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Денверские коктейли и парные укусы

Посетите одни из лучших коктейль-баров Денвера, совершив путешествие по центру города.

От легкого хрустящего спритца до мягкого и серьезного Old Fashioned с маслом и пеканом — каждый найдет что-то для себя в этом пьянящем денверском коктейле. тур.

Посетите три лучших коктейль-бара и ресторана города и попробуйте четыре коктейля с небольшими тарелками на каждой остановке.

Вы начнете с легендарного вокзала Юнион и проедете рядом со старейшим отелем города. Вы закончите в Молочном квартале, одном из самых новых и крутых микрорайонов Денвера. На каждой остановке вы будете пробовать авторские коктейли и парные закуски, узнавать о растущей еде и коктейльных сценах Денвера, а также смешивать и общаться с другими гурманами.

Ваш опытный местный гид поделится интересной историей коктейлей и историями о Денвере. Сухой закон, а также наш недавний кулинарный ренессанс, благодаря которому Денвер стал известен гурманам и любителям напитков по всей стране.
Город: Денвер
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $89.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $89.00
Что включено
Three Food Pairings (Heavy Appetizers)
Experienced Local Foodie Guide
Guided Walking Tour of Downtown Denver
Four Craft Cocktails
Three Food Pairings (Heavy Appetizers)
Experienced Local Foodie Guide
Guided Walking Tour of Downtown Denver
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Необходимо размещение с младенцами сидеть на коленях у взрослого.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Минимальный возраст употребления алкоголя – 21 год.
  • Возможны вегетарианские блюда. В этом туре мы НЕ можем разместить безглютеновые или безмолочные диеты.
  • Не рекомендуется для гостей без глютена или молочных продуктов
Что ожидать
Denver Union Station
Located at the heart and center of Denver, Union Station is iconic part of the Mile High City's history and home to some of the best local restaurants and bars.
Dairy Block
This historic block, located in downtown Denver’s LoDo neighborhood, was once home to Windsor Dairy and is now a vibrant micro-district that boasts 15 shops, 19 restaurants, seven bars, a luxury coworking space, and a 172-room boutique hotel.
The Oxford Club, Spa & Salon
Visit the city's oldest hotel, full of interesting history and delicious restaurants/bars.
Denver Union Station
Located at the heart and center of Denver, Union Station is iconic part of the Mile High City's history and home to some of the best local restaurants and bars.
Dairy Block
This historic block, located in downtown Denver’s LoDo neighborhood, was once home to Windsor Dairy and is now a vibrant micro-district that boasts 15 shops, 19 restaurants, seven bars, a luxury coworking space, and a 172-room boutique hotel.
The Oxford Club, Spa & Salon
Visit the city's oldest hotel, full of interesting history and delicious restaurants/bars.
Denver Union Station
Located at the heart and center of Denver, Union Station is iconic part of the Mile High City's history and home to some of the best local restaurants and bars.
Dairy Block
This historic block, located in downtown Denver’s LoDo neighborhood, was once home to Windsor Dairy and is now a vibrant micro-district that boasts 15 shops, 19 restaurants, seven bars, a luxury coworking space, and a 172-room boutique hotel.
The Oxford Club, Spa & Salon
Visit the city's oldest hotel, full of interesting history and delicious restaurants/bars.
Denver Union Station
Located at the heart and center of Denver, Union Station is iconic part of the Mile High City's history and home to some of the best local restaurants and bars.
Dairy Block
This historic block, located in downtown Denver’s LoDo neighborhood, was once home to Windsor Dairy and is now a vibrant micro-district that boasts 15 shops, 19 restaurants, seven bars, a luxury coworking space, and a 172-room boutique hotel.
The Oxford Club, Spa & Salon
Visit the city's oldest hotel, full of interesting history and delicious restaurants/bars.
Denver Union Station
Located at the heart and center of Denver, Union Station is iconic part of the Mile High City's history and home to some of the best local restaurants and bars.
Dairy Block
This historic block, located in downtown Denver’s LoDo neighborhood, was once home to Windsor Dairy and is now a vibrant micro-district that boasts 15 shops, 19 restaurants, seven bars, a luxury coworking space, and a 172-room boutique hotel.
The Oxford Club, Spa & Salon
Visit the city's oldest hotel, full of interesting history and delicious restaurants/bars.
Denver Union Station
Located at the heart and center of Denver, Union Station is iconic part of the Mile High City's history and home to some of the best local restaurants and bars.
Dairy Block
This historic block, located in downtown Denver’s LoDo neighborhood, was once home to Windsor Dairy and is now a vibrant micro-district that boasts 15 shops, 19 restaurants, seven bars, a luxury coworking space, and a 172-room boutique hotel.
The Oxford Club, Spa & Salon
Visit the city's oldest hotel, full of interesting history and delicious restaurants/bars.
Станция Денвер Юнион
Расположенный в самом центре Денвера, Union Station является знаковой частью истории Майл-Хай-Сити и домом для некоторых из лучших местных ресторанов и баров.
Молочный блок
Этот исторический квартал, расположенный в районе ЛоДо в центре Денвера, когда-то был домом для Windsor Dairy, а теперь представляет собой оживленный микрорайон с 15 магазинами, 19 ресторанами, семью барами, роскошным коворкингом и бутик-отелем на 172 номера.
Оксфордский клуб, спа и салон
Посетите старейший отель города с интересной историей и вкусными ресторанами/барами.
Показать 18 больше остановок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (48)
Nov 2022
Great experience learning about Denver through cocktails. Lots of great recommendation for further exploration of the city.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
It was a joy to host your family, Denise! Thanks so much for letting me share some stories and tasty cocktails with y'all.
Oct 2022
This tour was so much fun! It was the perfect way to start off our stay in Denver. The cocktails were delicious, the appetizers were awesome, and the staff picks with restaurant recommendations were a bonus. I highly recommend this tour.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thanks very much for letting us kickoff your vacation properly! We're so happy that the craft cocktails and bites made for a great time.
Oct 2022
Our tour guide (Rob, I think) was great! So animated and a lot of fun. He gave us all helpful suggestions on places to eat and things to do.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Yes! Noelle...it's me!! Thanks so much for spending the happiest of hours with me sipping the most delightful craft cocktails in LoDo. I hope you enjoyed the rest of the vacation.

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