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Панорамный тур по городу Остин для малых групп

В Техасе даже наши кабриолеты больше: убедитесь сами, любуясь 360-градусным обзором Остина в уникальном спринтере Mercedes-Benz с откидным верхом. Полюбуйтесь основными достопримечательностями, в том числе выйдите из фургона и оцените прекрасные виды, культовые фрески и исторические места по пути. Ожидайте остановки для легкой прогулки в отеле Driskill, кампусе Техасского университета и мосту Пфлюгера (возможны изменения в связи с событиями или закрытием).

Этот тур для небольших групп (максимум 14 пассажиров) является один из них, если вы хотите всесторонне взглянуть на то, что делает этот город таким, какой он есть: от возвышающейся архитектуры центра города, скромных, но активных просторов южной стороны, причудливого и исторического востока и постоянно внушающих благоговение Капитолий и кампус. .

Примечание: складной верх может быть закрыт в плохую погоду, в холод/жару/дождь, а также на любом участке маршрута, который проходит по трассе, где с нашей скоростью будет слишком сильный ветер, чтобы было комфортно.
Город: Остин
Thu 06 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $50.00
Thu 06 Feb
Начинается с $50.00
Что включено
Earbuds (but you may use your own)
GST (Goods and Services Tax)
City Center Tour
Air-conditioned vehicle
Earbuds (but you may use your own)
GST (Goods and Services Tax)
City Center Tour
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровни физической подготовки
  • Младенцы должны размещаться в разрешенных автокреслах (не предоставляются).
  • Обратите внимание: взрослые гости с детьми младше восьми лет (если их рост не превышает 4 футов 9 дюймов). ) необходимо будет взять с собой детское кресло безопасности, таков закон штата Техас
  • Специальные приспособления для людей с ограниченными возможностями будут рассмотрены руководством. Для обеспечения безопасности в особых случаях может потребоваться уведомление за 72 часа.
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Снаряжение/оборудование, дезинфицируемое между использованием
  • Регулярные транспортные средства продезинфицированы
  • Гид должен регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярная проверка температуры персонала
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Примечание: складной верх может быть закрыт в плохую погоду, в холод/жару/дождь, а также на любом участке маршрута, который находится на шоссе, где наша скорость может вызвать слишком сильный ветер для комфортного проживания.
Что ожидать
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Passengers will have chance to hop off and explore the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge and take in expansive views of Ladybird Lake and the Austin downtown skyline. *Subject to change due to events or closures
The Driskill
This is an alternate stop that doesn't always happen. Passengers get to go inside the Historic Driskill Hotel to learn the history of this iconic building and Austin's oldest hotel. *Subject to change due to events or closures
Texas State Cemetery
Passengers get to explore cemetery grounds and see what is the Texas equivalent to the Arlington National Cemetery. *Subject to change due to events or closures
University of Texas at Austin
We will pass by various sites on the UT campus.
Paramount Theatre
We will pass the historic Paramount Theatre which still screens movies to this day.
Long Center
We will pass by the Long Center for Performing Arts, situated along Lady Bird Lake.
Congress Avenue
We will go up Congress Avenue, passing restaurants, bars, and stores such as the iconic Allens Boots.
Mexic-Arte Museum
We will drive by the Mexic-Arte Museum, where Latino and Mexican-American art is showcased.
2nd Street District
Drive through the 2nd Street District, a happening part of town with award-winning restaurants and exciting entertainment.
University of Texas Tower
We get you a great view of the University of Texas Tower from the comfort of the vehicle.
The Blanton Museum of Art
We will pass by the Blanton Museum of Art.
Bullock Texas State History Museum
We will pass the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum
Texas State Capitol
We'll drive around the Texas State Capitol exterior.
Bremond Block
We pass through the historic Bremond Block which is the site to many historic homes
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
We will pass by the Austin Central Library which was on Times magazine's Top 100 places to visit in 2018.
Lady Bird Lake Hike-and-Bike Trail
We will pass by the well known Lady Bird Lake also known as Town Lake
Zach Theatre
We pass this Austin original that's been around since 1932
6th Street
We drive along historic East 6th street through Austin's main area of bars and nightclubs.
O. Henry Home & Museum
We pass by the historic home of O. Henry in downtown Austin
Victory Grill
We pass by historic Victory Grill in East Austin
French Legation State Historic Site
We pass by the historic French Legation which is one of the only buildings that dates back to the Republic of Texas
Republic Square
We pass one of Austin's original parks
Austin City Limits Live
We pass the world renowned live music venue and home to the Austin City Limits show.
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Passengers will have chance to hop off and explore the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge and take in expansive views of Ladybird Lake and the Austin downtown skyline. *Subject to change due to events or closures
The Driskill
This is an alternate stop that doesn't always happen. Passengers get to go inside the Historic Driskill Hotel to learn the history of this iconic building and Austin's oldest hotel. *Subject to change due to events or closures
Texas State Cemetery
Passengers get to explore cemetery grounds and see what is the Texas equivalent to the Arlington National Cemetery. *Subject to change due to events or closures
University of Texas at Austin
We will pass by various sites on the UT campus.
Paramount Theatre
We will pass the historic Paramount Theatre which still screens movies to this day.
Long Center
We will pass by the Long Center for Performing Arts, situated along Lady Bird Lake.
Congress Avenue
We will go up Congress Avenue, passing restaurants, bars, and stores such as the iconic Allens Boots.
Mexic-Arte Museum
We will drive by the Mexic-Arte Museum, where Latino and Mexican-American art is showcased.
2nd Street District
Drive through the 2nd Street District, a happening part of town with award-winning restaurants and exciting entertainment.
University of Texas Tower
We get you a great view of the University of Texas Tower from the comfort of the vehicle.
The Blanton Museum of Art
We will pass by the Blanton Museum of Art.
Bullock Texas State History Museum
We will pass the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum
Texas State Capitol
We'll drive around the Texas State Capitol exterior.
Bremond Block
We pass through the historic Bremond Block which is the site to many historic homes
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
We will pass by the Austin Central Library which was on Times magazine's Top 100 places to visit in 2018.
Lady Bird Lake Hike-and-Bike Trail
We will pass by the well known Lady Bird Lake also known as Town Lake
Zach Theatre
We pass this Austin original that's been around since 1932
6th Street
We drive along historic East 6th street through Austin's main area of bars and nightclubs.
O. Henry Home & Museum
We pass by the historic home of O. Henry in downtown Austin
Victory Grill
We pass by historic Victory Grill in East Austin
French Legation State Historic Site
We pass by the historic French Legation which is one of the only buildings that dates back to the Republic of Texas
Republic Square
We pass one of Austin's original parks
Austin City Limits Live
We pass the world renowned live music venue and home to the Austin City Limits show.
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Passengers will have chance to hop off and explore the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge and take in expansive views of Ladybird Lake and the Austin downtown skyline. *Subject to change due to events or closures
The Driskill
This is an alternate stop that doesn't always happen. Passengers get to go inside the Historic Driskill Hotel to learn the history of this iconic building and Austin's oldest hotel. *Subject to change due to events or closures
Texas State Cemetery
Passengers get to explore cemetery grounds and see what is the Texas equivalent to the Arlington National Cemetery. *Subject to change due to events or closures
University of Texas at Austin
We will pass by various sites on the UT campus.
Paramount Theatre
We will pass the historic Paramount Theatre which still screens movies to this day.
Long Center
We will pass by the Long Center for Performing Arts, situated along Lady Bird Lake.
Congress Avenue
We will go up Congress Avenue, passing restaurants, bars, and stores such as the iconic Allens Boots.
Mexic-Arte Museum
We will drive by the Mexic-Arte Museum, where Latino and Mexican-American art is showcased.
2nd Street District
Drive through the 2nd Street District, a happening part of town with award-winning restaurants and exciting entertainment.
University of Texas Tower
We get you a great view of the University of Texas Tower from the comfort of the vehicle.
The Blanton Museum of Art
We will pass by the Blanton Museum of Art.
Bullock Texas State History Museum
We will pass the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum
Texas State Capitol
We'll drive around the Texas State Capitol exterior.
Bremond Block
We pass through the historic Bremond Block which is the site to many historic homes
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
We will pass by the Austin Central Library which was on Times magazine's Top 100 places to visit in 2018.
Lady Bird Lake Hike-and-Bike Trail
We will pass by the well known Lady Bird Lake also known as Town Lake
Zach Theatre
We pass this Austin original that's been around since 1932
6th Street
We drive along historic East 6th street through Austin's main area of bars and nightclubs.
O. Henry Home & Museum
We pass by the historic home of O. Henry in downtown Austin
Victory Grill
We pass by historic Victory Grill in East Austin
French Legation State Historic Site
We pass by the historic French Legation which is one of the only buildings that dates back to the Republic of Texas
Republic Square
We pass one of Austin's original parks
Austin City Limits Live
We pass the world renowned live music venue and home to the Austin City Limits show.
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Passengers will have chance to hop off and explore the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge and take in expansive views of Ladybird Lake and the Austin downtown skyline. *Subject to change due to events or closures
The Driskill
This is an alternate stop that doesn't always happen. Passengers get to go inside the Historic Driskill Hotel to learn the history of this iconic building and Austin's oldest hotel. *Subject to change due to events or closures
Texas State Cemetery
Passengers get to explore cemetery grounds and see what is the Texas equivalent to the Arlington National Cemetery. *Subject to change due to events or closures
University of Texas at Austin
We will pass by various sites on the UT campus.
Paramount Theatre
We will pass the historic Paramount Theatre which still screens movies to this day.
Long Center
We will pass by the Long Center for Performing Arts, situated along Lady Bird Lake.
Congress Avenue
We will go up Congress Avenue, passing restaurants, bars, and stores such as the iconic Allens Boots.
Mexic-Arte Museum
We will drive by the Mexic-Arte Museum, where Latino and Mexican-American art is showcased.
2nd Street District
Drive through the 2nd Street District, a happening part of town with award-winning restaurants and exciting entertainment.
University of Texas Tower
We get you a great view of the University of Texas Tower from the comfort of the vehicle.
The Blanton Museum of Art
We will pass by the Blanton Museum of Art.
Bullock Texas State History Museum
We will pass the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum
Texas State Capitol
We'll drive around the Texas State Capitol exterior.
Bremond Block
We pass through the historic Bremond Block which is the site to many historic homes
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
We will pass by the Austin Central Library which was on Times magazine's Top 100 places to visit in 2018.
Lady Bird Lake Hike-and-Bike Trail
We will pass by the well known Lady Bird Lake also known as Town Lake
Zach Theatre
We pass this Austin original that's been around since 1932
6th Street
We drive along historic East 6th street through Austin's main area of bars and nightclubs.
O. Henry Home & Museum
We pass by the historic home of O. Henry in downtown Austin
Victory Grill
We pass by historic Victory Grill in East Austin
French Legation State Historic Site
We pass by the historic French Legation which is one of the only buildings that dates back to the Republic of Texas
Republic Square
We pass one of Austin's original parks
Austin City Limits Live
We pass the world renowned live music venue and home to the Austin City Limits show.
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Passengers will have chance to hop off and explore the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge and take in expansive views of Ladybird Lake and the Austin downtown skyline. *Subject to change due to events or closures
The Driskill
This is an alternate stop that doesn't always happen. Passengers get to go inside the Historic Driskill Hotel to learn the history of this iconic building and Austin's oldest hotel. *Subject to change due to events or closures
Texas State Cemetery
Passengers get to explore cemetery grounds and see what is the Texas equivalent to the Arlington National Cemetery. *Subject to change due to events or closures
University of Texas at Austin
We will pass by various sites on the UT campus.
Paramount Theatre
We will pass the historic Paramount Theatre which still screens movies to this day.
Long Center
We will pass by the Long Center for Performing Arts, situated along Lady Bird Lake.
Congress Avenue
We will go up Congress Avenue, passing restaurants, bars, and stores such as the iconic Allens Boots.
Mexic-Arte Museum
We will drive by the Mexic-Arte Museum, where Latino and Mexican-American art is showcased.
2nd Street District
Drive through the 2nd Street District, a happening part of town with award-winning restaurants and exciting entertainment.
University of Texas Tower
We get you a great view of the University of Texas Tower from the comfort of the vehicle.
The Blanton Museum of Art
We will pass by the Blanton Museum of Art.
Bullock Texas State History Museum
We will pass the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum
Texas State Capitol
We'll drive around the Texas State Capitol exterior.
Bremond Block
We pass through the historic Bremond Block which is the site to many historic homes
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
We will pass by the Austin Central Library which was on Times magazine's Top 100 places to visit in 2018.
Lady Bird Lake Hike-and-Bike Trail
We will pass by the well known Lady Bird Lake also known as Town Lake
Zach Theatre
We pass this Austin original that's been around since 1932
6th Street
We drive along historic East 6th street through Austin's main area of bars and nightclubs.
O. Henry Home & Museum
We pass by the historic home of O. Henry in downtown Austin
Victory Grill
We pass by historic Victory Grill in East Austin
French Legation State Historic Site
We pass by the historic French Legation which is one of the only buildings that dates back to the Republic of Texas
Republic Square
We pass one of Austin's original parks
Austin City Limits Live
We pass the world renowned live music venue and home to the Austin City Limits show.
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Passengers will have chance to hop off and explore the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge and take in expansive views of Ladybird Lake and the Austin downtown skyline. *Subject to change due to events or closures
The Driskill
This is an alternate stop that doesn't always happen. Passengers get to go inside the Historic Driskill Hotel to learn the history of this iconic building and Austin's oldest hotel. *Subject to change due to events or closures
Texas State Cemetery
Passengers get to explore cemetery grounds and see what is the Texas equivalent to the Arlington National Cemetery. *Subject to change due to events or closures
University of Texas at Austin
We will pass by various sites on the UT campus.
Paramount Theatre
We will pass the historic Paramount Theatre which still screens movies to this day.
Long Center
We will pass by the Long Center for Performing Arts, situated along Lady Bird Lake.
Congress Avenue
We will go up Congress Avenue, passing restaurants, bars, and stores such as the iconic Allens Boots.
Mexic-Arte Museum
We will drive by the Mexic-Arte Museum, where Latino and Mexican-American art is showcased.
2nd Street District
Drive through the 2nd Street District, a happening part of town with award-winning restaurants and exciting entertainment.
University of Texas Tower
We get you a great view of the University of Texas Tower from the comfort of the vehicle.
The Blanton Museum of Art
We will pass by the Blanton Museum of Art.
Bullock Texas State History Museum
We will pass the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum
Texas State Capitol
We'll drive around the Texas State Capitol exterior.
Bremond Block
We pass through the historic Bremond Block which is the site to many historic homes
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
We will pass by the Austin Central Library which was on Times magazine's Top 100 places to visit in 2018.
Lady Bird Lake Hike-and-Bike Trail
We will pass by the well known Lady Bird Lake also known as Town Lake
Zach Theatre
We pass this Austin original that's been around since 1932
6th Street
We drive along historic East 6th street through Austin's main area of bars and nightclubs.
O. Henry Home & Museum
We pass by the historic home of O. Henry in downtown Austin
Victory Grill
We pass by historic Victory Grill in East Austin
French Legation State Historic Site
We pass by the historic French Legation which is one of the only buildings that dates back to the Republic of Texas
Republic Square
We pass one of Austin's original parks
Austin City Limits Live
We pass the world renowned live music venue and home to the Austin City Limits show.
Пешеходный мост Пфлюгера
У пассажиров будет возможность сойти и исследовать пешеходный мост Пфлюгера, а также полюбоваться обширным видом на озеро Божья коровка и городской пейзаж Остина. *Возможны изменения в связи с событиями или закрытием
Это альтернативная остановка, которая случается не всегда. Пассажиры могут зайти в исторический отель Дрискилл, чтобы узнать историю этого культового здания и старейшего отеля Остина. *Возможны изменения в связи с событиями или закрытием
Кладбище штата Техас
Пассажиры могут исследовать территорию кладбища и увидеть, что в Техасе эквивалентно Арлингтонскому национальному кладбищу. *Возможны изменения в связи с событиями или закрытием
Техасский университет в Остине
Мы проедем мимо различных мест в кампусе UT.
Парамаунт Театр
Мы проедем мимо исторического театра Парамаунт, в котором и по сей день показывают фильмы.
Длинный центр
Мы проедем мимо Длинного центра исполнительских искусств, расположенного вдоль озера Леди Бёрд.
Мы пойдем по Конгресс-авеню, минуя рестораны, бары и магазины, такие как культовые ботинки Allens Boots.
Музей мексиканского искусства
Мы проедем мимо Музея мексиканского искусства, где представлено латиноамериканское и мексиканско-американское искусство.
Район 2-й улицы
Проезжайте по району 2-й улицы, оживленной части города с отмеченными наградами ресторанами и захватывающими развлечениями.
Башня Техасского университета
Мы предоставим вам прекрасный вид на башню Техасского университета, не выходя из автомобиля.
Художественный музей Блантона
Мы проедем мимо Художественного музея Блэнтона.
Государственный исторический музей Буллока, Техас
Мы проедем мимо Техасского государственного исторического музея Боба Баллока.
Капитолий штата Техас
Мы объедем снаружи Капитолий штата Техас.
Бремон Блок
Мы проезжаем через исторический квартал Бремонд, где находится множество исторических домов.
Центральная библиотека Остина, Публичная библиотека Остина
Мы проедем мимо Центральной библиотеки Остина, которая вошла в список 100 лучших мест для посещения по версии журнала Times в 2018 году.
Пешеходная и велосипедная тропа озера Леди Берд
Мы проедем мимо известного озера Леди Бёрд, также известного как Городское озеро.
Зак Театр
Мы передаем этот оригинал Остина, который существует с 1932 года.
6-я улица
Мы едем по исторической Восточной 6-й улице через главный район Остина с барами и ночными клубами.
Дом и музей О. Генри
Проезжаем исторический дом О. Генри в центре Остина.
Победа Гриль
Мы проходим мимо исторического гриля Victory Grill в Восточном Остине.
Государственный исторический памятник французского представительства
Мы проходим мимо исторической французской миссии, которая является одним из немногих зданий, которые восходят к Республике Техас.
Площадь Республики
Мы проезжаем один из оригинальных парков Остина.
Пределы города Остин в прямом эфире
Мы проезжаем мимо всемирно известного концертного зала, где проходит шоу Austin City Limits.
Показать 158 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (28)
Dec 2022
Booked this trip last minute and absolutely felt like a VIP. The bus/convertible was awesome! Our guide was super helpful and patient and create a truly fun and informative experience! Only wish it was a bit longer and included other sections of Austin!
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Marella! Thanks for the great review. Glad you enjoyed the tour. -AO Tours Ausitn
Nov 2022
Austin cemetery, it was very enlightening to know all of the famous people who are buried there. Overall the history of Austin. also, Altura guy Doug was very Crismetic and very knowledgeable and I was happy that he was able to share these things with us. Thank you so much Doug.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Hi Charlene, Thanks for the wonderful rating, review, and feedback. We're so delighted to hear you had a great tour with Doug. He's one of the best! -AO Tours Austin
Nov 2022
Doug was an amazing guide. Provided tons of great information. We made the best of the rainy day tour.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Hi Rosario, Thanks for the great rating and feedback! Delighted to hear you had a nice tour with Doug. -AO Tours Austin

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