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Экскурсия по пивоварне: шоссе хмеля Северного округа Сан-Диего

Возьмите свою любовь к пиву в дорогу с этим туром по пивоварне «Hops Highway» в Сан-Диего! Вы получите безопасный и веселый транспорт в эти удивительные таверны и пивоварни, где вы сможете узнать больше об их процессе пивоварения, пивной культуре Южной Калифорнии и найти новых фаворитов для повторного визита — или посмотреть, доставят ли эти пивовары к вам домой. государство! Каждый тур включает три посещения пивоварни и дегустацию. Откройте для себя лучшее пиво, которое Сан-Диего может предложить в этом веселом и приятном туре.
Город: Карловы Вары
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $96.22
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $96.22
Что включено
Hotel pick-up and dropoff
Bottled water
Air-conditioned vehicle
A tasting flight at each location is included
Visit to three (3) Breweries
Hotel pick-up and dropoff
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске.
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри.
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт.
  • Не рекомендуется для беременные путешественники
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Минимальный возраст употребления алкоголя — 21 год
  • Путешественникам предоставлены маски для лица.
  • Путешественникам и персоналу доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением.
  • Средства и оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием.
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры обязаны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Kettner
Known for their signature gargoyle logo, Stone Brewing Company is located in the historic McClintock Warehouse building, just a block from the Santa Fe Depot train station. If you stop here, you can enjoy a flight of signature beers.
Rip Current Brewing
Formed in 2012 by two passionate home brewers, Rip Current Brewing is an award winning brewery located in San Marcos, north of San Diego. If your tour stops here, you'll enjoy a flight of their specialty brews!
Karl Strauss'
Welcome to the company that started the craft beer scene in San Diego in 1989! Their most famous (and one of the most award-winning beer in the world) is Red Trolley Ale. If you stop here, you will be able to sample a flight of some of the best beers in the world!
Latitude 33 Brewing Co
Latitude 33 Brewing has a wide variety of ales, hard seltzers and ales, plus some fruity ales such as their Blood Orange IPA. If you stop at this brewery on your tour, you can sample some of these unique brews!
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Kettner
Known for their signature gargoyle logo, Stone Brewing Company is located in the historic McClintock Warehouse building, just a block from the Santa Fe Depot train station. If you stop here, you can enjoy a flight of signature beers.
Rip Current Brewing
Formed in 2012 by two passionate home brewers, Rip Current Brewing is an award winning brewery located in San Marcos, north of San Diego. If your tour stops here, you'll enjoy a flight of their specialty brews!
Karl Strauss'
Welcome to the company that started the craft beer scene in San Diego in 1989! Their most famous (and one of the most award-winning beer in the world) is Red Trolley Ale. If you stop here, you will be able to sample a flight of some of the best beers in the world!
Latitude 33 Brewing Co
Latitude 33 Brewing has a wide variety of ales, hard seltzers and ales, plus some fruity ales such as their Blood Orange IPA. If you stop at this brewery on your tour, you can sample some of these unique brews!
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Kettner
Known for their signature gargoyle logo, Stone Brewing Company is located in the historic McClintock Warehouse building, just a block from the Santa Fe Depot train station. If you stop here, you can enjoy a flight of signature beers.
Rip Current Brewing
Formed in 2012 by two passionate home brewers, Rip Current Brewing is an award winning brewery located in San Marcos, north of San Diego. If your tour stops here, you'll enjoy a flight of their specialty brews!
Karl Strauss'
Welcome to the company that started the craft beer scene in San Diego in 1989! Their most famous (and one of the most award-winning beer in the world) is Red Trolley Ale. If you stop here, you will be able to sample a flight of some of the best beers in the world!
Latitude 33 Brewing Co
Latitude 33 Brewing has a wide variety of ales, hard seltzers and ales, plus some fruity ales such as their Blood Orange IPA. If you stop at this brewery on your tour, you can sample some of these unique brews!
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Kettner
Known for their signature gargoyle logo, Stone Brewing Company is located in the historic McClintock Warehouse building, just a block from the Santa Fe Depot train station. If you stop here, you can enjoy a flight of signature beers.
Rip Current Brewing
Formed in 2012 by two passionate home brewers, Rip Current Brewing is an award winning brewery located in San Marcos, north of San Diego. If your tour stops here, you'll enjoy a flight of their specialty brews!
Karl Strauss'
Welcome to the company that started the craft beer scene in San Diego in 1989! Their most famous (and one of the most award-winning beer in the world) is Red Trolley Ale. If you stop here, you will be able to sample a flight of some of the best beers in the world!
Latitude 33 Brewing Co
Latitude 33 Brewing has a wide variety of ales, hard seltzers and ales, plus some fruity ales such as their Blood Orange IPA. If you stop at this brewery on your tour, you can sample some of these unique brews!
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Kettner
Known for their signature gargoyle logo, Stone Brewing Company is located in the historic McClintock Warehouse building, just a block from the Santa Fe Depot train station. If you stop here, you can enjoy a flight of signature beers.
Rip Current Brewing
Formed in 2012 by two passionate home brewers, Rip Current Brewing is an award winning brewery located in San Marcos, north of San Diego. If your tour stops here, you'll enjoy a flight of their specialty brews!
Karl Strauss'
Welcome to the company that started the craft beer scene in San Diego in 1989! Their most famous (and one of the most award-winning beer in the world) is Red Trolley Ale. If you stop here, you will be able to sample a flight of some of the best beers in the world!
Latitude 33 Brewing Co
Latitude 33 Brewing has a wide variety of ales, hard seltzers and ales, plus some fruity ales such as their Blood Orange IPA. If you stop at this brewery on your tour, you can sample some of these unique brews!
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Kettner
Known for their signature gargoyle logo, Stone Brewing Company is located in the historic McClintock Warehouse building, just a block from the Santa Fe Depot train station. If you stop here, you can enjoy a flight of signature beers.
Rip Current Brewing
Formed in 2012 by two passionate home brewers, Rip Current Brewing is an award winning brewery located in San Marcos, north of San Diego. If your tour stops here, you'll enjoy a flight of their specialty brews!
Karl Strauss'
Welcome to the company that started the craft beer scene in San Diego in 1989! Their most famous (and one of the most award-winning beer in the world) is Red Trolley Ale. If you stop here, you will be able to sample a flight of some of the best beers in the world!
Latitude 33 Brewing Co
Latitude 33 Brewing has a wide variety of ales, hard seltzers and ales, plus some fruity ales such as their Blood Orange IPA. If you stop at this brewery on your tour, you can sample some of these unique brews!
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Kettner
Known for their signature gargoyle logo, Stone Brewing Company is located in the historic McClintock Warehouse building, just a block from the Santa Fe Depot train station. If you stop here, you can enjoy a flight of signature beers.
Rip Current Brewing
Formed in 2012 by two passionate home brewers, Rip Current Brewing is an award winning brewery located in San Marcos, north of San Diego. If your tour stops here, you'll enjoy a flight of their specialty brews!
Karl Strauss'
Welcome to the company that started the craft beer scene in San Diego in 1989! Their most famous (and one of the most award-winning beer in the world) is Red Trolley Ale. If you stop here, you will be able to sample a flight of some of the best beers in the world!
Latitude 33 Brewing Co
Latitude 33 Brewing has a wide variety of ales, hard seltzers and ales, plus some fruity ales such as their Blood Orange IPA. If you stop at this brewery on your tour, you can sample some of these unique brews!
Stone Brewing Tap Room - Кеттнер
Компания Stone Brewing Company, известная своим фирменным логотипом в виде горгульи, расположена в историческом здании склада МакКлинток, всего в квартале от железнодорожного вокзала Санта-Фе-Депо. Если вы остановитесь здесь, вы сможете насладиться полетом фирменного пива.
Рип Текущее Пивоварение
Созданная в 2012 году двумя страстными домашними пивоварами, Rip Current Brewing — отмеченная наградами пивоварня, расположенная в Сан-Маркосе, к северу от Сан-Диего. Если ваш тур остановится здесь, вы насладитесь полетом их фирменного пива!
Карл Штраус
Добро пожаловать в компанию, которая начала производство крафтового пива в Сан-Диего в 1989 году! Их самое известное (и одно из самых отмеченных наградами пиво в мире) — Red Trolley Ale. Если вы остановитесь здесь, вы сможете попробовать один из лучших сортов пива в мире!
Пивоваренная компания Latitude 33
Latitude 33 Brewing предлагает широкий выбор элей, крепких зельтеров и элей, а также несколько фруктовых элей, таких как IPA с кровавым апельсином. Если вы остановитесь на этой пивоварне во время своего тура, вы сможете попробовать некоторые из этих уникальных сортов пива!
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