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Комбинированный тур на самолете в национальный парк Брайс-Каньон и Капитолийский риф

Мы исследуем два из пяти национальных парков штата Юта во время нашего новейшего живописного полета! Пассажиры увидят красивый Брайс-Каньон, удивительные пейзажи национального парка Капитолий-Риф и впечатляющий национальный монумент «Большая лестница Эскаланте».

Национальный монумент «Большая лестница Эскаланте» назван в честь серии плато, спускающихся с Брайс-Каньона. на юг в сторону Гранд-Каньона, отмеченного вертикальными обрывами на Розовых скалах, Серых скалах, Белых скалах, Вермиллионных скалах и Шоколадных скалах. Этот район может похвастаться сочетанием красочных скал из песчаника, возвышающихся над узкими щелевыми каньонами; живописные заливы и, казалось бы, бесконечные гладкие скалы; доисторические деревенские места и заброшенные старые западные съемочные площадки, среди многих других сокровищ.
Город: Моав
Tue 11 Mar
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Начинается с $599.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $599.00
Что включено
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Each passenger is given headsets
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  • Гид должен регулярно мыть руки
  • Платные правила пребывания дома для персонала с симптомами
Что ожидать
Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon is an incredible scenic spectacle. The park is a vast showcase of colorful rock pinnacles and spires, known as “hoodoos,” which rise from a series of natural amphitheaters stretching across the Paunsaugunt Plateau. The view of these hoodoos, which are seemingly every shape and size, is breathtaking for all visitors, no matter if it is their first or 100th time in the park. Many formations bear fanciful names according to what they supposedly look like, including “The Poodle,” “Queen Victoria,” and perhaps the park’s most notable hoodoo, “Thor’s Hammer.” These hoodoos, combined with incredible visibility and surrounding spruce, pine, and fir forests, make for a truly picturesque atmosphere.
Capitol Reef National Park
Capitol Reef National Park is a hidden treasure filled with cliffs, canyons, domes, and bridges in the Waterpocket Fold, a 65-million-year-old geologic monocline (a wrinkle on the earth) extending almost 100 miles long and six miles wide. To see it from the air is truly astounding!
Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon is an incredible scenic spectacle. The park is a vast showcase of colorful rock pinnacles and spires, known as “hoodoos,” which rise from a series of natural amphitheaters stretching across the Paunsaugunt Plateau. The view of these hoodoos, which are seemingly every shape and size, is breathtaking for all visitors, no matter if it is their first or 100th time in the park. Many formations bear fanciful names according to what they supposedly look like, including “The Poodle,” “Queen Victoria,” and perhaps the park’s most notable hoodoo, “Thor’s Hammer.” These hoodoos, combined with incredible visibility and surrounding spruce, pine, and fir forests, make for a truly picturesque atmosphere.
Capitol Reef National Park
Capitol Reef National Park is a hidden treasure filled with cliffs, canyons, domes, and bridges in the Waterpocket Fold, a 65-million-year-old geologic monocline (a wrinkle on the earth) extending almost 100 miles long and six miles wide. To see it from the air is truly astounding!
Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon is an incredible scenic spectacle. The park is a vast showcase of colorful rock pinnacles and spires, known as “hoodoos,” which rise from a series of natural amphitheaters stretching across the Paunsaugunt Plateau. The view of these hoodoos, which are seemingly every shape and size, is breathtaking for all visitors, no matter if it is their first or 100th time in the park. Many formations bear fanciful names according to what they supposedly look like, including “The Poodle,” “Queen Victoria,” and perhaps the park’s most notable hoodoo, “Thor’s Hammer.” These hoodoos, combined with incredible visibility and surrounding spruce, pine, and fir forests, make for a truly picturesque atmosphere.
Capitol Reef National Park
Capitol Reef National Park is a hidden treasure filled with cliffs, canyons, domes, and bridges in the Waterpocket Fold, a 65-million-year-old geologic monocline (a wrinkle on the earth) extending almost 100 miles long and six miles wide. To see it from the air is truly astounding!
Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon is an incredible scenic spectacle. The park is a vast showcase of colorful rock pinnacles and spires, known as “hoodoos,” which rise from a series of natural amphitheaters stretching across the Paunsaugunt Plateau. The view of these hoodoos, which are seemingly every shape and size, is breathtaking for all visitors, no matter if it is their first or 100th time in the park. Many formations bear fanciful names according to what they supposedly look like, including “The Poodle,” “Queen Victoria,” and perhaps the park’s most notable hoodoo, “Thor’s Hammer.” These hoodoos, combined with incredible visibility and surrounding spruce, pine, and fir forests, make for a truly picturesque atmosphere.
Capitol Reef National Park
Capitol Reef National Park is a hidden treasure filled with cliffs, canyons, domes, and bridges in the Waterpocket Fold, a 65-million-year-old geologic monocline (a wrinkle on the earth) extending almost 100 miles long and six miles wide. To see it from the air is truly astounding!
Национальный парк Брайс-Каньон
Брайс-Каньон представляет собой невероятное живописное зрелище. Парк представляет собой обширную витрину красочных скальных вершин и шпилей, известных как «худу», которые возвышаются над серией естественных амфитеатров, протянувшихся через плато Паунсаугант. Вид этих худу, которые, кажется, бывают любой формы и размера, захватывает дух у всех посетителей, независимо от того, впервые они или сотый раз в парке. Многие образования носят причудливые названия в зависимости от того, как они предположительно выглядят, в том числе «Пудель», «Королева Виктория» и, возможно, самая известная худу в парке — «Молот Тора». Эти худу в сочетании с невероятной видимостью и окружающими еловыми, сосновыми и еловыми лесами создают поистине живописную атмосферу.
Национальный парк Кэпитол-Риф
Национальный парк Кэпитол-Риф — это скрытое сокровище, наполненное скалами, каньонами, куполами и мостами в Уотерпокет-Фолд, геологической моноклинали возрастом 65 миллионов лет (морщина на земле), простирающейся почти на 100 миль в длину и на шесть миль в ширину. Увидеть это с воздуха действительно поразительно!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (2)
Jul 2022
We were visiting our son in Moab, and he gave us a Redtail tour as a gift. Chris was our pilot, and he was amazing. He was extremely knowledgeable. He knew so much about the geological formations, topography, and cultural history and shared so much information that made the adventure so much more than just a tour. Chris was an excellent pilot, and was professional while being personable. The ride was absolutely breathtaking--it was nothing short of one of the most incredible adventures we have ever been on. Impossible to describe the beauty from a bird's-eye view. We were given the Bryce Canyon/Capitol Reef and didn't want the ride to end. We will go back sometime to see more and will definitely book Redtail and Chris. Outstanding, humbling, and truly a once in a lifetime experience. Highly recommend Redtail and Chris--you won't be disappointed!
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2022
Wow, thank you for such a fantastic review Kathleen, we really appreciate it! I will be sure to pass on your kind words to our Pilot Chris, we are very lucky to have him as part of our team. We are so thankful that your son chose Redtail to be a part of your visit to Moab.
May 2022
This is the best way to admire the dramatic and impressive scenery of southern Utah. We spent 12 days in the Four Corners region exploring all the main sites and this was an outstanding experience we will always cherish. The ability to see so many of these sites from the air that you can't access from the ground in just a few hours is amazing. Our pilot, Chris, was intelligent, informative, helpful, and thoughtful. He provided a custom tour, answered questions, and shared an incredible wealth of knowledge about the geography and things to do in the area. I booked this flight knowing I get air sick in low altitude small planes/helicopters after about 90 minutes. I had heard from other people that it would be phenomenal and it was worth the air sickness. Chris also stopped at a pilot lounge in Escalante so I could rest and recover. This flight normally has a stop in Bryce or Escalante. During my break, Chris was incredibly helpful as I regrouped. I took Dramamine and Ginger but accidentally left my Ondansetron (prescription nausea medication) at the hotel. Even though I get air sickness, I would highly recommend this tour and Redtail Air as a fantastic way to see some of the most memorable scenery in the world. My husband loved sitting next to the pilot and enjoyed asking numerous questions while admiring scenery you can't see anywhere else.
Ответ от хоста
May 2022
Thank you for taking the time to write such a nice review of Redtail and our pilot Chris! I am so pleased to hear that you enjoyed it, despite your sickness. I will be sure to pass along your kind words to him. Thank you for choosing Redtail to be a part of your 12 days in the Four Corners region!

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