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Круиз «Рождественский свет» с Юпитера

Посмотрите со своей семьей и друзьями на эти невероятные праздничные шедевры, которые охватывают невероятные дома вдоль залива Юпитера до Норт-Палм-Бич. Вкусные закуски и горячее какао будут поданы вместе с напитками для взрослых. Наши лодки оснащены мягкими сиденьями, ванной комнатой и несколькими динамиками, чтобы создать идеальную атмосферу отдыха для вас и вашей семьи.
Город: Уэст-Палм-Бич
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $75.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $75.00
Что включено
Snacks and Hot Cocoa
Snacks and Hot Cocoa
Snacks and Hot Cocoa
Snacks and Hot Cocoa
Топливо на остров и обратно
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Необходимо размещение с младенцами сидеть на коленях у взрослого.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируется в зонах с интенсивным движением.
  • Гид должен регулярно мыть руки.
Что ожидать
Join us on one of our catamaran cruisers for our winter wonderland Christmas lights cruise! We will be cruising along the intracoastal waterway through North Palm Beach up to Jupiter admiring all of the beautiful holiday decorations that light up the night. Watch in awe with your family and friends these unbelievable holiday masterpieces that cover the incredible homes of Palm Beach.
Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum
As we head south along the inlet, we will cruise passed the historic Jupiter lighthouse and Christmas light display. This will be a good photo opportunity.
North Palm Beach
Here you will experience many Christmas decorations lighting up the crisp cool night sky and reflecting off the water. You may even see a yacht or two decorated. From here we will turn back north heading back to Jupiter Island.
Join us on one of our catamaran cruisers for our winter wonderland Christmas lights cruise! We will be cruising along the intracoastal waterway through North Palm Beach up to Jupiter admiring all of the beautiful holiday decorations that light up the night. Watch in awe with your family and friends these unbelievable holiday masterpieces that cover the incredible homes of Palm Beach.
Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum
As we head south along the inlet, we will cruise passed the historic Jupiter lighthouse and Christmas light display. This will be a good photo opportunity.
North Palm Beach
Here you will experience many Christmas decorations lighting up the crisp cool night sky and reflecting off the water. You may even see a yacht or two decorated. From here we will turn back north heading back to Jupiter Island.
Join us on one of our catamaran cruisers for our winter wonderland Christmas lights cruise! We will be cruising along the intracoastal waterway through North Palm Beach up to Jupiter admiring all of the beautiful holiday decorations that light up the night. Watch in awe with your family and friends these unbelievable holiday masterpieces that cover the incredible homes of Palm Beach.
Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum
As we head south along the inlet, we will cruise passed the historic Jupiter lighthouse and Christmas light display. This will be a good photo opportunity.
North Palm Beach
Here you will experience many Christmas decorations lighting up the crisp cool night sky and reflecting off the water. You may even see a yacht or two decorated. From here we will turn back north heading back to Jupiter Island.
Join us on one of our catamaran cruisers for our winter wonderland Christmas lights cruise! We will be cruising along the intracoastal waterway through North Palm Beach up to Jupiter admiring all of the beautiful holiday decorations that light up the night. Watch in awe with your family and friends these unbelievable holiday masterpieces that cover the incredible homes of Palm Beach.
Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum
As we head south along the inlet, we will cruise passed the historic Jupiter lighthouse and Christmas light display. This will be a good photo opportunity.
North Palm Beach
Here you will experience many Christmas decorations lighting up the crisp cool night sky and reflecting off the water. You may even see a yacht or two decorated. From here we will turn back north heading back to Jupiter Island.
Присоединяйтесь к нам на одном из наших крейсерских катамаранов в нашем зимнем круизе по стране чудес с рождественскими огнями! Мы будем путешествовать вдоль прибрежного водного пути через Норт-Палм-Бич до Юпитера, любуясь всеми прекрасными праздничными украшениями, которые освещают ночь. С трепетом смотрите вместе с семьей и друзьями на эти невероятные праздничные шедевры, украшающие невероятные дома Палм-Бич.
Маяк и музей залива Юпитер
Направляясь на юг вдоль залива, мы проплывем мимо исторического маяка Юпитера и рождественского светового шоу. Это будет хорошая возможность для фото.
Здесь вы увидите множество рождественских украшений, освещающих свежее прохладное ночное небо и отражающихся в воде. Вы даже можете увидеть одну или две украшенные яхты. Отсюда мы повернем на север и вернемся к острову Юпитера.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (5)
Dec 2022
Overall, yes I would recommend this cruise to a friend but some improvements are needed in terms of organization to make it more enjoyable. First of all, the cruise was cancelled about an hour before it was supposed to start and we were told we could be rebooked onto a cruise the next day from Riviera Beach instead. I understand they want to keep us safe but we were literally about to leave and now we have to go much further. We get there 30 mins ahead of time and follow the signs for the Peanut Island shuttle like it says in the email only to find no boat and no people - it was honestly sketchy. After waiting there for a while and calling the help phone number in the email multiple times and getting sent to voicemail, we decided to walk all the way to the opposite side of the dock just in case and found it coming in from the previous cruise. A few other people went through this same confusion. Once we did get on the boat, Mary the bartender was amazing - best part of the experience! She was very friendly and helpful, knowledgeable of the area too! The wine selection was great, she even cut up fresh fruit for us at the end. Wish the captain gave some narration of the houses and the area during the tour though, it was kind of a look at your own discretion situation. But it was a smooth ride with beautiful views of nicely decorated houses so I appreciate that.
Dec 2022
Lovely staff, fun, attentive and on time. Our group's annual holiday experience was wonderful! Thank you Lily and Captain Mike!
Dec 2022
The driver did not provide any information about the area or the location of homes. It was boring and cheap snacks. Overpriced!

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