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Кольцевая линия: NYC Liberty Cruise

У вас мало времени в Нью-Йорке? Получите максимум от этого 60-минутного круиза по гавани, который даст вам великолепный вид на один из самых узнаваемых горизонтов в мире. Сделайте памятные снимки Мидтауна и Нижнего Манхэттена и проплывите в пределах 100 футов от Статуи Свободы. Узнайте забавные факты о культовой богине с зеленым оттенком, поскольку информативный путеводитель оживляет достопримечательности города и увлекательную историю.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Mon 10 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $25.00
Mon 10 Mar
Начинается с $25.00
Что включено
1-hour sightseeing cruise
Free Wi-Fi on board
Live narration by Circle Line’s guides (in English)
1-hour sightseeing cruise
Free Wi-Fi on board
Live narration by Circle Line’s guides (in English)
1-hour sightseeing cruise
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Возможности транспортировки доступны для инвалидных колясок.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Для детей/младенцы в возрасте до 3 лет, пожалуйста, спросите в кассе младенческий билет; это бесплатно.
  • Пожалуйста, прибудьте на посадку как минимум за 30 минут до вылета.
  • Еду и напитки НЕ разрешается проносить на борт
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярная дезинфекция зон с интенсивным движением
  • Регулярная дезинфекция транспортных средств
  • Гид должен регулярно мыть руки
  • Платные правила пребывания дома для персонала с симптомами
  • Все гости больше не обязаны предъявлять доказательство вакцинации или одежду маски в любых местах лодки.
Что ожидать
Manhattan Skyline
See the Manhattan Skyline
Empire State Building
Get a view of the iconic Empire State Building within the Manhattan Skyline
Hudson Yards
Hudson Yards is New York’s newest neighborhood and home to more than 100 diverse shops, culinary experiences and attractions The Edge and The Vessel.
The Vessel
The extraordinary centerpiece of Hudson Yards is its spiral staircase, a soaring new landmark. This interactive artwork was imagined by Thomas Heatherwick and Heatherwick Studio as a focal point where people can enjoy new perspectives of the city and one another from different heights, angles and vantage points.
Jacob Javits Convention Center
Pass by the Jacob Javits Convention Center
Little Island
Little Island at Pier 55 is an artificial island park in the Hudson River designed by Heatherwick Studio. Little Island covers 2.4 acres and is supported by 132 pot-shaped structures (called "tulips") suspended above the water, which in turn stand on 280 concrete pilings extending into the riverbed.
One World Trade Center
One World Trade Center is the main building of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan.
Statue of Liberty
See the Statue of Liberty
New York Harbor
See the New York Harbor
Ellis Island
Pass by the Ellis Island
Governors Island
Governors Island is a 172-acre island in New York Harbor, within the New York City borough of Manhattan. It is located approximately 800 yards south of Manhattan Island, and is separated from Brooklyn to the east by the 400-yard-wide Buttermilk Channel.
Manhattan Skyline
See the Manhattan Skyline
Empire State Building
Get a view of the iconic Empire State Building within the Manhattan Skyline
Hudson Yards
Hudson Yards is New York’s newest neighborhood and home to more than 100 diverse shops, culinary experiences and attractions The Edge and The Vessel.
The Vessel
The extraordinary centerpiece of Hudson Yards is its spiral staircase, a soaring new landmark. This interactive artwork was imagined by Thomas Heatherwick and Heatherwick Studio as a focal point where people can enjoy new perspectives of the city and one another from different heights, angles and vantage points.
Jacob Javits Convention Center
Pass by the Jacob Javits Convention Center
Little Island
Little Island at Pier 55 is an artificial island park in the Hudson River designed by Heatherwick Studio. Little Island covers 2.4 acres and is supported by 132 pot-shaped structures (called "tulips") suspended above the water, which in turn stand on 280 concrete pilings extending into the riverbed.
One World Trade Center
One World Trade Center is the main building of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan.
Statue of Liberty
See the Statue of Liberty
New York Harbor
See the New York Harbor
Ellis Island
Pass by the Ellis Island
Governors Island
Governors Island is a 172-acre island in New York Harbor, within the New York City borough of Manhattan. It is located approximately 800 yards south of Manhattan Island, and is separated from Brooklyn to the east by the 400-yard-wide Buttermilk Channel.
Manhattan Skyline
See the Manhattan Skyline
Empire State Building
Get a view of the iconic Empire State Building within the Manhattan Skyline
Hudson Yards
Hudson Yards is New York’s newest neighborhood and home to more than 100 diverse shops, culinary experiences and attractions The Edge and The Vessel.
The Vessel
The extraordinary centerpiece of Hudson Yards is its spiral staircase, a soaring new landmark. This interactive artwork was imagined by Thomas Heatherwick and Heatherwick Studio as a focal point where people can enjoy new perspectives of the city and one another from different heights, angles and vantage points.
Jacob Javits Convention Center
Pass by the Jacob Javits Convention Center
Little Island
Little Island at Pier 55 is an artificial island park in the Hudson River designed by Heatherwick Studio. Little Island covers 2.4 acres and is supported by 132 pot-shaped structures (called "tulips") suspended above the water, which in turn stand on 280 concrete pilings extending into the riverbed.
One World Trade Center
One World Trade Center is the main building of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan.
Statue of Liberty
See the Statue of Liberty
New York Harbor
See the New York Harbor
Ellis Island
Pass by the Ellis Island
Governors Island
Governors Island is a 172-acre island in New York Harbor, within the New York City borough of Manhattan. It is located approximately 800 yards south of Manhattan Island, and is separated from Brooklyn to the east by the 400-yard-wide Buttermilk Channel.
Manhattan Skyline
See the Manhattan Skyline
Empire State Building
Get a view of the iconic Empire State Building within the Manhattan Skyline
Hudson Yards
Hudson Yards is New York’s newest neighborhood and home to more than 100 diverse shops, culinary experiences and attractions The Edge and The Vessel.
The Vessel
The extraordinary centerpiece of Hudson Yards is its spiral staircase, a soaring new landmark. This interactive artwork was imagined by Thomas Heatherwick and Heatherwick Studio as a focal point where people can enjoy new perspectives of the city and one another from different heights, angles and vantage points.
Jacob Javits Convention Center
Pass by the Jacob Javits Convention Center
Little Island
Little Island at Pier 55 is an artificial island park in the Hudson River designed by Heatherwick Studio. Little Island covers 2.4 acres and is supported by 132 pot-shaped structures (called "tulips") suspended above the water, which in turn stand on 280 concrete pilings extending into the riverbed.
One World Trade Center
One World Trade Center is the main building of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan.
Statue of Liberty
See the Statue of Liberty
New York Harbor
See the New York Harbor
Ellis Island
Pass by the Ellis Island
Governors Island
Governors Island is a 172-acre island in New York Harbor, within the New York City borough of Manhattan. It is located approximately 800 yards south of Manhattan Island, and is separated from Brooklyn to the east by the 400-yard-wide Buttermilk Channel.
Manhattan Skyline
See the Manhattan Skyline
Empire State Building
Get a view of the iconic Empire State Building within the Manhattan Skyline
Hudson Yards
Hudson Yards is New York’s newest neighborhood and home to more than 100 diverse shops, culinary experiences and attractions The Edge and The Vessel.
The Vessel
The extraordinary centerpiece of Hudson Yards is its spiral staircase, a soaring new landmark. This interactive artwork was imagined by Thomas Heatherwick and Heatherwick Studio as a focal point where people can enjoy new perspectives of the city and one another from different heights, angles and vantage points.
Jacob Javits Convention Center
Pass by the Jacob Javits Convention Center
Little Island
Little Island at Pier 55 is an artificial island park in the Hudson River designed by Heatherwick Studio. Little Island covers 2.4 acres and is supported by 132 pot-shaped structures (called "tulips") suspended above the water, which in turn stand on 280 concrete pilings extending into the riverbed.
One World Trade Center
One World Trade Center is the main building of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan.
Statue of Liberty
See the Statue of Liberty
New York Harbor
See the New York Harbor
Ellis Island
Pass by the Ellis Island
Governors Island
Governors Island is a 172-acre island in New York Harbor, within the New York City borough of Manhattan. It is located approximately 800 yards south of Manhattan Island, and is separated from Brooklyn to the east by the 400-yard-wide Buttermilk Channel.
Горизонт Манхэттена
Увидеть панораму Манхэттена
Эмпайр Стейт Билдинг
Получите представление о культовом Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг на горизонте Манхэттена.
Хадсон Ярдс
Хадсон-Ярдс — это новейший район Нью-Йорка, в котором находится более 100 разнообразных магазинов, кулинарных заведений и достопримечательностей The Edge и The Vessel.
Необыкновенным центральным элементом Hudson Yards является его винтовая лестница, новая парящая достопримечательность. Это интерактивное произведение искусства было задумано Томасом Хезервиком и Heatherwick Studio как центр, где люди могут наслаждаться новыми перспективами города и друг друга с разных высот, углов и точек обзора.
Конференц-центр Джейкоба Джавитса
Пройдите мимо конференц-центра Jacob Javits
Маленький остров
Маленький остров на пирсе 55 — это искусственный островной парк на реке Гудзон, спроектированный студией Heatherwick. Маленький остров занимает 2,4 акра и поддерживается 132 конструкциями в форме горшков (называемых «тюльпанами»), подвешенными над водой, которые, в свою очередь, стоят на 280 бетонных сваях, уходящих в русло реки.
Один Всемирный торговый центр
One World Trade Center) — главное здание перестроенного комплекса Всемирного торгового центра в Нижнем Манхэттене.
Статуя Свободы
Увидеть Статую Свободы
Нью-Йоркская гавань
Увидеть нью-йоркскую гавань
остров Эллис
Пройти мимо острова Эллис
Губернаторский остров
Губернаторский остров — это остров площадью 172 акра в гавани Нью-Йорка, в районе Нью-Йорка на Манхэттене. Он расположен примерно в 800 ярдах к югу от острова Манхэттен и отделен от Бруклина на востоке проливом Пахта шириной 400 ярдов.
Показать 63 больше остановок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (465)
Dec 2022
Really good boat trip out to see SOL. The tour guide (I can’t remember his name..sorry) was really nice and informative! Great views along the way and a great view of the statue as well :)
Ifteqar S
Nov 2022
We missed the original boat ride due to Macys parade. They accomodated with the next one which cost a little extra but it was worth.
Nov 2022
Damien was fantastic! Very knowledgeable and with just the right amount of commentary! Perfect photos of the Statue of Liberty as well! Highly recommend!

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