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Бостонская еда и история Пешеходная экскурсия по Норт-Энду Свободы

Откройте для себя местную часть самого популярного района Бостона, Норт-Энд. Посетите самую почитаемую церковь Бостона и прогуляйтесь по окрестностям, пробуя мясо, сыры, свежий хлеб, выпечку, пиццу и капучино. Продолжайте движение по Тропе Свободы и дальше и познакомьтесь с современным Бостоном через невероятную историю города. Отправляйтесь из знаменитой гавани Бостона в сердце прекрасного Бикон-Хилл и присоединитесь к местному гиду, который соединит вас со старым и новым Бостоном.
Город: Бостон
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $104.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $104.00
Что включено
Entrance fee to the historic Old North Church (or equivalent alternative)
3 food stops (with a variety of food samples such as fresh bread, pizza, meats, and cheese)
1 food and drink stop (Hot Italian beverage and Pastry)
Enjoy a surprise local treat
Enjoy the stunning views from Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market
Friendly Local, English-speaking guide
Learn about the Sons of Liberty and see where the Boston Tea Party took place
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Для входа в Дом штата Массачусетс требуется удостоверение личности государственного образца, и все гости должны пройти через металлодетекторы. Государственный дом открыт только в будние дни, мы найдем альтернативные места для посещения по выходным.
  • Этот тур подходит для детей. Дети в возрасте до 6 лет могут участвовать в этом туре бесплатно.
  • Мы можем принять вегетарианцев и другие диетические ограничения. Пожалуйста, сообщите нам заранее, если у вас есть какие-либо диетические пожелания.
  • Небольшая группа, максимум 12 человек.
  • Влияние на местное население: как вы поможете местному сообществу, присоединившись к этому туру: тур Food to Freedom является экологически чистым, потому что в отличие от многих туристические компании в Бостоне, вы идете пешком, а не на автобусах или других транспортных средствах.
  • Утром, когда вы находитесь в знаменитом Норт-Энде, все остановки с едой на 100% принадлежат местным жителям и управляются ими. обеспечение того, чтобы местные жители получали выгоду от туризма в своем городе. Таким образом, любые включения в тур и дополнительные покупки, которые вы сделаете, принесут непосредственную пользу местному сообществу.
  • Вы также остановитесь в одной из всемирно известных церквей, которая является такой же частью истории Бостона (и Америки), как вы можете получить. Старая Северная церковь — некоммерческая организация, которая усердно работает над тем, чтобы знакомить школьников и взрослых с американской историей и колониальной жизнью. Оплачивая вступительный взнос, вы помогаете содержать церковь и ее работу.
  • Мы оставляем за собой право изменить как маршрут, так и места, посещаемые в рамках тура. Включенные продукты питания могут быть изменены в зависимости от наличия в день.
  • Все туры соответствуют последним рекомендациям местных органов здравоохранения. Компания Urban Adventures получила от Всемирного совета по путешествиям и туризму знак Safe Travels, которым награждаются компании, принявшие глобальные стандартизированные протоколы в области здравоохранения и гигиены.
Что ожидать
North End
Your North End to the Freedom Trail combines our North End Food Tour and our History and Highlights Tour to make up a brilliant half day tour that will give you a comprehensive introduction to our fair city. We will begin at the lifeblood of Boston, the Boston Harbor with a walk through a scenic waterfront park. We’ll make our way to the heart of the North End, with views of some of the most historic sites. Tasty food is never far away in the North End. Your guide will introduce you to a small, hidden Italian bakery serving up fresh bread daily. A proper Italian salumeria is next, where you’ll have a chance to enjoy some Italian meats and cheeses. Next up, we’ll take in the energy of the North End’s busiest corridor, Hanover Street, where it’s time for a mid-tour break with your guide at a traditional Italian café.
Old North Church & Historic Site
You’ll hear stories about some of the most influential events that happened in Boston, including Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride. We will make our way to the Old North Church and step inside the hallowed walls.
Rose Kennedy Greenway
A taste of pizza awaits at a neighborhood favorite and then we’ll cap off the North End food experience with samples of the best Italian pastries along the back streets of this delicious neighborhood. Continue on with your guide beyond the North End neighborhood for a leisurely stroll through some of Boston’s best markets and green spaces. You’ll begin the second part of your journey back at the Aquarium “T” Station where we’ll meet more members of the group. From the Harbor, we’ll continue past the Rose Kennedy Greenway.
Marriott's Custom House
See State Street and the historic Custom House Tower, the city’s first skyscraper.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Then, your guide will lead you toward the famous Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market.
Quincy Market
In downtown Boston
Old State House
We will stop in front of the Old State House and site of the Boston Massacre. Was it really a massacre or maybe just great propaganda for the Revolution?
Downtown Crossing
A short trek through Downtown Crossing
Old City Hall
A short trek through Downtown Crossing brings you to Old City Hall. This beautiful building, done in French Revivalist architecture, was the seat of city government for years in Boston. It also happens to be the site of the birth of public education in America. You'll definitely want to have your guide snap your picture with the bronze donkey outside the entrance.
Massachusetts State House
On most weekdays (government hours only!) you have a chance to see the government at work inside the inspiring, historic, and beautiful Massachusetts State House, designed and built by famous federalist architect Charles Bulfinch in 1798. Outside the State House, take in the views of modern Boston, including the skyscrapers of Downtown, the Financial District, and the tallest building in New England: The John Hancock Tower. We continue our journey through Beacon Hill, where you’ll have a chance to take in the quintessential architecture of Boston’s red brick row houses.
Boston Public Garden
Finally, we’ll arrive at the beautiful Boston Public Garden, one of Boston’s favorite green spaces, where you’ll see locals walking the dogs, playing with the kids and enjoying lunch in the shade.
North End
Your North End to the Freedom Trail combines our North End Food Tour and our History and Highlights Tour to make up a brilliant half day tour that will give you a comprehensive introduction to our fair city. We will begin at the lifeblood of Boston, the Boston Harbor with a walk through a scenic waterfront park. We’ll make our way to the heart of the North End, with views of some of the most historic sites. Tasty food is never far away in the North End. Your guide will introduce you to a small, hidden Italian bakery serving up fresh bread daily. A proper Italian salumeria is next, where you’ll have a chance to enjoy some Italian meats and cheeses. Next up, we’ll take in the energy of the North End’s busiest corridor, Hanover Street, where it’s time for a mid-tour break with your guide at a traditional Italian café.
Old North Church & Historic Site
You’ll hear stories about some of the most influential events that happened in Boston, including Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride. We will make our way to the Old North Church and step inside the hallowed walls.
Rose Kennedy Greenway
A taste of pizza awaits at a neighborhood favorite and then we’ll cap off the North End food experience with samples of the best Italian pastries along the back streets of this delicious neighborhood. Continue on with your guide beyond the North End neighborhood for a leisurely stroll through some of Boston’s best markets and green spaces. You’ll begin the second part of your journey back at the Aquarium “T” Station where we’ll meet more members of the group. From the Harbor, we’ll continue past the Rose Kennedy Greenway.
Marriott's Custom House
See State Street and the historic Custom House Tower, the city’s first skyscraper.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Then, your guide will lead you toward the famous Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market.
Quincy Market
In downtown Boston
Old State House
We will stop in front of the Old State House and site of the Boston Massacre. Was it really a massacre or maybe just great propaganda for the Revolution?
Downtown Crossing
A short trek through Downtown Crossing
Old City Hall
A short trek through Downtown Crossing brings you to Old City Hall. This beautiful building, done in French Revivalist architecture, was the seat of city government for years in Boston. It also happens to be the site of the birth of public education in America. You'll definitely want to have your guide snap your picture with the bronze donkey outside the entrance.
Massachusetts State House
On most weekdays (government hours only!) you have a chance to see the government at work inside the inspiring, historic, and beautiful Massachusetts State House, designed and built by famous federalist architect Charles Bulfinch in 1798. Outside the State House, take in the views of modern Boston, including the skyscrapers of Downtown, the Financial District, and the tallest building in New England: The John Hancock Tower. We continue our journey through Beacon Hill, where you’ll have a chance to take in the quintessential architecture of Boston’s red brick row houses.
Boston Public Garden
Finally, we’ll arrive at the beautiful Boston Public Garden, one of Boston’s favorite green spaces, where you’ll see locals walking the dogs, playing with the kids and enjoying lunch in the shade.
North End
Your North End to the Freedom Trail combines our North End Food Tour and our History and Highlights Tour to make up a brilliant half day tour that will give you a comprehensive introduction to our fair city. We will begin at the lifeblood of Boston, the Boston Harbor with a walk through a scenic waterfront park. We’ll make our way to the heart of the North End, with views of some of the most historic sites. Tasty food is never far away in the North End. Your guide will introduce you to a small, hidden Italian bakery serving up fresh bread daily. A proper Italian salumeria is next, where you’ll have a chance to enjoy some Italian meats and cheeses. Next up, we’ll take in the energy of the North End’s busiest corridor, Hanover Street, where it’s time for a mid-tour break with your guide at a traditional Italian café.
Old North Church & Historic Site
You’ll hear stories about some of the most influential events that happened in Boston, including Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride. We will make our way to the Old North Church and step inside the hallowed walls.
Rose Kennedy Greenway
A taste of pizza awaits at a neighborhood favorite and then we’ll cap off the North End food experience with samples of the best Italian pastries along the back streets of this delicious neighborhood. Continue on with your guide beyond the North End neighborhood for a leisurely stroll through some of Boston’s best markets and green spaces. You’ll begin the second part of your journey back at the Aquarium “T” Station where we’ll meet more members of the group. From the Harbor, we’ll continue past the Rose Kennedy Greenway.
Marriott's Custom House
See State Street and the historic Custom House Tower, the city’s first skyscraper.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Then, your guide will lead you toward the famous Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market.
Quincy Market
In downtown Boston
Old State House
We will stop in front of the Old State House and site of the Boston Massacre. Was it really a massacre or maybe just great propaganda for the Revolution?
Downtown Crossing
A short trek through Downtown Crossing
Old City Hall
A short trek through Downtown Crossing brings you to Old City Hall. This beautiful building, done in French Revivalist architecture, was the seat of city government for years in Boston. It also happens to be the site of the birth of public education in America. You'll definitely want to have your guide snap your picture with the bronze donkey outside the entrance.
Massachusetts State House
On most weekdays (government hours only!) you have a chance to see the government at work inside the inspiring, historic, and beautiful Massachusetts State House, designed and built by famous federalist architect Charles Bulfinch in 1798. Outside the State House, take in the views of modern Boston, including the skyscrapers of Downtown, the Financial District, and the tallest building in New England: The John Hancock Tower. We continue our journey through Beacon Hill, where you’ll have a chance to take in the quintessential architecture of Boston’s red brick row houses.
Boston Public Garden
Finally, we’ll arrive at the beautiful Boston Public Garden, one of Boston’s favorite green spaces, where you’ll see locals walking the dogs, playing with the kids and enjoying lunch in the shade.
North End
Your North End to the Freedom Trail combines our North End Food Tour and our History and Highlights Tour to make up a brilliant half day tour that will give you a comprehensive introduction to our fair city. We will begin at the lifeblood of Boston, the Boston Harbor with a walk through a scenic waterfront park. We’ll make our way to the heart of the North End, with views of some of the most historic sites. Tasty food is never far away in the North End. Your guide will introduce you to a small, hidden Italian bakery serving up fresh bread daily. A proper Italian salumeria is next, where you’ll have a chance to enjoy some Italian meats and cheeses. Next up, we’ll take in the energy of the North End’s busiest corridor, Hanover Street, where it’s time for a mid-tour break with your guide at a traditional Italian café.
Old North Church & Historic Site
You’ll hear stories about some of the most influential events that happened in Boston, including Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride. We will make our way to the Old North Church and step inside the hallowed walls.
Rose Kennedy Greenway
A taste of pizza awaits at a neighborhood favorite and then we’ll cap off the North End food experience with samples of the best Italian pastries along the back streets of this delicious neighborhood. Continue on with your guide beyond the North End neighborhood for a leisurely stroll through some of Boston’s best markets and green spaces. You’ll begin the second part of your journey back at the Aquarium “T” Station where we’ll meet more members of the group. From the Harbor, we’ll continue past the Rose Kennedy Greenway.
Marriott's Custom House
See State Street and the historic Custom House Tower, the city’s first skyscraper.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Then, your guide will lead you toward the famous Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market.
Quincy Market
In downtown Boston
Old State House
We will stop in front of the Old State House and site of the Boston Massacre. Was it really a massacre or maybe just great propaganda for the Revolution?
Downtown Crossing
A short trek through Downtown Crossing
Old City Hall
A short trek through Downtown Crossing brings you to Old City Hall. This beautiful building, done in French Revivalist architecture, was the seat of city government for years in Boston. It also happens to be the site of the birth of public education in America. You'll definitely want to have your guide snap your picture with the bronze donkey outside the entrance.
Massachusetts State House
On most weekdays (government hours only!) you have a chance to see the government at work inside the inspiring, historic, and beautiful Massachusetts State House, designed and built by famous federalist architect Charles Bulfinch in 1798. Outside the State House, take in the views of modern Boston, including the skyscrapers of Downtown, the Financial District, and the tallest building in New England: The John Hancock Tower. We continue our journey through Beacon Hill, where you’ll have a chance to take in the quintessential architecture of Boston’s red brick row houses.
Boston Public Garden
Finally, we’ll arrive at the beautiful Boston Public Garden, one of Boston’s favorite green spaces, where you’ll see locals walking the dogs, playing with the kids and enjoying lunch in the shade.
North End
Your North End to the Freedom Trail combines our North End Food Tour and our History and Highlights Tour to make up a brilliant half day tour that will give you a comprehensive introduction to our fair city. We will begin at the lifeblood of Boston, the Boston Harbor with a walk through a scenic waterfront park. We’ll make our way to the heart of the North End, with views of some of the most historic sites. Tasty food is never far away in the North End. Your guide will introduce you to a small, hidden Italian bakery serving up fresh bread daily. A proper Italian salumeria is next, where you’ll have a chance to enjoy some Italian meats and cheeses. Next up, we’ll take in the energy of the North End’s busiest corridor, Hanover Street, where it’s time for a mid-tour break with your guide at a traditional Italian café.
Old North Church & Historic Site
You’ll hear stories about some of the most influential events that happened in Boston, including Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride. We will make our way to the Old North Church and step inside the hallowed walls.
Rose Kennedy Greenway
A taste of pizza awaits at a neighborhood favorite and then we’ll cap off the North End food experience with samples of the best Italian pastries along the back streets of this delicious neighborhood. Continue on with your guide beyond the North End neighborhood for a leisurely stroll through some of Boston’s best markets and green spaces. You’ll begin the second part of your journey back at the Aquarium “T” Station where we’ll meet more members of the group. From the Harbor, we’ll continue past the Rose Kennedy Greenway.
Marriott's Custom House
See State Street and the historic Custom House Tower, the city’s first skyscraper.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Then, your guide will lead you toward the famous Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market.
Quincy Market
In downtown Boston
Old State House
We will stop in front of the Old State House and site of the Boston Massacre. Was it really a massacre or maybe just great propaganda for the Revolution?
Downtown Crossing
A short trek through Downtown Crossing
Old City Hall
A short trek through Downtown Crossing brings you to Old City Hall. This beautiful building, done in French Revivalist architecture, was the seat of city government for years in Boston. It also happens to be the site of the birth of public education in America. You'll definitely want to have your guide snap your picture with the bronze donkey outside the entrance.
Massachusetts State House
On most weekdays (government hours only!) you have a chance to see the government at work inside the inspiring, historic, and beautiful Massachusetts State House, designed and built by famous federalist architect Charles Bulfinch in 1798. Outside the State House, take in the views of modern Boston, including the skyscrapers of Downtown, the Financial District, and the tallest building in New England: The John Hancock Tower. We continue our journey through Beacon Hill, where you’ll have a chance to take in the quintessential architecture of Boston’s red brick row houses.
Boston Public Garden
Finally, we’ll arrive at the beautiful Boston Public Garden, one of Boston’s favorite green spaces, where you’ll see locals walking the dogs, playing with the kids and enjoying lunch in the shade.
North End
Your North End to the Freedom Trail combines our North End Food Tour and our History and Highlights Tour to make up a brilliant half day tour that will give you a comprehensive introduction to our fair city. We will begin at the lifeblood of Boston, the Boston Harbor with a walk through a scenic waterfront park. We’ll make our way to the heart of the North End, with views of some of the most historic sites. Tasty food is never far away in the North End. Your guide will introduce you to a small, hidden Italian bakery serving up fresh bread daily. A proper Italian salumeria is next, where you’ll have a chance to enjoy some Italian meats and cheeses. Next up, we’ll take in the energy of the North End’s busiest corridor, Hanover Street, where it’s time for a mid-tour break with your guide at a traditional Italian café.
Old North Church & Historic Site
You’ll hear stories about some of the most influential events that happened in Boston, including Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride. We will make our way to the Old North Church and step inside the hallowed walls.
Rose Kennedy Greenway
A taste of pizza awaits at a neighborhood favorite and then we’ll cap off the North End food experience with samples of the best Italian pastries along the back streets of this delicious neighborhood. Continue on with your guide beyond the North End neighborhood for a leisurely stroll through some of Boston’s best markets and green spaces. You’ll begin the second part of your journey back at the Aquarium “T” Station where we’ll meet more members of the group. From the Harbor, we’ll continue past the Rose Kennedy Greenway.
Marriott's Custom House
See State Street and the historic Custom House Tower, the city’s first skyscraper.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Then, your guide will lead you toward the famous Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market.
Quincy Market
In downtown Boston
Old State House
We will stop in front of the Old State House and site of the Boston Massacre. Was it really a massacre or maybe just great propaganda for the Revolution?
Downtown Crossing
A short trek through Downtown Crossing
Old City Hall
A short trek through Downtown Crossing brings you to Old City Hall. This beautiful building, done in French Revivalist architecture, was the seat of city government for years in Boston. It also happens to be the site of the birth of public education in America. You'll definitely want to have your guide snap your picture with the bronze donkey outside the entrance.
Massachusetts State House
On most weekdays (government hours only!) you have a chance to see the government at work inside the inspiring, historic, and beautiful Massachusetts State House, designed and built by famous federalist architect Charles Bulfinch in 1798. Outside the State House, take in the views of modern Boston, including the skyscrapers of Downtown, the Financial District, and the tallest building in New England: The John Hancock Tower. We continue our journey through Beacon Hill, where you’ll have a chance to take in the quintessential architecture of Boston’s red brick row houses.
Boston Public Garden
Finally, we’ll arrive at the beautiful Boston Public Garden, one of Boston’s favorite green spaces, where you’ll see locals walking the dogs, playing with the kids and enjoying lunch in the shade.
Ваш Северный конец к тропе свободы сочетает в себе наш гастрономический тур по Норт-Энду и наш тур по истории и основным моментам, чтобы составить блестящий тур на полдня, который даст вам всестороннее представление о нашем прекрасном городе. Мы начнем с жизненной силы Бостона, Бостонской гавани, с прогулки по живописному прибрежному парку. Мы отправимся в самое сердце Норт-Энда, откуда открывается вид на некоторые из самых исторических мест. Вкусная еда никогда не бывает далеко в Норт-Энде. Ваш гид познакомит вас с небольшой скрытой итальянской пекарней, где ежедневно подают свежий хлеб. Далее идет настоящая итальянская салюмерия, где у вас будет возможность насладиться итальянским мясом и сырами. Затем мы погрузимся в энергию самого оживленного коридора Норт-Энда, Ганновер-стрит, где пришло время сделать перерыв в середине тура с вашим гидом в традиционном итальянском кафе.
Старая северная церковь и историческое место
Вы услышите истории о некоторых из самых влиятельных событий, произошедших в Бостоне, в том числе о «Полуночной поездке» Пола Ревира. Мы пройдем к Старой Северной церкви и войдем в священные стены.
Роуз Кеннеди Гринуэй
Попробуйте пиццу в одном из фаворитов района, а затем мы завершим гастрономический опыт Норт-Энда образцами лучшей итальянской выпечки на закоулках этого восхитительного района. Продолжайте с вашим гидом за пределами района Норт-Энд, чтобы неспешно прогуляться по некоторым из лучших рынков и зеленых насаждений Бостона. Вы начнете вторую часть своего путешествия обратно на станции Аквариум «Т», где мы встретимся с другими членами группы. Из гавани мы продолжим движение мимо Роуз Кеннеди Гринуэй.
Таможня Marriott
Посмотрите на Стейт-стрит и историческую башню таможни, первый небоскреб города.
Рыночная площадь Faneuil Hall
Затем ваш гид проведет вас к знаменитому залу Фанел и рынку Куинси.
Куинси Маркет
В центре Бостона
Старый государственный дом
Мы остановимся перед Старым Государственным Домом и местом Бостонской Резни. Была ли это действительно бойня или, может быть, просто большая пропаганда революции?
Перекресток в центре города
Короткий переход через Downtown Crossing
Старая ратуша
Короткий путь через Downtown Crossing приведет вас к Старой ратуше. Это красивое здание, построенное в стиле французского возрождения, в течение многих лет было резиденцией городского правительства в Бостоне. Это также место рождения государственного образования в Америке. Вы определенно захотите, чтобы ваш гид сфотографировал вас с бронзовым ослом у входа.
Государственный дом Массачусетса
В большинство будних дней (только в часы работы правительства!) у вас есть возможность увидеть работу правительства внутри вдохновляющего, исторического и красивого Дома штата Массачусетс, спроектированного и построенного известным архитектором-федералистом Чарльзом Булфинчем в 1798 году. виды на современный Бостон, в том числе на небоскребы Даунтауна, Финансовый район и самое высокое здание в Новой Англии: Башню Джона Хэнкока. Мы продолжаем наше путешествие по Бикон-Хилл, где у вас будет возможность познакомиться с типичной архитектурой домов из красного кирпича Бостона.
Бостонский общественный сад
Наконец, мы прибудем в красивый Бостонский общественный сад, одну из любимых зеленых зон Бостона, где вы увидите, как местные жители выгуливают собак, играют с детьми и наслаждаются обедом в тени.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (823)
Heather Z
Dec 2022
Thank you Nabil for giving me a such a wonderful tour filled with super tasty food and great stories. I really enjoyed it and would highly recommend it!
Dec 2022
My sister and I did this tour as part of our girl's weekend. This tour was great! We ate all morning then walked it off in the afternoon. The sights were very interesting, the food was very tasty! The tour guides, Luci and Trey were so knowledgeable and friendly. They were very conscientious of the group and our needs during the tours ("here is a great place to use the restroom!"). Trey, who was a "trainee" at the time, had an amazing knowledge of Boston especially since he had only lived there for a short time. I would highly recommend this tour. We loved every minute of it.
Carol G
Dec 2022
Nabil was amazing! He should be a history professor, so knowledgeable! He was kind and patient. We couldn’t have had a better time. Thank you Nabil.❤️

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