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Коктейли и канноли: десертный тур по северному краю Бостона

Мы МАЛЕНЬКАЯ МЕСТНАЯ компания. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, поддержите нас НЕПОСРЕДСТВЕННО на нашем веб-сайте, так как этот ТОРГОВЫЙ ТОРГОВЫЙ ПРОДАВЕЦ ВЗИМАЕТ 25% КОМИССИИ со всех бронирований.


Десерт перед ужином когда вы присоединитесь к нам на коктейли и канноли, пешеходную гастрономическую экскурсию по системе "все включено" по Норт-Энду Бостона.

Пропустите печально известные очереди, чтобы попробовать вкусные напитки и классические канноли, а также попробовать лучшие сладости, которые может предложить Норт-Энд. Не говоря уже о Доме Пола Ревира и Старой Северной церкви по пути!

В довершение ко всему, наши местные гиды поделятся увлекательными историческими знаниями, интересными культурными фактами и кулинарными лакомствами.
Город: Бостон
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $84.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $84.00
Что включено
Local guide
Bottled water
Skip the long lines
Cocktail samples
Dessert samples
Alcoholic Beverages
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Обратите внимание, что мы стараемся проводить общественные туры только для групп до 12 человек, поэтому мы не можем принимать большие групповые заказы через TripAdvisor. Мы рады принять частные и индивидуальные туры или большие группы в наших общественных турах в зависимости от наличия, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами (текст быстрее).
  • Минимальный возраст 21 год.
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом
  • Доступны варианты без глютена. Мы рады удовлетворить диетические потребности в меру наших возможностей, но имейте в виду, что не каждое место полностью лишено аллергенов, и некоторые дегустации фиксированы. В частности, канноли НЕ производятся на предприятиях, где нет орехов.
  • Экскурсия обычно длится от 2 до 2,5 часов, и мы проходим примерно 1,5 мили (2,4 км).
  • Неотъемлемый риск заражения COVID-19 существует в любом общественном месте, где присутствуют люди. COVID-19 — чрезвычайно заразное заболевание, которое может привести к тяжелым заболеваниям и смерти. Присоединяясь к нам для коктейлей и канноли, вы добровольно принимаете на себя все риски, связанные с воздействием COVID-19.
Что ожидать
North End
Private tours and customized options are available. Please CONTACT US at our website for tour options if you do not see your desired date or time available. BUT FIRST, DESSERT! This all-inclusive tour may vary slightly but typically contains: *A water bottle to carry with you on the tour *4 dessert samples including the classic cannoli and gelato *3 cocktail samples *Stop by Paul Revere’s House as we discuss the importance of alcohol in Revolutionary Boston *Skipping the long wait in line at two of the most famous pastry shops in Boston *A blind cannoli taste off testing a historic rivalry *See Old North Church and the location of those famous signal lanterns from 1775 We look forward to meeting you and making your experience in Boston truly memorable!
North End
Private tours and customized options are available. Please CONTACT US at our website for tour options if you do not see your desired date or time available. BUT FIRST, DESSERT! This all-inclusive tour may vary slightly but typically contains: *A water bottle to carry with you on the tour *4 dessert samples including the classic cannoli and gelato *3 cocktail samples *Stop by Paul Revere’s House as we discuss the importance of alcohol in Revolutionary Boston *Skipping the long wait in line at two of the most famous pastry shops in Boston *A blind cannoli taste off testing a historic rivalry *See Old North Church and the location of those famous signal lanterns from 1775 We look forward to meeting you and making your experience in Boston truly memorable!
North End
Private tours and customized options are available. Please CONTACT US at our website for tour options if you do not see your desired date or time available. BUT FIRST, DESSERT! This all-inclusive tour may vary slightly but typically contains: *A water bottle to carry with you on the tour *4 dessert samples including the classic cannoli and gelato *3 cocktail samples *Stop by Paul Revere’s House as we discuss the importance of alcohol in Revolutionary Boston *Skipping the long wait in line at two of the most famous pastry shops in Boston *A blind cannoli taste off testing a historic rivalry *See Old North Church and the location of those famous signal lanterns from 1775 We look forward to meeting you and making your experience in Boston truly memorable!
North End
Private tours and customized options are available. Please CONTACT US at our website for tour options if you do not see your desired date or time available. BUT FIRST, DESSERT! This all-inclusive tour may vary slightly but typically contains: *A water bottle to carry with you on the tour *4 dessert samples including the classic cannoli and gelato *3 cocktail samples *Stop by Paul Revere’s House as we discuss the importance of alcohol in Revolutionary Boston *Skipping the long wait in line at two of the most famous pastry shops in Boston *A blind cannoli taste off testing a historic rivalry *See Old North Church and the location of those famous signal lanterns from 1775 We look forward to meeting you and making your experience in Boston truly memorable!
North End
Private tours and customized options are available. Please CONTACT US at our website for tour options if you do not see your desired date or time available. BUT FIRST, DESSERT! This all-inclusive tour may vary slightly but typically contains: *A water bottle to carry with you on the tour *4 dessert samples including the classic cannoli and gelato *3 cocktail samples *Stop by Paul Revere’s House as we discuss the importance of alcohol in Revolutionary Boston *Skipping the long wait in line at two of the most famous pastry shops in Boston *A blind cannoli taste off testing a historic rivalry *See Old North Church and the location of those famous signal lanterns from 1775 We look forward to meeting you and making your experience in Boston truly memorable!
North End
Private tours and customized options are available. Please CONTACT US at our website for tour options if you do not see your desired date or time available. BUT FIRST, DESSERT! This all-inclusive tour may vary slightly but typically contains: *A water bottle to carry with you on the tour *4 dessert samples including the classic cannoli and gelato *3 cocktail samples *Stop by Paul Revere’s House as we discuss the importance of alcohol in Revolutionary Boston *Skipping the long wait in line at two of the most famous pastry shops in Boston *A blind cannoli taste off testing a historic rivalry *See Old North Church and the location of those famous signal lanterns from 1775 We look forward to meeting you and making your experience in Boston truly memorable!
North End
Private tours and customized options are available. Please CONTACT US at our website for tour options if you do not see your desired date or time available. BUT FIRST, DESSERT! This all-inclusive tour may vary slightly but typically contains: *A water bottle to carry with you on the tour *4 dessert samples including the classic cannoli and gelato *3 cocktail samples *Stop by Paul Revere’s House as we discuss the importance of alcohol in Revolutionary Boston *Skipping the long wait in line at two of the most famous pastry shops in Boston *A blind cannoli taste off testing a historic rivalry *See Old North Church and the location of those famous signal lanterns from 1775 We look forward to meeting you and making your experience in Boston truly memorable!
Доступны частные туры и индивидуальные варианты. Пожалуйста, СВЯЖИТЕСЬ С НАМИ на нашем веб-сайте, чтобы узнать о вариантах тура, если вы не видите желаемую дату или время. НО ПЕРВОЕ, ДЕСЕРТ! Этот тур «все включено» может немного отличаться, но обычно включает: *Бутылка с водой, которую можно взять с собой в тур * 4 образца десерта, включая классические канноли и мороженое *3 пробы коктейля *Загляните в дом Пола Ревира, чтобы обсудить важность алкоголя в революционном Бостоне. *Можно не стоять в очереди в двух самых известных кондитерских Бостона. *Вкус канноли вслепую, проверяющий историческое соперничество * См. Старую Северную церковь и расположение этих знаменитых сигнальных фонарей 1775 года. Мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с вами и сделаем ваш отдых в Бостоне поистине незабываемым!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (289)
Nov 2022
This is a great tour and was so much fun. Pat was great and we all really enjoyed the tour and everything we learned about the area. The cocktails were all great and the cannoli's were tasty. Highly recommend!
Oct 2022
Really great tour. He had some cancellations, and I ended up being the only customer. I really appreciated he didn't cancel the tour since it would just be me. He has a lot of great insights and is a multigenerational Bostonian which adds to the experience. I had been in the area walking around before the tour, and there were spots I passed and never would've stopped at on my own, but went there with Pat. A couple of them were places that had inconspicuous to practically hidden entrances and ended up being quite the place. Cocktails were really good, and they weren't just tastes which I really enjoyed. Pat is very down to earth.
Oct 2022
Everything. It was fun, relaxing and informative. The drinks and the desserts were delicious. Most importantly, Pat was very friendly, entertaining and attentive. Thank you Pat

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