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Групповой тур по Бродвею за кулисами

Устроим шоу в дороге! Пойдемте с нами, и мы отправим вас в путешествие по истории и достопримечательностям единственного в своем роде Бродвея!

Ваш тур начинается в самом сердце Нью-Йорка и театрального мира - на Таймс-сквер. Оттуда ваш местный гид покажет множество знаковых театров, где на протяжении многих лет играли ваши любимые шоу. Вы услышите об истории Бродвея и некоторых из этих невероятных театров, прогуливаясь под тентами и ослепительными огнями Великого Белого Пути.

Вы также отправитесь в «Адскую кухню», чтобы исследовать театры вне Бродвея, где дебютируют всемирно известные шоу, прежде чем они станут любимой классикой.

Попутно у вас будет возможность заглянуть за кулисы с экскурсией по активной репетиционной студии и, конечно же, насладиться днем ​​в окружении шума и суеты Манхэттена. Мы обещаем, вам будет непросто провести время с нами!
Город: Нью-Йорк
Mon 24 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $59.00
Mon 24 Feb
Начинается с $59.00
Что включено
Local guide
Entrance to private rehearsal studio
Local guide
Entrance to private rehearsal studio
Local guide
Entrance to private rehearsal studio
Используйте оборудование для охоты за привидениями, такое как лозоходные удочки, измерители электромагнитного поля, спиритическая доска и многое другое!
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла.
  • Возможности транспортировки доступны для инвалидных колясок.
  • Подходит для всех физических уровни физической подготовки
  • Этот тур проводится круглый год и будет проходить под дождем или в сияющую погоду, если такая погода не представляет собой опасную ситуацию. Пожалуйста, оденьтесь удобно и небрежно в одежду, соответствующую погоде. Носите удобную обувь для ходьбы.
  • В случае закрытия дорог или достопримечательностей ваш гид сделает все возможное, чтобы обойти препятствия или провести экскурсию по другим местам.
  • Включенное посещение репетиционной студии требует подъема на 3 лестничных пролета без лифта. Пожалуйста, будьте готовы к этому, так как отказ и ожидание группы снаружи повлияет на ваш тур.
  • Маски для лица требуются для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах зоны
  • Путешественникам предоставлены маски для лица
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Социальное дистанцирование обеспечивается на протяжении всего опыта
  • Гиды должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Оплата пребывания на дому для сотрудников с симптомами
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Для путешественники
  • прививка от COVID-19 требуется для гидов
  • ВСЕ ГОСТИ должны предъявить доказательство вакцинации от COVID-19 в начале тура. Если у вас нет доказательств, пожалуйста, сообщите нам по телефону или электронной почте за 48 часов до тура. Мы разработали комплексную стратегию для обеспечения безопасности наших гостей и продолжаем следовать указаниям местных властей.
Что ожидать
Times Square
Your tour begins amidst the lights, skyscrapers, and billboards of Time Square. This is the heart of New York City, famous around the world, and the entrance to Broadway. It’s the perfect place to start your tour of the Great White Way with us!
Duffy Square
Just off of Times Square is the lesser-known Duffy Square. Home to the TKTS Booth, where hundreds enter ticket lotteries every day, this Square is integral to the Broadway experience for the general public!
It’s everything you expect: dazzling lights, show posters, your favorite performers names on marquees, and historic, iconic theatres. This is where stars are born, shows become hits, and inspiration strikes! We’ll stroll down Broadway as your guide tells you about the history of various theatres you pass and the shows that have called this avenue home over the years.
Richard Rodgers Theatre
Don’t throw away your shot to see the home of Hamilton! This theatre, named for the composer of hits like Oklahoma!, The Sound of Music, The King and I, and South Pacific, has been the home of Lin Manuel Miranda’s instant-classic musical since 2015.
Majestic Theatre
Let yourself be intoxicated by the music of the night as you pass one of the largest theatres on Broadway. Over the years, this venue has been home to shows such as The Music Man, Camelot, and The Wiz. But, since 1988, the Majestic has hosted the longest-running production in Broadway history: The Phantom of the Opera!
Shubert Theatre
Host to the Tony Awards over the years, this theatre is another long-term tenant of Broadway (open since 1913) with a rich history of shows, plays, and stars!
Hell's Kitchen
We’ll then venture to see some Off-Broadway theatres in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Midtown (don’t worry, it’s not nearly as scary as the name implies!). These theatres are where shows are developed, workshopped, rehearsed, and produced before making their public debut. Kinks are worked out, tests are run, and changes are made here - all essential pieces of the Broadway puzzle.
Second Stage Theater
With a mission to develop writer-focused plays and production, the company here has a history of engaging audiences with captivating characters - such as in their Tony Award winning musical “Dear Evan Hansen”.
Theatre Row
This collection of 6 theatres operates as a hub for up-and-coming theatre companies, offering everything from rehearsal space to tech support. You never know who has the next big thing in the works!
Playwrights Horizons
As you might be able to tell by the name, this venue is host to more plays than musicals - such as Pulitzer Prize winners Driving Miss Daisy and The Flick.
Times Square
Your tour begins amidst the lights, skyscrapers, and billboards of Time Square. This is the heart of New York City, famous around the world, and the entrance to Broadway. It’s the perfect place to start your tour of the Great White Way with us!
Duffy Square
Just off of Times Square is the lesser-known Duffy Square. Home to the TKTS Booth, where hundreds enter ticket lotteries every day, this Square is integral to the Broadway experience for the general public!
It’s everything you expect: dazzling lights, show posters, your favorite performers names on marquees, and historic, iconic theatres. This is where stars are born, shows become hits, and inspiration strikes! We’ll stroll down Broadway as your guide tells you about the history of various theatres you pass and the shows that have called this avenue home over the years.
Richard Rodgers Theatre
Don’t throw away your shot to see the home of Hamilton! This theatre, named for the composer of hits like Oklahoma!, The Sound of Music, The King and I, and South Pacific, has been the home of Lin Manuel Miranda’s instant-classic musical since 2015.
Majestic Theatre
Let yourself be intoxicated by the music of the night as you pass one of the largest theatres on Broadway. Over the years, this venue has been home to shows such as The Music Man, Camelot, and The Wiz. But, since 1988, the Majestic has hosted the longest-running production in Broadway history: The Phantom of the Opera!
Shubert Theatre
Host to the Tony Awards over the years, this theatre is another long-term tenant of Broadway (open since 1913) with a rich history of shows, plays, and stars!
Hell's Kitchen
We’ll then venture to see some Off-Broadway theatres in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Midtown (don’t worry, it’s not nearly as scary as the name implies!). These theatres are where shows are developed, workshopped, rehearsed, and produced before making their public debut. Kinks are worked out, tests are run, and changes are made here - all essential pieces of the Broadway puzzle.
Second Stage Theater
With a mission to develop writer-focused plays and production, the company here has a history of engaging audiences with captivating characters - such as in their Tony Award winning musical “Dear Evan Hansen”.
Theatre Row
This collection of 6 theatres operates as a hub for up-and-coming theatre companies, offering everything from rehearsal space to tech support. You never know who has the next big thing in the works!
Playwrights Horizons
As you might be able to tell by the name, this venue is host to more plays than musicals - such as Pulitzer Prize winners Driving Miss Daisy and The Flick.
Times Square
Your tour begins amidst the lights, skyscrapers, and billboards of Time Square. This is the heart of New York City, famous around the world, and the entrance to Broadway. It’s the perfect place to start your tour of the Great White Way with us!
Duffy Square
Just off of Times Square is the lesser-known Duffy Square. Home to the TKTS Booth, where hundreds enter ticket lotteries every day, this Square is integral to the Broadway experience for the general public!
It’s everything you expect: dazzling lights, show posters, your favorite performers names on marquees, and historic, iconic theatres. This is where stars are born, shows become hits, and inspiration strikes! We’ll stroll down Broadway as your guide tells you about the history of various theatres you pass and the shows that have called this avenue home over the years.
Richard Rodgers Theatre
Don’t throw away your shot to see the home of Hamilton! This theatre, named for the composer of hits like Oklahoma!, The Sound of Music, The King and I, and South Pacific, has been the home of Lin Manuel Miranda’s instant-classic musical since 2015.
Majestic Theatre
Let yourself be intoxicated by the music of the night as you pass one of the largest theatres on Broadway. Over the years, this venue has been home to shows such as The Music Man, Camelot, and The Wiz. But, since 1988, the Majestic has hosted the longest-running production in Broadway history: The Phantom of the Opera!
Shubert Theatre
Host to the Tony Awards over the years, this theatre is another long-term tenant of Broadway (open since 1913) with a rich history of shows, plays, and stars!
Hell's Kitchen
We’ll then venture to see some Off-Broadway theatres in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Midtown (don’t worry, it’s not nearly as scary as the name implies!). These theatres are where shows are developed, workshopped, rehearsed, and produced before making their public debut. Kinks are worked out, tests are run, and changes are made here - all essential pieces of the Broadway puzzle.
Second Stage Theater
With a mission to develop writer-focused plays and production, the company here has a history of engaging audiences with captivating characters - such as in their Tony Award winning musical “Dear Evan Hansen”.
Theatre Row
This collection of 6 theatres operates as a hub for up-and-coming theatre companies, offering everything from rehearsal space to tech support. You never know who has the next big thing in the works!
Playwrights Horizons
As you might be able to tell by the name, this venue is host to more plays than musicals - such as Pulitzer Prize winners Driving Miss Daisy and The Flick.
Times Square
Your tour begins amidst the lights, skyscrapers, and billboards of Time Square. This is the heart of New York City, famous around the world, and the entrance to Broadway. It’s the perfect place to start your tour of the Great White Way with us!
Duffy Square
Just off of Times Square is the lesser-known Duffy Square. Home to the TKTS Booth, where hundreds enter ticket lotteries every day, this Square is integral to the Broadway experience for the general public!
It’s everything you expect: dazzling lights, show posters, your favorite performers names on marquees, and historic, iconic theatres. This is where stars are born, shows become hits, and inspiration strikes! We’ll stroll down Broadway as your guide tells you about the history of various theatres you pass and the shows that have called this avenue home over the years.
Richard Rodgers Theatre
Don’t throw away your shot to see the home of Hamilton! This theatre, named for the composer of hits like Oklahoma!, The Sound of Music, The King and I, and South Pacific, has been the home of Lin Manuel Miranda’s instant-classic musical since 2015.
Majestic Theatre
Let yourself be intoxicated by the music of the night as you pass one of the largest theatres on Broadway. Over the years, this venue has been home to shows such as The Music Man, Camelot, and The Wiz. But, since 1988, the Majestic has hosted the longest-running production in Broadway history: The Phantom of the Opera!
Shubert Theatre
Host to the Tony Awards over the years, this theatre is another long-term tenant of Broadway (open since 1913) with a rich history of shows, plays, and stars!
Hell's Kitchen
We’ll then venture to see some Off-Broadway theatres in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Midtown (don’t worry, it’s not nearly as scary as the name implies!). These theatres are where shows are developed, workshopped, rehearsed, and produced before making their public debut. Kinks are worked out, tests are run, and changes are made here - all essential pieces of the Broadway puzzle.
Second Stage Theater
With a mission to develop writer-focused plays and production, the company here has a history of engaging audiences with captivating characters - such as in their Tony Award winning musical “Dear Evan Hansen”.
Theatre Row
This collection of 6 theatres operates as a hub for up-and-coming theatre companies, offering everything from rehearsal space to tech support. You never know who has the next big thing in the works!
Playwrights Horizons
As you might be able to tell by the name, this venue is host to more plays than musicals - such as Pulitzer Prize winners Driving Miss Daisy and The Flick.
Times Square
Your tour begins amidst the lights, skyscrapers, and billboards of Time Square. This is the heart of New York City, famous around the world, and the entrance to Broadway. It’s the perfect place to start your tour of the Great White Way with us!
Duffy Square
Just off of Times Square is the lesser-known Duffy Square. Home to the TKTS Booth, where hundreds enter ticket lotteries every day, this Square is integral to the Broadway experience for the general public!
It’s everything you expect: dazzling lights, show posters, your favorite performers names on marquees, and historic, iconic theatres. This is where stars are born, shows become hits, and inspiration strikes! We’ll stroll down Broadway as your guide tells you about the history of various theatres you pass and the shows that have called this avenue home over the years.
Richard Rodgers Theatre
Don’t throw away your shot to see the home of Hamilton! This theatre, named for the composer of hits like Oklahoma!, The Sound of Music, The King and I, and South Pacific, has been the home of Lin Manuel Miranda’s instant-classic musical since 2015.
Majestic Theatre
Let yourself be intoxicated by the music of the night as you pass one of the largest theatres on Broadway. Over the years, this venue has been home to shows such as The Music Man, Camelot, and The Wiz. But, since 1988, the Majestic has hosted the longest-running production in Broadway history: The Phantom of the Opera!
Shubert Theatre
Host to the Tony Awards over the years, this theatre is another long-term tenant of Broadway (open since 1913) with a rich history of shows, plays, and stars!
Hell's Kitchen
We’ll then venture to see some Off-Broadway theatres in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Midtown (don’t worry, it’s not nearly as scary as the name implies!). These theatres are where shows are developed, workshopped, rehearsed, and produced before making their public debut. Kinks are worked out, tests are run, and changes are made here - all essential pieces of the Broadway puzzle.
Second Stage Theater
With a mission to develop writer-focused plays and production, the company here has a history of engaging audiences with captivating characters - such as in their Tony Award winning musical “Dear Evan Hansen”.
Theatre Row
This collection of 6 theatres operates as a hub for up-and-coming theatre companies, offering everything from rehearsal space to tech support. You never know who has the next big thing in the works!
Playwrights Horizons
As you might be able to tell by the name, this venue is host to more plays than musicals - such as Pulitzer Prize winners Driving Miss Daisy and The Flick.
Times Square
Your tour begins amidst the lights, skyscrapers, and billboards of Time Square. This is the heart of New York City, famous around the world, and the entrance to Broadway. It’s the perfect place to start your tour of the Great White Way with us!
Duffy Square
Just off of Times Square is the lesser-known Duffy Square. Home to the TKTS Booth, where hundreds enter ticket lotteries every day, this Square is integral to the Broadway experience for the general public!
It’s everything you expect: dazzling lights, show posters, your favorite performers names on marquees, and historic, iconic theatres. This is where stars are born, shows become hits, and inspiration strikes! We’ll stroll down Broadway as your guide tells you about the history of various theatres you pass and the shows that have called this avenue home over the years.
Richard Rodgers Theatre
Don’t throw away your shot to see the home of Hamilton! This theatre, named for the composer of hits like Oklahoma!, The Sound of Music, The King and I, and South Pacific, has been the home of Lin Manuel Miranda’s instant-classic musical since 2015.
Majestic Theatre
Let yourself be intoxicated by the music of the night as you pass one of the largest theatres on Broadway. Over the years, this venue has been home to shows such as The Music Man, Camelot, and The Wiz. But, since 1988, the Majestic has hosted the longest-running production in Broadway history: The Phantom of the Opera!
Shubert Theatre
Host to the Tony Awards over the years, this theatre is another long-term tenant of Broadway (open since 1913) with a rich history of shows, plays, and stars!
Hell's Kitchen
We’ll then venture to see some Off-Broadway theatres in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Midtown (don’t worry, it’s not nearly as scary as the name implies!). These theatres are where shows are developed, workshopped, rehearsed, and produced before making their public debut. Kinks are worked out, tests are run, and changes are made here - all essential pieces of the Broadway puzzle.
Second Stage Theater
With a mission to develop writer-focused plays and production, the company here has a history of engaging audiences with captivating characters - such as in their Tony Award winning musical “Dear Evan Hansen”.
Theatre Row
This collection of 6 theatres operates as a hub for up-and-coming theatre companies, offering everything from rehearsal space to tech support. You never know who has the next big thing in the works!
Playwrights Horizons
As you might be able to tell by the name, this venue is host to more plays than musicals - such as Pulitzer Prize winners Driving Miss Daisy and The Flick.
Таймс Сквер
Ваш тур начинается среди огней, небоскребов и рекламных щитов на Таймс-сквер. Это сердце знаменитого на весь мир Нью-Йорка и вход на Бродвей. Это идеальное место, чтобы начать путешествие по Великому Белому Пути вместе с нами!
Рядом с Таймс-сквер находится менее известная площадь Даффи. Эта площадь, где находится стенд TKTS, где каждый день разыгрываются сотни билетов, является неотъемлемой частью Бродвея для широкой публики!
Это все, что вы ожидаете: ослепительные огни, афиши шоу, имена ваших любимых исполнителей на шатрах и исторические, культовые театры. Здесь рождаются звезды, шоу становятся хитами и приходит вдохновение! Мы прогуляемся по Бродвею, пока ваш гид расскажет вам об истории различных театров, которые вы проходите, и о шоу, которые на протяжении многих лет называли этот проспект домом.
Театр Ричарда Роджерса
Не упустите свой шанс увидеть дом Гамильтона! В этом театре, названном в честь автора таких хитов, как «Оклахома!», «Звуки музыки», «Король и я» и «Южная часть Тихого океана», с 2015 года ставится классический мюзикл Лина Мануэля Миранды.
Величественный театр
Позвольте себе опьянеть под ночную музыку, проходя мимо одного из крупнейших театров на Бродвее. На протяжении многих лет здесь проходили такие шоу, как The Music Man, Camelot и The Wiz. Но с 1988 года в Majestic проходит самая продолжительная постановка в истории Бродвея: «Призрак оперы»!
Театр Шуберта
Этот театр, принимающий на протяжении многих лет премию «Тони», является еще одним долгосрочным арендатором Бродвея (открыт с 1913 года) с богатой историей шоу, спектаклей и звезд!
Адская кухня
Затем мы рискнем посетить несколько внебродвейских театров в районе Адской кухни в Мидтауне (не волнуйтесь, это не так страшно, как следует из названия!). В этих театрах спектакли разрабатываются, готовятся, репетируются и производятся перед их публичным дебютом. Изломы разрабатываются, проводятся тесты и вносятся изменения — все основные части бродвейской головоломки.
Вторая сцена театра
Имея миссию по разработке пьес и постановок, ориентированных на сценаристов, компания имеет богатую историю привлечения публики очаровательными персонажами, например, в их мюзикле «Дорогой Эван Хансен», удостоенном премии «Тони».
Театральный ряд
Эта коллекция из 6 театров работает как центр для многообещающих театральных компаний, предлагая все, от репетиционных площадок до технической поддержки. Вы никогда не знаете, у кого будет следующая большая вещь в работах!
Горизонты драматургов
Как вы можете догадаться по названию, в этом зале больше спектаклей, чем мюзиклов, например лауреатов Пулитцеровской премии за рулем мисс Дейзи и The Flick.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (28)
Ginger J
Dec 2022
I absolutely loved the Behind the Scenes Broadway Tour. Our tour guide was Mickey and she was wonderful. She showed all of the different areas around Times Square and the Broadway Theater District. It was so informative and such a different way to experience New York. I would highly recommend booking again with We-Venture!
Oct 2022
Mickey, our guide was terrific. As a working professional actor her knowledge of the history of NYC theater, its celebrities and distinguished theaters, was really helpful in understanding what an important resource this is for theater professionals and audiences. The tour of the studio where she works and teaches was wonderful as well.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
We are thrilled to hear you enjoyed this tour along with Mickey and the Studio Tour experience.
Oct 2022
I highly recommend this tour and Mickey was a terrific host, it exceeded my expectations. The surprise at the end was so much fun and made me want to move to NY and sign up for a few classes.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Hello there! So happy to hear you enjoyed your experience with Mickey and learning Broadway/Off-Broadway Stories

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