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Бордели, укусы и выпивка: кулинарный тур по сомнительному прошлому Сан-Диего

Кулинарный тур «Бордели, укусы и выпивка» по историческому кварталу газовых фонарей Сан-Диего вернет вас во времена скандала и разврата. Полюбуйтесь старинной архитектурой, узнайте о раннем квартале красных фонарей и попробуйте ароматы в 4 местных заведениях.
Город: Сан Диего
Tue 04 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $75.00
Tue 04 Mar
Начинается с $75.00
Что включено
Drink samples
Food tasting
Drink samples
Food tasting
Drink samples
Food tasting
Drink samples
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть общественный транспорт
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Минимальный возраст – 18 лет
  • Минимум 4 пассажира. Существует возможность отмены после подтверждения, если пассажиров недостаточно для выполнения требований. В этом случае вам будет предложен альтернативный или полный возврат средств.
Что ожидать
Gaslamp Quarter
Often called the Historic Heart of San Diego, the Gaslamp Quarter is the main dining and entertainment district of the city. With more than 150 bars and restaurants and 94 registered historic buildings, this nightlife playground has a lot to see and do, as well as a fascinating past. The Brothels, Bites and Booze tour will introduce you to the beginnings of San Diego as a port town – learn why it became one of the more notorious red light districts of its time, and find out how this once-undesired neighborhood became a fun and vibrant nightlife destination for both locals and visitors. After meeting your guide, you’ll embark on a journey of scandalous tales, unique cocktails and local cuisine. On the tour, you’ll make new friends, hear interesting stories, sing karaoke and explore new tastes at local restaurants*.
Gaslamp Quarter
Often called the Historic Heart of San Diego, the Gaslamp Quarter is the main dining and entertainment district of the city. With more than 150 bars and restaurants and 94 registered historic buildings, this nightlife playground has a lot to see and do, as well as a fascinating past. The Brothels, Bites and Booze tour will introduce you to the beginnings of San Diego as a port town – learn why it became one of the more notorious red light districts of its time, and find out how this once-undesired neighborhood became a fun and vibrant nightlife destination for both locals and visitors. After meeting your guide, you’ll embark on a journey of scandalous tales, unique cocktails and local cuisine. On the tour, you’ll make new friends, hear interesting stories, sing karaoke and explore new tastes at local restaurants*.
Gaslamp Quarter
Often called the Historic Heart of San Diego, the Gaslamp Quarter is the main dining and entertainment district of the city. With more than 150 bars and restaurants and 94 registered historic buildings, this nightlife playground has a lot to see and do, as well as a fascinating past. The Brothels, Bites and Booze tour will introduce you to the beginnings of San Diego as a port town – learn why it became one of the more notorious red light districts of its time, and find out how this once-undesired neighborhood became a fun and vibrant nightlife destination for both locals and visitors. After meeting your guide, you’ll embark on a journey of scandalous tales, unique cocktails and local cuisine. On the tour, you’ll make new friends, hear interesting stories, sing karaoke and explore new tastes at local restaurants*.
Gaslamp Quarter
Often called the Historic Heart of San Diego, the Gaslamp Quarter is the main dining and entertainment district of the city. With more than 150 bars and restaurants and 94 registered historic buildings, this nightlife playground has a lot to see and do, as well as a fascinating past. The Brothels, Bites and Booze tour will introduce you to the beginnings of San Diego as a port town – learn why it became one of the more notorious red light districts of its time, and find out how this once-undesired neighborhood became a fun and vibrant nightlife destination for both locals and visitors. After meeting your guide, you’ll embark on a journey of scandalous tales, unique cocktails and local cuisine. On the tour, you’ll make new friends, hear interesting stories, sing karaoke and explore new tastes at local restaurants*.
Квартал газовых фонарей
Квартал газовых фонарей, который часто называют историческим сердцем Сан-Диего, является главным ресторанным и развлекательным районом города. С более чем 150 барами и ресторанами и 94 зарегистрированными историческими зданиями, этой игровой площадке для ночной жизни есть что посмотреть и чем заняться, а также увлекательное прошлое. Тур «Бордели, укусы и выпивка» познакомит вас с истоками Сан-Диего как портового города — узнайте, почему он стал одним из самых печально известных кварталов красных фонарей своего времени, и узнайте, как этот когда-то нежелательный район стал забавным и оживленное место ночной жизни как для местных жителей, так и для гостей. После встречи с гидом вы отправитесь в путешествие, полное скандальных историй, уникальных коктейлей и местной кухни. В туре вы встретите новых друзей, услышите интересные истории, споете в караоке и откроете для себя новые вкусы в местных ресторанах*.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (399)
Dec 2022
Kirk: perfection!! Everything was as expected and awesome! We enjoyed the food and company!! Thanks for everything!
Hannah B
Dec 2022
Great selection of restaurants. The guide did rush us a bit, only 30 minutes per place, but that's my only complaint.
Dec 2022
Great food and interesting history lesson. Enjoyed walking the Gaslamp district and seeing the historic buildings. Thanks
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thanks for the great feedback!

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