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Во все тяжкие туры на автофургонах

3 часовой тур по местам съемок фильма в трейлере «Во все тяжкие», точно такой же, как в сериале. полюбуйтесь достопримечательностями и звуками в нашем полностью интерактивном трехчасовом туре по локациям. Посещение ваших любимых локаций в сериалах «Во все тяжкие», «Эль Камино», «Лучше звоните Солу», таких как «Дом Джесси», «Чакс», «Джейн», «Дэнни», «Свалка автофургонов», «Тощий Пит», «Автомойка», «Дом Уолта», «Суперлаборатория» и многое другое. Места могут меняться ежедневно и в зависимости от графика съемок. Тур включает в себя закуски и еду в Los Pollo's Hermano's.

Мы применяем методы COVID SAFE, такие как дополнительная уборка автобуса, мы требуем носить маски во время тура вместе с социальным дистанцированием. Для участия в туре требуется отказ от Covid 19.

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ ПЕРЕД БРОНИРОВАНИЕМ: Из-за популярности тура мы рекомендуем бронировать как минимум за две недели,    
Отказ от ответственности: туры могут быть отменены из-за механических проблем, будь то условия или отсутствие наш минимум 4 гонщика (редко, но случается в низкий сезон).
Город: Альбукерке
Sat 15 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $80.00
Sat 15 Mar
Начинается с $80.00
Что включено
The Breaking Bad Tour includes your favorite locations such as : Jesse's House, Chucks, The Dog House, Peekaboo house, Tucco's, Badgers corner, Combo's Corner, The Railyard, Jessie's RV Junkyard, Walt's Mechanic,Jesse's Porta Potty, Los Pollos Hermano's, El Mechicano, The Grove, Crossroads Motel, Jane's apartment, Danny's, The Car Wash, Walt's House, Sauls office, The Super Lab and more. Locations are subject to change daily and are not guaranteed based on filming schedule. You can get out and take pictures at some locations. Tour includes a light meal and drink at Los Pollo's Hermano's, if unavailable breakfast or lunch will be at a alternate locations such as Blakes Lotaburger or the Central grill.
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Специализированные детские кресла доступны
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Для младенцев действуют тарифы без скидок, необходимо использовать автокресло из-за ограниченного количества мест
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослого. Скидки не предоставляются. Количество мест ограничено.
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски для лица.
  • Для гидов в общественных местах требуются маски для лица.
  • Рука. дезинфицирующее средство доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Социальное дистанцирование обеспечивается на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидам необходимо регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры у персонала
  • Проверки температуры у путешественников по прибытии
  • Оплачиваемое пребывание-а Политика t-home для персонала с симптомами
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Мы следуем правилам безопасности COVID, гости должны носить маски на протяжении всего тура. Разнесенные сиденья, ограниченное количество пассажиров 6 Социальное дистанцирование в автобусе и вне его. Предоставляется дезинфицирующее средство для рук. В связи с новым распоряжением общественного здравоохранения во время тура питание не предоставляется.
Что ожидать
ABQ Breaking Bad RV Tours
Miss Breaking Bad, Seen El Camino ? Love Better Call Saul? We will bring the show to Life on our 3 hour Film location tour. You get to ride in the Breaking Bad RV just like the one on the show. Re-live the sights and sounds in our fully interactive, climate controlled studio film location 3 hour 20 plus Film location Tour. The Breaking Bad Tour includes your favorite locations and light Breakfast or Lunch at Los Pollos Hermanos. We get out and take pictures at many locations. We have Celebrity appearances on Some Tour days. Disclaimer: We must have a minimum of 6 riders to operate, we always hit our mark on Saturdays and Sundays. If Less than 6 riders we will provide a private shuttle Tours. Tours can be cancelled due to weather conditions, Mechanical or filming obligations. If canceled a full refund will be given
ABQ Breaking Bad RV Tours
Miss Breaking Bad, Seen El Camino ? Love Better Call Saul? We will bring the show to Life on our 3 hour Film location tour. You get to ride in the Breaking Bad RV just like the one on the show. Re-live the sights and sounds in our fully interactive, climate controlled studio film location 3 hour 20 plus Film location Tour. The Breaking Bad Tour includes your favorite locations and light Breakfast or Lunch at Los Pollos Hermanos. We get out and take pictures at many locations. We have Celebrity appearances on Some Tour days. Disclaimer: We must have a minimum of 6 riders to operate, we always hit our mark on Saturdays and Sundays. If Less than 6 riders we will provide a private shuttle Tours. Tours can be cancelled due to weather conditions, Mechanical or filming obligations. If canceled a full refund will be given
ABQ Breaking Bad RV Tours
Miss Breaking Bad, Seen El Camino ? Love Better Call Saul? We will bring the show to Life on our 3 hour Film location tour. You get to ride in the Breaking Bad RV just like the one on the show. Re-live the sights and sounds in our fully interactive, climate controlled studio film location 3 hour 20 plus Film location Tour. The Breaking Bad Tour includes your favorite locations and light Breakfast or Lunch at Los Pollos Hermanos. We get out and take pictures at many locations. We have Celebrity appearances on Some Tour days. Disclaimer: We must have a minimum of 6 riders to operate, we always hit our mark on Saturdays and Sundays. If Less than 6 riders we will provide a private shuttle Tours. Tours can be cancelled due to weather conditions, Mechanical or filming obligations. If canceled a full refund will be given
ABQ Breaking Bad RV Tours
Miss Breaking Bad, Seen El Camino ? Love Better Call Saul? We will bring the show to Life on our 3 hour Film location tour. You get to ride in the Breaking Bad RV just like the one on the show. Re-live the sights and sounds in our fully interactive, climate controlled studio film location 3 hour 20 plus Film location Tour. The Breaking Bad Tour includes your favorite locations and light Breakfast or Lunch at Los Pollos Hermanos. We get out and take pictures at many locations. We have Celebrity appearances on Some Tour days. Disclaimer: We must have a minimum of 6 riders to operate, we always hit our mark on Saturdays and Sundays. If Less than 6 riders we will provide a private shuttle Tours. Tours can be cancelled due to weather conditions, Mechanical or filming obligations. If canceled a full refund will be given
ABQ Breaking Bad RV Tours
Miss Breaking Bad, Seen El Camino ? Love Better Call Saul? We will bring the show to Life on our 3 hour Film location tour. You get to ride in the Breaking Bad RV just like the one on the show. Re-live the sights and sounds in our fully interactive, climate controlled studio film location 3 hour 20 plus Film location Tour. The Breaking Bad Tour includes your favorite locations and light Breakfast or Lunch at Los Pollos Hermanos. We get out and take pictures at many locations. We have Celebrity appearances on Some Tour days. Disclaimer: We must have a minimum of 6 riders to operate, we always hit our mark on Saturdays and Sundays. If Less than 6 riders we will provide a private shuttle Tours. Tours can be cancelled due to weather conditions, Mechanical or filming obligations. If canceled a full refund will be given
ABQ Breaking Bad RV Tours
Miss Breaking Bad, Seen El Camino ? Love Better Call Saul? We will bring the show to Life on our 3 hour Film location tour. You get to ride in the Breaking Bad RV just like the one on the show. Re-live the sights and sounds in our fully interactive, climate controlled studio film location 3 hour 20 plus Film location Tour. The Breaking Bad Tour includes your favorite locations and light Breakfast or Lunch at Los Pollos Hermanos. We get out and take pictures at many locations. We have Celebrity appearances on Some Tour days. Disclaimer: We must have a minimum of 6 riders to operate, we always hit our mark on Saturdays and Sundays. If Less than 6 riders we will provide a private shuttle Tours. Tours can be cancelled due to weather conditions, Mechanical or filming obligations. If canceled a full refund will be given
ABQ Breaking Bad RV Tours
Miss Breaking Bad, Seen El Camino ? Love Better Call Saul? We will bring the show to Life on our 3 hour Film location tour. You get to ride in the Breaking Bad RV just like the one on the show. Re-live the sights and sounds in our fully interactive, climate controlled studio film location 3 hour 20 plus Film location Tour. The Breaking Bad Tour includes your favorite locations and light Breakfast or Lunch at Los Pollos Hermanos. We get out and take pictures at many locations. We have Celebrity appearances on Some Tour days. Disclaimer: We must have a minimum of 6 riders to operate, we always hit our mark on Saturdays and Sundays. If Less than 6 riders we will provide a private shuttle Tours. Tours can be cancelled due to weather conditions, Mechanical or filming obligations. If canceled a full refund will be given
ABQ Breaking Bad RV Tours
Miss Breaking Bad, Seen El Camino ? Love Better Call Saul? We will bring the show to Life on our 3 hour Film location tour. You get to ride in the Breaking Bad RV just like the one on the show. Re-live the sights and sounds in our fully interactive, climate controlled studio film location 3 hour 20 plus Film location Tour. The Breaking Bad Tour includes your favorite locations and light Breakfast or Lunch at Los Pollos Hermanos. We get out and take pictures at many locations. We have Celebrity appearances on Some Tour days. Disclaimer: We must have a minimum of 6 riders to operate, we always hit our mark on Saturdays and Sundays. If Less than 6 riders we will provide a private shuttle Tours. Tours can be cancelled due to weather conditions, Mechanical or filming obligations. If canceled a full refund will be given
ABQ Breaking Bad RV Tours
Мисс Во все тяжкие, видели Эль Камино? Любите Лучше звоните Солу? Мы воплотим шоу в жизнь во время нашего трехчасового тура по местам съемок фильмов. Вы можете прокатиться на фургоне «Во все тяжкие», как в сериале. Оживите заново достопримечательности и звуки в нашей полностью интерактивной киностудии с климат-контролем 3 часа 20 плюс тур по фильму. Тур «Во все тяжкие» включает ваши любимые места и легкий завтрак или обед в Los Pollos Hermanos. Мы выходим и фотографируем во многих местах. У нас есть выступления знаменитостей в некоторые дни тура. Отказ от ответственности: у нас должно быть как минимум 6 гонщиков, чтобы работать, мы всегда достигаем своей цели по субботам и воскресеньям. Если менее 6 гонщиков, мы предоставим частный трансфер. Туры могут быть отменены из-за погодных условий, механических или съемочных работ. В случае отмены будет предоставлен полный возврат средств
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (390)
Dec 2022
This RV Tour was so much fun. I have never seen my husband so excited. He wanted to take picture at every location. Riding in the RV made it that much more thrilling. I definitely recommend this tour. It was worth every penny.
Dec 2022
Yo, Mista’ White! This was an AMAZING experience! Not only did we get to ride in the RV and see so many Breaking Bad filming locations but we also had the lost EXCELLENT tour guides! The stops at Los Pollos Hermanos (Twisters) for breakfast burritos, the Car Wash and the Laundry were family favorites. For any super fan of Breaking Bad, this tour is a MUST DO! And don’t forget to stop by the Breaking Bad store (and all the other fun shops) in Old Town! So many cool props and neat souvenirs! Thanks again! Tight, tight, tight!!!!
Dec 2022
Anyone who is a fan of the show is going to enjoy seeing many of the film locations and hearing anecdotal stories about the cast members. Tour Guide Frank was even in an episode himself. He made sure that everyone was comfortable and had an opportunity to take pictures. This is a pretty thorough tour traveling all over Albuquerque.

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