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Приключение на джипе с самостоятельным управлением в Денали

Избегайте автобусов и толпы, садясь за руль Jeep Renegade, чтобы исследовать Денали на своих условиях! Это частично аренда джипа, частично персональный тур и 100% удовольствие! Вы выбираете пункт назначения, останавливаетесь, когда и где хотите, и никогда не чувствуете спешки.

Регион Денали имеет один из самых величественных ландшафтов на Земле — пышные долины, образовавшиеся во время последнего ледникового периода, огромные горы, которые тянутся к небу, реки с бурной водой, питаемые ледниками, и всемирно известные места для наблюдения за дикой природой, создавая синергия, которая очаровывает и удивляет на каждом повороте дороги!

Эта экскурсия на джипах – это больше, чем просто аренда автомобиля. Вы сможете сойти с проторенных дорог на прочном автомобиле, защищенном от непогоды и защищенном от непогоды. комфорт.

Вы получите на память путеводитель, в котором подробно описаны исторические дороги, местные достопримечательности и уникальные достопримечательности. Есть несколько различных маршрутов, которые мы можем предложить в зависимости от ваших личных интересов, но вы также можете придумать свой собственный!
Город: Национальный парк Денали
Mon 10 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $245.13
Mon 10 Mar
Начинается с $245.13
Что включено
Souvenir Guidebook
Hotel pickup and drop-off (selected hotels only)
Souvenir Guidebook
Hotel pickup and drop-off (selected hotels only)
Souvenir Guidebook
Hotel pickup and drop-off (selected hotels only)
Souvenir Guidebook
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослый
  • Водители должны быть старше 25 лет и иметь действительные водительские права
  • При регистрации требуется подтверждение полной автостраховки
  • Кредитная карта в имя водителя должно быть представлено при регистрации.
  • В соответствии с федеральными правилами Службы национальных парков транспортным средствам на маршруте Денали-Парк-роуд разрешается проезжать только первые 15 миль по дороге в Национальный парк.
  • >
  • Этот тур предназначен для того, чтобы гости могли посетить редко посещаемые места и отдаленные районы, но выезд за пределы установленных дорог не разрешен.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для tr авеллеры и персонал
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируется между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируется
  • Гид должен регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярная проверка температуры персонала
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Это тур - это частный опыт для вас и тех, кто путешествует с вами. Вы не будете делить джип с другими. Микроавтобусы до места отправления могут быть общим опытом.
Что ожидать
Stampede Excursions
Avoid busses and crowds by taking the wheel of a Jeep Renegade to explore Denali on your terms! It’s part Jeep rental, part personal tour, and 100% fun! You choose your destination, stop when and where you want, and never feel rushed. The Denali region has one of the most majestic landscapes on Earth—Lush valleys carved during the last Ice Age, tremendous mountains that reach for the sky, glacier-fed whitewater rivers, and world-renown wildlife viewing, creating a synergy that captivates and astonishes around every twist of the road! More than just a car rental, this Jeep excursion gives you the ability to get off the beaten path in a rugged vehicle designed for weather-proof safety and comfort. Our late model GPS-equipped 4x4 Jeep Renegades have 4 doors and can seat up to 5 guests. You will receive a map and souvenir guide book which details the historic roadways, local attractions, and unique points of interest. There are several different routes we can suggest based on your personal interests, but you have the freedom to make your own as well! Our team of experts will share their local knowledge to make sure you make the most of your limited time in Denali!
Denali National Park
Instead of the big bus tours, explore the park your way! Take a selfie at the park sign, explore the Denali National Park Visitor Center, tour historic buildings, venture down hiking trails, and visit the park’s own sled dogs at the Denali kennels. Traversing the  the entire accessible road to the Savage River affords views of Denali (Mount McKinley) as well as frequent sightings of moose, caribou, bears, and a myriad of other critters. Expect a 40 mile round trip which allows extra time for exploring the park’s attractions.
Denali Highway
Before the “new” highway between Anchorage and Fairbanks was finished in the 1970’s, the Denali Highway stretching from Paxson to Cantwell was the only way to reach Denali National Park by road. Still just a seldom-traveled gravel roadway today, it is renowned for picturesque alpine landscapes and untouched wilderness. This scenic byway was recently ranked #2 worldwide as the “Drive of a Lifetime” by National Geographic Traveler magazine. Besides the ability to view Denali (Mount McKinley) from numerous points, travelers will likely see wildlife along the route. Expect an 80 mile round trip.
On clear weather days, get the ultimate view of Denali from various vantage points.
Denali Visitor Center
Stop in and learn about Denali National Park and its history.
Wilderness Access Center
Stop in on the Denali Park Road itinerary to the Denali Wilderness Access Center and learn about Denali National Park
Park Road
Explore the first 15 miles of the Denali National Park Park Road!
Savage River Loop Trail
While exploring the Park Road take a break and get wonderful photos and take a beautiful hike!
Stampede Excursions
Avoid busses and crowds by taking the wheel of a Jeep Renegade to explore Denali on your terms! It’s part Jeep rental, part personal tour, and 100% fun! You choose your destination, stop when and where you want, and never feel rushed. The Denali region has one of the most majestic landscapes on Earth—Lush valleys carved during the last Ice Age, tremendous mountains that reach for the sky, glacier-fed whitewater rivers, and world-renown wildlife viewing, creating a synergy that captivates and astonishes around every twist of the road! More than just a car rental, this Jeep excursion gives you the ability to get off the beaten path in a rugged vehicle designed for weather-proof safety and comfort. Our late model GPS-equipped 4x4 Jeep Renegades have 4 doors and can seat up to 5 guests. You will receive a map and souvenir guide book which details the historic roadways, local attractions, and unique points of interest. There are several different routes we can suggest based on your personal interests, but you have the freedom to make your own as well! Our team of experts will share their local knowledge to make sure you make the most of your limited time in Denali!
Denali National Park
Instead of the big bus tours, explore the park your way! Take a selfie at the park sign, explore the Denali National Park Visitor Center, tour historic buildings, venture down hiking trails, and visit the park’s own sled dogs at the Denali kennels. Traversing the  the entire accessible road to the Savage River affords views of Denali (Mount McKinley) as well as frequent sightings of moose, caribou, bears, and a myriad of other critters. Expect a 40 mile round trip which allows extra time for exploring the park’s attractions.
Denali Highway
Before the “new” highway between Anchorage and Fairbanks was finished in the 1970’s, the Denali Highway stretching from Paxson to Cantwell was the only way to reach Denali National Park by road. Still just a seldom-traveled gravel roadway today, it is renowned for picturesque alpine landscapes and untouched wilderness. This scenic byway was recently ranked #2 worldwide as the “Drive of a Lifetime” by National Geographic Traveler magazine. Besides the ability to view Denali (Mount McKinley) from numerous points, travelers will likely see wildlife along the route. Expect an 80 mile round trip.
On clear weather days, get the ultimate view of Denali from various vantage points.
Denali Visitor Center
Stop in and learn about Denali National Park and its history.
Wilderness Access Center
Stop in on the Denali Park Road itinerary to the Denali Wilderness Access Center and learn about Denali National Park
Park Road
Explore the first 15 miles of the Denali National Park Park Road!
Savage River Loop Trail
While exploring the Park Road take a break and get wonderful photos and take a beautiful hike!
Stampede Excursions
Avoid busses and crowds by taking the wheel of a Jeep Renegade to explore Denali on your terms! It’s part Jeep rental, part personal tour, and 100% fun! You choose your destination, stop when and where you want, and never feel rushed. The Denali region has one of the most majestic landscapes on Earth—Lush valleys carved during the last Ice Age, tremendous mountains that reach for the sky, glacier-fed whitewater rivers, and world-renown wildlife viewing, creating a synergy that captivates and astonishes around every twist of the road! More than just a car rental, this Jeep excursion gives you the ability to get off the beaten path in a rugged vehicle designed for weather-proof safety and comfort. Our late model GPS-equipped 4x4 Jeep Renegades have 4 doors and can seat up to 5 guests. You will receive a map and souvenir guide book which details the historic roadways, local attractions, and unique points of interest. There are several different routes we can suggest based on your personal interests, but you have the freedom to make your own as well! Our team of experts will share their local knowledge to make sure you make the most of your limited time in Denali!
Denali National Park
Instead of the big bus tours, explore the park your way! Take a selfie at the park sign, explore the Denali National Park Visitor Center, tour historic buildings, venture down hiking trails, and visit the park’s own sled dogs at the Denali kennels. Traversing the  the entire accessible road to the Savage River affords views of Denali (Mount McKinley) as well as frequent sightings of moose, caribou, bears, and a myriad of other critters. Expect a 40 mile round trip which allows extra time for exploring the park’s attractions.
Denali Highway
Before the “new” highway between Anchorage and Fairbanks was finished in the 1970’s, the Denali Highway stretching from Paxson to Cantwell was the only way to reach Denali National Park by road. Still just a seldom-traveled gravel roadway today, it is renowned for picturesque alpine landscapes and untouched wilderness. This scenic byway was recently ranked #2 worldwide as the “Drive of a Lifetime” by National Geographic Traveler magazine. Besides the ability to view Denali (Mount McKinley) from numerous points, travelers will likely see wildlife along the route. Expect an 80 mile round trip.
On clear weather days, get the ultimate view of Denali from various vantage points.
Denali Visitor Center
Stop in and learn about Denali National Park and its history.
Wilderness Access Center
Stop in on the Denali Park Road itinerary to the Denali Wilderness Access Center and learn about Denali National Park
Park Road
Explore the first 15 miles of the Denali National Park Park Road!
Savage River Loop Trail
While exploring the Park Road take a break and get wonderful photos and take a beautiful hike!
Stampede Excursions
Avoid busses and crowds by taking the wheel of a Jeep Renegade to explore Denali on your terms! It’s part Jeep rental, part personal tour, and 100% fun! You choose your destination, stop when and where you want, and never feel rushed. The Denali region has one of the most majestic landscapes on Earth—Lush valleys carved during the last Ice Age, tremendous mountains that reach for the sky, glacier-fed whitewater rivers, and world-renown wildlife viewing, creating a synergy that captivates and astonishes around every twist of the road! More than just a car rental, this Jeep excursion gives you the ability to get off the beaten path in a rugged vehicle designed for weather-proof safety and comfort. Our late model GPS-equipped 4x4 Jeep Renegades have 4 doors and can seat up to 5 guests. You will receive a map and souvenir guide book which details the historic roadways, local attractions, and unique points of interest. There are several different routes we can suggest based on your personal interests, but you have the freedom to make your own as well! Our team of experts will share their local knowledge to make sure you make the most of your limited time in Denali!
Denali National Park
Instead of the big bus tours, explore the park your way! Take a selfie at the park sign, explore the Denali National Park Visitor Center, tour historic buildings, venture down hiking trails, and visit the park’s own sled dogs at the Denali kennels. Traversing the  the entire accessible road to the Savage River affords views of Denali (Mount McKinley) as well as frequent sightings of moose, caribou, bears, and a myriad of other critters. Expect a 40 mile round trip which allows extra time for exploring the park’s attractions.
Denali Highway
Before the “new” highway between Anchorage and Fairbanks was finished in the 1970’s, the Denali Highway stretching from Paxson to Cantwell was the only way to reach Denali National Park by road. Still just a seldom-traveled gravel roadway today, it is renowned for picturesque alpine landscapes and untouched wilderness. This scenic byway was recently ranked #2 worldwide as the “Drive of a Lifetime” by National Geographic Traveler magazine. Besides the ability to view Denali (Mount McKinley) from numerous points, travelers will likely see wildlife along the route. Expect an 80 mile round trip.
On clear weather days, get the ultimate view of Denali from various vantage points.
Denali Visitor Center
Stop in and learn about Denali National Park and its history.
Wilderness Access Center
Stop in on the Denali Park Road itinerary to the Denali Wilderness Access Center and learn about Denali National Park
Park Road
Explore the first 15 miles of the Denali National Park Park Road!
Savage River Loop Trail
While exploring the Park Road take a break and get wonderful photos and take a beautiful hike!
Stampede Excursions
Avoid busses and crowds by taking the wheel of a Jeep Renegade to explore Denali on your terms! It’s part Jeep rental, part personal tour, and 100% fun! You choose your destination, stop when and where you want, and never feel rushed. The Denali region has one of the most majestic landscapes on Earth—Lush valleys carved during the last Ice Age, tremendous mountains that reach for the sky, glacier-fed whitewater rivers, and world-renown wildlife viewing, creating a synergy that captivates and astonishes around every twist of the road! More than just a car rental, this Jeep excursion gives you the ability to get off the beaten path in a rugged vehicle designed for weather-proof safety and comfort. Our late model GPS-equipped 4x4 Jeep Renegades have 4 doors and can seat up to 5 guests. You will receive a map and souvenir guide book which details the historic roadways, local attractions, and unique points of interest. There are several different routes we can suggest based on your personal interests, but you have the freedom to make your own as well! Our team of experts will share their local knowledge to make sure you make the most of your limited time in Denali!
Denali National Park
Instead of the big bus tours, explore the park your way! Take a selfie at the park sign, explore the Denali National Park Visitor Center, tour historic buildings, venture down hiking trails, and visit the park’s own sled dogs at the Denali kennels. Traversing the  the entire accessible road to the Savage River affords views of Denali (Mount McKinley) as well as frequent sightings of moose, caribou, bears, and a myriad of other critters. Expect a 40 mile round trip which allows extra time for exploring the park’s attractions.
Denali Highway
Before the “new” highway between Anchorage and Fairbanks was finished in the 1970’s, the Denali Highway stretching from Paxson to Cantwell was the only way to reach Denali National Park by road. Still just a seldom-traveled gravel roadway today, it is renowned for picturesque alpine landscapes and untouched wilderness. This scenic byway was recently ranked #2 worldwide as the “Drive of a Lifetime” by National Geographic Traveler magazine. Besides the ability to view Denali (Mount McKinley) from numerous points, travelers will likely see wildlife along the route. Expect an 80 mile round trip.
On clear weather days, get the ultimate view of Denali from various vantage points.
Denali Visitor Center
Stop in and learn about Denali National Park and its history.
Wilderness Access Center
Stop in on the Denali Park Road itinerary to the Denali Wilderness Access Center and learn about Denali National Park
Park Road
Explore the first 15 miles of the Denali National Park Park Road!
Savage River Loop Trail
While exploring the Park Road take a break and get wonderful photos and take a beautiful hike!
Панические экскурсии
Избегайте автобусов и толпы, садясь за руль Jeep Renegade, чтобы исследовать Денали на ваших условиях! Это частично аренда джипа, частично персональный тур и 100% удовольствие! Вы выбираете пункт назначения, останавливаетесь, когда и где хотите, и никогда не чувствуете спешки. В регионе Денали находится один из самых величественных ландшафтов на Земле — пышные долины, образовавшиеся во время последнего ледникового периода, огромные горы, достигающие неба, питаемые ледниками реки с бурной водой и всемирно известные виды дикой природы, создающие синергию, которая очаровывает и удивляет. на каждом повороте дороги! Эта экскурсия на джипе — это больше, чем просто аренда автомобиля. Она дает вам возможность сойти с проторенной дороги на прочном автомобиле, защищенном от непогоды и обеспечивающем безопасность и комфорт. Наша последняя модель Jeep Renegade 4x4 с GPS-навигатором имеет 4 двери и может вместить до 5 гостей. Вы получите карту и сувенирный путеводитель, в котором подробно описаны исторические дороги, местные достопримечательности и уникальные достопримечательности. Есть несколько различных маршрутов, которые мы можем предложить в зависимости от ваших личных интересов, но вы также можете придумать свой собственный! Наша команда экспертов поделится своими местными знаниями, чтобы вы максимально использовали свое ограниченное время в Денали!
Национальный парк Денали
Вместо больших автобусных туров исследуйте парк по-своему! Сделайте селфи на вывеске парка, осмотрите Центр посетителей национального парка Денали, осмотрите исторические здания, прогуляйтесь по пешеходным тропам и посетите ездовых собак парка в питомниках Денали. Проходя по всей доступной дороге к реке Сэвидж, открывается вид на Денали (гора Мак-Кинли), а также часто можно увидеть лосей, карибу, медведей и множество других тварей. Ожидайте 40-мильную поездку туда и обратно, что дает дополнительное время для изучения достопримечательностей парка.
Денали шоссе
До того, как в 1970-х годах было завершено строительство «нового» шоссе между Анкориджем и Фэрбенксом, шоссе Денали, протянувшееся от Паксона до Кантуэлла, было единственным способом добраться до национального парка Денали по дороге. Сегодня это всего лишь редко посещаемая гравийная дорога, которая славится живописными альпийскими пейзажами и нетронутой дикой природой. Этот живописный переулок недавно занял 2-е место в мире по версии журнала National Geographic Traveler как «Путешествие на всю жизнь». Помимо возможности увидеть Денали (гору Мак-Кинли) с многочисленных точек, путешественники, скорее всего, увидят дикую природу вдоль маршрута. Ожидайте 80-мильную поездку туда и обратно.
В ясные погодные дни вы сможете полюбоваться Денали с разных точек зрения.
Туристический центр Денали
Зайдите и узнайте больше о национальном парке Денали и его истории.
Центр доступа к дикой природе
Остановитесь на маршруте Денали-Парк-роуд до Центра доступа к дикой природе Денали и узнайте о национальном парке Денали.
Парк Роуд
Исследуйте первые 15 миль дороги национального парка Денали!
Тропа дикой реки
Исследуя Парк-роуд, сделайте перерыв, сделайте прекрасные фотографии и совершите красивую прогулку!
Показать 45 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (32)
Roxanne H
Sep 2022
We had very prompt pick up and drop off. The shuttle drivers were friendly. The jeep was nice and ran good. They provided info on where to go and what to do in an emergency.
Sep 2022
Absolute stunning views and the deal with this experience is that you can stop and start anytime you’d like and take as many pictures as you’d like.
Sep 2022
The vehicle was clean and in good condition. The pickup service, vehicle summary, and service were also very good. The reason for the 4-star rating is that 4 hours is really not sufficient to adequately explore the Denali Highway. It takes most of an hour to get to the start of the highway in Cantwell. This leaves only an hour to explore the highway before turning around. I would recommend that Stampede offer a 6-hour and 8-hour option for rental. 8 hours might be too much, but 6 would be far more appropriate.

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