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Экскурсии на велосипедах по Центральному парку

Как NYC TOUR с 9-летним опытом, мы предлагаем увлекательную экскурсию на велосипеде по Центральному парку. Наши гости могут убедиться, что увидят все достопримечательности, узнают все о Центральном парке и сделают множество фотографий в удивительных местах. Это очень познавательная, веселая и живописная поездка по Центральному парку в компании наших опытных, знающих и интересных гидов, которые говорят на разных языках, таких как английский, испанский, французский, русский, турецкий. Мы проводим наши туры на велорикше, который представляет собой электрический трехколесный велосипед, которым управляет ваш водитель, а вы отдыхаете на удобной пассажирской стороне. В нашем туре вы увидите зоопарк Центрального парка, луна-парк, шахматно-шашечный домик, карусель, молочный дом, статую Балто, летнюю сцену, террасу Bethesda, торговый центр Central Park, эллинг, Cherry Hill Plaza, носовой мост, здания Сан-Ремо и Бересфорд, клубничку. поля и воображаемая мозаика, овечий луг, таверна на зелени, здание охотников за привидениями, эльфийский мост, отель plaza и многое другое.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Thu 27 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $65.00
Thu 27 Mar
Начинается с $65.00
Что включено
Pedicab Tour
Private Tour
Professional Tour Guide
Pedicab Tour
Private Tour
Professional Tour Guide
Pedicab Tour
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  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
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  • Возможности транспортировки доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все области и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
Что ожидать
Victorian Gardens
Travelers are going to see amusement park which is located the same place with ice-skating rink from movies: Home Alone 2, Love Story, Serendipity, Limitless, King Kong and more.
Central Park Carousel
Travelers will see a vintage carousel which is located in Central Park since 1871.
Central Park Zoo
Travelers will get information about Central Park Zoo.
Balto Statue
Travelers will get all informations about a hero dog, Balto.
Bethesda Fountain
Bethesda Terrace is one of the main attractions in Central Park. The terrace has a stunning view overlooking the lake, boathouse, and fountain with its statue, Angel of Water. The Central Park Mall is located in the southern part of the Bethesda Terrace. The mall is a beautiful walking path which is shaded by American elm trees and lined up with the benches There is a lower passage between The Mall and Bethesda Terrace. You may have seen it in: Enchanted, John Wick, Avengers, When Harry Met Sally, Home alone II, Gossip Girl, 27 Dresses, Maiden Manhattan, Kramer vs. Kramer, Friends with Benefit and more.
Bow Bridge
Bow Bridge is the second oldest cast-iron bridge in the US, its construction was completed in 1862. Bow bridge has also been so popular for wedding proposals within years because of its beautiful design and romantic ambiance. You may have seen it in: Enchanted, You've Got Mail, Highlander, Autumn in NY, I love NY and Spider-man 3.
The San Remo
Central Park is surrounded by many iconic, architectural and historical buildings that create an impressive skyline. One of them is the San Remo building was built in 1930. This building has been chosen by many famous people to live like Demi Moore, Bruce Willis, Tyger Woods, Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg, Donna Karan and more.
The Beresford, completed in 1929, is most elite co-ops around Central Park. This building's residents have included Diana Ross, Jerry Seinfeld, Isaac Stern, John McEnroe and more.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Strawberry Fields is considered as teardrop of Central Park due to being memorial to the famous singer and peace activist, John Lennon. Its focal point is a circular mosaic stone which is named as famous song of The Beatles, Imagine. The memorial is located near John Lennon’s home, Dakota where he was murdered in front of it.
Victorian Gardens
Travelers are going to see amusement park which is located the same place with ice-skating rink from movies: Home Alone 2, Love Story, Serendipity, Limitless, King Kong and more.
Central Park Carousel
Travelers will see a vintage carousel which is located in Central Park since 1871.
Central Park Zoo
Travelers will get information about Central Park Zoo.
Balto Statue
Travelers will get all informations about a hero dog, Balto.
Bethesda Fountain
Bethesda Terrace is one of the main attractions in Central Park. The terrace has a stunning view overlooking the lake, boathouse, and fountain with its statue, Angel of Water. The Central Park Mall is located in the southern part of the Bethesda Terrace. The mall is a beautiful walking path which is shaded by American elm trees and lined up with the benches There is a lower passage between The Mall and Bethesda Terrace. You may have seen it in: Enchanted, John Wick, Avengers, When Harry Met Sally, Home alone II, Gossip Girl, 27 Dresses, Maiden Manhattan, Kramer vs. Kramer, Friends with Benefit and more.
Bow Bridge
Bow Bridge is the second oldest cast-iron bridge in the US, its construction was completed in 1862. Bow bridge has also been so popular for wedding proposals within years because of its beautiful design and romantic ambiance. You may have seen it in: Enchanted, You've Got Mail, Highlander, Autumn in NY, I love NY and Spider-man 3.
The San Remo
Central Park is surrounded by many iconic, architectural and historical buildings that create an impressive skyline. One of them is the San Remo building was built in 1930. This building has been chosen by many famous people to live like Demi Moore, Bruce Willis, Tyger Woods, Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg, Donna Karan and more.
The Beresford, completed in 1929, is most elite co-ops around Central Park. This building's residents have included Diana Ross, Jerry Seinfeld, Isaac Stern, John McEnroe and more.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Strawberry Fields is considered as teardrop of Central Park due to being memorial to the famous singer and peace activist, John Lennon. Its focal point is a circular mosaic stone which is named as famous song of The Beatles, Imagine. The memorial is located near John Lennon’s home, Dakota where he was murdered in front of it.
Victorian Gardens
Travelers are going to see amusement park which is located the same place with ice-skating rink from movies: Home Alone 2, Love Story, Serendipity, Limitless, King Kong and more.
Central Park Carousel
Travelers will see a vintage carousel which is located in Central Park since 1871.
Central Park Zoo
Travelers will get information about Central Park Zoo.
Balto Statue
Travelers will get all informations about a hero dog, Balto.
Bethesda Fountain
Bethesda Terrace is one of the main attractions in Central Park. The terrace has a stunning view overlooking the lake, boathouse, and fountain with its statue, Angel of Water. The Central Park Mall is located in the southern part of the Bethesda Terrace. The mall is a beautiful walking path which is shaded by American elm trees and lined up with the benches There is a lower passage between The Mall and Bethesda Terrace. You may have seen it in: Enchanted, John Wick, Avengers, When Harry Met Sally, Home alone II, Gossip Girl, 27 Dresses, Maiden Manhattan, Kramer vs. Kramer, Friends with Benefit and more.
Bow Bridge
Bow Bridge is the second oldest cast-iron bridge in the US, its construction was completed in 1862. Bow bridge has also been so popular for wedding proposals within years because of its beautiful design and romantic ambiance. You may have seen it in: Enchanted, You've Got Mail, Highlander, Autumn in NY, I love NY and Spider-man 3.
The San Remo
Central Park is surrounded by many iconic, architectural and historical buildings that create an impressive skyline. One of them is the San Remo building was built in 1930. This building has been chosen by many famous people to live like Demi Moore, Bruce Willis, Tyger Woods, Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg, Donna Karan and more.
The Beresford, completed in 1929, is most elite co-ops around Central Park. This building's residents have included Diana Ross, Jerry Seinfeld, Isaac Stern, John McEnroe and more.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Strawberry Fields is considered as teardrop of Central Park due to being memorial to the famous singer and peace activist, John Lennon. Its focal point is a circular mosaic stone which is named as famous song of The Beatles, Imagine. The memorial is located near John Lennon’s home, Dakota where he was murdered in front of it.
Викторианские сады
Путешественников ждет парк развлечений, который находится там же, где и каток из фильмов: «Один дома 2», «История любви», «Серендипити», «Безграничный», «Кинг-Конг» и других.
Карусель в Центральном парке
Путешественники увидят старинную карусель, которая находится в Центральном парке с 1871 года.
Зоопарк Центрального парка
Путешественники получат информацию о зоопарке Центрального парка.
Статуя Балто
Путешественники получат всю информацию о собаке-герое Балто.
Фонтан Бетесда
Bethesda Terrace — одна из главных достопримечательностей Центрального парка. С террасы открывается потрясающий вид на озеро, эллинг и фонтан со статуей Ангела воды. Торговый центр Central Park расположен в южной части Bethesda Terrace. Торговый центр представляет собой красивую пешеходную дорожку, которая находится в тени американских вязов и окружена скамейками. Между торговым центром и террасой Bethesda есть нижний проход. Возможно, вы видели это в: «Зачарованная», «Джон Уик», «Мстители», «Когда Гарри встретил Салли», «Один дома 2», «Сплетница», «27 платьев», «Дева Манхэттена», «Крамер против Крамера», «Друзья с выгодой» и другие.
Боу Бридж
Боу-Бридж является вторым старейшим чугунным мостом в США, его строительство было завершено в 1862 году. Боу-Бридж также был настолько популярен среди свадебных предложений в течение многих лет из-за его красивого дизайна и романтической атмосферы. Возможно, вы видели это в: «Зачарованная», «Вам письмо», «Горец», «Осень в Нью-Йорке», «Я люблю Нью-Йорк» и «Человек-паук 3».
Центральный парк окружен множеством знаковых архитектурных и исторических зданий, которые создают впечатляющий горизонт. Одним из них является здание Сан-Ремо, построенное в 1930 году. Это здание выбирали для проживания многие известные люди, такие как Деми Мур, Брюс Уиллис, Тайгер Вудс, Стив Джобс, Стивен Спилберг, Донна Каран и другие.
Бересфорд, построенный в 1929 году, является самым элитным кооперативом вокруг Центрального парка. Среди жителей этого здания были Дайана Росс, Джерри Сайнфелд, Исаак Стерн, Джон Макинрой и другие.
Земляничные поля, Мемориал Джона Леннона
Strawberry Fields считается слезой Центрального парка из-за того, что является памятником известному певцу и борцу за мир Джону Леннону. Его фокусом является круглый мозаичный камень, названный в честь знаменитой песни The Beatles Imagine. Мемориал расположен недалеко от дома Джона Леннона в Дакоте, где он был убит перед ним.
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Отзывы (7)
Sep 2022
Awesome tour. Hardest park is finding your exact tour guides with many of the bikes being in the area soliticing rides.
Apr 2022
Our tour guide MO Ahmad it may spelled incorrectly was wonderful. He made sure we were comfortable , he was on time and most importantly very knowledgeable and educated on the history of New York. If I ever visit again I would love to have him as a tour guide all over
Mar 2022
Great guide and very informative and nice and takes great pictures and I would definitely recommend this to a friend

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