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Встречи в Клируотере с туром по дельфинам

Основанный в 1999 году, Encounters With Dolphins безопасно предоставляет гостям возможность увидеть дельфинов, узнать о Клируотере, насладиться песком и солнцем на острове Компас и, возможно, даже искупаться на острове! Мы являемся ветераном, владеющим и управляемым малым бизнесом, основанным на том, чтобы наши гости получили те же впечатления, которые мы хотели бы получить в отпуске! Все мы работаем не покладая рук, чтобы все наши клиенты приятно и беззаботно проводили время с нами!
Город: Чистая вода
Wed 05 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $32.93
Wed 05 Mar
Начинается с $32.93
Что включено
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Дополнительная информация
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть общественный транспорт
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и сотрудников
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Дезинфекция снаряжения/оборудования между использованием
  • Оплата пребывания дома политика в отношении персонала с симптомами
  • Ограниченная вместимость.
Что ожидать
Clearwater Beach
Come join us on a fun filled, narrated sightseeing tour of Clearwater’s harbor. Enjoy a relaxing ride while you learn about our abundant wildlife, and view the area’s dolphins in their natural environment. Every trip stops at Compass Island where you can collect shells, swim, snorkel and the kids can even hunt for treasure! Excursions depart from the Clearwater Beach Marina multiple times every day. Spend an hour and a half to an hour and forty five minutes with our highly trained crew in the Clearwater Harbor on board our brand new 40 foot Coast Guard inspected excursion boat. For twenty to thirty minutes during your trip, the boat will stop at Compass Island where you will have the opportunity to shell hunt through thousands of shells, swim, snorkel (gear is provided) and enjoy the island.
Clearwater Beach
Come join us on a fun filled, narrated sightseeing tour of Clearwater’s harbor. Enjoy a relaxing ride while you learn about our abundant wildlife, and view the area’s dolphins in their natural environment. Every trip stops at Compass Island where you can collect shells, swim, snorkel and the kids can even hunt for treasure! Excursions depart from the Clearwater Beach Marina multiple times every day. Spend an hour and a half to an hour and forty five minutes with our highly trained crew in the Clearwater Harbor on board our brand new 40 foot Coast Guard inspected excursion boat. For twenty to thirty minutes during your trip, the boat will stop at Compass Island where you will have the opportunity to shell hunt through thousands of shells, swim, snorkel (gear is provided) and enjoy the island.
Clearwater Beach
Come join us on a fun filled, narrated sightseeing tour of Clearwater’s harbor. Enjoy a relaxing ride while you learn about our abundant wildlife, and view the area’s dolphins in their natural environment. Every trip stops at Compass Island where you can collect shells, swim, snorkel and the kids can even hunt for treasure! Excursions depart from the Clearwater Beach Marina multiple times every day. Spend an hour and a half to an hour and forty five minutes with our highly trained crew in the Clearwater Harbor on board our brand new 40 foot Coast Guard inspected excursion boat. For twenty to thirty minutes during your trip, the boat will stop at Compass Island where you will have the opportunity to shell hunt through thousands of shells, swim, snorkel (gear is provided) and enjoy the island.
Clearwater Beach
Come join us on a fun filled, narrated sightseeing tour of Clearwater’s harbor. Enjoy a relaxing ride while you learn about our abundant wildlife, and view the area’s dolphins in their natural environment. Every trip stops at Compass Island where you can collect shells, swim, snorkel and the kids can even hunt for treasure! Excursions depart from the Clearwater Beach Marina multiple times every day. Spend an hour and a half to an hour and forty five minutes with our highly trained crew in the Clearwater Harbor on board our brand new 40 foot Coast Guard inspected excursion boat. For twenty to thirty minutes during your trip, the boat will stop at Compass Island where you will have the opportunity to shell hunt through thousands of shells, swim, snorkel (gear is provided) and enjoy the island.
Clearwater Beach
Come join us on a fun filled, narrated sightseeing tour of Clearwater’s harbor. Enjoy a relaxing ride while you learn about our abundant wildlife, and view the area’s dolphins in their natural environment. Every trip stops at Compass Island where you can collect shells, swim, snorkel and the kids can even hunt for treasure! Excursions depart from the Clearwater Beach Marina multiple times every day. Spend an hour and a half to an hour and forty five minutes with our highly trained crew in the Clearwater Harbor on board our brand new 40 foot Coast Guard inspected excursion boat. For twenty to thirty minutes during your trip, the boat will stop at Compass Island where you will have the opportunity to shell hunt through thousands of shells, swim, snorkel (gear is provided) and enjoy the island.
Clearwater Beach
Come join us on a fun filled, narrated sightseeing tour of Clearwater’s harbor. Enjoy a relaxing ride while you learn about our abundant wildlife, and view the area’s dolphins in their natural environment. Every trip stops at Compass Island where you can collect shells, swim, snorkel and the kids can even hunt for treasure! Excursions depart from the Clearwater Beach Marina multiple times every day. Spend an hour and a half to an hour and forty five minutes with our highly trained crew in the Clearwater Harbor on board our brand new 40 foot Coast Guard inspected excursion boat. For twenty to thirty minutes during your trip, the boat will stop at Compass Island where you will have the opportunity to shell hunt through thousands of shells, swim, snorkel (gear is provided) and enjoy the island.
Clearwater Beach
Come join us on a fun filled, narrated sightseeing tour of Clearwater’s harbor. Enjoy a relaxing ride while you learn about our abundant wildlife, and view the area’s dolphins in their natural environment. Every trip stops at Compass Island where you can collect shells, swim, snorkel and the kids can even hunt for treasure! Excursions depart from the Clearwater Beach Marina multiple times every day. Spend an hour and a half to an hour and forty five minutes with our highly trained crew in the Clearwater Harbor on board our brand new 40 foot Coast Guard inspected excursion boat. For twenty to thirty minutes during your trip, the boat will stop at Compass Island where you will have the opportunity to shell hunt through thousands of shells, swim, snorkel (gear is provided) and enjoy the island.
Присоединяйтесь к нам в увлекательной обзорной экскурсии по гавани Клируотера. Наслаждайтесь расслабляющей поездкой, узнавая о нашей богатой дикой природе, и наблюдайте за местными дельфинами в их естественной среде. Каждая поездка останавливается на острове Компас, где вы можете собирать ракушки, плавать, заниматься сноркелингом, а дети могут даже искать сокровища! Экскурсии отправляются от пристани Клируотер-Бич несколько раз в день. Проведите от полутора часов до часа и сорока пяти минут с нашей высококвалифицированной командой в гавани Клируотер на борту нашего нового 40-футового экскурсионного катера, проверенного береговой охраной. В течение двадцати-тридцати минут во время вашего путешествия лодка остановится на острове Компас, где у вас будет возможность поохотиться на тысячи ракушек, поплавать, заняться сноркелингом (снаряжение предоставляется) и насладиться островом.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Dec 2022
The kids had a blast finding dolphins and watching them play! The island is cool, the kids really enjoyed it!
Dec 2022
Clearwater Encounters with Dolphins Tour was a good chioce. We loved the experience and guide was funny. We enjoyed the stop at Compass Island where we had the opportunity to shell hunt through thousands of shells,
Dec 2022
It was 70 degrees and a bit cloudy. We brought a jacket and pants and did fine. Unfortunately the dolphins weren’t very active because of the rain we got the day before, so they were likely feeding. There was plenty of room on the pontoon so my kids could go side to side to see the dolphins. Staff was very friendly and funny. Got to go to a small sand island with shells to pick through and take back with us. They even gave me some fake coins to deposit so the kids could find “treasure” 🤩 the kids were a little rowdy but they took it in stride. Overall a great experience!!!!

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