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Небольшая групповая экскурсия по озеру Чикаго и музейному кампусу

Ищете, чем заняться в Чикаго? Не смотрите дальше - Исследуйте Чикаго с одним из наших профессиональных гидов в этом живописном туре по Чикаго на сегвее протяженностью 7 или 8 миль. Начните эти туры с гидом по Чикаго на сегвее, путешествуя по ароматным садовым дорожкам Грант-парка, чтобы увидеть Букингемский фонтан. Наслаждайтесь бризом, когда вы легко скользите к самым популярным туристическим достопримечательностям Чикаго вдоль побережья озера Чикаго: кампус музея, аквариум Шедда, музей Филда и, конечно же, Солдат Филд, дом чикагских медведей. Вы не ошибетесь с этой идеальной обзорной экскурсией.
Город: Чикаго
Fri 07 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $76.48
Fri 07 Mar
Начинается с $76.48
Что включено
Professional guide
Training and Practice
Use of helmet
Use of Segway
Professional guide
Training and Practice
Use of helmet
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется беременным путешественникам
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослых
  • Минимальный возраст – 12 лет.
  • Минимальный вес – 100 фунтов. (45,5 кг)
  • Максимальный вес 260 фунтов. (118 кг)
  • Дресс-код для активного отдыха. Пожалуйста, носите закрытую обувь и слои в зависимости от сезона. На случай дождя будут предоставлены пончо.
  • Туры и обучение проводятся на английском языке.
  • Участники должны быть в состоянии стоять без посторонней помощи на протяжении всего тура и должны иметь возможность подняться на высоту полета по лестнице без посторонней помощи.
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях. Пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответствующим образом.
  • Все участники должны подписать отказ и форму освобождения.
  • Пожалуйста, подпишите отказ до прибытия - https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/e4tanp6f7dsva47ygqrnjx/web/
Что ожидать
Absolutely Chicago Segway Tours
There is nothing like seeing the city on a Chicago Segway tour. With our exceptional guides, you will get an amazing overview of the Windy City's sights and sounds. You get up close to all of the attractions and cover a whopping 7/8 miles round trip. Segways are intuitive and easy to ride; if you can stand you can ride! You only glide with a maximum of 8 people per tour guide, so you are guaranteed to have personalized and fun adventure in the Second City that is second to none. Guests are asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to the tour's scheduled departure time to check in and fill out waivers. All guests will be fitted with helmets. The tour begins at the departure time with a training video and comprehensive one-on-one training with the tour guide. Training ensures that even the most nervous guest feels comfortable for the duration of the tour.
Buckingham Fountain
Stop by the beautiful Buckingham Fountain, a Chicago landmark in the center of Grant Park.
Soldier Field
See Soldier Field, home of the Chicago Bears
Field Museum
Glide past The Field Museum of Natural History, a natural history museum in Chicago and one of the largest such museums in the world
Shedd Aquarium
See Shedd Aquarium, at one time the largest indoor aquarium in the world with 5,000,000 US gallons of water
Chicago Lakefront
Your tour guide will share insights and fun facts as you glide on this fun Chicago Segway ride. There will be plenty of opportunities for photos with the picturesque skyline as your back drop
Absolutely Chicago Segway Tours
There is nothing like seeing the city on a Chicago Segway tour. With our exceptional guides, you will get an amazing overview of the Windy City's sights and sounds. You get up close to all of the attractions and cover a whopping 7/8 miles round trip. Segways are intuitive and easy to ride; if you can stand you can ride! You only glide with a maximum of 8 people per tour guide, so you are guaranteed to have personalized and fun adventure in the Second City that is second to none. Guests are asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to the tour's scheduled departure time to check in and fill out waivers. All guests will be fitted with helmets. The tour begins at the departure time with a training video and comprehensive one-on-one training with the tour guide. Training ensures that even the most nervous guest feels comfortable for the duration of the tour.
Buckingham Fountain
Stop by the beautiful Buckingham Fountain, a Chicago landmark in the center of Grant Park.
Soldier Field
See Soldier Field, home of the Chicago Bears
Field Museum
Glide past The Field Museum of Natural History, a natural history museum in Chicago and one of the largest such museums in the world
Shedd Aquarium
See Shedd Aquarium, at one time the largest indoor aquarium in the world with 5,000,000 US gallons of water
Chicago Lakefront
Your tour guide will share insights and fun facts as you glide on this fun Chicago Segway ride. There will be plenty of opportunities for photos with the picturesque skyline as your back drop
Absolutely Chicago Segway Tours
There is nothing like seeing the city on a Chicago Segway tour. With our exceptional guides, you will get an amazing overview of the Windy City's sights and sounds. You get up close to all of the attractions and cover a whopping 7/8 miles round trip. Segways are intuitive and easy to ride; if you can stand you can ride! You only glide with a maximum of 8 people per tour guide, so you are guaranteed to have personalized and fun adventure in the Second City that is second to none. Guests are asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to the tour's scheduled departure time to check in and fill out waivers. All guests will be fitted with helmets. The tour begins at the departure time with a training video and comprehensive one-on-one training with the tour guide. Training ensures that even the most nervous guest feels comfortable for the duration of the tour.
Buckingham Fountain
Stop by the beautiful Buckingham Fountain, a Chicago landmark in the center of Grant Park.
Soldier Field
See Soldier Field, home of the Chicago Bears
Field Museum
Glide past The Field Museum of Natural History, a natural history museum in Chicago and one of the largest such museums in the world
Shedd Aquarium
See Shedd Aquarium, at one time the largest indoor aquarium in the world with 5,000,000 US gallons of water
Chicago Lakefront
Your tour guide will share insights and fun facts as you glide on this fun Chicago Segway ride. There will be plenty of opportunities for photos with the picturesque skyline as your back drop
Absolutely Chicago Segway Tours
There is nothing like seeing the city on a Chicago Segway tour. With our exceptional guides, you will get an amazing overview of the Windy City's sights and sounds. You get up close to all of the attractions and cover a whopping 7/8 miles round trip. Segways are intuitive and easy to ride; if you can stand you can ride! You only glide with a maximum of 8 people per tour guide, so you are guaranteed to have personalized and fun adventure in the Second City that is second to none. Guests are asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to the tour's scheduled departure time to check in and fill out waivers. All guests will be fitted with helmets. The tour begins at the departure time with a training video and comprehensive one-on-one training with the tour guide. Training ensures that even the most nervous guest feels comfortable for the duration of the tour.
Buckingham Fountain
Stop by the beautiful Buckingham Fountain, a Chicago landmark in the center of Grant Park.
Soldier Field
See Soldier Field, home of the Chicago Bears
Field Museum
Glide past The Field Museum of Natural History, a natural history museum in Chicago and one of the largest such museums in the world
Shedd Aquarium
See Shedd Aquarium, at one time the largest indoor aquarium in the world with 5,000,000 US gallons of water
Chicago Lakefront
Your tour guide will share insights and fun facts as you glide on this fun Chicago Segway ride. There will be plenty of opportunities for photos with the picturesque skyline as your back drop
Absolutely Chicago Segway Tours
There is nothing like seeing the city on a Chicago Segway tour. With our exceptional guides, you will get an amazing overview of the Windy City's sights and sounds. You get up close to all of the attractions and cover a whopping 7/8 miles round trip. Segways are intuitive and easy to ride; if you can stand you can ride! You only glide with a maximum of 8 people per tour guide, so you are guaranteed to have personalized and fun adventure in the Second City that is second to none. Guests are asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to the tour's scheduled departure time to check in and fill out waivers. All guests will be fitted with helmets. The tour begins at the departure time with a training video and comprehensive one-on-one training with the tour guide. Training ensures that even the most nervous guest feels comfortable for the duration of the tour.
Buckingham Fountain
Stop by the beautiful Buckingham Fountain, a Chicago landmark in the center of Grant Park.
Soldier Field
See Soldier Field, home of the Chicago Bears
Field Museum
Glide past The Field Museum of Natural History, a natural history museum in Chicago and one of the largest such museums in the world
Shedd Aquarium
See Shedd Aquarium, at one time the largest indoor aquarium in the world with 5,000,000 US gallons of water
Chicago Lakefront
Your tour guide will share insights and fun facts as you glide on this fun Chicago Segway ride. There will be plenty of opportunities for photos with the picturesque skyline as your back drop
Абсолютно Чикаго Segway Tours
Нет ничего лучше, чем увидеть город во время тура по Чикаго на сегвее. С нашими исключительными гидами вы получите потрясающий обзор достопримечательностей и звуков Города ветров. Вы подходите близко ко всем достопримечательностям и преодолеваете колоссальные 7/8 миль туда и обратно. Сегвеи интуитивно понятны и просты в управлении; если вы можете стоять, вы можете ездить! Вы скользите только с максимум 8 людьми на одного гида, поэтому вам гарантировано индивидуальное и веселое приключение во Втором городе, которому нет равных. Гостей просят прибыть за 15 минут до запланированного времени отправления тура, чтобы зарегистрироваться и заполнить отказы. Все гости будут в касках. Тур начинается во время отъезда с обучающего видео и всестороннего индивидуального обучения с гидом. Обучение гарантирует, что даже самый нервный гость на протяжении всего тура будет чувствовать себя комфортно.
Букингемский фонтан
Остановитесь у красивого Букингемского фонтана, достопримечательности Чикаго в центре Грант-парка.
Солдатское поле
См. Soldier Field, дом Чикагских медведей.
Полевой музей
Пройдите мимо Полевого музея естественной истории, музея естественной истории в Чикаго и одного из крупнейших подобных музеев в мире.
Шедд Аквариум
См. Аквариум Шедда, когда-то самый большой крытый аквариум в мире с 5 000 000 галлонов воды США.
Чикаго Лейкфронт
Ваш гид поделится своими мыслями и забавными фактами, пока вы скользите по этой веселой поездке в Чикаго на сегвее. Будет много возможностей для фотографий на фоне живописного горизонта.
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Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (181)
Rick H
Nov 2022
Had a great time zooming around Chicago...without the walking. Jeremy was a great knowledgeable guide, and there was a clear emphasis on safety. We were able to cover a lot of distance with everyone having done Segways before. The meet point is down the stairs on the corner of Monroe. A highly recommended experience...just don't forget your hat and gloves.
Sep 2022
Ian was great!! He was very informative and showed a great deal of patience with new riders with his instruction strategies.
Sep 2022
Great experience. Cari is phenomenal. This is a great way to see the sights in a limited amount of time.

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