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Пешеходная экскурсия по Бостонской тропе свободы с костюмированным гидом

Экскурсия по Тропе Свободы от Histrionic Academy — лучший способ увидеть Бостон. Вы встретите своего костюмированного гида в Бостоне и узнаете о вдохновляющей истории Бостона. Следуя по тропе свободы мимо нескольких исторических мест. Гости будут поражены историями отцов-основателей Америки, американской революции и колониальной истории Новой Англии. Эта пешеходная экскурсия следует по Тропе Свободы примерно на 1,9 мили от Бостон-Коммон до Фанейл-Холла.
Город: Бостон
Sat 12 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $26.57
Sat 12 Oct
Начинается с $26.57
Что включено
See top Boston sites such as the State House, Granary Burial Ground, and Old South Meeting House
90-minute Freedom Trail Walking Tour
Professional/Local Tour Guide
See top Boston sites such as the State House, Granary Burial Ground, and Old South Meeting House
90-minute Freedom Trail Walking Tour
Professional/Local Tour Guide
See top Boston sites such as the State House, Granary Burial Ground, and Old South Meeting House
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях , пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответствующим образом.
  • Рекомендуется удобная обувь для ходьбы.
  • В связи с характером этого тура и безопасностью всех гостей туроператор оставляет за собой право отказать в обслуживании пассажирам, которые находятся в состоянии алкогольного опьянения или имеют признаки опьянения. Если в результате ваш тур будет отменен, вы не будете иметь права на возмещение.
  • Могильник Зернохранилище доступен для инвалидных колясок через отдельный вход. Гости, которые не могут подняться по лестнице, должны будут немедленно выйти из тура и пройти к отдельному входу.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников, которые не могут поддерживать неторопливый темп во время примерно 1 мили 90-минутной пешей прогулки.
  • ГОСТИ, КОТОРЫЕ НЕ МОГУТ ПОДНИМАТЬСЯ ПО ЛЕСТНИЦАМ, могут использовать отдельный вход в могильник Зернохранилища. Некоторым гостям, например, в инвалидной коляске, нужно будет на мгновение покинуть экскурсию и присоединиться к группе у ворот кладбища.
Что ожидать
Boston Common Visitor Center
Start your historic 90-minute walking tour of the Freedom Trail at 139 Tremont Street, The Boston Common Visitor Center
Boston Common
See America's fist and oldest pubic park. Although there are paved paths, guides may step lead groups to the side of the path to speak, requiring guests to walk or roll onto a grassy surface.
Massachusetts State House
"Boston State-House is the hub of the solar system” -OLIVER WENDALL HOLMES. See the gold domed Massachusetts State House built in 1798 and hear about Colonial America the American Revolution.
Park Street Church
An iconic site on The Tour of the Freedom Trail. Hear it's history near it's front steps. On Independence Day in 1831, America (My Country 'Tis of Thee) was performed for the very first time.
Granary Burying Ground
Enter the cemetery with your expert guide who will introduce you to many of America's Founding Fathers and tell their inspiring stories. This is one of the oldest cemeteries in America.
King's Chapel
See the oldest Anglican church in Boston while hearing of it's amazing history.
King's Chapel Burying Ground
Boston's oldest English burial ground
Boston Latin School
See America's first Public School and hear about it's famous Colonial American alumnus Benjamin Franklin.
Statue of Benjamin Franklin
Hear about Benjamin Franklin in front of his school, The Boston Latin School, and about his early life in Boston.
Old Corner Bookstore
Stop at Boston's oldest commercial building. This is where Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Thoreau's Walden, and Longfellow's Midnight Ride of Paul Revere were all published.
Old South Meeting House
Guests will hear the story of The Boston Tea Party in the location where it happened, just outside the Old South Meeting House. Also guests will see and hear about the Paul Revere Bell.
Old State House
One of the oldest buildings in the United States
Boston Massacre Site
See the location and stop to be told the inspiring story of the Boston Massacre.
Statue of Samuel Adams
Hear about Sam Adams and the story of his inaccurate statue.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
End your tour at the historic and famous Faneuil Hall. This is the perfect location for a bite to eat, public restrooms, and fabulous shopping. This is directly next to several subway stations for easy transport after the tour.
Boston Common Visitor Center
Start your historic 90-minute walking tour of the Freedom Trail at 139 Tremont Street, The Boston Common Visitor Center
Boston Common
See America's fist and oldest pubic park. Although there are paved paths, guides may step lead groups to the side of the path to speak, requiring guests to walk or roll onto a grassy surface.
Massachusetts State House
"Boston State-House is the hub of the solar system” -OLIVER WENDALL HOLMES. See the gold domed Massachusetts State House built in 1798 and hear about Colonial America the American Revolution.
Park Street Church
An iconic site on The Tour of the Freedom Trail. Hear it's history near it's front steps. On Independence Day in 1831, America (My Country 'Tis of Thee) was performed for the very first time.
Granary Burying Ground
Enter the cemetery with your expert guide who will introduce you to many of America's Founding Fathers and tell their inspiring stories. This is one of the oldest cemeteries in America.
King's Chapel
See the oldest Anglican church in Boston while hearing of it's amazing history.
King's Chapel Burying Ground
Boston's oldest English burial ground
Boston Latin School
See America's first Public School and hear about it's famous Colonial American alumnus Benjamin Franklin.
Statue of Benjamin Franklin
Hear about Benjamin Franklin in front of his school, The Boston Latin School, and about his early life in Boston.
Old Corner Bookstore
Stop at Boston's oldest commercial building. This is where Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Thoreau's Walden, and Longfellow's Midnight Ride of Paul Revere were all published.
Old South Meeting House
Guests will hear the story of The Boston Tea Party in the location where it happened, just outside the Old South Meeting House. Also guests will see and hear about the Paul Revere Bell.
Old State House
One of the oldest buildings in the United States
Boston Massacre Site
See the location and stop to be told the inspiring story of the Boston Massacre.
Statue of Samuel Adams
Hear about Sam Adams and the story of his inaccurate statue.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
End your tour at the historic and famous Faneuil Hall. This is the perfect location for a bite to eat, public restrooms, and fabulous shopping. This is directly next to several subway stations for easy transport after the tour.
Boston Common Visitor Center
Start your historic 90-minute walking tour of the Freedom Trail at 139 Tremont Street, The Boston Common Visitor Center
Boston Common
See America's fist and oldest pubic park. Although there are paved paths, guides may step lead groups to the side of the path to speak, requiring guests to walk or roll onto a grassy surface.
Massachusetts State House
"Boston State-House is the hub of the solar system” -OLIVER WENDALL HOLMES. See the gold domed Massachusetts State House built in 1798 and hear about Colonial America the American Revolution.
Park Street Church
An iconic site on The Tour of the Freedom Trail. Hear it's history near it's front steps. On Independence Day in 1831, America (My Country 'Tis of Thee) was performed for the very first time.
Granary Burying Ground
Enter the cemetery with your expert guide who will introduce you to many of America's Founding Fathers and tell their inspiring stories. This is one of the oldest cemeteries in America.
King's Chapel
See the oldest Anglican church in Boston while hearing of it's amazing history.
King's Chapel Burying Ground
Boston's oldest English burial ground
Boston Latin School
See America's first Public School and hear about it's famous Colonial American alumnus Benjamin Franklin.
Statue of Benjamin Franklin
Hear about Benjamin Franklin in front of his school, The Boston Latin School, and about his early life in Boston.
Old Corner Bookstore
Stop at Boston's oldest commercial building. This is where Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Thoreau's Walden, and Longfellow's Midnight Ride of Paul Revere were all published.
Old South Meeting House
Guests will hear the story of The Boston Tea Party in the location where it happened, just outside the Old South Meeting House. Also guests will see and hear about the Paul Revere Bell.
Old State House
One of the oldest buildings in the United States
Boston Massacre Site
See the location and stop to be told the inspiring story of the Boston Massacre.
Statue of Samuel Adams
Hear about Sam Adams and the story of his inaccurate statue.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
End your tour at the historic and famous Faneuil Hall. This is the perfect location for a bite to eat, public restrooms, and fabulous shopping. This is directly next to several subway stations for easy transport after the tour.
Boston Common Visitor Center
Start your historic 90-minute walking tour of the Freedom Trail at 139 Tremont Street, The Boston Common Visitor Center
Boston Common
See America's fist and oldest pubic park. Although there are paved paths, guides may step lead groups to the side of the path to speak, requiring guests to walk or roll onto a grassy surface.
Massachusetts State House
"Boston State-House is the hub of the solar system” -OLIVER WENDALL HOLMES. See the gold domed Massachusetts State House built in 1798 and hear about Colonial America the American Revolution.
Park Street Church
An iconic site on The Tour of the Freedom Trail. Hear it's history near it's front steps. On Independence Day in 1831, America (My Country 'Tis of Thee) was performed for the very first time.
Granary Burying Ground
Enter the cemetery with your expert guide who will introduce you to many of America's Founding Fathers and tell their inspiring stories. This is one of the oldest cemeteries in America.
King's Chapel
See the oldest Anglican church in Boston while hearing of it's amazing history.
King's Chapel Burying Ground
Boston's oldest English burial ground
Boston Latin School
See America's first Public School and hear about it's famous Colonial American alumnus Benjamin Franklin.
Statue of Benjamin Franklin
Hear about Benjamin Franklin in front of his school, The Boston Latin School, and about his early life in Boston.
Old Corner Bookstore
Stop at Boston's oldest commercial building. This is where Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Thoreau's Walden, and Longfellow's Midnight Ride of Paul Revere were all published.
Old South Meeting House
Guests will hear the story of The Boston Tea Party in the location where it happened, just outside the Old South Meeting House. Also guests will see and hear about the Paul Revere Bell.
Old State House
One of the oldest buildings in the United States
Boston Massacre Site
See the location and stop to be told the inspiring story of the Boston Massacre.
Statue of Samuel Adams
Hear about Sam Adams and the story of his inaccurate statue.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
End your tour at the historic and famous Faneuil Hall. This is the perfect location for a bite to eat, public restrooms, and fabulous shopping. This is directly next to several subway stations for easy transport after the tour.
Бостонский центр для посетителей
Начните свою историческую 90-минутную пешеходную экскурсию по Тропе Свободы на Тремонт-стрит, 139, в Бостонском центре для посетителей.
Бостон Коммон
Посмотрите на первый и самый старый общественный парк Америки. Хотя есть мощеные дорожки, гиды могут вести группы к краю дорожки, чтобы поговорить, требуя, чтобы гости шли или катались по травянистой поверхности.
Государственный дом Массачусетса
«Государственный дом Бостона — это центр Солнечной системы» — ОЛИВЕР УЭНДАЛ ХОЛМС. Посмотрите Государственный дом штата Массачусетс с золотым куполом, построенный в 1798 году, и узнайте о колониальной Америке и американской революции.
Церковь на Парк-Стрит
Знаменитое место на Тропе Свободы. Услышьте его историю у крыльца. В День независимости 1831 года впервые была исполнена «Америка» («Моя страна — это Тебе»).
Зернохранилище Могильник
Войдите на кладбище со своим опытным гидом, который познакомит вас со многими отцами-основателями Америки и расскажет их вдохновляющие истории. Это одно из старейших кладбищ в Америке.
Королевская часовня
Посмотрите старейшую англиканскую церковь в Бостоне, услышав ее удивительную историю.
Кладбище Королевской часовни
Старейшее английское кладбище в Бостоне
Бостонская латинская школа
Посмотрите первую в Америке государственную школу и узнайте о ее знаменитом выпускнике колониальной Америки Бенджамине Франклине.
Статуя Бенджамина Франклина
Узнайте о Бенджамине Франклине перед его школой, Бостонской латинской школой, и о его молодости в Бостоне.
Книжный магазин «Старый уголок»
Остановитесь у самого старого коммерческого здания Бостона. Именно здесь были опубликованы «Алая буква» Натаниэля Хоторна, «Уолден» Торо и «Полуночная поездка» Пола Ревира Лонгфелло.
Старый Южный Дом собраний
Гости услышат историю о Бостонском чаепитии в том месте, где оно произошло, недалеко от Old South Meeting House. Также гости увидят и услышат о колоколе Пола Ревира.
Старый государственный дом
Одно из старейших зданий в США
Место резни в Бостоне
Посмотрите это место и остановитесь, чтобы узнать вдохновляющую историю Бостонской резни.
Статуя Сэмюэля Адамса
Узнайте о Сэме Адамсе и истории его неточной статуи.
Рыночная площадь Faneuil Hall
Завершите свой тур в историческом и знаменитом зале Faneuil. Это идеальное место для перекуса, общественных туалетов и сказочных магазинов. Это непосредственно рядом с несколькими станциями метро для удобного транспорта после тура.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (801)
Jul 2021
Entertaining and informative. Fun for locals and tourists alike. The guide was knowledgeable and engaged the audience with a personalized approach.
Jul 2021
Lots to learn and see, our guide brought history back to life and was very knowledgeable and informed. his description of the puritans in Boston commons, the sacred cod and the holy mackerel, the stories of John Adams, John Hancock and so much more brought the city to life and so much more meaningful!
Jul 2021
We loved the history and sites but what we really appreciated most was the glimpse into what life was really like. Our guide shared thing like social norms, hairstyles, and friendships between the freedom fighters. Things that may not be included in every history account,

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