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Эгмонт-Ки: подводное плавание с дельфинами

Экскурсия и снорклинг Красивый и исторический Эгмонт-Ки! Это работает на лодке Bad Dog! Мы предлагаем веселое образовательное занятие для всей семьи. Капитан расскажет вам об истории острова, когда мы подойдем к острову. Ныряйте с маской в ​​руинах или травянистых равнинах, они оба имеют уникальные отличия (СНАРЯЖЕНИЕ В КОМПЛЕКТЕ). Отличное обслуживание клиентов. Наши лодки хороши!!, Наши капитаны специализируются на том, чтобы поощрять дельфинов прыгать за лодкой. Это не гарантия того, что мы увидим диких дельфинов, однако мы почти всегда их видим. В ту эпоху преобладала другая дикая природа: ЛАМАНТИНЫ, морские черепахи, рыбы, наземные черепахи и, конечно же, птицы. Все наши туры являются полу-частными для частных групповых чартеров. Отличное место с более качественным оборудованием, чем у наших конкурентов.
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Tue 04 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $95.00
Tue 04 Mar
Начинается с $95.00
Что включено
floats (for snorkeling)
Bottled water
ice and cooler
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Captain and boat stay with you not a drop off service
floats (for snorkeling)
Bottled water
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске.
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри.
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественники с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
Что ожидать
Egmont Key State Park
Egmont Key has history dating back to the 1500's. Travelers have the option of snorkeling the ruins. This is an advanced snorkeling spot. Egmont Key also offers nice grass flats to snorkel in at more of a beginner level. Touring the island is always a popular option see turtles, birds, wildlife, and ruins from The Spanish American War.
Egmont Key State Park
Egmont Key has history dating back to the 1500's. Travelers have the option of snorkeling the ruins. This is an advanced snorkeling spot. Egmont Key also offers nice grass flats to snorkel in at more of a beginner level. Touring the island is always a popular option see turtles, birds, wildlife, and ruins from The Spanish American War.
Egmont Key State Park
Egmont Key has history dating back to the 1500's. Travelers have the option of snorkeling the ruins. This is an advanced snorkeling spot. Egmont Key also offers nice grass flats to snorkel in at more of a beginner level. Touring the island is always a popular option see turtles, birds, wildlife, and ruins from The Spanish American War.
Egmont Key State Park
Egmont Key has history dating back to the 1500's. Travelers have the option of snorkeling the ruins. This is an advanced snorkeling spot. Egmont Key also offers nice grass flats to snorkel in at more of a beginner level. Touring the island is always a popular option see turtles, birds, wildlife, and ruins from The Spanish American War.
Egmont Key State Park
Egmont Key has history dating back to the 1500's. Travelers have the option of snorkeling the ruins. This is an advanced snorkeling spot. Egmont Key also offers nice grass flats to snorkel in at more of a beginner level. Touring the island is always a popular option see turtles, birds, wildlife, and ruins from The Spanish American War.
Государственный парк Эгмонт-Ки
История Эгмонт-Ки восходит к 1500-м годам. У путешественников есть возможность заняться сноркелингом в руинах. Это продвинутое место для снорклинга. Эгмонт-Ки также предлагает хорошие травяные равнины для подводного плавания на более начальном уровне. Путешествие по острову всегда является популярным вариантом, чтобы увидеть черепах, птиц, дикую природу и руины из испано-американской войны.
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Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (44)
Dec 2022
This trip was excellent! Captain T was a wonderful guide. We’ll be back in the summer when snorkeling is better.
Nov 2022
I don't want to leave a low review for this experience because our captain, Heidi, went above and beyond for this excursion. She was knowledgeable, friendly, funny, and encouraging. Snorkeling was a little disappointing due to visibility and the low presence of fish near the area we were at, but I don't blame the trip for that. It was still fun getting in the water, and Heidi even helped another person on our trip when they got scraped up on some rocks. I enjoyed the hike on Egmont Key, but our problems began when we returned to our boat to unfortunately discover that the engine would not turn over. Again, Heidi did her best; she made sure we were informed, that we had water, and that she utilized everything at her disposal to get us taken care of. She even took us back out on the Key to explore more so we could both pass the time and not spiral into anxiety. The two stars are for her and her stellar treatment of us; she honestly deserves a raise for it. I'm docking three stars because of the TERRIBLE experience with the actual company running this. They did not have a back-up plan whatsoever for Heidi to use, and there were no extra boats or boats to rent. SeaTow estimated an hour wait, and by three hours in, there was no update at all. but the worst part was when a member of our party contacted Charter Finders LLC by phone and was given attitude and disinterest in our predicament. It was clear they left Heidi to fend for herself in solving this problem, and she had to call on a relative to thankfully come out to us and pick us up. We did not make it back to land until night fell. Again, Heidi was incredible and I'd go out on the water with her again in a heartbeat. But this company should have had SOME sort of plan in place in the event a boat became inoperative. We sadly found out the hard way that they did not.
Oct 2022
An absolute amazing trip. Would do again. Our capitan was knowledgeable and made ship happen. Found sand dollars and even saw a fever of sting ray as well as the dolphins jumping right by the boat.
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