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Национальный парк Каньонлендс Нидлс Дистрикт на 4x4

Исследуйте впечатляющий пейзаж парка Чеслер, расположенного в районе Нидлс национального парка Каньонлендс. Этот полнодневный тур на полноприводном автомобиле (4WD) посещает отдаленные участки нетронутой дикой природы. Ваш опытный гид проедет по некоторым из самых сложных трасс для бездорожья в штате Юта, чтобы добраться до таких достопримечательностей, как Elephant Hill, Devil's Kitchen, Devil's Lane и SOB Hill. Совершите дополнительную прогулку на 3 мили (4,8 км) по невероятной тропе Джойнт, чтобы увидеть еще больше захватывающей дух красоты этого национального парка вблизи.
Город: Моав
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $316.46
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $316.46
Что включено
Professional guide
Hotel pick-up and drop-off (depending on location)
Transport by 4x4 vehicle
Ice Water
Buffet-style lunch
Professional guide
Hotel pick-up and drop-off (depending on location)
Дополнительная информация
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки.
  • Вещи, которые нужно взять с собой: многоразовая бутылка (у вашего гида будет много дополнительной воды), защита от солнца/камера/подходящая одежда и обувь по погоде
  • NAVTEC Expeditions является уполномоченным концессионером национального парка Каньонлендс и Арчес
  • Если у вас есть годовой пропуск в национальные парки, возьмите его с собой для оплаты входного билета в парк, иначе вы необходимо будет приобрести дневной пропуск за 15 долларов США.
  • Каждый тур 4x4 требует участия как минимум 3 человек. Если ваша поездка не соответствует минимуму за день до этого, вам будут предложены другие варианты тура или полный возврат средств (другой вариант — оплатить 3-й тариф)
Что ожидать
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Make your own way to the conveniently located meeting point in Moab, then hop into the sturdy and comfortable 4WD vehicle for the scenic 2-hour drive to Chesler Park, located in the heart of the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park.
Needles District Visitor Center
The Needles District offers awe-inspiring landscapes and scenic vistas at every turn. Admire towering multicolored rock formations, ancient rock art, desert landscapes dotted with cactus and the vibrant blue southwestern sky. Keep an eye out for a variety of critters including birds, lizards, mule deer and big horn sheep, and enjoy the scent of pinyon, juniper and sage brush in the desert air.
Elephant Hill
Your guide expertly maneuvers the 4WD over Elephant Hill, known as one of the most challenging 4WD trails in southeastern Utah. Pass Devil's Kitchen and cruise down Devil's Lane before encountering SOB Hill, another challenge to the driving skills of your guide.
Canyonlands National Park
At midday, enjoy a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch at a gorgeous viewpoint. Afterward, have the option to hike the Joint Trail to the spacious meadows of Chesler Park, one of Canyonlands' most spectacular spots. Expect to walk a 3-mile loop on a well-groomed trail that passes between enormous boulders and side canyons. The trail has a good walking surface and steep uphill pitch in parts, making for a challenging hike suitable for strong hikers. Or skip the hike and simply relax at the vehicle with time to soak up the beauty around you. Either way, your 4WD tour takes you to some of the more remote parts of the Canyonlands so that you can experience this stunning landscape firsthand.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
After a full day of exploring by 4WD, your guide returns you to your starting point in Moab to end your tour.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Make your own way to the conveniently located meeting point in Moab, then hop into the sturdy and comfortable 4WD vehicle for the scenic 2-hour drive to Chesler Park, located in the heart of the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park.
Needles District Visitor Center
The Needles District offers awe-inspiring landscapes and scenic vistas at every turn. Admire towering multicolored rock formations, ancient rock art, desert landscapes dotted with cactus and the vibrant blue southwestern sky. Keep an eye out for a variety of critters including birds, lizards, mule deer and big horn sheep, and enjoy the scent of pinyon, juniper and sage brush in the desert air.
Elephant Hill
Your guide expertly maneuvers the 4WD over Elephant Hill, known as one of the most challenging 4WD trails in southeastern Utah. Pass Devil's Kitchen and cruise down Devil's Lane before encountering SOB Hill, another challenge to the driving skills of your guide.
Canyonlands National Park
At midday, enjoy a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch at a gorgeous viewpoint. Afterward, have the option to hike the Joint Trail to the spacious meadows of Chesler Park, one of Canyonlands' most spectacular spots. Expect to walk a 3-mile loop on a well-groomed trail that passes between enormous boulders and side canyons. The trail has a good walking surface and steep uphill pitch in parts, making for a challenging hike suitable for strong hikers. Or skip the hike and simply relax at the vehicle with time to soak up the beauty around you. Either way, your 4WD tour takes you to some of the more remote parts of the Canyonlands so that you can experience this stunning landscape firsthand.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
After a full day of exploring by 4WD, your guide returns you to your starting point in Moab to end your tour.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Make your own way to the conveniently located meeting point in Moab, then hop into the sturdy and comfortable 4WD vehicle for the scenic 2-hour drive to Chesler Park, located in the heart of the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park.
Needles District Visitor Center
The Needles District offers awe-inspiring landscapes and scenic vistas at every turn. Admire towering multicolored rock formations, ancient rock art, desert landscapes dotted with cactus and the vibrant blue southwestern sky. Keep an eye out for a variety of critters including birds, lizards, mule deer and big horn sheep, and enjoy the scent of pinyon, juniper and sage brush in the desert air.
Elephant Hill
Your guide expertly maneuvers the 4WD over Elephant Hill, known as one of the most challenging 4WD trails in southeastern Utah. Pass Devil's Kitchen and cruise down Devil's Lane before encountering SOB Hill, another challenge to the driving skills of your guide.
Canyonlands National Park
At midday, enjoy a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch at a gorgeous viewpoint. Afterward, have the option to hike the Joint Trail to the spacious meadows of Chesler Park, one of Canyonlands' most spectacular spots. Expect to walk a 3-mile loop on a well-groomed trail that passes between enormous boulders and side canyons. The trail has a good walking surface and steep uphill pitch in parts, making for a challenging hike suitable for strong hikers. Or skip the hike and simply relax at the vehicle with time to soak up the beauty around you. Either way, your 4WD tour takes you to some of the more remote parts of the Canyonlands so that you can experience this stunning landscape firsthand.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
After a full day of exploring by 4WD, your guide returns you to your starting point in Moab to end your tour.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Make your own way to the conveniently located meeting point in Moab, then hop into the sturdy and comfortable 4WD vehicle for the scenic 2-hour drive to Chesler Park, located in the heart of the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park.
Needles District Visitor Center
The Needles District offers awe-inspiring landscapes and scenic vistas at every turn. Admire towering multicolored rock formations, ancient rock art, desert landscapes dotted with cactus and the vibrant blue southwestern sky. Keep an eye out for a variety of critters including birds, lizards, mule deer and big horn sheep, and enjoy the scent of pinyon, juniper and sage brush in the desert air.
Elephant Hill
Your guide expertly maneuvers the 4WD over Elephant Hill, known as one of the most challenging 4WD trails in southeastern Utah. Pass Devil's Kitchen and cruise down Devil's Lane before encountering SOB Hill, another challenge to the driving skills of your guide.
Canyonlands National Park
At midday, enjoy a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch at a gorgeous viewpoint. Afterward, have the option to hike the Joint Trail to the spacious meadows of Chesler Park, one of Canyonlands' most spectacular spots. Expect to walk a 3-mile loop on a well-groomed trail that passes between enormous boulders and side canyons. The trail has a good walking surface and steep uphill pitch in parts, making for a challenging hike suitable for strong hikers. Or skip the hike and simply relax at the vehicle with time to soak up the beauty around you. Either way, your 4WD tour takes you to some of the more remote parts of the Canyonlands so that you can experience this stunning landscape firsthand.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
After a full day of exploring by 4WD, your guide returns you to your starting point in Moab to end your tour.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Make your own way to the conveniently located meeting point in Moab, then hop into the sturdy and comfortable 4WD vehicle for the scenic 2-hour drive to Chesler Park, located in the heart of the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park.
Needles District Visitor Center
The Needles District offers awe-inspiring landscapes and scenic vistas at every turn. Admire towering multicolored rock formations, ancient rock art, desert landscapes dotted with cactus and the vibrant blue southwestern sky. Keep an eye out for a variety of critters including birds, lizards, mule deer and big horn sheep, and enjoy the scent of pinyon, juniper and sage brush in the desert air.
Elephant Hill
Your guide expertly maneuvers the 4WD over Elephant Hill, known as one of the most challenging 4WD trails in southeastern Utah. Pass Devil's Kitchen and cruise down Devil's Lane before encountering SOB Hill, another challenge to the driving skills of your guide.
Canyonlands National Park
At midday, enjoy a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch at a gorgeous viewpoint. Afterward, have the option to hike the Joint Trail to the spacious meadows of Chesler Park, one of Canyonlands' most spectacular spots. Expect to walk a 3-mile loop on a well-groomed trail that passes between enormous boulders and side canyons. The trail has a good walking surface and steep uphill pitch in parts, making for a challenging hike suitable for strong hikers. Or skip the hike and simply relax at the vehicle with time to soak up the beauty around you. Either way, your 4WD tour takes you to some of the more remote parts of the Canyonlands so that you can experience this stunning landscape firsthand.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
After a full day of exploring by 4WD, your guide returns you to your starting point in Moab to end your tour.
Экспедиции NAVTEC — однодневные туры
Доберитесь до удобно расположенного места встречи в Моаве, затем сядьте в прочный и удобный полноприводный автомобиль и совершите двухчасовую живописную поездку в парк Чеслер, расположенный в самом сердце района Нидлс национального парка Каньонлендс.
Туристический центр округа Нидлс
Район Игл предлагает впечатляющие пейзажи и живописные виды на каждом шагу. Полюбуйтесь возвышающимися разноцветными скальными образованиями, древним наскальным искусством, пустынными пейзажами, усеянными кактусами, и ярким голубым небом на юго-западе. Следите за различными тварями, включая птиц, ящериц, оленей-мулов и большерогих баранов, и наслаждайтесь ароматом пиньона, можжевельника и полыни в воздухе пустыни.
Слоновья гора
Ваш гид умело маневрирует на полноприводном автомобиле по холму Элефант, который известен как один из самых сложных маршрутов для полноприводных автомобилей на юго-востоке Юты. Пройдите мимо Devil's Kitchen и совершите круиз по Devil's Lane, прежде чем столкнуться с SOB Hill, еще одним испытанием для навыков вождения вашего гида.
Национальный парк Каньонлендс
В полдень насладитесь вкусным пикником в форме шведского стола на великолепной смотровой площадке. После этого у вас есть возможность пройти по Совместной тропе до просторных лугов парка Чеслер, одного из самых живописных мест Каньонлендса. Ожидайте пройти 3-мильную петлю по ухоженной тропе, которая проходит между огромными валунами и боковыми каньонами. Тропа имеет хорошее покрытие для ходьбы и местами крутой подъем в гору, что делает этот сложный поход подходящим для сильных туристов. Или пропустите поход и просто отдохните в машине, чтобы впитать красоту вокруг вас. В любом случае, ваш полноприводной тур приведет вас в некоторые из наиболее отдаленных частей Каньонлендса, чтобы вы могли лично увидеть этот потрясающий пейзаж.
Юта Scenic Byway 279 мест наскального искусства
В районе, заполненном сложными горными перевалами, технически сложной местностью и множеством пешеходных маршрутов 2, 3 и 4 уровня, Моавские наскальные рисунки предлагают путешественникам легкий доступ к древним рисункам, разбросанным по тропам, по которым может ориентироваться даже новичок.
После целого дня прогулок на 4WD ваш гид вернет вас к исходной точке в Моаве, чтобы завершить тур.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (220)
Oct 2022
We had a super bad experience with a NavTec guide. We were out jeeping with 4 adults and three children in two jeeps. We have jeeped the area many times but it was a first for the family with kids. They were so excited. We were jeeping up a sandy road to some petroglyphs. Everyone was having a wonderful time. When we got close to the petroglyphs we saw a NavTec vehicle parked there with their Clients clearly enjoying the artwork. The guide quickly ran to his vehicle and yelled at his customers to run and get in the the vehicle. As we got closer, he pulled the NavTec vehicle dangerously in front of us and stopped to block our way. It was very aggressive. Then he proceeded to yell at us in front of the kids telling us that we have to slow down and that the Ranger is coming to get us. We were not going exceedingly fast. He was at least a 1/2 mile away when we were on the dirt road. In the end he refused to let us pass him and the kids were in tears when he finally got back in his vehicle and drove away. We sat at the petroglyphs for a while to try and regroup and make sure the kids knew the bad guy was not going to hurt us. It was completely inappropriate, especially in front of clients. We saw them again at lunch but our kids were too scared to get out of the jeeps. We parked away from him and went on the hike to try and avoid him. He completely ruined the day for this poor family who had never been there. I can’t imagine how miserable his clients were. Would NEVER use NavTec.
Oct 2022
This was an amazing experience, maybe one of the most amazing days of my life. I was equal parts terrified and mesmerized by the majestic beauty of the park. My tour guide Buzz was amazing and made the trip. He helped me hike up to a steep place I never would have been able to go on my own. He expertly drove elephant Hill, which started out very scary for me but got more comfortable as the day went on and I began to trust my driver and the capabilities of the vehicle. Buzz was a fountain of knowledge about the park, about the geology, about everything, and he was very compassionate with my fear of heights. I so appreciate him holding my hand and coaching me through the steep bits of the hike; making it to the top was a truly once in a lifetime achievement. He made us a delicious picnic lunch too. Highly recommend this tour operator and this outing.
Oct 2022
Elephant Hill was a great start to the day's 4 wheeling. Going backwards uphill and downhill was exhilarating. But the hilight was the Joint hike and the Chesler Park view. And Ben optimized the whole experience.

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