
Mauna Loa
Active shield volcano housed in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Last erupted in November 2022. Considered one of the largest volcanoes on earth.
Kilauea Volcano
Active shield volcano housed in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Last erupted in September 2021 when vents spewed lava from within Halema'uma'u, a pit crater in the volcano's summit caldera.
Steam Vents
See and feel the power of the volcano through the steam vents, where ground water seeps into volcanic rock.
Nahuku - Thurston Lava Tube
Tropical forest area featuring a long, subterranean cave formed by ancient flowing lava.
Akaka Falls State Park
Beautiful waterfall, easily viewable from a lookout point and surrounded by a verdant jungle.
Drive through historic Hilo Town, where tsunamis in 1946 and 1960 caused cataclysmic damage and forced the town to be rebuilt further inland. Today, wooden storefronts remain in the laid-back, town that manages to keep the country vibe alive.
Liliuokalani Gardens
Renowned for it's lush Japanese gardens.
Rainbow Falls
Witness rainbows forming in the mist at one of Hilo's most magnificent waterfalls.
Banyan Drive
Drive through quaint Hilo Town along magnificent Banyan tree-lined streets along Hilo's coastline known as the "Hilo Walk of Fame".
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Home to Hawaii's active volcanoes, Kilauea and Mauna Loa.
Chain of Craters Road
Chain of Craters Road is a 19-mile (31 km) long winding paved road through the East Rift and coastal area of the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the island of Hawaii. Some areas are inaccessible.
Mauna Loa
Active shield volcano housed in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Last erupted in November 2022. Considered one of the largest volcanoes on earth.
Kilauea Volcano
Active shield volcano housed in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Last erupted in September 2021 when vents spewed lava from within Halema'uma'u, a pit crater in the volcano's summit caldera.
Steam Vents
See and feel the power of the volcano through the steam vents, where ground water seeps into volcanic rock.
Nahuku - Thurston Lava Tube
Tropical forest area featuring a long, subterranean cave formed by ancient flowing lava.
Akaka Falls State Park
Beautiful waterfall, easily viewable from a lookout point and surrounded by a verdant jungle.
Drive through historic Hilo Town, where tsunamis in 1946 and 1960 caused cataclysmic damage and forced the town to be rebuilt further inland. Today, wooden storefronts remain in the laid-back, town that manages to keep the country vibe alive.
Liliuokalani Gardens
Renowned for it's lush Japanese gardens.
Rainbow Falls
Witness rainbows forming in the mist at one of Hilo's most magnificent waterfalls.
Banyan Drive
Drive through quaint Hilo Town along magnificent Banyan tree-lined streets along Hilo's coastline known as the "Hilo Walk of Fame".
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Home to Hawaii's active volcanoes, Kilauea and Mauna Loa.
Chain of Craters Road
Chain of Craters Road is a 19-mile (31 km) long winding paved road through the East Rift and coastal area of the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the island of Hawaii. Some areas are inaccessible.
Mauna Loa
Active shield volcano housed in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Last erupted in November 2022. Considered one of the largest volcanoes on earth.
Kilauea Volcano
Active shield volcano housed in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Last erupted in September 2021 when vents spewed lava from within Halema'uma'u, a pit crater in the volcano's summit caldera.
Steam Vents
See and feel the power of the volcano through the steam vents, where ground water seeps into volcanic rock.
Nahuku - Thurston Lava Tube
Tropical forest area featuring a long, subterranean cave formed by ancient flowing lava.
Akaka Falls State Park
Beautiful waterfall, easily viewable from a lookout point and surrounded by a verdant jungle.
Drive through historic Hilo Town, where tsunamis in 1946 and 1960 caused cataclysmic damage and forced the town to be rebuilt further inland. Today, wooden storefronts remain in the laid-back, town that manages to keep the country vibe alive.
Liliuokalani Gardens
Renowned for it's lush Japanese gardens.
Rainbow Falls
Witness rainbows forming in the mist at one of Hilo's most magnificent waterfalls.
Баньян Драйв
Проезжайте через причудливый город Хило по великолепным усаженным деревьями улицам Баньян вдоль береговой линии Хило, известной как «Аллея славы Хило».
Национальный парк Гавайских вулканов
Здесь находятся действующие вулканы Гавайев, Килауэа и Мауна-Лоа.
Цепь кратерной дороги
Цепь Кратеров-роуд — это извилистая асфальтированная дорога протяженностью 19 миль (31 км), проходящая через Восточный разлом и прибрежную зону Национального парка Гавайских вулканов на острове Гавайи. Некоторые области недоступны.
Действующий щитовой вулкан, расположенный в Национальном парке Гавайских вулканов. Последнее извержение произошло в ноябре 2022 года. Считается одним из крупнейших вулканов на земле.
Вулкан Килауэа
Действующий щитовой вулкан, расположенный в Национальном парке Гавайских вулканов. Последнее извержение произошло в сентябре 2021 года, когда жерла извергали лаву из Халема'ума'у, кратера в яме в кальдере вершины вулкана.
Паровые вентиляционные отверстия
Посмотрите и почувствуйте силу вулкана через паровые отверстия, где грунтовые воды просачиваются в вулканическую породу.
Нахуку - Thurston Lava Tube
Тропический лес с длинной подземной пещерой, образованной древней лавой.
Государственный парк водопадов Акака
Красивый водопад, хорошо просматриваемый со смотровой площадки и окруженный зелеными джунглями.
Проезжайте через исторический город Хило, где цунами в 1946 и 1960 годах нанесли катастрофический ущерб и вынудили город восстанавливаться дальше вглубь суши. Сегодня деревянные витрины сохранились в непринужденном городке, которому удается сохранить загородную атмосферу.
Сады Лилиуокалани
Знаменит своими пышными японскими садами.
Радужный водопад
Станьте свидетелем радуги, формирующейся в тумане у одного из самых великолепных водопадов Хило.
Показать 48 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (73)
Nov 2017

Captain Bob was fantastic. He was very knowledgeable of all facets of the volcano's. It was a long day but very much worth the time. We were picked up at the scheduled time. I would have given this a 5 star rating if just for Captain Bob, however, the tour does stop at the Volcano Inn for lunch. Several points - food selection was poor though quality was above average but More importantly there are several levels unbeknownst to us of service and food selection. Even though we were seated first we were put in the back row of tables away from upfront and the best view seating, people with Gold passes were seated after us and given the best seating, we were waited on after the Gold passes were served - again, even though we were seated first. The Gold passes had a much larger and appealing meal
selection. Everybody on the same tour bus should be provided the same level of service. If there are levels to purchase preferential viewing and meals, then it should be made available through all selling venues on this tour. This tour should consider other restaurant options.

Nov 2017

It was great, the tour guide was very friendly and it had a great athmosphere, although I expected to see the lava flows from a closer perspective.

Oct 2017

The experience was wonderful.Our guide John was very nice and very knowledgeable. I would recommend everyone to take this tour.i would also recommend them to ask for John.Again he was great

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