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Наблюдение за дельфинами (обед включен), плавание с черепахами, развлечения в океане и танец хула

Узнайте, что испытали более 300 000 гостей! Разделите незабываемую встречу с дельфинами в их естественной среде обитания на Гавайях на западном побережье Оаху.

Наш современный катер доставит вас в круиз вдоль потрясающего западного побережья Оаху, где вы сможете полюбоваться дикими дельфинами-спиннерами в кристально чистых водах океана. Наш тур также включает в себя традиционную гавайскую церемонию и снорклинг с тропическими рыбами и морскими черепахами. Наши обученные гиды, спасатели и фридайверы позаботятся о том, чтобы вы чувствовали себя в воде комфортно и безопасно.

После подводного плавания насладитесь нашими каяками и досками SUP или отдохните на лодке! Наши сотрудники развлекут вас представлением хула и поделятся информацией о гавайской культуре.

Наслаждайтесь дополнительным обедом бенто! Выбирайте между курицей шою, окунем по-гавайски и вегетарианским жареным тофу (все бенто идут с кукурузой и рисом и не содержат глютена).

Забронируйте тур сегодня!
Город: Гонолулу
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $170.10
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $170.10
Что включено
Lunch Bentos: Shoyu Chicken, Hawaiian style Snapper, or Veggie Tofu Stir-fry
Transportation: Between hotels and the harbor. Guests are welcome to drive themselves if they prefer
Alcoholic beverages available for purchase
Water activities: water slide, stand-up paddle boards, kayak
Gear: Snorkel, mask, fins and safety jacket
Lunch Bentos: Shoyu Chicken, Hawaiian style Snapper, or Veggie Tofu Stir-fry
Transportation: Between hotels and the harbor. Guests are welcome to drive themselves if they prefer
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Дельфины часто замечены, но нет 100% гарантии встречи с дельфинами.
  • Дети (2-11 лет) должны быть в сопровождении взрослых.
  • Доступен трансфер из некоторых отелей Вайкики.
  • В этот тур не допускаются дети младше 2 лет.
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (921)
Sadie A
Feb 2018
First i just want to say that the trip itself was awesome, saw so much wildlife had a great time and the crew was wonderful and very helpful/ knowledgeable about the culture and sea life. My husband and I paid extra for photographs (it was our honeymoon so we wanted some memories) and we plug the flash drive into the USB port on both of our computers and it WONT LOAD! in fact all it did was actually download a virus to both of our computers! It completely powers off my entire computer system. and the photographs that did show up are either crazy pixelated or very blurry. For $60 the flash drive could have been way better quality. My husband and I are both IT specialists in the military so we know a crappy piece of equipment when we see it.
Ответ от хоста
Feb 2018
Sadie, Mahalo for your review. First, we are so happy that you had a wonderful time on the tour and the experience of swimming with dolphins and being on our boat was awesome. That is great to hear. Of course, that experience is soured when you end up with a defective piece of technology. This sort of thing doesn't ever happen with our USB drives so we are going to proactively work with our vendors and find out why this happened and make sure it doesn't happen again. We're very sorry for this inconvenience. We are more than happy to provide you with the pictures from your tour. I will contact you directly to arrange delivery of your photos right away so you can enjoy those memories. You can look for my message in your inbox shortly. Again, sorry for the problems with the USB drive. We are glad you enjoyed the tour, and hope you can join us again in the future (without the technical glitches!). Aloha!
Jan 2018
This activity was great but not what I was expecting and I am not sure I'd do it again. They pick you up in a nice big bus, windows have a weird tinting so don't expect to take pictures while on the road. The tours are a mix of English and Japanese so there is a translator for both languages. The crew set you up with snorkeling gear quickly when you get to the boat. I brought my own gear. Everyone gets a lovely life vest to wear when getting into the water. The boat was filled with people and it felt a little tight. If you think you might get sea sick sit in the open area, not in the shaded area. The crew kept us entertained while the captain looked for dolphins. It was sort of relaxing looking at the beautiful coast from the water. A crew member handed out a "snack" one small chunk of pineapple. We went up the coast and then raced almost back to were we started before finding dolphins. Then it was rush rush rush to get us all into the water and swimming to find the dolphins. We swam all around and able to see several dolphins swim along under us. The guide shouted "look down" repeatedly in English and Japanese. The dolphins are half asleep while we were watching them swim by. They do this on purpose since they are moving slower. After all of us got back in the boat we went over to the snorkel spot. They quickly inflated the slide and it was inflated for what seemed like 10 minutes before they deflated it and put it away. I saw few fish when snorkeling. Soon we were all back on the boat. The crew quickly handed out cheese burgers (tasted like meatloaf), packets of condiments and bags of chips. They quickly gathered the trash/wrappers, had groups take mandatory pictures, and then put temporary tattoos on everyone. I felt very rushed, maybe we spent too much time looking for dolphins. But we got to see wild dolphins swim, while being in the water.
Ответ от хоста
Jan 2018
Thank you for your review! We are sorry if the tour felt rushed towards the end. We swim with wild dolphins and somedays we find them very quickly, other days it can take longer for us to find them. We appreciate your feedback, aloha.
Jason K
Jan 2018
I recently (21/12/17), travelled from Sydney, Australia to holiday in Hawaii with my 12 year old daughter and we decided to take a day trip with Dolphins and You, to celebrate my birthday. From the moment the team picked us up in Waikiki on the luxury transfer bus, we were treated to a first class experience. The teams excitement and energy was infectious and i would recommend this experience to everyone. We had two excellent close encounter swims with dolphins, followed by an amazing snorkelling adventure with hundreds of tropical fish and two huge sea turtles. The tour was well run and great value for money. Thank you to the entire team, for an unforgettable birthday, and breathtaking adventure.
Ответ от хоста
Jan 2018
Aloha! We are thrilled to hear that you had a wonderful time on our tour and spent your birthday with us! Thank you for joining us and we hope to see you and your family again.

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