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Форт-Пирс: Экскурсии на каяках

Мы зарегистрируем вас сразу, как только вы приедете, чтобы провести как можно больше времени на воде! После того, как вы все зарегистрируетесь, мы дадим некоторые основные инструкции по гребле и информацию о безопасности предстоящего тура. Мы загрузим вас в чистый каяк и вперед! Весло продлится от 2 до 2,5 часов, в зависимости от скорости и размера нашей группы. Вскоре мы найдем путь в мангровые туннели. По пути мы будем искать местных морских обитателей, а также поделимся с нашими гостями уникальными фактами об окрестностях. Либо до, либо после тура, ознакомьтесь с остальными удобствами, которые может предложить Государственный парк !!!
Город: Флорида
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $60.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $60.00
Что включено
Use of kayak with life jackets, paddles, whistles.
All guests will be placed in a tandem/double seated kayak unless you have an odd number of guests in your party. Then the solo guest will be set up in a single seated kayak.
Use of kayak with life jackets, paddles, whistles.
All guests will be placed in a tandem/double seated kayak unless you have an odd number of guests in your party. Then the solo guest will be set up in a single seated kayak.
Туалет на борту
Все сборы и налоги
3 аттракциона для верховой езды в районе Лексингтона - места, выбранные по наилучшей доступности и активности
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Возможности транспортировки доступны для инвалидных колясок.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется. для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Каякеры не могут превышать 250 фунтов на человека и 425 фунтов на каяк (для 2 человек) .
Что ожидать
Fort Pierce
Our guide will lead you through the winding mangrove tunnels and mazes near the Fort Pierce Inlet State Park. This will come with many great photo and video opportunities!
Fort Pierce
We'll get you checked in right when you arrive to allow for the most possible time on the water! Once you're all checked in, we'll give some basic paddle instructions and safety information about the tour ahead. We'll get you loaded up into your clear kayak and off we go! The paddle will last about 2 to 2.5 hours, depending on the speed of our group and any wildlife we may see along the way. We could encounter, turtles, dolphins, manatees, various fish and all types of birds along our way to the mangrove tunnels. We will be sure to take plenty of pictures and give some awesome unique facts about the area on our several picturesque stopping points! We'll shortly find our way into mangrove tunnels, which will keep us shaded and ease the paddle effort. Along the way we will search for local marine life and also give our guests some unique facts about the surrounding area, plant life, and wildlife we encounter. There will even be a couple chances for us to get out and enjoy the refreshing water and search for marine life! Get ready for a great time and enjoyable paddling!
Fort Pierce
Our guide will lead you through the winding mangrove tunnels and mazes near the Fort Pierce Inlet State Park. This will come with many great photo and video opportunities!
Fort Pierce
We'll get you checked in right when you arrive to allow for the most possible time on the water! Once you're all checked in, we'll give some basic paddle instructions and safety information about the tour ahead. We'll get you loaded up into your clear kayak and off we go! The paddle will last about 2 to 2.5 hours, depending on the speed of our group and any wildlife we may see along the way. We could encounter, turtles, dolphins, manatees, various fish and all types of birds along our way to the mangrove tunnels. We will be sure to take plenty of pictures and give some awesome unique facts about the area on our several picturesque stopping points! We'll shortly find our way into mangrove tunnels, which will keep us shaded and ease the paddle effort. Along the way we will search for local marine life and also give our guests some unique facts about the surrounding area, plant life, and wildlife we encounter. There will even be a couple chances for us to get out and enjoy the refreshing water and search for marine life! Get ready for a great time and enjoyable paddling!
Fort Pierce
Our guide will lead you through the winding mangrove tunnels and mazes near the Fort Pierce Inlet State Park. This will come with many great photo and video opportunities!
Fort Pierce
We'll get you checked in right when you arrive to allow for the most possible time on the water! Once you're all checked in, we'll give some basic paddle instructions and safety information about the tour ahead. We'll get you loaded up into your clear kayak and off we go! The paddle will last about 2 to 2.5 hours, depending on the speed of our group and any wildlife we may see along the way. We could encounter, turtles, dolphins, manatees, various fish and all types of birds along our way to the mangrove tunnels. We will be sure to take plenty of pictures and give some awesome unique facts about the area on our several picturesque stopping points! We'll shortly find our way into mangrove tunnels, which will keep us shaded and ease the paddle effort. Along the way we will search for local marine life and also give our guests some unique facts about the surrounding area, plant life, and wildlife we encounter. There will even be a couple chances for us to get out and enjoy the refreshing water and search for marine life! Get ready for a great time and enjoyable paddling!
Fort Pierce
Our guide will lead you through the winding mangrove tunnels and mazes near the Fort Pierce Inlet State Park. This will come with many great photo and video opportunities!
Fort Pierce
We'll get you checked in right when you arrive to allow for the most possible time on the water! Once you're all checked in, we'll give some basic paddle instructions and safety information about the tour ahead. We'll get you loaded up into your clear kayak and off we go! The paddle will last about 2 to 2.5 hours, depending on the speed of our group and any wildlife we may see along the way. We could encounter, turtles, dolphins, manatees, various fish and all types of birds along our way to the mangrove tunnels. We will be sure to take plenty of pictures and give some awesome unique facts about the area on our several picturesque stopping points! We'll shortly find our way into mangrove tunnels, which will keep us shaded and ease the paddle effort. Along the way we will search for local marine life and also give our guests some unique facts about the surrounding area, plant life, and wildlife we encounter. There will even be a couple chances for us to get out and enjoy the refreshing water and search for marine life! Get ready for a great time and enjoyable paddling!
Fort Pierce
Our guide will lead you through the winding mangrove tunnels and mazes near the Fort Pierce Inlet State Park. This will come with many great photo and video opportunities!
Fort Pierce
We'll get you checked in right when you arrive to allow for the most possible time on the water! Once you're all checked in, we'll give some basic paddle instructions and safety information about the tour ahead. We'll get you loaded up into your clear kayak and off we go! The paddle will last about 2 to 2.5 hours, depending on the speed of our group and any wildlife we may see along the way. We could encounter, turtles, dolphins, manatees, various fish and all types of birds along our way to the mangrove tunnels. We will be sure to take plenty of pictures and give some awesome unique facts about the area on our several picturesque stopping points! We'll shortly find our way into mangrove tunnels, which will keep us shaded and ease the paddle effort. Along the way we will search for local marine life and also give our guests some unique facts about the surrounding area, plant life, and wildlife we encounter. There will even be a couple chances for us to get out and enjoy the refreshing water and search for marine life! Get ready for a great time and enjoyable paddling!
Форт Пирс
Наш гид проведет вас через извилистые мангровые туннели и лабиринты возле государственного парка Форт-Пирс-Инлет. Это принесет много отличных возможностей для фото и видео!
Форт Пирс
Мы зарегистрируем вас сразу, как только вы приедете, чтобы провести как можно больше времени на воде! После того, как вы все зарегистрируетесь, мы дадим некоторые основные инструкции по гребле и информацию о безопасности предстоящего тура. Мы загрузим вас в чистый каяк и вперед! Весло продлится от 2 до 2,5 часов, в зависимости от скорости нашей группы и любых диких животных, которых мы можем встретить по пути. Мы могли столкнуться с черепахами, дельфинами, ламантинами, различными рыбами и всеми видами птиц на нашем пути к туннелям мангровых зарослей. Мы обязательно сделаем много фотографий и расскажем несколько потрясающих уникальных фактов об этом районе на нескольких наших живописных остановках! Вскоре мы найдем путь в туннели мангровых зарослей, которые будут держать нас в тени и облегчат весло. По пути мы будем искать местную морскую жизнь, а также поделимся с нашими гостями некоторыми уникальными фактами об окрестностях, растительной жизни и дикой природе, с которой мы сталкиваемся. У нас даже будет пара шансов выйти и насладиться освежающей водой и поискать морских обитателей! Приготовьтесь к отличному времяпрепровождению и приятной гребле!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (167)
Anne T
Dec 2022
Our guide Mark was extremely patient, kind and informative. We were a multigenerational group and he made it manageable and fun for everyone. We would highly recommend this tour for anyone who enjoys nature and wants to experience and learn about the mangrove forest up close.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thank you Anne for the great review and shoutout to Mark, your tour guide. Mark is an great guide and he truly enjoys showing our guests a part of Florida most never experience. We appreciate you making us part of your time away and we'd love to have you visit us again. Stay Safe out there.
Dec 2022
Todd was an excellent guide, very knowledgeable and friendly. Would highly recommend this tour to others. We had a blast.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thanks Greg for the great 5-Bubble review of your tour with Todd. He is a great guide and 100% enjoys providing our guests the best experience possible. We look forward to you joining us again. Stay Healthy out there.
Dec 2022
Had a great afternoon on the water with our guide who was very knowledgeable about the area, water fowl, etc. He gave us the opportunity to ask questions and explore at our own pace.

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