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История гавани Чарльстона Дневной круиз или круиз на закате

Во время этого живописного и расслабляющего 90-минутного тура вы познакомитесь с Чарльстонской гаванью на уникальной 80-футовой Каролине Белль. Ваш профессиональный лицензированный капитан расскажет историю, достопримечательности и факты о гавани Чарльстона, когда вы будете проходить места, имеющие решающее значение для истории Соединенных Штатов. Насладитесь красотой гавани Чарльстона и узнайте ее богатую историю, пока вы в городе.
Город: Чарльстон
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $37.12
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $37.12
Что включено
All taxes, fees and handling charges
90-minute Charleston Harbor Sightseeing Cruise from Charleston, South Carolina
Select from Morning, Afternoon, or Sunset Departure Times
Enjoy panoramic views from aboard the unique 80-foot Carolina Belle
All taxes, fees and handling charges
90-minute Charleston Harbor Sightseeing Cruise from Charleston, South Carolina
Select from Morning, Afternoon, or Sunset Departure Times
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на на коленях взрослого
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • К лодке примыкает плоский пирс, а длина посадочной рампы составляет около 30 футов. Путешественники будут садиться на верхнюю палубу, а на нижний уровень ведет лестница. Туалеты расположены на верхней палубе.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства
  • Все гости должны будут подпишитесь на анкету COVID, подтверждающую, что у них не было симптомов в течение последних 14 дней.
Что ожидать
Fort Sumter National Monument
While aboard the Carolina Belle your professional and licensed captain will narrate history, sights, and facts about the Charleston Harbor as you pass locations critical to United States history. You will  get close-up views of the Holy City's most famous and charming sights such as  Fort Sumter: One of Charleston's most popular landmarks, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired, USS Yorktown: the famous World War II “Fighting Lady," Confederate and Union army Forts Moultrie and Johnson, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church: A surviver of both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, whose steeple was painted black so as not to be an easy target, Stately homes on the Battery: Symbols of Southern elegance and perseverance.
Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge
You will also see the Cooper River Bridges, including the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge: A state of the art span that accommodates the largest ships in the world and connects downtown Charleston to Mount Pleasant. To add to this wonderful experience, don't be surprised if you see Dolphins skimming the surface of the water and pelicans diving for food. 
Joe Riley Waterfront Park
Enjoy views of Charleston Waterfront Park
Fort Sumter National Monument
While aboard the Carolina Belle your professional and licensed captain will narrate history, sights, and facts about the Charleston Harbor as you pass locations critical to United States history. You will  get close-up views of the Holy City's most famous and charming sights such as  Fort Sumter: One of Charleston's most popular landmarks, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired, USS Yorktown: the famous World War II “Fighting Lady," Confederate and Union army Forts Moultrie and Johnson, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church: A surviver of both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, whose steeple was painted black so as not to be an easy target, Stately homes on the Battery: Symbols of Southern elegance and perseverance.
Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge
You will also see the Cooper River Bridges, including the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge: A state of the art span that accommodates the largest ships in the world and connects downtown Charleston to Mount Pleasant. To add to this wonderful experience, don't be surprised if you see Dolphins skimming the surface of the water and pelicans diving for food. 
Joe Riley Waterfront Park
Enjoy views of Charleston Waterfront Park
Fort Sumter National Monument
While aboard the Carolina Belle your professional and licensed captain will narrate history, sights, and facts about the Charleston Harbor as you pass locations critical to United States history. You will  get close-up views of the Holy City's most famous and charming sights such as  Fort Sumter: One of Charleston's most popular landmarks, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired, USS Yorktown: the famous World War II “Fighting Lady," Confederate and Union army Forts Moultrie and Johnson, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church: A surviver of both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, whose steeple was painted black so as not to be an easy target, Stately homes on the Battery: Symbols of Southern elegance and perseverance.
Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge
You will also see the Cooper River Bridges, including the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge: A state of the art span that accommodates the largest ships in the world and connects downtown Charleston to Mount Pleasant. To add to this wonderful experience, don't be surprised if you see Dolphins skimming the surface of the water and pelicans diving for food. 
Joe Riley Waterfront Park
Enjoy views of Charleston Waterfront Park
Fort Sumter National Monument
While aboard the Carolina Belle your professional and licensed captain will narrate history, sights, and facts about the Charleston Harbor as you pass locations critical to United States history. You will  get close-up views of the Holy City's most famous and charming sights such as  Fort Sumter: One of Charleston's most popular landmarks, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired, USS Yorktown: the famous World War II “Fighting Lady," Confederate and Union army Forts Moultrie and Johnson, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church: A surviver of both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, whose steeple was painted black so as not to be an easy target, Stately homes on the Battery: Symbols of Southern elegance and perseverance.
Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge
You will also see the Cooper River Bridges, including the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge: A state of the art span that accommodates the largest ships in the world and connects downtown Charleston to Mount Pleasant. To add to this wonderful experience, don't be surprised if you see Dolphins skimming the surface of the water and pelicans diving for food. 
Joe Riley Waterfront Park
Enjoy views of Charleston Waterfront Park
Fort Sumter National Monument
While aboard the Carolina Belle your professional and licensed captain will narrate history, sights, and facts about the Charleston Harbor as you pass locations critical to United States history. You will  get close-up views of the Holy City's most famous and charming sights such as  Fort Sumter: One of Charleston's most popular landmarks, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired, USS Yorktown: the famous World War II “Fighting Lady," Confederate and Union army Forts Moultrie and Johnson, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church: A surviver of both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, whose steeple was painted black so as not to be an easy target, Stately homes on the Battery: Symbols of Southern elegance and perseverance.
Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge
You will also see the Cooper River Bridges, including the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge: A state of the art span that accommodates the largest ships in the world and connects downtown Charleston to Mount Pleasant. To add to this wonderful experience, don't be surprised if you see Dolphins skimming the surface of the water and pelicans diving for food. 
Joe Riley Waterfront Park
Enjoy views of Charleston Waterfront Park
Fort Sumter National Monument
While aboard the Carolina Belle your professional and licensed captain will narrate history, sights, and facts about the Charleston Harbor as you pass locations critical to United States history. You will  get close-up views of the Holy City's most famous and charming sights such as  Fort Sumter: One of Charleston's most popular landmarks, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired, USS Yorktown: the famous World War II “Fighting Lady," Confederate and Union army Forts Moultrie and Johnson, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church: A surviver of both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, whose steeple was painted black so as not to be an easy target, Stately homes on the Battery: Symbols of Southern elegance and perseverance.
Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge
You will also see the Cooper River Bridges, including the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge: A state of the art span that accommodates the largest ships in the world and connects downtown Charleston to Mount Pleasant. To add to this wonderful experience, don't be surprised if you see Dolphins skimming the surface of the water and pelicans diving for food. 
Joe Riley Waterfront Park
Enjoy views of Charleston Waterfront Park
Национальный памятник Форт Самтер
Находясь на борту Carolina Belle, ваш профессиональный и лицензированный капитан расскажет историю, достопримечательности и факты о гавани Чарльстона, когда вы будете проходить места, имеющие решающее значение для истории Соединенных Штатов. Вы увидите крупным планом самые известные и очаровательные достопримечательности Священного города, такие как Форт Самтер: одна из самых популярных достопримечательностей Чарльстона, где прозвучали первые выстрелы Гражданской войны, авианосец Йорктаун: знаменитая «Боевая леди» времен Второй мировой войны. , " Армия Конфедерации и Союза Форты Моултри и Джонсон, Епископальная церковь Св. Михаила: пережившая как Революционную, так и гражданскую войны, шпиль которой был выкрашен в черный цвет, чтобы не быть легкой мишенью, Величественные дома на Батарее: Символы Южного элегантность и настойчивость.
Мост Артура Рэвенела-младшего
Вы также увидите мосты через реку Купер, в том числе мост Артура Рэвенела-младшего: современный мост, вмещающий самые большие корабли в мире и соединяющий центр Чарльстона с Маунт-Плезант. Чтобы добавить к этому замечательному опыту, не удивляйтесь, если увидите дельфинов, скользящих по поверхности воды, и пеликанов, ныряющих за едой.
Джо Райли Уотерфронт-Парк
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Dec 2019
Captain Tripp was very entertainig. Great info about Charleston history. Nice way to see Fort Sumter. My favorite part was the up close views of the Arthur Ravenel Bridge. The communication while booking tour was super helpful. Nice trip!
Nov 2019
We enjoyed taking this tour on a beautiful sunny fall day. The captain's commentary was entertaining and the views were great. We learned quite a bit about Charleston history, as advertised, and were happy we signed up for the tour.
Nov 2019
I highly recommend this informative and entertaining tour. Our captain was able to combine lots of history and facts with some silly jokes and trivia questions to keep us interested and laughing. My favorite part was the up close view of the spectacular Ranenel Bridge.

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