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Приключенческий поход под руководством биолога национального парка Эверглейдс, круиз, аэроглиссер + обед

Все наши гиды в Wild Lime Adventures являются обученными биологами или сертифицированными мастерами-натуралистами. Это единственный аутентичный и захватывающий тур по Эверглейдс. Этот тур достаточно обширен, так как вы посетите большинство уникальных мест обитания в Эверглейдс. Мы наблюдаем за животными только в дикой природе! Никаких животных в загонах и клетках. Это НЕ туристический тур. Кроме того, есть много вариантов туров, но мы одни из немногих избранных, которые действительно имеют РАЗРЕШЕНИЕ на проведение туров в Национальном парке. NPS дает эти разрешения только первоклассным компаниям. Знайте, прежде чем идти! Мы также прошли экологическую сертификацию во Флориде и Юго-Восточной Европе как настоящая экокомпания с высокими стандартами уважения к животным в дикой природе и окружающей среде.
Город: Неаполь
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $233.10
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $233.10
Что включено
Order off the menu from wide variety of choices including local fresh seafood. Vegan and vegetarian options always available.
Order off the menu from wide variety of choices including local fresh seafood. Vegan and vegetarian options always available.
Order off the menu from wide variety of choices including local fresh seafood. Vegan and vegetarian options always available.
1,5-часовая морская прогулка по побережью
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярно дезинфицируется места с интенсивным движением
  • Дезинфицируется снаряжение/оборудование между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Marco Island
After being picked up from your Marco Island location, enjoy riding to the Everglades in comfort inn our new 15 passenger Sprinter vans
We can meet you at several places convenient to you to start your adventure to the Everglades!
Shark Valley
We are one of only a select few permit holders to take guests into the ACTUAL National Park. Here you can get your official visitor's stamp and see a wide arrary of wildlife including many alligators and tropical bird species. Your naturalist guide will be sure to describe the unique flora and fauna of this special area. Everglades National Park is the only UNESCO World Heritage site in Florida
Miccosukee Indian Village
Go on an immersive and truly authentic 60 airboat ride way out into the "River of Grass" and learn all about the history of the Miccouskee Indians. Very few people ever get the opportunity to experience this special place.
Clyde Butcher's Big Cypress Gallery
Enjoy learning about this iconic photographers unique style and see some of his amazing images displayed throughout the gallery
Ochopee Post Office
Mail a postcard from the smallest post office in the world!
Big Cypress National Preserve
Take a beautiful guided walk thorugh this wonderful habitiat known as sthe "Western Everglades". We are one of only a few select permitted comanies to lead tours in this pristine environment. There are 47 species of rare orchids found here and other endangered plants. Your guide will deciribe the natural history of the species encountered along the walk.
Everglades City
Tour this old Florida village and hear stories of wild times in the past.
Smallwood Store
Visit the historic trading post and learn about the unique items found inside. Some people say the trading post is haunted! Judge for yourself after visiting.
Chokoloskee Bay
Take a thrilling, and beautiful boat ride through the maze of managrove islands known as the 10,000 Islands. Your guide will do their best to spot the wild pod of resident dolphins or find the manatee herds that live here. You also have the chance to see roseate spoonbills and the endangered smalltooth sawfish.
Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park
Drive by Florida's Largest State Park with a chance to see the iconic Florida panther, black bear and endangered mink as well as many speicies of wading birds
Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk
We will stop here for a quick look to find some amazing wildlife, it is a hot spot for alligators and snakes!
Port of the Islands Marina
We will check out this spot which is a known area to look for the elusive Florida manatee. Our guides are experts at locating them!
Marco Island
After being picked up from your Marco Island location, enjoy riding to the Everglades in comfort inn our new 15 passenger Sprinter vans
We can meet you at several places convenient to you to start your adventure to the Everglades!
Shark Valley
We are one of only a select few permit holders to take guests into the ACTUAL National Park. Here you can get your official visitor's stamp and see a wide arrary of wildlife including many alligators and tropical bird species. Your naturalist guide will be sure to describe the unique flora and fauna of this special area. Everglades National Park is the only UNESCO World Heritage site in Florida
Miccosukee Indian Village
Go on an immersive and truly authentic 60 airboat ride way out into the "River of Grass" and learn all about the history of the Miccouskee Indians. Very few people ever get the opportunity to experience this special place.
Clyde Butcher's Big Cypress Gallery
Enjoy learning about this iconic photographers unique style and see some of his amazing images displayed throughout the gallery
Ochopee Post Office
Mail a postcard from the smallest post office in the world!
Big Cypress National Preserve
Take a beautiful guided walk thorugh this wonderful habitiat known as sthe "Western Everglades". We are one of only a few select permitted comanies to lead tours in this pristine environment. There are 47 species of rare orchids found here and other endangered plants. Your guide will deciribe the natural history of the species encountered along the walk.
Everglades City
Tour this old Florida village and hear stories of wild times in the past.
Smallwood Store
Visit the historic trading post and learn about the unique items found inside. Some people say the trading post is haunted! Judge for yourself after visiting.
Chokoloskee Bay
Take a thrilling, and beautiful boat ride through the maze of managrove islands known as the 10,000 Islands. Your guide will do their best to spot the wild pod of resident dolphins or find the manatee herds that live here. You also have the chance to see roseate spoonbills and the endangered smalltooth sawfish.
Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park
Drive by Florida's Largest State Park with a chance to see the iconic Florida panther, black bear and endangered mink as well as many speicies of wading birds
Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk
We will stop here for a quick look to find some amazing wildlife, it is a hot spot for alligators and snakes!
Port of the Islands Marina
We will check out this spot which is a known area to look for the elusive Florida manatee. Our guides are experts at locating them!
Marco Island
After being picked up from your Marco Island location, enjoy riding to the Everglades in comfort inn our new 15 passenger Sprinter vans
We can meet you at several places convenient to you to start your adventure to the Everglades!
Shark Valley
We are one of only a select few permit holders to take guests into the ACTUAL National Park. Here you can get your official visitor's stamp and see a wide arrary of wildlife including many alligators and tropical bird species. Your naturalist guide will be sure to describe the unique flora and fauna of this special area. Everglades National Park is the only UNESCO World Heritage site in Florida
Miccosukee Indian Village
Go on an immersive and truly authentic 60 airboat ride way out into the "River of Grass" and learn all about the history of the Miccouskee Indians. Very few people ever get the opportunity to experience this special place.
Clyde Butcher's Big Cypress Gallery
Enjoy learning about this iconic photographers unique style and see some of his amazing images displayed throughout the gallery
Ochopee Post Office
Mail a postcard from the smallest post office in the world!
Big Cypress National Preserve
Take a beautiful guided walk thorugh this wonderful habitiat known as sthe "Western Everglades". We are one of only a few select permitted comanies to lead tours in this pristine environment. There are 47 species of rare orchids found here and other endangered plants. Your guide will deciribe the natural history of the species encountered along the walk.
Everglades City
Tour this old Florida village and hear stories of wild times in the past.
Smallwood Store
Visit the historic trading post and learn about the unique items found inside. Some people say the trading post is haunted! Judge for yourself after visiting.
Chokoloskee Bay
Take a thrilling, and beautiful boat ride through the maze of managrove islands known as the 10,000 Islands. Your guide will do their best to spot the wild pod of resident dolphins or find the manatee herds that live here. You also have the chance to see roseate spoonbills and the endangered smalltooth sawfish.
Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park
Drive by Florida's Largest State Park with a chance to see the iconic Florida panther, black bear and endangered mink as well as many speicies of wading birds
Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk
We will stop here for a quick look to find some amazing wildlife, it is a hot spot for alligators and snakes!
Port of the Islands Marina
We will check out this spot which is a known area to look for the elusive Florida manatee. Our guides are experts at locating them!
Marco Island
After being picked up from your Marco Island location, enjoy riding to the Everglades in comfort inn our new 15 passenger Sprinter vans
We can meet you at several places convenient to you to start your adventure to the Everglades!
Shark Valley
We are one of only a select few permit holders to take guests into the ACTUAL National Park. Here you can get your official visitor's stamp and see a wide arrary of wildlife including many alligators and tropical bird species. Your naturalist guide will be sure to describe the unique flora and fauna of this special area. Everglades National Park is the only UNESCO World Heritage site in Florida
Miccosukee Indian Village
Go on an immersive and truly authentic 60 airboat ride way out into the "River of Grass" and learn all about the history of the Miccouskee Indians. Very few people ever get the opportunity to experience this special place.
Clyde Butcher's Big Cypress Gallery
Enjoy learning about this iconic photographers unique style and see some of his amazing images displayed throughout the gallery
Ochopee Post Office
Mail a postcard from the smallest post office in the world!
Big Cypress National Preserve
Take a beautiful guided walk thorugh this wonderful habitiat known as sthe "Western Everglades". We are one of only a few select permitted comanies to lead tours in this pristine environment. There are 47 species of rare orchids found here and other endangered plants. Your guide will deciribe the natural history of the species encountered along the walk.
Everglades City
Tour this old Florida village and hear stories of wild times in the past.
Smallwood Store
Visit the historic trading post and learn about the unique items found inside. Some people say the trading post is haunted! Judge for yourself after visiting.
Chokoloskee Bay
Take a thrilling, and beautiful boat ride through the maze of managrove islands known as the 10,000 Islands. Your guide will do their best to spot the wild pod of resident dolphins or find the manatee herds that live here. You also have the chance to see roseate spoonbills and the endangered smalltooth sawfish.
Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park
Drive by Florida's Largest State Park with a chance to see the iconic Florida panther, black bear and endangered mink as well as many speicies of wading birds
Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk
We will stop here for a quick look to find some amazing wildlife, it is a hot spot for alligators and snakes!
Port of the Islands Marina
We will check out this spot which is a known area to look for the elusive Florida manatee. Our guides are experts at locating them!
Остров Марко
После того, как вас заберут из вашего местоположения на острове Марко, наслаждайтесь поездкой в ​​Эверглейдс в комфорте в наших новых 15-местных пассажирских фургонах Sprinter.
Мы можем встретиться с вами в нескольких удобных для вас местах, чтобы начать свое приключение в Эверглейдс!
Долина акул
Мы являемся одним из немногих избранных обладателей разрешения на посещение НАСТОЯЩЕГО национального парка. Здесь вы можете получить официальный штамп посетителя и увидеть множество диких животных, включая множество аллигаторов и видов тропических птиц. Ваш гид-натуралист обязательно расскажет об уникальной флоре и фауне этой особой области. Национальный парк Эверглейдс — единственный объект Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО во Флориде.
Индийская деревня Миккосуки
Отправьтесь в захватывающую и по-настоящему аутентичную поездку на воздушной лодке 60 в «Травяную реку» и узнайте все об истории индейцев Миккоски. Очень немногие люди когда-либо получают возможность испытать это особенное место.
Большая кипарисовая галерея Клайда Батчера
Наслаждайтесь изучением уникального стиля этого культового фотографа и просмотрите некоторые из его удивительных изображений, представленных в галерее.
Почтовое отделение Очопи
Отправьте открытку из самого маленького почтового отделения в мире!
Национальный заповедник Биг-Сайпарис
Совершите красивую прогулку с гидом по этой прекрасной среде обитания, известной как «Западные Эверглейдс». Мы являемся одной из немногих избранных компаний, которым разрешено проводить экскурсии по этой нетронутой природе. Здесь встречается 47 видов редких орхидей и других исчезающих растений. Ваш гид расскажет о естественной истории видов, встречающихся на прогулке.
Эверглейдс Сити
Совершите поездку по этой старой деревне во Флориде и услышите истории о диких временах прошлого.
Магазин Смоллвуд
Посетите исторический торговый пост и узнайте об уникальных предметах, найденных внутри. Некоторые люди говорят, что торговый пост населен привидениями! Судите сами после посещения.
Чоколоски Бэй
Совершите захватывающую и красивую прогулку на лодке по лабиринту манагроувских островов, известных как 10 000 островов. Ваш гид сделает все возможное, чтобы обнаружить дикую стаю местных дельфинов или найти стада ламантинов, которые живут здесь. У вас также есть шанс увидеть розоватую колпицу и находящуюся под угрозой исчезновения мелкозубую рыбу-пилу.
Государственный заповедник Факахатчи Стрэнд
Проезжайте мимо крупнейшего государственного парка Флориды, где вы сможете увидеть знаменитую флоридскую пантеру, черного медведя и исчезающую норку, а также множество видов болотных птиц.
Променад Биг-Сайпресс-Бенд
Мы остановимся здесь, чтобы быстро взглянуть на удивительную дикую природу, это популярное место для аллигаторов и змей!
Порт островов Марина
Мы проверим это место, которое является известным местом для поиска неуловимого флоридского ламантина. Наши гиды являются экспертами в их поиске!
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