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Наблюдение за дельфинами (обед включен), плавание с черепахами, развлечения в океане и танец хула

Узнайте, что испытали более 300 000 гостей! Разделите незабываемую встречу с дельфинами в их естественной среде обитания на Гавайях на западном побережье Оаху.

Наш современный катер доставит вас в круиз вдоль потрясающего западного побережья Оаху, где вы сможете полюбоваться дикими дельфинами-спиннерами в кристально чистых водах океана. Наш тур также включает в себя традиционную гавайскую церемонию и снорклинг с тропическими рыбами и морскими черепахами. Наши обученные гиды, спасатели и фридайверы позаботятся о том, чтобы вы чувствовали себя в воде комфортно и безопасно.

После подводного плавания насладитесь нашими каяками и досками SUP или отдохните на лодке! Наши сотрудники развлекут вас представлением хула и поделятся информацией о гавайской культуре.

Наслаждайтесь дополнительным обедом бенто! Выбирайте между курицей шою, окунем по-гавайски и вегетарианским жареным тофу (все бенто идут с кукурузой и рисом и не содержат глютена).

Забронируйте тур сегодня!
Город: Гонолулу
Sun 22 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $170.10
Sun 22 Sep
Начинается с $170.10
Что включено
Lunch Bentos: Shoyu Chicken, Hawaiian style Snapper, or Veggie Tofu Stir-fry
Transportation: Between hotels and the harbor. Guests are welcome to drive themselves if they prefer
Alcoholic beverages available for purchase
Water activities: water slide, stand-up paddle boards, kayak
Gear: Snorkel, mask, fins and safety jacket
Lunch Bentos: Shoyu Chicken, Hawaiian style Snapper, or Veggie Tofu Stir-fry
Transportation: Between hotels and the harbor. Guests are welcome to drive themselves if they prefer
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Дельфины часто замечены, но нет 100% гарантии встречи с дельфинами.
  • Дети (2-11 лет) должны быть в сопровождении взрослых.
  • Доступен трансфер из некоторых отелей Вайкики.
  • В этот тур не допускаются дети младше 2 лет.
Политика отмены
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (921)
Saba m
May 2019
Our favorite part of our 6 day stay in Honolulu. The crew was so funny, talented, and all around amazing. They made an already unforgettable experience even better. Wonderful group of people. Shout out to yogi. It was his first week and it seemed like he had been doing it for years. They left some pleasantly surprising selfies on my sister's phone too.
May 2019
This tour is designed to allow you to swim with wild dolphins and turtles. It was a brief encounter, but we saw everything we hoped we would see. The boat was pristine and the crew were exceptionally friendly. However, it was absolutely jam packed with passengers. Almost 70 guests and a full crew meant that everybody was fighting for breathing space. People were tripping over other people's fins etc...it was chaos. The tour caters mostly for Japanese tourists (there were only 6 non-Japanese guests), but all announcements were made in both English and Japanese. The biggest issue was the lack of respect in the water. I lost count of how many times I was kicked / hit with a fin / bumped into by other swimmers. There were simply too many people on this tour. I know it's a busy time of year and the company is in business to make money, but it turned into a free-for-all and spoiled the experience for me. I'll look for a smaller tour next time.
Ответ от хоста
May 2019
Aloha: Thank you for your review and for your feedback. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share with us and other travelers your thoughts. Reviews like yours help us to continually improve and make sure that we are meeting all expectations. We're glad to hear that you were able to see dolphins and turtles and that you loved our crew. Our crew are Hawaii's best, and every review that confirms that makes us really happy to read! Regarding the capacity on the boat, we are in the process of taking multiple steps to address concerns over comfort and space. We are changing our procedures so that customers may take advantage of all levels of the boat, including the second deck, from the beginning of the tour. We are also making sure that our guides communicate to all guests the importance of respecting personal space while in the water. We will also be hiring on more guides for the summer and making sure that multiple guides are present in the water so that guests may spread out to be with at least one of the guides. Comfort, safety and satisfactions are our top priorities. We take feedback like this very seriously. We're doing everything we can to make sure all of the points brought up reviews and private feedback are fully addressed and addressed promptly. If there is anything else we can do to help bring your rating up and improve your impression of our company, please contact us at [email protected]. We love to work collaboratively with guest feedback to inform our management. Thank you again for your time. We hope to see you on board again some day and are grateful that you chose Dolphins and You for your experience! Mahalo and Aloha.
May 2019
We were scheduled to do this tour day. They called us 5 MINUTES before we were supposed to be picked up to tell us that both tours of the day had been canceled due to high winds. Obviously, weather conditions are beyond their control, but if BOTH tours were canceled and we were scheduled for the 2nd one, why did they not contact us much sooner?! Our whole day was scheduled around this and now we are left to find another tour company for another day. Very poor communication!
Ответ от хоста
May 2019
Aloha Tammi, We sincerely apologize that the tour was cancelled due to unsafe weather conditions. We never want to cancel a tour, so we'll usually hold out as late as possible to see if the weather might turn. It is concerning to us that you were at your pick-up stop before you were informed. It's certainly our policy to do everything in power to inform guests as soon as possible. We are sorry that the late notice impacted your plans, and we wish we could do more to help. We are working with our guides and office staff to make sure they are efficient in passing along communications about cancellations. We have reached out on a few occasions to you to offer rescheduling or another tour on us, but we do understand that you were not able to make this happen due to previously scheduled plans. We are doing everything possible to try to rectify the situation and improve your impression. If there is anything at all we can still do to change this review and your feelings about our company, please do reach out to [email protected]. We thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and for helping us to improve. Mahalo and safe travels!

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