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Экскурсия по водопадам ущелья реки Колумбия из Портленда

Виды, которые не встречаются больше нигде в мире, драматические потоки базальтовой лавы глубиной почти в милю, а некоторые из самых красивых водопадов в мире — это лишь некоторые из достопримечательностей, которые ждут вас в этом туре. Приходите ощутить величие ущелья реки Колумбия, одного из самых фотографируемых природных живописных заповедников США. Мы поедем по старейшему живописному шоссе в США, остановившись у широких смотровых площадок, водопадов, исторического домика и знаменитого смотрового центра Bonneville Dam Sturgeon.
Город: Портленд
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $79.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $79.00
Что включено
Air-conditioned vehicle
Bottled water
Transportation in a luxury passenger van
Knowledgeable, local and friendly guide
Live commentary throughout the tour
Air-conditioned vehicle
Bottled water
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Максимум 12 человек в одном бронировании
  • Путешественникам предоставляются маски для лица.
  • Путешественникам и персоналу предоставляется дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением.
  • Регулярная дезинфекция транспортных средств
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Для гидов требуется прививка от COVID-19
Что ожидать
Director Park
Our central meeting location and pick up point! A beautiful, urban park in the middle of Downtown Portland.
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
We will depart downtown Portland and drive east alongside the Columbia River to Troutdale, known as the Gateway to the Gorge! We will join the beautiful Historic Columbia River Highway, the first planned scenic roadway in the United States.
Vista House
Typically, our first stop for the day is the Crown Point Vista House. This famous overlook sits 733 feet above the Columbia River, atop the remains of a lava flow that swept through the Gorge around 14 to 17 million years ago! Here, we will find amazing 180-degree views of the Columbia River Gorge and explore the Vista House. An intricately designed observatory and museum, the Vista House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Latourell Falls
From the Vista House, we will drive deeper into the Columbia River National Scenic Area. Our first waterfall for the day will be the dramatic Latourell Falls which plunges 249 feet over a massive wall of columnar basalt. Depending on the season, a short ¼-mile trail hike will be led to get a closer view of the falls.
Multnomah Falls
The next waterfall we will visit will be the famed Multnomah Falls. Plummeting 620 feet in two major steps, Multnomah Falls is the highest waterfall in Oregon and second highest in the nation! Here, we can explore the Multnomah Falls Historic Lodge (a Cascadian style stone and timber lodge built in 1925) as well as the beautiful Multnomah Falls itself. The easily accessible viewing platform offers a full view of the Benson Bridge and cascading falls beyond it.
Bonneville Hatchery
We will spend about 20 minutes on a short walking tour of this impressive Fish Hatchery (the largest in Oregon) and Sturgeon viewing center! At the viewing center we will visit local celebrity: “Herman” the sturgeon. Herman is over 70 years old, 10-feet long, and 450 pounds!
Director Park
We end our tour back at Director Park, our central drop off location in the heart of Downtown Portland.
Director Park
Our central meeting location and pick up point! A beautiful, urban park in the middle of Downtown Portland.
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
We will depart downtown Portland and drive east alongside the Columbia River to Troutdale, known as the Gateway to the Gorge! We will join the beautiful Historic Columbia River Highway, the first planned scenic roadway in the United States.
Vista House
Typically, our first stop for the day is the Crown Point Vista House. This famous overlook sits 733 feet above the Columbia River, atop the remains of a lava flow that swept through the Gorge around 14 to 17 million years ago! Here, we will find amazing 180-degree views of the Columbia River Gorge and explore the Vista House. An intricately designed observatory and museum, the Vista House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Latourell Falls
From the Vista House, we will drive deeper into the Columbia River National Scenic Area. Our first waterfall for the day will be the dramatic Latourell Falls which plunges 249 feet over a massive wall of columnar basalt. Depending on the season, a short ¼-mile trail hike will be led to get a closer view of the falls.
Multnomah Falls
The next waterfall we will visit will be the famed Multnomah Falls. Plummeting 620 feet in two major steps, Multnomah Falls is the highest waterfall in Oregon and second highest in the nation! Here, we can explore the Multnomah Falls Historic Lodge (a Cascadian style stone and timber lodge built in 1925) as well as the beautiful Multnomah Falls itself. The easily accessible viewing platform offers a full view of the Benson Bridge and cascading falls beyond it.
Bonneville Hatchery
We will spend about 20 minutes on a short walking tour of this impressive Fish Hatchery (the largest in Oregon) and Sturgeon viewing center! At the viewing center we will visit local celebrity: “Herman” the sturgeon. Herman is over 70 years old, 10-feet long, and 450 pounds!
Director Park
We end our tour back at Director Park, our central drop off location in the heart of Downtown Portland.
Director Park
Our central meeting location and pick up point! A beautiful, urban park in the middle of Downtown Portland.
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
We will depart downtown Portland and drive east alongside the Columbia River to Troutdale, known as the Gateway to the Gorge! We will join the beautiful Historic Columbia River Highway, the first planned scenic roadway in the United States.
Vista House
Typically, our first stop for the day is the Crown Point Vista House. This famous overlook sits 733 feet above the Columbia River, atop the remains of a lava flow that swept through the Gorge around 14 to 17 million years ago! Here, we will find amazing 180-degree views of the Columbia River Gorge and explore the Vista House. An intricately designed observatory and museum, the Vista House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Latourell Falls
From the Vista House, we will drive deeper into the Columbia River National Scenic Area. Our first waterfall for the day will be the dramatic Latourell Falls which plunges 249 feet over a massive wall of columnar basalt. Depending on the season, a short ¼-mile trail hike will be led to get a closer view of the falls.
Multnomah Falls
The next waterfall we will visit will be the famed Multnomah Falls. Plummeting 620 feet in two major steps, Multnomah Falls is the highest waterfall in Oregon and second highest in the nation! Here, we can explore the Multnomah Falls Historic Lodge (a Cascadian style stone and timber lodge built in 1925) as well as the beautiful Multnomah Falls itself. The easily accessible viewing platform offers a full view of the Benson Bridge and cascading falls beyond it.
Bonneville Hatchery
We will spend about 20 minutes on a short walking tour of this impressive Fish Hatchery (the largest in Oregon) and Sturgeon viewing center! At the viewing center we will visit local celebrity: “Herman” the sturgeon. Herman is over 70 years old, 10-feet long, and 450 pounds!
Director Park
We end our tour back at Director Park, our central drop off location in the heart of Downtown Portland.
Director Park
Our central meeting location and pick up point! A beautiful, urban park in the middle of Downtown Portland.
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
We will depart downtown Portland and drive east alongside the Columbia River to Troutdale, known as the Gateway to the Gorge! We will join the beautiful Historic Columbia River Highway, the first planned scenic roadway in the United States.
Vista House
Typically, our first stop for the day is the Crown Point Vista House. This famous overlook sits 733 feet above the Columbia River, atop the remains of a lava flow that swept through the Gorge around 14 to 17 million years ago! Here, we will find amazing 180-degree views of the Columbia River Gorge and explore the Vista House. An intricately designed observatory and museum, the Vista House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Latourell Falls
From the Vista House, we will drive deeper into the Columbia River National Scenic Area. Our first waterfall for the day will be the dramatic Latourell Falls which plunges 249 feet over a massive wall of columnar basalt. Depending on the season, a short ¼-mile trail hike will be led to get a closer view of the falls.
Multnomah Falls
The next waterfall we will visit will be the famed Multnomah Falls. Plummeting 620 feet in two major steps, Multnomah Falls is the highest waterfall in Oregon and second highest in the nation! Here, we can explore the Multnomah Falls Historic Lodge (a Cascadian style stone and timber lodge built in 1925) as well as the beautiful Multnomah Falls itself. The easily accessible viewing platform offers a full view of the Benson Bridge and cascading falls beyond it.
Bonneville Hatchery
We will spend about 20 minutes on a short walking tour of this impressive Fish Hatchery (the largest in Oregon) and Sturgeon viewing center! At the viewing center we will visit local celebrity: “Herman” the sturgeon. Herman is over 70 years old, 10-feet long, and 450 pounds!
Director Park
We end our tour back at Director Park, our central drop off location in the heart of Downtown Portland.
Director Park
Our central meeting location and pick up point! A beautiful, urban park in the middle of Downtown Portland.
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
We will depart downtown Portland and drive east alongside the Columbia River to Troutdale, known as the Gateway to the Gorge! We will join the beautiful Historic Columbia River Highway, the first planned scenic roadway in the United States.
Vista House
Typically, our first stop for the day is the Crown Point Vista House. This famous overlook sits 733 feet above the Columbia River, atop the remains of a lava flow that swept through the Gorge around 14 to 17 million years ago! Here, we will find amazing 180-degree views of the Columbia River Gorge and explore the Vista House. An intricately designed observatory and museum, the Vista House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Latourell Falls
From the Vista House, we will drive deeper into the Columbia River National Scenic Area. Our first waterfall for the day will be the dramatic Latourell Falls which plunges 249 feet over a massive wall of columnar basalt. Depending on the season, a short ¼-mile trail hike will be led to get a closer view of the falls.
Multnomah Falls
The next waterfall we will visit will be the famed Multnomah Falls. Plummeting 620 feet in two major steps, Multnomah Falls is the highest waterfall in Oregon and second highest in the nation! Here, we can explore the Multnomah Falls Historic Lodge (a Cascadian style stone and timber lodge built in 1925) as well as the beautiful Multnomah Falls itself. The easily accessible viewing platform offers a full view of the Benson Bridge and cascading falls beyond it.
Bonneville Hatchery
We will spend about 20 minutes on a short walking tour of this impressive Fish Hatchery (the largest in Oregon) and Sturgeon viewing center! At the viewing center we will visit local celebrity: “Herman” the sturgeon. Herman is over 70 years old, 10-feet long, and 450 pounds!
Director Park
We end our tour back at Director Park, our central drop off location in the heart of Downtown Portland.
Director Park
Our central meeting location and pick up point! A beautiful, urban park in the middle of Downtown Portland.
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
We will depart downtown Portland and drive east alongside the Columbia River to Troutdale, known as the Gateway to the Gorge! We will join the beautiful Historic Columbia River Highway, the first planned scenic roadway in the United States.
Vista House
Typically, our first stop for the day is the Crown Point Vista House. This famous overlook sits 733 feet above the Columbia River, atop the remains of a lava flow that swept through the Gorge around 14 to 17 million years ago! Here, we will find amazing 180-degree views of the Columbia River Gorge and explore the Vista House. An intricately designed observatory and museum, the Vista House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Latourell Falls
From the Vista House, we will drive deeper into the Columbia River National Scenic Area. Our first waterfall for the day will be the dramatic Latourell Falls which plunges 249 feet over a massive wall of columnar basalt. Depending on the season, a short ¼-mile trail hike will be led to get a closer view of the falls.
Multnomah Falls
The next waterfall we will visit will be the famed Multnomah Falls. Plummeting 620 feet in two major steps, Multnomah Falls is the highest waterfall in Oregon and second highest in the nation! Here, we can explore the Multnomah Falls Historic Lodge (a Cascadian style stone and timber lodge built in 1925) as well as the beautiful Multnomah Falls itself. The easily accessible viewing platform offers a full view of the Benson Bridge and cascading falls beyond it.
Bonneville Hatchery
We will spend about 20 minutes on a short walking tour of this impressive Fish Hatchery (the largest in Oregon) and Sturgeon viewing center! At the viewing center we will visit local celebrity: “Herman” the sturgeon. Herman is over 70 years old, 10-feet long, and 450 pounds!
Director Park
We end our tour back at Director Park, our central drop off location in the heart of Downtown Portland.
Director Park
Our central meeting location and pick up point! A beautiful, urban park in the middle of Downtown Portland.
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
We will depart downtown Portland and drive east alongside the Columbia River to Troutdale, known as the Gateway to the Gorge! We will join the beautiful Historic Columbia River Highway, the first planned scenic roadway in the United States.
Vista House
Typically, our first stop for the day is the Crown Point Vista House. This famous overlook sits 733 feet above the Columbia River, atop the remains of a lava flow that swept through the Gorge around 14 to 17 million years ago! Here, we will find amazing 180-degree views of the Columbia River Gorge and explore the Vista House. An intricately designed observatory and museum, the Vista House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Latourell Falls
From the Vista House, we will drive deeper into the Columbia River National Scenic Area. Our first waterfall for the day will be the dramatic Latourell Falls which plunges 249 feet over a massive wall of columnar basalt. Depending on the season, a short ¼-mile trail hike will be led to get a closer view of the falls.
Multnomah Falls
The next waterfall we will visit will be the famed Multnomah Falls. Plummeting 620 feet in two major steps, Multnomah Falls is the highest waterfall in Oregon and second highest in the nation! Here, we can explore the Multnomah Falls Historic Lodge (a Cascadian style stone and timber lodge built in 1925) as well as the beautiful Multnomah Falls itself. The easily accessible viewing platform offers a full view of the Benson Bridge and cascading falls beyond it.
Bonneville Hatchery
We will spend about 20 minutes on a short walking tour of this impressive Fish Hatchery (the largest in Oregon) and Sturgeon viewing center! At the viewing center we will visit local celebrity: “Herman” the sturgeon. Herman is over 70 years old, 10-feet long, and 450 pounds!
Director Park
We end our tour back at Director Park, our central drop off location in the heart of Downtown Portland.
Director Park
Our central meeting location and pick up point! A beautiful, urban park in the middle of Downtown Portland.
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
We will depart downtown Portland and drive east alongside the Columbia River to Troutdale, known as the Gateway to the Gorge! We will join the beautiful Historic Columbia River Highway, the first planned scenic roadway in the United States.
Vista House
Typically, our first stop for the day is the Crown Point Vista House. This famous overlook sits 733 feet above the Columbia River, atop the remains of a lava flow that swept through the Gorge around 14 to 17 million years ago! Here, we will find amazing 180-degree views of the Columbia River Gorge and explore the Vista House. An intricately designed observatory and museum, the Vista House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Latourell Falls
From the Vista House, we will drive deeper into the Columbia River National Scenic Area. Our first waterfall for the day will be the dramatic Latourell Falls which plunges 249 feet over a massive wall of columnar basalt. Depending on the season, a short ¼-mile trail hike will be led to get a closer view of the falls.
Multnomah Falls
The next waterfall we will visit will be the famed Multnomah Falls. Plummeting 620 feet in two major steps, Multnomah Falls is the highest waterfall in Oregon and second highest in the nation! Here, we can explore the Multnomah Falls Historic Lodge (a Cascadian style stone and timber lodge built in 1925) as well as the beautiful Multnomah Falls itself. The easily accessible viewing platform offers a full view of the Benson Bridge and cascading falls beyond it.
Bonneville Hatchery
We will spend about 20 minutes on a short walking tour of this impressive Fish Hatchery (the largest in Oregon) and Sturgeon viewing center! At the viewing center we will visit local celebrity: “Herman” the sturgeon. Herman is over 70 years old, 10-feet long, and 450 pounds!
Director Park
We end our tour back at Director Park, our central drop off location in the heart of Downtown Portland.
Director Park
Our central meeting location and pick up point! A beautiful, urban park in the middle of Downtown Portland.
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
We will depart downtown Portland and drive east alongside the Columbia River to Troutdale, known as the Gateway to the Gorge! We will join the beautiful Historic Columbia River Highway, the first planned scenic roadway in the United States.
Vista House
Typically, our first stop for the day is the Crown Point Vista House. This famous overlook sits 733 feet above the Columbia River, atop the remains of a lava flow that swept through the Gorge around 14 to 17 million years ago! Here, we will find amazing 180-degree views of the Columbia River Gorge and explore the Vista House. An intricately designed observatory and museum, the Vista House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Latourell Falls
From the Vista House, we will drive deeper into the Columbia River National Scenic Area. Our first waterfall for the day will be the dramatic Latourell Falls which plunges 249 feet over a massive wall of columnar basalt. Depending on the season, a short ¼-mile trail hike will be led to get a closer view of the falls.
Multnomah Falls
The next waterfall we will visit will be the famed Multnomah Falls. Plummeting 620 feet in two major steps, Multnomah Falls is the highest waterfall in Oregon and second highest in the nation! Here, we can explore the Multnomah Falls Historic Lodge (a Cascadian style stone and timber lodge built in 1925) as well as the beautiful Multnomah Falls itself. The easily accessible viewing platform offers a full view of the Benson Bridge and cascading falls beyond it.
Bonneville Hatchery
We will spend about 20 minutes on a short walking tour of this impressive Fish Hatchery (the largest in Oregon) and Sturgeon viewing center! At the viewing center we will visit local celebrity: “Herman” the sturgeon. Herman is over 70 years old, 10-feet long, and 450 pounds!
Director Park
We end our tour back at Director Park, our central drop off location in the heart of Downtown Portland.
Директор Парк
Наше центральное место встречи и место встречи! Красивый городской парк в центре Портленда.
Национальный живописный район ущелья реки Колумбия
Мы покинем центр Портленда и поедем на восток вдоль реки Колумбия в Траутдейл, известный как Ворота в Ущелье! Мы присоединимся к красивому историческому шоссе реки Колумбия, первой запланированной живописной дороге в Соединенных Штатах.
Виста Хаус
Как правило, наша первая остановка в течение дня — дом Краун-Пойнт-Виста. Этот знаменитый вид находится на высоте 733 фута над рекой Колумбия, на остатках потока лавы, пронесшегося через ущелье около 14-17 миллионов лет назад! Здесь мы увидим удивительный 180-градусный вид на ущелье реки Колумбия и осмотрим дом Виста. Замысловато спроектированная обсерватория и музей Vista House внесена в Национальный реестр исторических мест.
Водопад Латурель
Из Vista House мы поедем вглубь Национального живописного района реки Колумбия. Нашим первым водопадом в этот день будет драматический водопад Латурель, который низвергается на 249 футов над массивной стеной столбчатого базальта. В зависимости от сезона будет проведена короткая прогулка по тропе длиной ¼ мили, чтобы поближе увидеть водопад.
Малтнома Фолс
Следующим водопадом, который мы посетим, будет знаменитый водопад Малтнома. Водопад Малтнома, падающий с высоты 620 футов двумя основными ступенями, является самым высоким водопадом в Орегоне и вторым по высоте в стране! Здесь мы можем осмотреть исторический домик Малтнома-Фолс (каскадский домик из камня и дерева, построенный в 1925 году), а также сам красивый водопад Малтнома. С легкодоступной смотровой площадки открывается полный вид на мост Бенсона и каскадные водопады за ним.
Инкубаторий Бонневиль
Мы потратим около 20 минут на короткую пешеходную экскурсию по этому впечатляющему рыбоводному заводу (крупнейшему в Орегоне) и центру наблюдения за осетровыми! В смотровом центре мы посетим местную знаменитость: осетра «Германа». Герману больше 70 лет, он ростом 10 футов и весит 450 фунтов!
Директор Парк
Мы заканчиваем нашу экскурсию в Парке Директоров, нашем центральном месте высадки в центре Портленда.
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Отзывы (462)
Dec 2022
The tour started promptly and we had a great group. The van was spacious, clean, and very warm which was nice because it was a pretty chilly day. We were fortunate that it snowed so everything was covered in snow and ice making it just like a winter wonderland. I'd highly recommend this tour!
Dec 2022
Our guide, Dominique, was simply wonderful! She was right on time and we immediately felt at ease with her due to her friendliness. She was so very knowledgeable and shared so many historical and geological facts with us, as well as great restaurant recommendations. What a wonderful trip!
Dec 2022
This was a must see, no hiking involved the trip to the bridge was very easy, parked across the street and walk to Multnomah falls

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