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Вечерний опыт ловца снов в Долине монументов

Испытайте очарование Долины монументов и погрузитесь в культуру навахо с местным гидом!

Туристический пакет «Ловец снов» — это 4-часовая вечерняя экскурсия навахо с гидом. Он начинается с 2,5-часового вечернего тура на закате через культовый пейзаж Долины Монументов и позволяет вам исследовать бэккантри-маршруты и запретные зоны. После закатного тура вас будет ждать традиционный ужин навахо в глубине долины недалеко от Месы Бога дождя. Тур завершится специальной развлекательной программой, во время которой вы сможете насладиться традиционными танцами, пением, игрой на барабанах и рассказыванием историй, сидя у костра под звездами.
Город: Долина монументов
Sat 21 Sep
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Начинается с $135.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $135.00
Что включено
Open-air vehicle or enclosed van (depending on weather conditions)
Bottled water
Live entertainment program
Local Navajo guide (english speaking)
Fuel surcharge
Traditional Navajo dinner incl. drinks
Дополнительная информация
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
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  • Минимум 2 человека на бронирование
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  • Маски для лица требуются для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица предоставляются для путешественников
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  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
Что ожидать
Simpson's Trailhandler Tours
Participation in the Dreamcatcher tour adventure offers the perfect way to learn about the Navajo culture and to experience all the beauty and magic of Monument Valley! During the 2.5 hour tour you will visit sites such as the amazing Big Hogan arch,  the Sun's Eye arch and ancient petroglyphs (rock art),  the Ear of the Wind arch, the famous Totem Pole and Yei bi chei rock formations, John Fords Point and many more. You will also visit a traditional Navajo Hogan where you can witness the Navajo prepare their wool and demonstrate their craft of rug weaving!  As the sun begins to fade in the west and the stars begin to fill the Monument Valley skies, you will then visit the scenic setting of Rain God Mesa where our Navajo cooks will prepare traditional Navajo tacos with homemade frybread and grill steaks over a campfire.This night you will be able to enjoy your dinner in the greatest outdoor setting you can imagine!  The evening will continue with a special Navajo cultural entertainment program. A Navajo dancer dressed in full regalia, will perform various dances while a master of ceremonies drums and chants and tells stories near an open campfire, and under a sky full of Monument Valley stars! This evening Dreamcatcher tour adventure with the Navajo guided valley tour, the special Navajo dinner and cultural entertainment has a total duration of four hours.
Simpson's Trailhandler Tours
Participation in the Dreamcatcher tour adventure offers the perfect way to learn about the Navajo culture and to experience all the beauty and magic of Monument Valley! During the 2.5 hour tour you will visit sites such as the amazing Big Hogan arch,  the Sun's Eye arch and ancient petroglyphs (rock art),  the Ear of the Wind arch, the famous Totem Pole and Yei bi chei rock formations, John Fords Point and many more. You will also visit a traditional Navajo Hogan where you can witness the Navajo prepare their wool and demonstrate their craft of rug weaving!  As the sun begins to fade in the west and the stars begin to fill the Monument Valley skies, you will then visit the scenic setting of Rain God Mesa where our Navajo cooks will prepare traditional Navajo tacos with homemade frybread and grill steaks over a campfire.This night you will be able to enjoy your dinner in the greatest outdoor setting you can imagine!  The evening will continue with a special Navajo cultural entertainment program. A Navajo dancer dressed in full regalia, will perform various dances while a master of ceremonies drums and chants and tells stories near an open campfire, and under a sky full of Monument Valley stars! This evening Dreamcatcher tour adventure with the Navajo guided valley tour, the special Navajo dinner and cultural entertainment has a total duration of four hours.
Simpson's Trailhandler Tours
Participation in the Dreamcatcher tour adventure offers the perfect way to learn about the Navajo culture and to experience all the beauty and magic of Monument Valley! During the 2.5 hour tour you will visit sites such as the amazing Big Hogan arch,  the Sun's Eye arch and ancient petroglyphs (rock art),  the Ear of the Wind arch, the famous Totem Pole and Yei bi chei rock formations, John Fords Point and many more. You will also visit a traditional Navajo Hogan where you can witness the Navajo prepare their wool and demonstrate their craft of rug weaving!  As the sun begins to fade in the west and the stars begin to fill the Monument Valley skies, you will then visit the scenic setting of Rain God Mesa where our Navajo cooks will prepare traditional Navajo tacos with homemade frybread and grill steaks over a campfire.This night you will be able to enjoy your dinner in the greatest outdoor setting you can imagine!  The evening will continue with a special Navajo cultural entertainment program. A Navajo dancer dressed in full regalia, will perform various dances while a master of ceremonies drums and chants and tells stories near an open campfire, and under a sky full of Monument Valley stars! This evening Dreamcatcher tour adventure with the Navajo guided valley tour, the special Navajo dinner and cultural entertainment has a total duration of four hours.
Simpson's Trailhandler Tours
Participation in the Dreamcatcher tour adventure offers the perfect way to learn about the Navajo culture and to experience all the beauty and magic of Monument Valley! During the 2.5 hour tour you will visit sites such as the amazing Big Hogan arch,  the Sun's Eye arch and ancient petroglyphs (rock art),  the Ear of the Wind arch, the famous Totem Pole and Yei bi chei rock formations, John Fords Point and many more. You will also visit a traditional Navajo Hogan where you can witness the Navajo prepare their wool and demonstrate their craft of rug weaving!  As the sun begins to fade in the west and the stars begin to fill the Monument Valley skies, you will then visit the scenic setting of Rain God Mesa where our Navajo cooks will prepare traditional Navajo tacos with homemade frybread and grill steaks over a campfire.This night you will be able to enjoy your dinner in the greatest outdoor setting you can imagine!  The evening will continue with a special Navajo cultural entertainment program. A Navajo dancer dressed in full regalia, will perform various dances while a master of ceremonies drums and chants and tells stories near an open campfire, and under a sky full of Monument Valley stars! This evening Dreamcatcher tour adventure with the Navajo guided valley tour, the special Navajo dinner and cultural entertainment has a total duration of four hours.
Simpson's Trailhandler Tours
Participation in the Dreamcatcher tour adventure offers the perfect way to learn about the Navajo culture and to experience all the beauty and magic of Monument Valley! During the 2.5 hour tour you will visit sites such as the amazing Big Hogan arch,  the Sun's Eye arch and ancient petroglyphs (rock art),  the Ear of the Wind arch, the famous Totem Pole and Yei bi chei rock formations, John Fords Point and many more. You will also visit a traditional Navajo Hogan where you can witness the Navajo prepare their wool and demonstrate their craft of rug weaving!  As the sun begins to fade in the west and the stars begin to fill the Monument Valley skies, you will then visit the scenic setting of Rain God Mesa where our Navajo cooks will prepare traditional Navajo tacos with homemade frybread and grill steaks over a campfire.This night you will be able to enjoy your dinner in the greatest outdoor setting you can imagine!  The evening will continue with a special Navajo cultural entertainment program. A Navajo dancer dressed in full regalia, will perform various dances while a master of ceremonies drums and chants and tells stories near an open campfire, and under a sky full of Monument Valley stars! This evening Dreamcatcher tour adventure with the Navajo guided valley tour, the special Navajo dinner and cultural entertainment has a total duration of four hours.
Simpson's Trailhandler Tours
Participation in the Dreamcatcher tour adventure offers the perfect way to learn about the Navajo culture and to experience all the beauty and magic of Monument Valley! During the 2.5 hour tour you will visit sites such as the amazing Big Hogan arch,  the Sun's Eye arch and ancient petroglyphs (rock art),  the Ear of the Wind arch, the famous Totem Pole and Yei bi chei rock formations, John Fords Point and many more. You will also visit a traditional Navajo Hogan where you can witness the Navajo prepare their wool and demonstrate their craft of rug weaving!  As the sun begins to fade in the west and the stars begin to fill the Monument Valley skies, you will then visit the scenic setting of Rain God Mesa where our Navajo cooks will prepare traditional Navajo tacos with homemade frybread and grill steaks over a campfire.This night you will be able to enjoy your dinner in the greatest outdoor setting you can imagine!  The evening will continue with a special Navajo cultural entertainment program. A Navajo dancer dressed in full regalia, will perform various dances while a master of ceremonies drums and chants and tells stories near an open campfire, and under a sky full of Monument Valley stars! This evening Dreamcatcher tour adventure with the Navajo guided valley tour, the special Navajo dinner and cultural entertainment has a total duration of four hours.
Симпсон Трейлхэндлер Туры
Участие в приключенческом туре «Ловец снов» предлагает идеальный способ узнать о культуре навахо и испытать всю красоту и магию Долины Монументов! Во время 2,5-часового тура вы посетите такие достопримечательности, как удивительная арка Большой Хоган, арка Солнечного Ока и древние петроглифы (наскальные рисунки), арка Ухо Ветра, знаменитый Тотемный столб и скальные образования Йейбичей, Джон Фордс Пойнт. и многое другое. Вы также посетите традиционный хоган навахо, где увидите, как навахо готовят свою шерсть и продемонстрируете свое искусство ковроткачества! Когда солнце начинает угасать на западе и звезды начинают заполнять небо над Долиной монументов, вы посетите живописную Месу Бога дождя, где наши повара навахо приготовят традиционные тако навахо с домашней жареной лепешкой и жарят стейки на костре. Этой ночью вы сможете насладиться ужином в лучшем месте на свежем воздухе, какое только можно себе представить! Вечер продолжится специальной культурно-развлекательной программой навахо. Танцовщица навахо, одетая в полные регалии , будет исполнять различные танцы, а церемониймейстер будет играть на барабанах, петь и рассказывать истории у открытого костра под небом, полным звезд Долины монументов! Это вечернее приключение тура «Ловец снов» с экскурсией по долине навахо с гидом, специальным ужином навахо и культурными развлечениями имеет общую продолжительность четыре часа.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (82)
Jun 2019
I loved taking in a piece of culture by being a part of it with my family. We were able to hear local folklore, see hogan homes up close and personal with families that shared, weaving, dancing, frybread tacos, flute and drum playing, and more. John & Cody were great teachers. Respectful, intriguing, and inclusive. It was a wonderful experience in Monument Valley. We’ve been to Monument Valley on our own self-guided tour twice, but this is an exceptional experience. I’d recommend booking the Dreamweaver tour to anyone, and I’m thankful for the teachings that they shared so beautifully.
Ответ от хоста
Jun 2019
Thank you for the honor and privilege it was to "share a piece" of our special Navajo culture with your family during your visit to our enchanting lands of Monument Valley! Our evening Dreamcatcher tour package adventure is one of our most popular tour events to participate in... and allows our Navajo guide to share the local folklore, the authentic Navajo homes called Hogans, the rug weaving demonstration, traditional Navajo foods, and our special music presentation. We conclude the evening with the traditional Navajo dancing, with the drumming and chanting to provide fond memories of the full tour experience with our Navajo guide Johnson, Navajo dancer Cody, and our Navajo cooks. On behalf of John, Cody, and Monument Valley Simpson's Trailhandler Tours... we thank you for taking the time to allow us to escort you through our beautiful back country lands that cannot be seen without one of our guides accompanying you... to share cultural knowledge... and to experience more than is possible doing a self- guided drive as you have done before! Safe travels... and we invite you to return sometime in the near future to continue your exploration of our beautiful lands of Monument Valley!
Jun 2019
Took the Dreamcatcher Tour that was to include a traditional Navaho dinner, a trip to a traditional Navaho Hogan. And traditional Navaho entertainment The actual tour through the Monuments was enjoyable, BUT.....after that it went down hill quickly. And the weather was not a factor so no excuse for that. We did not go to the Navaho Hogan to witness any native culture of any sort. When we did pull up to our dinner location, we were not greeted, but told to quickly get in line as we were served by a mother and two young girls, each probably 5 years old. The girls had no idea what to do and the mother had to yell at the girls to settle down a couple of times ( not their fault, they are 5) as they helped serve us. The "meal" was not a traditional Navaho meal, but their fry bread (like pizza dough) with chopped lettuce, cheese with pork n beans on top. There was a piece of meat, super well done, and about 1/4" thick, very tough but tasty because of all the seasonings. More like jerky than a steak. The drinks were warm, cans of soda with no ice in sight. Finally, the entertainment was one girl dancing, but not in a traditional costume. Sorry it looked like a Halloween costume from Walmart over the jeans she wore out to the dinner site. An older gentleman did chanting as he beat his drum, which was o.k. Three or four songs later he said "That''s it", and it was over except for the ride back. . Even the dinner area was not more than a well worn picnic table could have been beside a gravel country road somewhere. Certainly not worth the extra money. Just take the driving tour and save your money, The folks on our tour that did not do the dinner got to see the valley right along with and had money in their pocket for a nice dinner. I just can't see how the other reviews were so positive, I booked because of them. I noticed the other people on our tour were disappointed as well. We should have requested a refund as soon as we got back.
Apr 2019
The best tour I have ever done. If you want to see monumnet Valley, do this tour. Great communication before the tour, Wayne was a great host and the dinner and entertainment were first class. Could not fault anything. A must !!!!

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