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Экскурсия по центру города в парк Бальбоа

Присоединяйтесь к нам в уникальном частном приключении в центре Сан-Диего и его окрестностях с экскурсией на мотоцикле с коляской! Узнайте о прошлом и настоящем «Лучшего города Америки», родины Калифорнии, путешествуя стильно! Это безопасно, это весело и это незабываемые впечатления на всю жизнь!

С Pegasus Sidecar Tours ваш личный водитель и гид проведет вас по прекрасному району Сан-Диего на наших первоклассных трехместных колясках. Это означает, что 2 пассажира могут сидеть в коляске, а третий — позади вашего личного водителя и гида. Наши шлемы оснащены ведущей в отрасли системой связи SENA, обеспечивающей возможность подключения HD-аудио для 4 человек, поэтому вы можете напрямую разговаривать друг с другом и с гидом на протяжении всего тура.

Домашним животным также разрешается кататься, ведь что за жизнь без наших пушистых друзей!

Есть даже складной верх, который может закрыть коляску на случай, если (по какой-то редкой случайности в Сан-Диего) пойдет дождь. Туры очень индивидуальны. Давайте ездить!
Город: Сан Диего
Wed 05 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $199.00
Wed 05 Mar
Начинается с $199.00
Что включено
Private transportation
Open face DOT approved helmets are included
Bottled water
HD Bluetooth Audio units installed in all helmets
Private transportation
Open face DOT approved helmets are included
Bottled water
Дополнительная информация
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть остановки общественного транспорта
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • li>
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
Что ожидать
Waterfront Park
Get to know "America's Finest City" with a ride through the vibrant and historic downtown San Diego. Experience the historic Gas Lamp district and Little Italy neighborhoods. Learn about the tumultuous origins of America’s Finest City passing by the historic Old Town - the birthplace of California.
Maritime Museum of San Diego
The tour includes stops at the Waterfront Park, Dead Man’s Point, Maritime Museum & Midway Museum along Embarcadero.
USS Midway Museum
We ride by USS Midway and Unconditional Surrender Statue.
ARTS DISTRICT Liberty Station
The tour then continues along N. Harbor Drive where you will get a great view of downtown San Diego across the bay. We also ride through Liberty Station.
Balboa Park
We also ride through Balboa Park, home to many museums, gardens, and the world famous San Diego Zoo. You can choose to end the tour here, at Midway or anywhere in downtown or along the route. If you have more time we can cross over to Coronado via the gorgeous Coronado Bridge, explore its fancy streets, and see beautiful San Diego from across the bay (additional option). This route can also be reversed depending on your preference. With all the mesmerizing lights and sounds of a bustling city, this tour is excellent at night as well.
Waterfront Park
Get to know "America's Finest City" with a ride through the vibrant and historic downtown San Diego. Experience the historic Gas Lamp district and Little Italy neighborhoods. Learn about the tumultuous origins of America’s Finest City passing by the historic Old Town - the birthplace of California.
Maritime Museum of San Diego
The tour includes stops at the Waterfront Park, Dead Man’s Point, Maritime Museum & Midway Museum along Embarcadero.
USS Midway Museum
We ride by USS Midway and Unconditional Surrender Statue.
ARTS DISTRICT Liberty Station
The tour then continues along N. Harbor Drive where you will get a great view of downtown San Diego across the bay. We also ride through Liberty Station.
Balboa Park
We also ride through Balboa Park, home to many museums, gardens, and the world famous San Diego Zoo. You can choose to end the tour here, at Midway or anywhere in downtown or along the route. If you have more time we can cross over to Coronado via the gorgeous Coronado Bridge, explore its fancy streets, and see beautiful San Diego from across the bay (additional option). This route can also be reversed depending on your preference. With all the mesmerizing lights and sounds of a bustling city, this tour is excellent at night as well.
Waterfront Park
Get to know "America's Finest City" with a ride through the vibrant and historic downtown San Diego. Experience the historic Gas Lamp district and Little Italy neighborhoods. Learn about the tumultuous origins of America’s Finest City passing by the historic Old Town - the birthplace of California.
Maritime Museum of San Diego
The tour includes stops at the Waterfront Park, Dead Man’s Point, Maritime Museum & Midway Museum along Embarcadero.
USS Midway Museum
We ride by USS Midway and Unconditional Surrender Statue.
ARTS DISTRICT Liberty Station
The tour then continues along N. Harbor Drive where you will get a great view of downtown San Diego across the bay. We also ride through Liberty Station.
Balboa Park
We also ride through Balboa Park, home to many museums, gardens, and the world famous San Diego Zoo. You can choose to end the tour here, at Midway or anywhere in downtown or along the route. If you have more time we can cross over to Coronado via the gorgeous Coronado Bridge, explore its fancy streets, and see beautiful San Diego from across the bay (additional option). This route can also be reversed depending on your preference. With all the mesmerizing lights and sounds of a bustling city, this tour is excellent at night as well.
Waterfront Park
Get to know "America's Finest City" with a ride through the vibrant and historic downtown San Diego. Experience the historic Gas Lamp district and Little Italy neighborhoods. Learn about the tumultuous origins of America’s Finest City passing by the historic Old Town - the birthplace of California.
Maritime Museum of San Diego
The tour includes stops at the Waterfront Park, Dead Man’s Point, Maritime Museum & Midway Museum along Embarcadero.
USS Midway Museum
We ride by USS Midway and Unconditional Surrender Statue.
ARTS DISTRICT Liberty Station
The tour then continues along N. Harbor Drive where you will get a great view of downtown San Diego across the bay. We also ride through Liberty Station.
Balboa Park
We also ride through Balboa Park, home to many museums, gardens, and the world famous San Diego Zoo. You can choose to end the tour here, at Midway or anywhere in downtown or along the route. If you have more time we can cross over to Coronado via the gorgeous Coronado Bridge, explore its fancy streets, and see beautiful San Diego from across the bay (additional option). This route can also be reversed depending on your preference. With all the mesmerizing lights and sounds of a bustling city, this tour is excellent at night as well.
Уотерфронт Парк
Познакомьтесь с «Лучшим городом Америки», совершив поездку по оживленному историческому центру Сан-Диего. Посетите исторический район газовых фонарей и кварталы Маленькой Италии. Узнайте о бурном происхождении самого прекрасного города Америки, проезжая мимо исторического Старого города — места рождения Калифорнии.
Морской музей Сан-Диего
Тур включает в себя остановки в Waterfront Park, Dead Man’s Point, Морском музее и Музее Midway вдоль Эмбаркадеро.
Музей авианосца Мидуэй
Мы едем на USS Midway и Статуе Безоговорочной Капитуляции.
РАЙОН ИСКУССТВ Станция Свободы
Затем тур продолжается по Н. Харбор Драйв, откуда открывается прекрасный вид на центр Сан-Диего через залив. Мы также едем через Станцию ​​Свободы.
Бальбоа Парк
Мы также проедем через парк Бальбоа, где находится множество музеев, садов и всемирно известный зоопарк Сан-Диего. Вы можете закончить тур здесь, на Мидуэе или в любом другом месте в центре города или по маршруту. Если у вас есть больше времени, мы можем перейти в Коронадо по великолепному мосту Коронадо, исследовать его причудливые улицы и увидеть красивый Сан-Диего через залив (дополнительная опция). Этот маршрут также может быть изменен в зависимости от ваших предпочтений. Со всеми завораживающими огнями и звуками шумного города этот тур превосходен и ночью.
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Отзывы (6)
Nov 2022
This was the best way ever to get a feel for San Diego . We are bikers but it was great to sit back and let Nik do all the driving and talking. He is a very knowledgeable tour guide and covered a huge distance in our 2 hours. No big roads and all the main sights. Nik did everything to make sure we had a great trip. I would recommend for anyone!
Apr 2022
Being driven around on the motorcycle. My friend and I could not fit in the sidecar. If yo get another sidecar, you might want to add 10-15" to the seating. For hefty people like us. But i was glad I rode behind the driver. It was great. Relaxing and comfortable. Nik was a great tour guide. I will definitely do it again. Next time it will be 3-5 hour tour. Thank you Nik. It was a great experience. I have put a view on trip advisor. Also for the seal tour. Can't wait to see the photos so I can show everybody. I also left a brochure at the hotel to let their guests about this tour. I should have grabbed a couple to leave at the hotel.
Ответ от хоста
May 2022
Thanks so much for touring with me. I enjoyed your company and conversation. Looking forward to showing you more of SD on your future visits. Cheers. Nik
Apr 2022
Sitting behind the driver. My friend and I couldn't fit together in the side car. Might want to maybe get a wide load side car for some of us hefty people.. Nick took us all round as brochure said. Talked and explained the history. This was worth the money and very enjoy a ble👍👍👍👍👍 I say go for it. Try the winery tour. I will definitely do it again. Two hours and getting off to walk took a little effort. Next time I am going to customize or the 5 hour tour. Thank you Nik for a great experience.
Ответ от хоста
May 2022
Great having you and showing you around. I look forward to the next visit. I appreciate you. Cheers, Nik

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