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Чикагский автобусный тур по преступлениям и мафии

Сбегите в преступный мир Чикаго в преступном и мафиозном туре с остановками в роскошном автобусе с климат-контролем. Пешеходные тропы исследуют исторические места преступления с отличными возможностями для фотографирования. Настоящие криминальные истории о чикагском гангстере Аль Капоне, Неприкасаемых, Чикагской мафии, Сухом законе, Джоне Диллинджере, Фрэнке «Инфорсере» Нитти, Кэпе Джордже Стритере, Леопольде и Лебе, Г. Х. Холмсе и многих других.
Посетите исторические достопримечательности, такие как Театр Биограф, Собор Святого Имени, Здание уголовного суда округа Кук, Итальянский стейк-хаус Гарри Кэрея и т. д. Совершите поездку по известным районам Чикаго: Стритервилль, Ривер-Норт, Голд-Кост, Линкольн-парк, Старый город, Луп. и Великолепная миля. Местные жители и туристы согласны с тем, что это образовательное и развлекательное мероприятие в Чикаго является уникальным культурным опытом.
Город: Чикаго
Fri 07 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $46.00
Fri 07 Mar
Начинается с $46.00
Что включено
Exclusive access to crime quiz
Photo opportunities off the bus at infamous crime scenes
Luxury temperature controlled coach bus
Historic video footage
Live commentary on board
Professional tour guide and chauffeur
Keepsake brochure with special offers
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровень физической подготовки
  • Автобус отправляется вовремя. Приходите как минимум на 15 минут раньше для регистрации.
  • Гости не могут присоединиться к туру после отправления автобуса. Общие места рассаживаются в порядке живой очереди. Совместное размещение не гарантируется.
  • Без перерывов на туалет. Пожалуйста, пройдите до регистрации в автобусе.
  • В автобусе нельзя есть и пить.
  • На месте нет офиса.
  • Пожалуйста, сообщите во время регистрации бронирование, если требуется помощь в инвалидной коляске, в поле «Особые требования». Автобус вмещает складные инвалидные коляски, но НЕ оборудован электронным подъемником.
Что ожидать
Water Tower Place
Meet your guide across from the Water Tower Place shopping mall in Chicago’s Near North Side at your selected time. Hop aboard a luxury climate-controlled coach and begin your 1.5-2 hour tour of the history of Chicago crime, from 19th century to today.
Museum of Contemporary Art
Drive by the Museum of Contemporary Art.
The Magnificent Mile
See the Magnificent Mile.
John Hancock Center
One of the tallest buildings in the city and home of a beautiful observation deck.
North Avenue Beach
Drive by on tour bus.
Biograph Theatre
Stake out crime scenes including the Biograph Theatre.
Oz Park
Drive by en route to the St. Valentines Day Massacre.
Lincoln Park
Drive through historic and beautiful Lincoln Park and it's surrounding neighborhood on the tour route.
Marina City
Hear fascinating stories about Al Capone, The Untouchables, the Chicago Mob, John Dillinger, ‘Terrible’ Tommy O'Conner, Leopold and Loeb and ‘Cap’ George Streeter, all who made their notorious criminal mark on Chicago. Grab your camera for a ‘drive-by shooting’ of the historic criminal courthouse, an architectural landmark where some of Chicago's most famous cases were tried.
Holy Name Cathedral
Pass by the Holy Name Cathedral, and see the site of the 1929 St Valentine's Day Massacre, one of Chicago's most notorious murder scenes. This Prohibition-era conflict between two powerful Chicago gangs -- the South Side gang led by Al Capone and the North Side gang led by Bugs Moran -- ended in the brutal murder of seven Mob members. In addition to your comfortable, narrated drive through the city, you’ll also hop off the coach to visit some areas by foot for a more immersive experience. Your guide will offer in-depth narration as you follow the path that Chicago gangsters John Dillinger and Hymie Weiss walked right before their deaths. Hop back on the coach and return to the Near North Side to conclude your Chicago crime and gangsters tour.
Thirty Five E Wacker
The Jewelers Building and historic landmark building.
Water Tower Place
Meet your guide across from the Water Tower Place shopping mall in Chicago’s Near North Side at your selected time. Hop aboard a luxury climate-controlled coach and begin your 1.5-2 hour tour of the history of Chicago crime, from 19th century to today.
Museum of Contemporary Art
Drive by the Museum of Contemporary Art.
The Magnificent Mile
See the Magnificent Mile.
John Hancock Center
One of the tallest buildings in the city and home of a beautiful observation deck.
North Avenue Beach
Drive by on tour bus.
Biograph Theatre
Stake out crime scenes including the Biograph Theatre.
Oz Park
Drive by en route to the St. Valentines Day Massacre.
Lincoln Park
Drive through historic and beautiful Lincoln Park and it's surrounding neighborhood on the tour route.
Marina City
Hear fascinating stories about Al Capone, The Untouchables, the Chicago Mob, John Dillinger, ‘Terrible’ Tommy O'Conner, Leopold and Loeb and ‘Cap’ George Streeter, all who made their notorious criminal mark on Chicago. Grab your camera for a ‘drive-by shooting’ of the historic criminal courthouse, an architectural landmark where some of Chicago's most famous cases were tried.
Holy Name Cathedral
Pass by the Holy Name Cathedral, and see the site of the 1929 St Valentine's Day Massacre, one of Chicago's most notorious murder scenes. This Prohibition-era conflict between two powerful Chicago gangs -- the South Side gang led by Al Capone and the North Side gang led by Bugs Moran -- ended in the brutal murder of seven Mob members. In addition to your comfortable, narrated drive through the city, you’ll also hop off the coach to visit some areas by foot for a more immersive experience. Your guide will offer in-depth narration as you follow the path that Chicago gangsters John Dillinger and Hymie Weiss walked right before their deaths. Hop back on the coach and return to the Near North Side to conclude your Chicago crime and gangsters tour.
Thirty Five E Wacker
The Jewelers Building and historic landmark building.
Water Tower Place
Meet your guide across from the Water Tower Place shopping mall in Chicago’s Near North Side at your selected time. Hop aboard a luxury climate-controlled coach and begin your 1.5-2 hour tour of the history of Chicago crime, from 19th century to today.
Museum of Contemporary Art
Drive by the Museum of Contemporary Art.
The Magnificent Mile
See the Magnificent Mile.
John Hancock Center
One of the tallest buildings in the city and home of a beautiful observation deck.
North Avenue Beach
Drive by on tour bus.
Biograph Theatre
Stake out crime scenes including the Biograph Theatre.
Oz Park
Drive by en route to the St. Valentines Day Massacre.
Lincoln Park
Drive through historic and beautiful Lincoln Park and it's surrounding neighborhood on the tour route.
Marina City
Hear fascinating stories about Al Capone, The Untouchables, the Chicago Mob, John Dillinger, ‘Terrible’ Tommy O'Conner, Leopold and Loeb and ‘Cap’ George Streeter, all who made their notorious criminal mark on Chicago. Grab your camera for a ‘drive-by shooting’ of the historic criminal courthouse, an architectural landmark where some of Chicago's most famous cases were tried.
Holy Name Cathedral
Pass by the Holy Name Cathedral, and see the site of the 1929 St Valentine's Day Massacre, one of Chicago's most notorious murder scenes. This Prohibition-era conflict between two powerful Chicago gangs -- the South Side gang led by Al Capone and the North Side gang led by Bugs Moran -- ended in the brutal murder of seven Mob members. In addition to your comfortable, narrated drive through the city, you’ll also hop off the coach to visit some areas by foot for a more immersive experience. Your guide will offer in-depth narration as you follow the path that Chicago gangsters John Dillinger and Hymie Weiss walked right before their deaths. Hop back on the coach and return to the Near North Side to conclude your Chicago crime and gangsters tour.
Thirty Five E Wacker
The Jewelers Building and historic landmark building.
Water Tower Place
Meet your guide across from the Water Tower Place shopping mall in Chicago’s Near North Side at your selected time. Hop aboard a luxury climate-controlled coach and begin your 1.5-2 hour tour of the history of Chicago crime, from 19th century to today.
Museum of Contemporary Art
Drive by the Museum of Contemporary Art.
The Magnificent Mile
See the Magnificent Mile.
John Hancock Center
One of the tallest buildings in the city and home of a beautiful observation deck.
North Avenue Beach
Drive by on tour bus.
Biograph Theatre
Stake out crime scenes including the Biograph Theatre.
Oz Park
Drive by en route to the St. Valentines Day Massacre.
Lincoln Park
Drive through historic and beautiful Lincoln Park and it's surrounding neighborhood on the tour route.
Marina City
Hear fascinating stories about Al Capone, The Untouchables, the Chicago Mob, John Dillinger, ‘Terrible’ Tommy O'Conner, Leopold and Loeb and ‘Cap’ George Streeter, all who made their notorious criminal mark on Chicago. Grab your camera for a ‘drive-by shooting’ of the historic criminal courthouse, an architectural landmark where some of Chicago's most famous cases were tried.
Holy Name Cathedral
Pass by the Holy Name Cathedral, and see the site of the 1929 St Valentine's Day Massacre, one of Chicago's most notorious murder scenes. This Prohibition-era conflict between two powerful Chicago gangs -- the South Side gang led by Al Capone and the North Side gang led by Bugs Moran -- ended in the brutal murder of seven Mob members. In addition to your comfortable, narrated drive through the city, you’ll also hop off the coach to visit some areas by foot for a more immersive experience. Your guide will offer in-depth narration as you follow the path that Chicago gangsters John Dillinger and Hymie Weiss walked right before their deaths. Hop back on the coach and return to the Near North Side to conclude your Chicago crime and gangsters tour.
Thirty Five E Wacker
The Jewelers Building and historic landmark building.
Водонапорная башня
Встретьтесь с гидом напротив торгового центра Water Tower Place в ближней северной части Чикаго в выбранное вами время. Запрыгивайте на борт роскошного автобуса с климат-контролем и начните свое 1,5-2-часовое путешествие по истории преступности в Чикаго с 19 века до наших дней.
Музей современного искусства
Проезжайте мимо Музея современного искусства.
Великолепная миля
Увидеть Великолепную милю.
Центр Джона Хэнкока
Одно из самых высоких зданий в городе и дом с красивой смотровой площадкой.
Пляж Норт-авеню
Проехать на экскурсионном автобусе.
Биографический театр
Наблюдайте за местами преступлений, в том числе в театре «Биограф».
Оз Парк
Проезжайте по пути к резне в День святого Валентина.
Линкольн Парк
Проезжайте через исторический и красивый Линкольн-парк и его окрестности по маршруту тура.
Марина Сити
Слушайте увлекательные истории об Аль Капоне, Неприкасаемых, Чикагской мафии, Джоне Диллинджере, «Ужасном» Томми О'Коннере, Леопольде и Лебе и «Кэпе» Джордже Стритере, обо всех, кто оставил свой печально известный криминальный след в Чикаго. Возьмите камеру, чтобы снять из машины историческое здание суда по уголовным делам, архитектурную достопримечательность, где рассматривались некоторые из самых известных дел Чикаго.
Собор Святого Имени
Пройдите мимо собора Святого Имени и посмотрите на место резни в День святого Валентина 1929 года, одну из самых известных сцен убийств в Чикаго. Этот конфликт эпохи Сухого закона между двумя могущественными чикагскими бандами — бандой Южной стороны, возглавляемой Аль Капоне, и бандой Северной стороны, возглавляемой Багсом Мораном, — закончился жестоким убийством семи членов мафии. В дополнение к вашей комфортной поездке по городу, вы также сойдете с автобуса, чтобы посетить некоторые районы пешком для более захватывающего опыта. Ваш гид предложит подробное повествование, когда вы пойдете по пути, по которому чикагские гангстеры Джон Диллинджер и Хайми Вайс прошли прямо перед своей смертью. Вернитесь в автобус и вернитесь на Ближний север, чтобы завершить свой криминальный и гангстерский тур по Чикаго.
Тридцать пять Э. Вакер
Здание ювелиров и историческое здание-памятник.
Показать 52 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Dec 2022
Our guide Mike was great and made the tour really enjoyable! The tour was recommended by friends and they were smart to tell us about it.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Diana, Your review is so nice to read. We are grateful for your feedback and positive comments about Mike and the tour. Thank you!
Dec 2022
We just loved the Mob Bus Tour! Our tour guide Katie knew an amazing amount of information, and shared it in an entertaining way. She was a clear and concise communicator. This tour also was a fun way to see several city neighborhoods. Well worth our tourist dollars and time.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
We are grateful for your review. Thank you for sharing your experience and kind words about Katie and the tour.
Dec 2022
Tour guide Katie did a fabulous job bringing history to life. This is also an excellent way to see Chicago neighborhoods and stay warm! Very fun.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thank you so much for your review. We appreciate your positive feedback about Katie and the tour! 😀

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