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Владелец Джо Нэшвилл, Nashville Experience Tours, уроженец Теннесси, его корни восходят к первому поселению в Нэшвилле - Ft. Нэшборо. Его взгляд на исторический и современный Нэшвилл интересен и создает уникальные впечатления от тура от местного жителя. Знания Джо о событиях и историях интересных людей Нэшвилла действительно поднимают этот тур на новый уровень и демонстрируют настоящий Нэшвилл. **** У Джо также есть экскурсионный тур по городу, если вы предпочитаете экскурсию на фургоне, а не пешком.****
Город: Нэшвилл
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $26.99
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $26.99
Что включено
Guided Tour - Discussions outside of landmarks.
Guided Tour - Discussions outside of landmarks.
Guided Tour - Discussions outside of landmarks.
Частный винный тур с гидом
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки.
  • По состоянию на 12 июня в Нэшвилле не действуют обязательные требования по ношению ношения одежды. Пожалуйста, используйте свое усмотрение и ознакомьтесь с последними рекомендациями Департамента метро Нэшвилла Covid, чтобы определить, подходит ли вам этот тур. Гиды могут носить или не носить маски. Джо Нэшвилл вакцинирован от Covid 19.
Что ожидать
Nashville War Memorial Auditorium
Historic state legislative office building and music venue.
Tennessee State Capitol
Historic Capital and tomb of two architects. Discussion outside.
Printer's Alley
Historic stories of Nashville's past of skullduggery. Outside.
Ryman Auditorium
"The Mother Church of Country Music." Outside
Nashville War Memorial Auditorium
Historic state legislative office building and music venue.
Tennessee State Capitol
Historic Capital and tomb of two architects. Discussion outside.
Printer's Alley
Historic stories of Nashville's past of skullduggery. Outside.
Ryman Auditorium
"The Mother Church of Country Music." Outside
Nashville War Memorial Auditorium
Historic state legislative office building and music venue.
Tennessee State Capitol
Historic Capital and tomb of two architects. Discussion outside.
Printer's Alley
Historic stories of Nashville's past of skullduggery. Outside.
Ryman Auditorium
"The Mother Church of Country Music." Outside
Аудитория военного мемориала в Нэшвилле
Историческое здание законодательного собрания штата и концертный зал.
Капитолий штата Теннесси
Историческая столица и усыпальница двух архитекторов. Обсуждение снаружи.
Аллея принтеров
Исторические истории мошенничества в прошлом Нэшвилла. Вне.
Райман Аудиториум
«Материнская церковь кантри-музыки». Вне
Показать 13 больше остановок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (10)
Oct 2022
Joe is very knowledgeable, yet the tour was too focused on political history. A more balanced tour would have been appreciated.
Oct 2022
The Tour was overall great! Joe was very knowledgeable and made it fun, definitely recommend taking it.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thank you so much for the kind words. I appreciate it and enjoyed ya'll on the tour. Great folks!!!! Joe
Sep 2022
I took this tour because I wanted to learn more about Nashville while I was visiting to orient myself to the culture and history of the city. I appreciated that the tour guide/owner Joe was friendly and open, and I did see some places that I wouldn't have otherwise saw. However, the tour itself was pretty light on actual content if you are someone who is really interested in history and facts. It felt like we were just wandering through the streets and pointing out a few interesting things, rather than an intentional tour about how Nashville came to be what it was today. Case in point: At one point, Joe went on a tangent about his lineage and how TN people were "mutts." Or on a tangent about how Nashville government feels non-partisan (which, LOL, because no). Also, I get why in Tennessee in 2022 Joe is trying to straddle a line and be "not political." However, I had a really hard time with the tour basically sugar coating the Trail of Tears, slavery, and segregation. Like Joe would try to say things like "you have to look at it from that time" or "compared to X city, Y people would rather live in Nashville!" But it's not political or controversial to be clear an unequivocal that those things were wrong abhorrent and unacceptable, even to many at the times, and devastated those communities. The CLOSEST Joe got to anything was saying that the rise of private schools was dated when schools were integrated - which, come on, Joe! Just SAY that cities like Nashville have rampant race and economic segregation TO THIS DAY - the rise of private schools and the incorporation of many wealthy suburbs around Nashville (e.g., Brentwood) directly came from white flight and to maintain segregation. It seems like there was so much If you want to really go in depth and understand Nashville, I'd recommend looking elsewhere.

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