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Breckenridge Ultimate Горный тур на целый день из Денвера

Лучший и самый разнообразный горный тур на целый день по Скалистым горам. испытайте геологическую красоту парка Ред-Рокс и амфитеатра, отправьтесь в бурный каньон Клир-Крик в поисках овец на крутых скалах. Путешествуйте вверх и над Континентальным водоразделом, достигая высоты почти 12 000 футов (3657 м). Удивительная фото-стоп на 360 градусов. Насладитесь захватывающим видом на Скалистые горы, горнолыжные курорты и водохранилище Диллон. Посетите Брекенридж, исторический шахтерский город и горнолыжный курорт мирового класса. Прогуляйтесь по Мейн-стрит, наслаждаясь обедом и покупками в одиночку, или прокатитесь на лыжной гондоле бесплатно (гондола курсирует во время лыжного сезона и с июня до Дня труда). По возвращении в Денвер вы пройдете через туннель Эйзенхауэра – самый длинный и высокий туннель для легковых автомобилей. в мире! Этот тур действительно освещает любимые места местных жителей в Скалистых горах. Забронируйте сейчас только 12 гостей на тур.
Город: Денвер
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $129.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $129.00
Что включено
Transport by air-conditioned 12-15 passenger van
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Water refills, please bring a refillable water bottle for your own use
Professional driver/guide
Transport by air-conditioned 12-15 passenger van
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Water refills, please bring a refillable water bottle for your own use
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Применяется минимальное количество. Если пассажиров недостаточно для выполнения требований. В редких случаях вам будет предложен альтернативный тур или полный возврат средств.
  • Разрешены только дети старше 4 лет.
  • Работает при любых погодных условиях, за исключением небезопасных условий вождения, поэтому пожалуйста, одевайтесь в удобную подходящую одежду.
  • Лыжная гондола доступна во время лыжного сезона и летом.
  • Маски для лица предоставляются путешественникам
  • Для путешественников доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук и персонал
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры у сотрудников
  • Платные правила пребывания дома для сотрудников с симптомами заболевания
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Гиды и гости будут носить маски в фургоне, если этого требуют правила.
Что ожидать
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See the giant ancient rock monoliths that create Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Walk into the music amphitheater, Learn about the geology and history in the Visitor Center and Explore the Trading Post home of the Colorado Music Hall of Fame.
Clear Creek Canyon
Look for Bighorn sheep and mountain climbers scaling the rugged steep canyon walls and see the beauty of Clear Creek as it rushes through the canyon.
Historic Georgetown
Step back in time and see the historic buildings from the Silver Mining boom days of the 1860's, listed on the National Historic Registry
Loveland Pass
Cross the Continental Divide and experience breathtaking scenery as you walk up to the top and breath in the fresh air above treeline at 11,990 feet and experience amazing panoramic high mountain views
Sapphire Point Overlook
Take a walk on a trail and see one of the most scenic overlooks and views in Summit County. Along the walk enjoy sights of Lake Dillon, The Ten Mile and Gore mountain ranges.
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Enjoy historic downtown Breckenridge for shopping and lunch on your own choose to ride the ski gondola during the season up to the base of the resort, visit one of many museums, or stroll along the Blue River. There is something for everyone in Breckenridge
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See the giant ancient rock monoliths that create Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Walk into the music amphitheater, Learn about the geology and history in the Visitor Center and Explore the Trading Post home of the Colorado Music Hall of Fame.
Clear Creek Canyon
Look for Bighorn sheep and mountain climbers scaling the rugged steep canyon walls and see the beauty of Clear Creek as it rushes through the canyon.
Historic Georgetown
Step back in time and see the historic buildings from the Silver Mining boom days of the 1860's, listed on the National Historic Registry
Loveland Pass
Cross the Continental Divide and experience breathtaking scenery as you walk up to the top and breath in the fresh air above treeline at 11,990 feet and experience amazing panoramic high mountain views
Sapphire Point Overlook
Take a walk on a trail and see one of the most scenic overlooks and views in Summit County. Along the walk enjoy sights of Lake Dillon, The Ten Mile and Gore mountain ranges.
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Enjoy historic downtown Breckenridge for shopping and lunch on your own choose to ride the ski gondola during the season up to the base of the resort, visit one of many museums, or stroll along the Blue River. There is something for everyone in Breckenridge
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See the giant ancient rock monoliths that create Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Walk into the music amphitheater, Learn about the geology and history in the Visitor Center and Explore the Trading Post home of the Colorado Music Hall of Fame.
Clear Creek Canyon
Look for Bighorn sheep and mountain climbers scaling the rugged steep canyon walls and see the beauty of Clear Creek as it rushes through the canyon.
Historic Georgetown
Step back in time and see the historic buildings from the Silver Mining boom days of the 1860's, listed on the National Historic Registry
Loveland Pass
Cross the Continental Divide and experience breathtaking scenery as you walk up to the top and breath in the fresh air above treeline at 11,990 feet and experience amazing panoramic high mountain views
Sapphire Point Overlook
Take a walk on a trail and see one of the most scenic overlooks and views in Summit County. Along the walk enjoy sights of Lake Dillon, The Ten Mile and Gore mountain ranges.
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Enjoy historic downtown Breckenridge for shopping and lunch on your own choose to ride the ski gondola during the season up to the base of the resort, visit one of many museums, or stroll along the Blue River. There is something for everyone in Breckenridge
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See the giant ancient rock monoliths that create Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Walk into the music amphitheater, Learn about the geology and history in the Visitor Center and Explore the Trading Post home of the Colorado Music Hall of Fame.
Clear Creek Canyon
Look for Bighorn sheep and mountain climbers scaling the rugged steep canyon walls and see the beauty of Clear Creek as it rushes through the canyon.
Historic Georgetown
Step back in time and see the historic buildings from the Silver Mining boom days of the 1860's, listed on the National Historic Registry
Loveland Pass
Cross the Continental Divide and experience breathtaking scenery as you walk up to the top and breath in the fresh air above treeline at 11,990 feet and experience amazing panoramic high mountain views
Sapphire Point Overlook
Take a walk on a trail and see one of the most scenic overlooks and views in Summit County. Along the walk enjoy sights of Lake Dillon, The Ten Mile and Gore mountain ranges.
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Enjoy historic downtown Breckenridge for shopping and lunch on your own choose to ride the ski gondola during the season up to the base of the resort, visit one of many museums, or stroll along the Blue River. There is something for everyone in Breckenridge
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See the giant ancient rock monoliths that create Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Walk into the music amphitheater, Learn about the geology and history in the Visitor Center and Explore the Trading Post home of the Colorado Music Hall of Fame.
Clear Creek Canyon
Look for Bighorn sheep and mountain climbers scaling the rugged steep canyon walls and see the beauty of Clear Creek as it rushes through the canyon.
Historic Georgetown
Step back in time and see the historic buildings from the Silver Mining boom days of the 1860's, listed on the National Historic Registry
Loveland Pass
Cross the Continental Divide and experience breathtaking scenery as you walk up to the top and breath in the fresh air above treeline at 11,990 feet and experience amazing panoramic high mountain views
Sapphire Point Overlook
Take a walk on a trail and see one of the most scenic overlooks and views in Summit County. Along the walk enjoy sights of Lake Dillon, The Ten Mile and Gore mountain ranges.
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Enjoy historic downtown Breckenridge for shopping and lunch on your own choose to ride the ski gondola during the season up to the base of the resort, visit one of many museums, or stroll along the Blue River. There is something for everyone in Breckenridge
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See the giant ancient rock monoliths that create Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Walk into the music amphitheater, Learn about the geology and history in the Visitor Center and Explore the Trading Post home of the Colorado Music Hall of Fame.
Clear Creek Canyon
Look for Bighorn sheep and mountain climbers scaling the rugged steep canyon walls and see the beauty of Clear Creek as it rushes through the canyon.
Historic Georgetown
Step back in time and see the historic buildings from the Silver Mining boom days of the 1860's, listed on the National Historic Registry
Loveland Pass
Cross the Continental Divide and experience breathtaking scenery as you walk up to the top and breath in the fresh air above treeline at 11,990 feet and experience amazing panoramic high mountain views
Sapphire Point Overlook
Take a walk on a trail and see one of the most scenic overlooks and views in Summit County. Along the walk enjoy sights of Lake Dillon, The Ten Mile and Gore mountain ranges.
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Enjoy historic downtown Breckenridge for shopping and lunch on your own choose to ride the ski gondola during the season up to the base of the resort, visit one of many museums, or stroll along the Blue River. There is something for everyone in Breckenridge
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See the giant ancient rock monoliths that create Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Walk into the music amphitheater, Learn about the geology and history in the Visitor Center and Explore the Trading Post home of the Colorado Music Hall of Fame.
Clear Creek Canyon
Look for Bighorn sheep and mountain climbers scaling the rugged steep canyon walls and see the beauty of Clear Creek as it rushes through the canyon.
Historic Georgetown
Step back in time and see the historic buildings from the Silver Mining boom days of the 1860's, listed on the National Historic Registry
Loveland Pass
Cross the Continental Divide and experience breathtaking scenery as you walk up to the top and breath in the fresh air above treeline at 11,990 feet and experience amazing panoramic high mountain views
Sapphire Point Overlook
Take a walk on a trail and see one of the most scenic overlooks and views in Summit County. Along the walk enjoy sights of Lake Dillon, The Ten Mile and Gore mountain ranges.
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Enjoy historic downtown Breckenridge for shopping and lunch on your own choose to ride the ski gondola during the season up to the base of the resort, visit one of many museums, or stroll along the Blue River. There is something for everyone in Breckenridge
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
See the giant ancient rock monoliths that create Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater. Walk into the music amphitheater, Learn about the geology and history in the Visitor Center and Explore the Trading Post home of the Colorado Music Hall of Fame.
Clear Creek Canyon
Look for Bighorn sheep and mountain climbers scaling the rugged steep canyon walls and see the beauty of Clear Creek as it rushes through the canyon.
Historic Georgetown
Step back in time and see the historic buildings from the Silver Mining boom days of the 1860's, listed on the National Historic Registry
Loveland Pass
Cross the Continental Divide and experience breathtaking scenery as you walk up to the top and breath in the fresh air above treeline at 11,990 feet and experience amazing panoramic high mountain views
Sapphire Point Overlook
Take a walk on a trail and see one of the most scenic overlooks and views in Summit County. Along the walk enjoy sights of Lake Dillon, The Ten Mile and Gore mountain ranges.
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Enjoy historic downtown Breckenridge for shopping and lunch on your own choose to ride the ski gondola during the season up to the base of the resort, visit one of many museums, or stroll along the Blue River. There is something for everyone in Breckenridge
Парк Red Rocks и амфитеатр
Посмотрите на гигантские древние каменные монолиты, образующие парк и амфитеатр «Красные скалы». Пройдите в музыкальный амфитеатр, узнайте о геологии и истории в Центре для посетителей и исследуйте торговый пост, где находится Зал музыкальной славы Колорадо.
Каньон Клир-Крик
Ищите снежных баранов и альпинистов, взбирающихся по крутым крутым стенам каньона, и полюбуйтесь красотой Клир-Крик, протекающей через каньон.
Исторический Джорджтаун
Вернитесь в прошлое и посмотрите на исторические здания времен бума добычи серебра 1860-х годов, внесенные в Национальный исторический реестр.
Лавленд Пасс
Пересеките континентальный водораздел и насладитесь захватывающими дух пейзажами, когда вы подниметесь на вершину и вдохнете свежий воздух над линией деревьев на высоте 11 990 футов и насладитесь потрясающим панорамным видом на высокие горы.
Вид на Сапфир-Пойнт
Прогуляйтесь по тропе и посмотрите на один из самых живописных видов в округе Саммит. Во время прогулки вы сможете полюбоваться видом на озеро Диллон, горные хребты Десять миль и Гор.
Горнолыжный курорт Брекенридж
Наслаждайтесь историческим центром города Брекенридж, чтобы сделать покупки и пообедать самостоятельно, выберите поездку на лыжной гондоле в сезон до базы курорта, посетите один из многочисленных музеев или прогуляйтесь вдоль Голубой реки. В Брекенридже каждый найдет что-то для себя
Показать 51 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (164)
Dec 2022
Our tour guide Will was amazing. He was so knowledgeable and super nice. He took us to all the stops and even carved out some time for us to go sledding! It was such a treat and so much fun. Highly recommend this tour to everyone!
Dec 2022
Kristina was amazing ! Thanks for making my birthday amazing would recommend for anyone traveling to denver
Nov 2022
Our driver Alex the was very knowledgeable, patient and kept us safe. The tour was scenic and gave us a terrific overview of what Colorado has to offer
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thank you for coming out on tour with us Robin! So glad you were able to see Breckinridge this time of year too. It is such a pretty place when the snow falls.

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