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Гастрономический тур на трамвае Цинциннати с рынком Финдли

Послеобеденный тур на трамвае в Цинциннати — это кулинарное приключение, включающее обед в местных ресторанах в центре города, поездку в исторический район За Рейном и завершающийся туром по рынку Финдли и вкусным десертом! Еда, представленная в этом туре, разнообразна и обильна. Обещаем, вы не останетесь голодными! Во время тура по трамваю в Цинциннати мы исследуем город, используя трамвай, прогуливаясь по 3 различным районам, если позволяет погода. , веганские или безлактозные ограничения). Примечание: 1/2–1 миля ходьбы за 3 часа.
Наши дружелюбные местные гиды познакомят вас с историей, интересными историями и забавными фактами. Наши гиды являются сертифицированными послами туризма, которые знают этот город вдоль и поперек. Узнайте о немецких иммигрантах, чья любовь к пиву повлияла на наш город на протяжении 200 лет.

Город: Цинциннати
Thu 24 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $79.00
Thu 24 Oct
Начинается с $79.00
Что включено
Some dishes may include pork. If you don't eat pork, notify us for the vegetarian option
Local, friendly, certified guide
One alcohol tasting (additional alcohol available for purchase)
Food tasting at 6 local restaurants/eateries
All guests must check-in 15 minutes prior to the start of the tour.
We regret we cannot accommodate guests who require special dietary dishes due to food allergies
Some dishes may include pork. If you don't eat pork, notify us for the vegetarian option
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Рядом есть остановки общественного транспорта
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников со слабым сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки.
  • В этом туре могут подаваться блюда из говядины и свинины. Вегетарианские блюда доступны по предварительному запросу. Позвоните в Riverside Food Tours по телефону 513-289-0035.
  • Детям 0–5 лет билет не нужен, но мы должны быть уведомлены после бронирования, позвонив по номеру телефона, указанному в ваучере.
  • В дополнение к трамваю требуется умеренное количество пеших прогулок (1 миля).
  • Работает при любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом.
  • Принесите бутылку с водой для питья и зонтик, если необходимо
  • Этот тур доступен для инвалидных колясок, но может потребоваться помощник или член семьи, чтобы помочь с расстоянием между остановками.
  • Мы не можем принять орехи, пищевую аллергию, низкую углеводы, диабет, безглютеновые, веганские или безлактозные ограничения.
Что ожидать
Great American Ball Park
We pass by the Home of the Cincinnati Reds Baseball Team, Great American Ballpark.
Carew Tower
On our downtown city tour, we may visit Hathaway's Diner, the oldest diner in Cincinnati, located in the 49 story high Carew Tower.
Aronoff Center for the Arts
The Aronoff Center for the Arts is the anchor for a number of restaurants in downtown Cincinnati.
Over the Rhine is a 360 acre historic German neighborhood just a few blocks north of downtown Cincinnati. It is filled with beautiful Italianate architecture and home to Music Hall and Washington Park.
Washington Park
Washington Park is an eight acre oasis filled with fountains, stately trees, a bandstand, dog park, playground, refreshment area and sports lawn.
Cincinnati Music Hall
Cincinnati Music Hall, built in 1878 is home to Cincinnati symphony, ballet, opera and Pops Orchestra. This beautiful Victorian Gothic Castle like structure is a Cincinnati icon.
Findlay Market
Findlay Market, built in 1851 is Cincinnati's last standing market. It was named one of the best 10 Markets in the Country by Newsweek magazine. It is patterned after a German Market and meant to serve the immigrants north of the city limits. It has been beautifully maintained and home to a large number of vendors.
Great American Ball Park
We pass by the Home of the Cincinnati Reds Baseball Team, Great American Ballpark.
Carew Tower
On our downtown city tour, we may visit Hathaway's Diner, the oldest diner in Cincinnati, located in the 49 story high Carew Tower.
Aronoff Center for the Arts
The Aronoff Center for the Arts is the anchor for a number of restaurants in downtown Cincinnati.
Over the Rhine is a 360 acre historic German neighborhood just a few blocks north of downtown Cincinnati. It is filled with beautiful Italianate architecture and home to Music Hall and Washington Park.
Washington Park
Washington Park is an eight acre oasis filled with fountains, stately trees, a bandstand, dog park, playground, refreshment area and sports lawn.
Cincinnati Music Hall
Cincinnati Music Hall, built in 1878 is home to Cincinnati symphony, ballet, opera and Pops Orchestra. This beautiful Victorian Gothic Castle like structure is a Cincinnati icon.
Findlay Market
Findlay Market, built in 1851 is Cincinnati's last standing market. It was named one of the best 10 Markets in the Country by Newsweek magazine. It is patterned after a German Market and meant to serve the immigrants north of the city limits. It has been beautifully maintained and home to a large number of vendors.
Great American Ball Park
We pass by the Home of the Cincinnati Reds Baseball Team, Great American Ballpark.
Carew Tower
On our downtown city tour, we may visit Hathaway's Diner, the oldest diner in Cincinnati, located in the 49 story high Carew Tower.
Aronoff Center for the Arts
The Aronoff Center for the Arts is the anchor for a number of restaurants in downtown Cincinnati.
Over the Rhine is a 360 acre historic German neighborhood just a few blocks north of downtown Cincinnati. It is filled with beautiful Italianate architecture and home to Music Hall and Washington Park.
Washington Park
Washington Park is an eight acre oasis filled with fountains, stately trees, a bandstand, dog park, playground, refreshment area and sports lawn.
Cincinnati Music Hall
Cincinnati Music Hall, built in 1878 is home to Cincinnati symphony, ballet, opera and Pops Orchestra. This beautiful Victorian Gothic Castle like structure is a Cincinnati icon.
Findlay Market
Findlay Market, built in 1851 is Cincinnati's last standing market. It was named one of the best 10 Markets in the Country by Newsweek magazine. It is patterned after a German Market and meant to serve the immigrants north of the city limits. It has been beautifully maintained and home to a large number of vendors.
Great American Ball Park
We pass by the Home of the Cincinnati Reds Baseball Team, Great American Ballpark.
Carew Tower
On our downtown city tour, we may visit Hathaway's Diner, the oldest diner in Cincinnati, located in the 49 story high Carew Tower.
Aronoff Center for the Arts
The Aronoff Center for the Arts is the anchor for a number of restaurants in downtown Cincinnati.
Over the Rhine is a 360 acre historic German neighborhood just a few blocks north of downtown Cincinnati. It is filled with beautiful Italianate architecture and home to Music Hall and Washington Park.
Washington Park
Washington Park is an eight acre oasis filled with fountains, stately trees, a bandstand, dog park, playground, refreshment area and sports lawn.
Cincinnati Music Hall
Cincinnati Music Hall, built in 1878 is home to Cincinnati symphony, ballet, opera and Pops Orchestra. This beautiful Victorian Gothic Castle like structure is a Cincinnati icon.
Findlay Market
Findlay Market, built in 1851 is Cincinnati's last standing market. It was named one of the best 10 Markets in the Country by Newsweek magazine. It is patterned after a German Market and meant to serve the immigrants north of the city limits. It has been beautifully maintained and home to a large number of vendors.
Great American Ball Park
We pass by the Home of the Cincinnati Reds Baseball Team, Great American Ballpark.
Carew Tower
On our downtown city tour, we may visit Hathaway's Diner, the oldest diner in Cincinnati, located in the 49 story high Carew Tower.
Aronoff Center for the Arts
The Aronoff Center for the Arts is the anchor for a number of restaurants in downtown Cincinnati.
Over the Rhine is a 360 acre historic German neighborhood just a few blocks north of downtown Cincinnati. It is filled with beautiful Italianate architecture and home to Music Hall and Washington Park.
Washington Park
Washington Park is an eight acre oasis filled with fountains, stately trees, a bandstand, dog park, playground, refreshment area and sports lawn.
Cincinnati Music Hall
Cincinnati Music Hall, built in 1878 is home to Cincinnati symphony, ballet, opera and Pops Orchestra. This beautiful Victorian Gothic Castle like structure is a Cincinnati icon.
Findlay Market
Findlay Market, built in 1851 is Cincinnati's last standing market. It was named one of the best 10 Markets in the Country by Newsweek magazine. It is patterned after a German Market and meant to serve the immigrants north of the city limits. It has been beautifully maintained and home to a large number of vendors.
Great American Ball Park
We pass by the Home of the Cincinnati Reds Baseball Team, Great American Ballpark.
Carew Tower
On our downtown city tour, we may visit Hathaway's Diner, the oldest diner in Cincinnati, located in the 49 story high Carew Tower.
Aronoff Center for the Arts
The Aronoff Center for the Arts is the anchor for a number of restaurants in downtown Cincinnati.
Over the Rhine is a 360 acre historic German neighborhood just a few blocks north of downtown Cincinnati. It is filled with beautiful Italianate architecture and home to Music Hall and Washington Park.
Washington Park
Washington Park is an eight acre oasis filled with fountains, stately trees, a bandstand, dog park, playground, refreshment area and sports lawn.
Cincinnati Music Hall
Cincinnati Music Hall, built in 1878 is home to Cincinnati symphony, ballet, opera and Pops Orchestra. This beautiful Victorian Gothic Castle like structure is a Cincinnati icon.
Findlay Market
Findlay Market, built in 1851 is Cincinnati's last standing market. It was named one of the best 10 Markets in the Country by Newsweek magazine. It is patterned after a German Market and meant to serve the immigrants north of the city limits. It has been beautifully maintained and home to a large number of vendors.
Great American Ball Park
We pass by the Home of the Cincinnati Reds Baseball Team, Great American Ballpark.
Carew Tower
On our downtown city tour, we may visit Hathaway's Diner, the oldest diner in Cincinnati, located in the 49 story high Carew Tower.
Aronoff Center for the Arts
The Aronoff Center for the Arts is the anchor for a number of restaurants in downtown Cincinnati.
Over the Rhine is a 360 acre historic German neighborhood just a few blocks north of downtown Cincinnati. It is filled with beautiful Italianate architecture and home to Music Hall and Washington Park.
Washington Park
Washington Park is an eight acre oasis filled with fountains, stately trees, a bandstand, dog park, playground, refreshment area and sports lawn.
Cincinnati Music Hall
Cincinnati Music Hall, built in 1878 is home to Cincinnati symphony, ballet, opera and Pops Orchestra. This beautiful Victorian Gothic Castle like structure is a Cincinnati icon.
Findlay Market
Findlay Market, built in 1851 is Cincinnati's last standing market. It was named one of the best 10 Markets in the Country by Newsweek magazine. It is patterned after a German Market and meant to serve the immigrants north of the city limits. It has been beautifully maintained and home to a large number of vendors.
Большой американский бейсбольный парк
Мы проходим мимо дома бейсбольной команды Цинциннати Редс, Большого американского бейсбольного стадиона.
Кэрью Тауэр
Во время нашей экскурсии по центру города мы можем посетить закусочную Hathaway's Diner, самую старую закусочную в Цинциннати, расположенную в 49-этажной башне Carew Tower.
Центр искусств Аронофф
Центр искусств Ароноффа является якорем для ряда ресторанов в центре Цинциннати.
За Рейном
За Рейном находится исторический немецкий район площадью 360 акров всего в нескольких кварталах к северу от центра Цинциннати. Он наполнен красивой итальянской архитектурой и является домом для Мюзик-холла и Вашингтонского парка.
Вашингтон Парк
Вашингтон-парк — это оазис площадью восемь акров, наполненный фонтанами, величественными деревьями, эстрадой, парком для собак, детской площадкой, зоной отдыха и спортивным газоном.
Мюзик-холл Цинциннати
Мюзик-холл Цинциннати, построенный в 1878 году, является домом для симфонического, балетного, оперного и поп-оркестра Цинциннати. Этот красивый викторианский готический замок, напоминающий постройку, является иконой Цинциннати.
Рынок Финдли
Рынок Финдли, построенный в 1851 году, является последним действующим рынком Цинциннати. Журнал Newsweek назвал его одним из 10 лучших рынков страны. Он создан по образцу немецкого рынка и предназначен для обслуживания иммигрантов к северу от городской черты. Он был в прекрасном состоянии и является домом для большого количества продавцов.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (375)
May 2021
Amazing food, amazing host and amazing city!! This food tour was so much more than I expected. Our host was super friendly and so knowledgable about the history of the beautiful Queen City! Very highly recommend. Glad we took the tour beginning of our tip, gave us so many more ideas of what to see, do and where to eat!!! This is a must do!!!
May 2021
What a great and interesting tour this was for our HR team. Our wonderful guide Laura gave us some interesting history facts regarding Cincy. The food was out of my confront zone but was quite good since I am mostly a meat and potato girl. In the future I hope to do another food tour that they offer.
Ответ от хоста
May 2021
Thanks Starla for sharing. I enjoyed hosting your team outing. Food Tours are always a big hit with employees because it's fun seeing the city and trying new restaurants. I'm glad you enjoyed the food too! I look forward to seeing you again sometime.
May 2021
This was the best $60 bucks I’ve spent! I learned so much about the city and my tour guide Jackie was so knowledgeable. Not to mention all of the food eaten was fantastic!! I would highly recommend if you’re thinking about it!
Ответ от хоста
May 2021
Thank you for sharing on the afternoon Cincinnati Streetcar tour. We think it's a great value too. Cincinnati has so much to see and it's fun to try so many of the local restaurants along the way. Thanks for your high recommendation.

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