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Частный тур по Центральному парку на велосипеде (2 часа)

Центральный парк становится еще красивее по мере того, как вы исследуете его дальше. Если вы хотите насладиться красотой Центрального парка, помимо мест назначения Нижней петли (1-часовой тур), с его самой высокой точки, замок Бельведер - это место для вас! Никто не приезжает в Нью-Йорк каждый день, поэтому исследуйте Центральный парк как можно больше, пока вы здесь! Поверьте, эта экскурсия стоит вашего времени! Тур будет включать в себя все достопримечательности, упомянутые в базовом 1-часовом туре, включая Алису в стране чудес, замок Бельведер, водохранилище.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $150.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $150.00
Что включено
Private pedicab tour
Professional tour guide
Tour photographs
Private pedicab tour
Professional tour guide
Tour photographs
Private pedicab tour
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Требуются младенцы сидеть на коленях у взрослого.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
Что ожидать
Bethesda Fountain
This is the heart of Central Park. Travelers can see the Boat House Restaurant, Central Park Mall, Bethesda Terrace, and the Lake and Wedding Tunnel; you are more than welcome to stop and take pictures.
Alice in Wonderland Statue
There are multiple sights to see at this stop including Alice in Wonderland, the Conservatory Garden, the statue of Christian Anderson, and more.
Bow Bridge
One of the most famous sights of Central Park, also known as Proposal Bridge, is a beautiful, cast-iron bridge. This is one of the most popular places in Central Park for couples and for tourists in general, and but the setting is unbeatable in terms of romance. The bridge crosses the lake and depending on the season, you may be surrounded by picturesque fall foliage, spring blooms, or—if you’re doing a December proposal—a blanket of snow.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir
The Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir, also known as Central Park Reservoir, is a decommissioned reservoir in Central Park in the borough of Manhattan, New York City, stretching from 86th to 96th Streets. It covers 106 acres (43 ha) and holds over 1,000,000,000 US gallons (3,800,000 m3) of water.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
The stop was chosen due to its proximity to John Lennon's NYC home, the Dakota Apartments, which is located just across Central Park West. There is a plaque embedded in one of the boulders along the pathway leading to the mosaic. It lists the 121 countries who endorse Strawberry Fields as a garden of peace.
Belvedere Castle
Travelers pass by the Delacorte Theater, Shakespeare's Garden, and Belvedere Castle for photos.
Bethesda Fountain
This is the heart of Central Park. Travelers can see the Boat House Restaurant, Central Park Mall, Bethesda Terrace, and the Lake and Wedding Tunnel; you are more than welcome to stop and take pictures.
Alice in Wonderland Statue
There are multiple sights to see at this stop including Alice in Wonderland, the Conservatory Garden, the statue of Christian Anderson, and more.
Bow Bridge
One of the most famous sights of Central Park, also known as Proposal Bridge, is a beautiful, cast-iron bridge. This is one of the most popular places in Central Park for couples and for tourists in general, and but the setting is unbeatable in terms of romance. The bridge crosses the lake and depending on the season, you may be surrounded by picturesque fall foliage, spring blooms, or—if you’re doing a December proposal—a blanket of snow.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir
The Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir, also known as Central Park Reservoir, is a decommissioned reservoir in Central Park in the borough of Manhattan, New York City, stretching from 86th to 96th Streets. It covers 106 acres (43 ha) and holds over 1,000,000,000 US gallons (3,800,000 m3) of water.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
The stop was chosen due to its proximity to John Lennon's NYC home, the Dakota Apartments, which is located just across Central Park West. There is a plaque embedded in one of the boulders along the pathway leading to the mosaic. It lists the 121 countries who endorse Strawberry Fields as a garden of peace.
Belvedere Castle
Travelers pass by the Delacorte Theater, Shakespeare's Garden, and Belvedere Castle for photos.
Bethesda Fountain
This is the heart of Central Park. Travelers can see the Boat House Restaurant, Central Park Mall, Bethesda Terrace, and the Lake and Wedding Tunnel; you are more than welcome to stop and take pictures.
Alice in Wonderland Statue
There are multiple sights to see at this stop including Alice in Wonderland, the Conservatory Garden, the statue of Christian Anderson, and more.
Bow Bridge
One of the most famous sights of Central Park, also known as Proposal Bridge, is a beautiful, cast-iron bridge. This is one of the most popular places in Central Park for couples and for tourists in general, and but the setting is unbeatable in terms of romance. The bridge crosses the lake and depending on the season, you may be surrounded by picturesque fall foliage, spring blooms, or—if you’re doing a December proposal—a blanket of snow.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir
The Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir, also known as Central Park Reservoir, is a decommissioned reservoir in Central Park in the borough of Manhattan, New York City, stretching from 86th to 96th Streets. It covers 106 acres (43 ha) and holds over 1,000,000,000 US gallons (3,800,000 m3) of water.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
The stop was chosen due to its proximity to John Lennon's NYC home, the Dakota Apartments, which is located just across Central Park West. There is a plaque embedded in one of the boulders along the pathway leading to the mosaic. It lists the 121 countries who endorse Strawberry Fields as a garden of peace.
Belvedere Castle
Travelers pass by the Delacorte Theater, Shakespeare's Garden, and Belvedere Castle for photos.
Bethesda Fountain
This is the heart of Central Park. Travelers can see the Boat House Restaurant, Central Park Mall, Bethesda Terrace, and the Lake and Wedding Tunnel; you are more than welcome to stop and take pictures.
Alice in Wonderland Statue
There are multiple sights to see at this stop including Alice in Wonderland, the Conservatory Garden, the statue of Christian Anderson, and more.
Bow Bridge
One of the most famous sights of Central Park, also known as Proposal Bridge, is a beautiful, cast-iron bridge. This is one of the most popular places in Central Park for couples and for tourists in general, and but the setting is unbeatable in terms of romance. The bridge crosses the lake and depending on the season, you may be surrounded by picturesque fall foliage, spring blooms, or—if you’re doing a December proposal—a blanket of snow.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir
The Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir, also known as Central Park Reservoir, is a decommissioned reservoir in Central Park in the borough of Manhattan, New York City, stretching from 86th to 96th Streets. It covers 106 acres (43 ha) and holds over 1,000,000,000 US gallons (3,800,000 m3) of water.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
The stop was chosen due to its proximity to John Lennon's NYC home, the Dakota Apartments, which is located just across Central Park West. There is a plaque embedded in one of the boulders along the pathway leading to the mosaic. It lists the 121 countries who endorse Strawberry Fields as a garden of peace.
Belvedere Castle
Travelers pass by the Delacorte Theater, Shakespeare's Garden, and Belvedere Castle for photos.
Bethesda Fountain
This is the heart of Central Park. Travelers can see the Boat House Restaurant, Central Park Mall, Bethesda Terrace, and the Lake and Wedding Tunnel; you are more than welcome to stop and take pictures.
Alice in Wonderland Statue
There are multiple sights to see at this stop including Alice in Wonderland, the Conservatory Garden, the statue of Christian Anderson, and more.
Bow Bridge
One of the most famous sights of Central Park, also known as Proposal Bridge, is a beautiful, cast-iron bridge. This is one of the most popular places in Central Park for couples and for tourists in general, and but the setting is unbeatable in terms of romance. The bridge crosses the lake and depending on the season, you may be surrounded by picturesque fall foliage, spring blooms, or—if you’re doing a December proposal—a blanket of snow.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir
The Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir, also known as Central Park Reservoir, is a decommissioned reservoir in Central Park in the borough of Manhattan, New York City, stretching from 86th to 96th Streets. It covers 106 acres (43 ha) and holds over 1,000,000,000 US gallons (3,800,000 m3) of water.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
The stop was chosen due to its proximity to John Lennon's NYC home, the Dakota Apartments, which is located just across Central Park West. There is a plaque embedded in one of the boulders along the pathway leading to the mosaic. It lists the 121 countries who endorse Strawberry Fields as a garden of peace.
Belvedere Castle
Travelers pass by the Delacorte Theater, Shakespeare's Garden, and Belvedere Castle for photos.
Фонтан Бетесда
Это сердце Центрального парка. Путешественники могут увидеть ресторан Boat House, торговый центр Central Park, террасу Bethesda, а также озеро и свадебный туннель; вы более чем можете остановиться и сфотографироваться.
Алиса в стране чудес Статуя
На этой остановке можно увидеть множество достопримечательностей, включая Алису в стране чудес, сад консерватории, статую Кристиана Андерсона и многое другое.
Боу Бридж
Одна из самых известных достопримечательностей Центрального парка, также известная как Мост Предложений, — красивый чугунный мост. Это одно из самых популярных мест в Центральном парке для пар и туристов в целом, но обстановка непревзойденная с точки зрения романтики. Мост пересекает озеро, и в зависимости от сезона вас может окружать живописная осенняя листва, весенние цветы или, если вы делаете декабрьское предложение, снежное покрывало.
Водохранилище Жаклин Кеннеди Онассис
Водохранилище Жаклин Кеннеди Онассис, также известное как Резервуар Центрального парка, представляет собой выведенный из эксплуатации резервуар в Центральном парке в районе Манхэттена, Нью-Йорк, простирающийся от 86-й до 96-й улицы. Он занимает площадь 106 акров (43 га) и вмещает более 1 000 000 000 галлонов США (3 800 000 м3) воды.
Земляничные поля, Мемориал Джона Леннона
Остановка была выбрана из-за ее близости к дому Джона Леннона в Нью-Йорке, Dakota Apartments, который расположен прямо напротив Центрального парка Вест. В одном из валунов вдоль тропы, ведущей к мозаике, есть табличка. В нем перечислены 121 страна, которые одобряют Strawberry Fields как сад мира.
Замок Бельведер
Путешественники проходят мимо театра Делакорте, Сада Шекспира и замка Бельведер, чтобы сфотографироваться.
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Отзывы (26)
Nov 2021
We had a wonderful experience on this tour while in NYC for a trip. Got to experience much of the city. Really kind and compassionate and caring driver. Definitely have my new favorite pedicab driver in the big apple!
Oct 2021
The young man who was our guide ("Mike Tyson" LOL) was very personable and entertaining. He made the tour very entertaining.
Oct 2021
Such a nice guy! Brought us to our parking garage and saved us a 20 min+ walk back. Quick and smooth ride! Will do it again next time we come back!

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