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Национальный парк Каньонлендс Уайт-Рим Трейл на 4WD

Отправляйтесь вглубь национального парка Каньонлендс в однодневном туре на полноприводном автомобиле (4WD), который путешествует по знаменитой Уайт-Рим-Роуд. Познакомьтесь с пейзажем во время коротких дополнительных походов, которые ведут к скрытым проходам, секретным каньонам и пещерам. Ваш маршрут включает в себя остров в небе, вид на Гусиную шею, арку Массельмана, каньон Латроп и тропу Шафера, ведущую к реке Колорадо. С опытным гидом, который покажет вам сокровища Уайт-Рим-Роуд, проведите незабываемый день в Каньонлендсе.
Город: Моав
Mon 10 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $303.41
Mon 10 Mar
Начинается с $303.41
Что включено
Professional guide
Buffet Style Lunch
Transport by 4x4 vehicle
Ice Water
Professional guide
Buffet Style Lunch
Transport by 4x4 vehicle
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Вещи, которые нужно взять с собой: многоразовая бутылка (у вашего гида будет много дополнительной воды) ), защита от солнца/камера/подходящая одежда и обувь по погоде, если это необходимо
  • NAVTEC Expeditions является уполномоченным концессионером национального парка Каньонлендс и Арчес
  • Если у вас есть ежегодные национальные парки Пропуск, пожалуйста, принесите его для платы за вход в парк, в противном случае вам нужно будет приобрести дневной пропуск для каждого парка отдельно за 15 долларов США.
  • Каждый тур 4x4 требует минимум 3 человек для запуска. Если ваша поездка не соответствует минимуму, вам будут предложены другие варианты тура или полный возврат средств (Еще один вариант — оплатить 3-й тариф)
Что ожидать
Canyonlands National Park
After making your own way to the meeting point in central Moab, your guide takes you by 4WD vehicle about 30 miles (48 km) to reach the Island in the Sky section of Canyonlands National Park.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
Dead Horse Point State Park
Your guide takes the White Rim Road, which gives you awe-inspiring views of the Colorado River below on one side and the cliffs of Dead Horse Point rising on the other side, framed by the blue desert sky.
White Rim Road
This rugged portion of the 25-mile (40-km) White Rim Road loop offers incredible views around every bend. Explore more of this amazing landscape on several short optional hikes just beneath the White Rim Sandstone level. Follow your guide on moderately challenging hikes to caves, caverns and breathtaking viewpoints over the mighty Colorado River. Or simply relax near the vehicle and soak up the views.
Lathrop Canyon
You also visit park treasures such as Gooseneck overlook, Lathrop Canyon, Musselman Arch and the famous Shafer Trail, which follows a series of switchbacks down to the Colorado River corridor.
Your full-day tour includes a stop for a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch accompanied by cold water and lemonade. At the end of an unforgettable day, your guide returns you to Moab to end your tour.
Green River
Below the Island in the Sky mesa sits the White Rim formation, an expansive rock terrace located about 1,000 feet (300 meters) above the Colorado and Green Rivers and the same impressive distance below the mesa. In this rock wilderness, big horn sheep traverse rocky ledges sprinkled with piñon and juniper forest
Canyonlands National Park
After making your own way to the meeting point in central Moab, your guide takes you by 4WD vehicle about 30 miles (48 km) to reach the Island in the Sky section of Canyonlands National Park.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
Dead Horse Point State Park
Your guide takes the White Rim Road, which gives you awe-inspiring views of the Colorado River below on one side and the cliffs of Dead Horse Point rising on the other side, framed by the blue desert sky.
White Rim Road
This rugged portion of the 25-mile (40-km) White Rim Road loop offers incredible views around every bend. Explore more of this amazing landscape on several short optional hikes just beneath the White Rim Sandstone level. Follow your guide on moderately challenging hikes to caves, caverns and breathtaking viewpoints over the mighty Colorado River. Or simply relax near the vehicle and soak up the views.
Lathrop Canyon
You also visit park treasures such as Gooseneck overlook, Lathrop Canyon, Musselman Arch and the famous Shafer Trail, which follows a series of switchbacks down to the Colorado River corridor.
Your full-day tour includes a stop for a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch accompanied by cold water and lemonade. At the end of an unforgettable day, your guide returns you to Moab to end your tour.
Green River
Below the Island in the Sky mesa sits the White Rim formation, an expansive rock terrace located about 1,000 feet (300 meters) above the Colorado and Green Rivers and the same impressive distance below the mesa. In this rock wilderness, big horn sheep traverse rocky ledges sprinkled with piñon and juniper forest
Canyonlands National Park
After making your own way to the meeting point in central Moab, your guide takes you by 4WD vehicle about 30 miles (48 km) to reach the Island in the Sky section of Canyonlands National Park.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
Dead Horse Point State Park
Your guide takes the White Rim Road, which gives you awe-inspiring views of the Colorado River below on one side and the cliffs of Dead Horse Point rising on the other side, framed by the blue desert sky.
White Rim Road
This rugged portion of the 25-mile (40-km) White Rim Road loop offers incredible views around every bend. Explore more of this amazing landscape on several short optional hikes just beneath the White Rim Sandstone level. Follow your guide on moderately challenging hikes to caves, caverns and breathtaking viewpoints over the mighty Colorado River. Or simply relax near the vehicle and soak up the views.
Lathrop Canyon
You also visit park treasures such as Gooseneck overlook, Lathrop Canyon, Musselman Arch and the famous Shafer Trail, which follows a series of switchbacks down to the Colorado River corridor.
Your full-day tour includes a stop for a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch accompanied by cold water and lemonade. At the end of an unforgettable day, your guide returns you to Moab to end your tour.
Green River
Below the Island in the Sky mesa sits the White Rim formation, an expansive rock terrace located about 1,000 feet (300 meters) above the Colorado and Green Rivers and the same impressive distance below the mesa. In this rock wilderness, big horn sheep traverse rocky ledges sprinkled with piñon and juniper forest
Canyonlands National Park
After making your own way to the meeting point in central Moab, your guide takes you by 4WD vehicle about 30 miles (48 km) to reach the Island in the Sky section of Canyonlands National Park.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
Dead Horse Point State Park
Your guide takes the White Rim Road, which gives you awe-inspiring views of the Colorado River below on one side and the cliffs of Dead Horse Point rising on the other side, framed by the blue desert sky.
White Rim Road
This rugged portion of the 25-mile (40-km) White Rim Road loop offers incredible views around every bend. Explore more of this amazing landscape on several short optional hikes just beneath the White Rim Sandstone level. Follow your guide on moderately challenging hikes to caves, caverns and breathtaking viewpoints over the mighty Colorado River. Or simply relax near the vehicle and soak up the views.
Lathrop Canyon
You also visit park treasures such as Gooseneck overlook, Lathrop Canyon, Musselman Arch and the famous Shafer Trail, which follows a series of switchbacks down to the Colorado River corridor.
Your full-day tour includes a stop for a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch accompanied by cold water and lemonade. At the end of an unforgettable day, your guide returns you to Moab to end your tour.
Green River
Below the Island in the Sky mesa sits the White Rim formation, an expansive rock terrace located about 1,000 feet (300 meters) above the Colorado and Green Rivers and the same impressive distance below the mesa. In this rock wilderness, big horn sheep traverse rocky ledges sprinkled with piñon and juniper forest
Canyonlands National Park
After making your own way to the meeting point in central Moab, your guide takes you by 4WD vehicle about 30 miles (48 km) to reach the Island in the Sky section of Canyonlands National Park.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
Dead Horse Point State Park
Your guide takes the White Rim Road, which gives you awe-inspiring views of the Colorado River below on one side and the cliffs of Dead Horse Point rising on the other side, framed by the blue desert sky.
White Rim Road
This rugged portion of the 25-mile (40-km) White Rim Road loop offers incredible views around every bend. Explore more of this amazing landscape on several short optional hikes just beneath the White Rim Sandstone level. Follow your guide on moderately challenging hikes to caves, caverns and breathtaking viewpoints over the mighty Colorado River. Or simply relax near the vehicle and soak up the views.
Lathrop Canyon
You also visit park treasures such as Gooseneck overlook, Lathrop Canyon, Musselman Arch and the famous Shafer Trail, which follows a series of switchbacks down to the Colorado River corridor.
Your full-day tour includes a stop for a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch accompanied by cold water and lemonade. At the end of an unforgettable day, your guide returns you to Moab to end your tour.
Green River
Below the Island in the Sky mesa sits the White Rim formation, an expansive rock terrace located about 1,000 feet (300 meters) above the Colorado and Green Rivers and the same impressive distance below the mesa. In this rock wilderness, big horn sheep traverse rocky ledges sprinkled with piñon and juniper forest
Национальный парк Каньонлендс
После того, как вы доберетесь до места встречи в центре Моава, ваш гид отвезет вас на полноприводном автомобиле примерно на 30 миль (48 км), чтобы добраться до острова в части неба национального парка Каньонлендс.
Юта Scenic Byway 279 мест наскального искусства
В районе, заполненном сложными горными перевалами, технически сложной местностью и множеством пешеходных маршрутов 2, 3 и 4 уровня, Моавские наскальные рисунки предлагают путешественникам легкий доступ к древним рисункам, разбросанным по тропам, по которым может ориентироваться даже новичок.
Государственный парк Dead Horse Point
Ваш гид идет по Уайт-Рим-Роуд, с которой открывается впечатляющий вид на реку Колорадо внизу с одной стороны и скалы Мертвой Лошади, возвышающиеся с другой стороны, обрамленные голубым небом пустыни.
Белая Римская Дорога
Этот изрезанный участок 25-мильной (40-километровой) петли Уайт-Рим-Роуд предлагает невероятные виды на каждом повороте. Узнайте больше об этом удивительном ландшафте, совершив несколько коротких дополнительных походов прямо под уровнем песчаника Белого края. Следуйте за своим гидом в походы средней сложности к пещерам, пещерам и захватывающим дух смотровым площадкам над могучей рекой Колорадо. Или просто расслабьтесь возле автомобиля и насладитесь видами.
Каньон Латроп
Вы также посетите сокровища парка, такие как вид на Гусиную шею, каньон Латроп, арку Массельмана и знаменитую тропу Шафера, которая следует за серией поворотов вниз к коридору реки Колорадо.
Ваш тур на целый день включает в себя остановку для вкусного пикника в виде шведского стола с холодной водой и лимонадом. В конце незабываемого дня ваш гид вернет вас в Моав, чтобы завершить тур.
Зеленая река
Ниже плато «Остров в небе» находится формация «Белый край», обширная каменная терраса, расположенная примерно на 1000 футов (300 метров) над реками Колорадо и Грин и на таком же впечатляющем расстоянии ниже плато. В этой каменистой глуши большие рогатые овцы пересекают скалистые уступы, поросшие пиньоном и можжевеловым лесом.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (177)
Nov 2022
Wow! What an incredible day. Blaine picked us up right on time and we headed out. The day began with seeing petroglyphs then off reading we went. Blaine was a wealth of information full of great stories and knowledge. This is an entire day of off road adventure,full of stops with sights you can only see from here. Lunch was delicious wraps. This is not a road to drive yourself. We were very happy to have a great driver. Multiple sections of hairpin turns in the cliffs. We would all do this again!
Guy T
Oct 2022
This is a must-do experience! Seeing Canyonlands from "below" is the perfect complement to seeing it from "above". Our guide, Ron, was just a great guy to spend the day with. He had a deep knowledge of local geology, history, and legend. If you think geology is boring, Ron had a way of making it pretty cool!
Oct 2022
Great experience touring parts of Canyonlands National Park that we would never have attempted to see on our own in our vehicle. our guide, Damon, was outstanding and provided us a wealth of information while skillfully navigating the steep and narrow back roads.

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