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Изучение Денвера на велосипеде на полдня

Мы знаем, как лучше и безопаснее исследовать шумный город Денвер, а также увидеть по пути самые красивые парки, речные тропы, озера, интересные здания, архитектурные и художественные кварталы. Если вы хотите увидеть большую часть Денвера, то это ваш тур.
Город: Денвер
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $90.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $90.00
Что включено
Bottled water
Галерея искусств
45 профессиональных полностью отредактированных фотографий будут отправлены в самом высоком разрешении.
Частный тур
Плата за национальный парк
Все налоги, сборы и сборы за обработку
Профессиональный обученный горный гид
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Гид обязан регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Denver Union Station
Our first stop will be at Union station. People can take a quick look at the inside of the station built in the late 1800's but recently remodeled before we hit the road.
Larimer Square
We will stop by Larimer street or bike thru if possible. Larimer Square is a historic block in Denver, Colorado, United States. It is the city's first designated local historic district.
Colorado State Capitol
The Colorado State Capitol Building is the home of the Colorado General Assembly and the offices of the Governor of Colorado and Lieutenant Governor of Colorado.
City Park - Denver
City Park is a trendy area dominated by its namesake green space, featuring picnic spots, playgrounds and lakeside trails. Within the park, the Denver Museum of Nature & Science has a planetarium, an IMAX theater and temporary shows, while exotic reptiles and events draw families to nearby Denver Zoo. South of the park, East Colfax Avenue has cool cafes, retro-style bars and the Bluebird Theater concert venue We will bike thru the park and around the lake before heading south.
Cheesman Park
We will bike thru Cheeseman Park and the Denver Botanic Gardens that sit on land that once served as cemetery grounds inspiring many ghost stories.
Cherry Creek North
We will go to the river and ride on the bike path north to where the Platte River and Cherry Creek river meet and REI is located and some nice seating and viewing areas.
RiNo Art District
Nicknamed “RiNo,” the trendy River North Art District features contemporary art galleries and hip concert venues in revamped industrial buildings. Food halls include Denver Central Market and The Source, a buzzy indoor venue with eclectic products and a bar for small plates and craft beer. Known for its colorful murals, Upper Larimer Street also has cocktail lounges, brewpubs with patios and late-night food trucks. If people like we can have drinks or dinner depending on the group, but its not included in tour.
Denver Union Station
Our first stop will be at Union station. People can take a quick look at the inside of the station built in the late 1800's but recently remodeled before we hit the road.
Larimer Square
We will stop by Larimer street or bike thru if possible. Larimer Square is a historic block in Denver, Colorado, United States. It is the city's first designated local historic district.
Colorado State Capitol
The Colorado State Capitol Building is the home of the Colorado General Assembly and the offices of the Governor of Colorado and Lieutenant Governor of Colorado.
City Park - Denver
City Park is a trendy area dominated by its namesake green space, featuring picnic spots, playgrounds and lakeside trails. Within the park, the Denver Museum of Nature & Science has a planetarium, an IMAX theater and temporary shows, while exotic reptiles and events draw families to nearby Denver Zoo. South of the park, East Colfax Avenue has cool cafes, retro-style bars and the Bluebird Theater concert venue We will bike thru the park and around the lake before heading south.
Cheesman Park
We will bike thru Cheeseman Park and the Denver Botanic Gardens that sit on land that once served as cemetery grounds inspiring many ghost stories.
Cherry Creek North
We will go to the river and ride on the bike path north to where the Platte River and Cherry Creek river meet and REI is located and some nice seating and viewing areas.
RiNo Art District
Nicknamed “RiNo,” the trendy River North Art District features contemporary art galleries and hip concert venues in revamped industrial buildings. Food halls include Denver Central Market and The Source, a buzzy indoor venue with eclectic products and a bar for small plates and craft beer. Known for its colorful murals, Upper Larimer Street also has cocktail lounges, brewpubs with patios and late-night food trucks. If people like we can have drinks or dinner depending on the group, but its not included in tour.
Denver Union Station
Our first stop will be at Union station. People can take a quick look at the inside of the station built in the late 1800's but recently remodeled before we hit the road.
Larimer Square
We will stop by Larimer street or bike thru if possible. Larimer Square is a historic block in Denver, Colorado, United States. It is the city's first designated local historic district.
Colorado State Capitol
The Colorado State Capitol Building is the home of the Colorado General Assembly and the offices of the Governor of Colorado and Lieutenant Governor of Colorado.
City Park - Denver
City Park is a trendy area dominated by its namesake green space, featuring picnic spots, playgrounds and lakeside trails. Within the park, the Denver Museum of Nature & Science has a planetarium, an IMAX theater and temporary shows, while exotic reptiles and events draw families to nearby Denver Zoo. South of the park, East Colfax Avenue has cool cafes, retro-style bars and the Bluebird Theater concert venue We will bike thru the park and around the lake before heading south.
Cheesman Park
We will bike thru Cheeseman Park and the Denver Botanic Gardens that sit on land that once served as cemetery grounds inspiring many ghost stories.
Cherry Creek North
We will go to the river and ride on the bike path north to where the Platte River and Cherry Creek river meet and REI is located and some nice seating and viewing areas.
RiNo Art District
Nicknamed “RiNo,” the trendy River North Art District features contemporary art galleries and hip concert venues in revamped industrial buildings. Food halls include Denver Central Market and The Source, a buzzy indoor venue with eclectic products and a bar for small plates and craft beer. Known for its colorful murals, Upper Larimer Street also has cocktail lounges, brewpubs with patios and late-night food trucks. If people like we can have drinks or dinner depending on the group, but its not included in tour.
Denver Union Station
Our first stop will be at Union station. People can take a quick look at the inside of the station built in the late 1800's but recently remodeled before we hit the road.
Larimer Square
We will stop by Larimer street or bike thru if possible. Larimer Square is a historic block in Denver, Colorado, United States. It is the city's first designated local historic district.
Colorado State Capitol
The Colorado State Capitol Building is the home of the Colorado General Assembly and the offices of the Governor of Colorado and Lieutenant Governor of Colorado.
City Park - Denver
City Park is a trendy area dominated by its namesake green space, featuring picnic spots, playgrounds and lakeside trails. Within the park, the Denver Museum of Nature & Science has a planetarium, an IMAX theater and temporary shows, while exotic reptiles and events draw families to nearby Denver Zoo. South of the park, East Colfax Avenue has cool cafes, retro-style bars and the Bluebird Theater concert venue We will bike thru the park and around the lake before heading south.
Cheesman Park
We will bike thru Cheeseman Park and the Denver Botanic Gardens that sit on land that once served as cemetery grounds inspiring many ghost stories.
Cherry Creek North
We will go to the river and ride on the bike path north to where the Platte River and Cherry Creek river meet and REI is located and some nice seating and viewing areas.
RiNo Art District
Nicknamed “RiNo,” the trendy River North Art District features contemporary art galleries and hip concert venues in revamped industrial buildings. Food halls include Denver Central Market and The Source, a buzzy indoor venue with eclectic products and a bar for small plates and craft beer. Known for its colorful murals, Upper Larimer Street also has cocktail lounges, brewpubs with patios and late-night food trucks. If people like we can have drinks or dinner depending on the group, but its not included in tour.
Denver Union Station
Our first stop will be at Union station. People can take a quick look at the inside of the station built in the late 1800's but recently remodeled before we hit the road.
Larimer Square
We will stop by Larimer street or bike thru if possible. Larimer Square is a historic block in Denver, Colorado, United States. It is the city's first designated local historic district.
Colorado State Capitol
The Colorado State Capitol Building is the home of the Colorado General Assembly and the offices of the Governor of Colorado and Lieutenant Governor of Colorado.
City Park - Denver
City Park is a trendy area dominated by its namesake green space, featuring picnic spots, playgrounds and lakeside trails. Within the park, the Denver Museum of Nature & Science has a planetarium, an IMAX theater and temporary shows, while exotic reptiles and events draw families to nearby Denver Zoo. South of the park, East Colfax Avenue has cool cafes, retro-style bars and the Bluebird Theater concert venue We will bike thru the park and around the lake before heading south.
Cheesman Park
We will bike thru Cheeseman Park and the Denver Botanic Gardens that sit on land that once served as cemetery grounds inspiring many ghost stories.
Cherry Creek North
We will go to the river and ride on the bike path north to where the Platte River and Cherry Creek river meet and REI is located and some nice seating and viewing areas.
RiNo Art District
Nicknamed “RiNo,” the trendy River North Art District features contemporary art galleries and hip concert venues in revamped industrial buildings. Food halls include Denver Central Market and The Source, a buzzy indoor venue with eclectic products and a bar for small plates and craft beer. Known for its colorful murals, Upper Larimer Street also has cocktail lounges, brewpubs with patios and late-night food trucks. If people like we can have drinks or dinner depending on the group, but its not included in tour.
Станция Денвер Юнион
Наша первая остановка будет на станции Юнион. Люди могут быстро взглянуть на внутреннюю часть станции, построенной в конце 1800-х годов, но недавно реконструированной, прежде чем мы отправимся в путь.
Площадь Ларимера
Мы остановимся на улице Лаример или проедем на велосипеде, если это возможно. Лаример-сквер — исторический квартал в Денвере, штат Колорадо, США. Это первый местный исторический район города.
Капитолий штата Колорадо
Здание Капитолия штата Колорадо является домом для Генеральной Ассамблеи Колорадо и офисами губернатора Колорадо и вице-губернатора Колорадо.
Городской парк - Денвер
Городской парк — это модный район, в котором преобладает одноименная зеленая зона с местами для пикника, игровыми площадками и дорожками вдоль озера. На территории парка в Денверском музее природы и науки есть планетарий, кинотеатр IMAX и временные шоу, а экзотические рептилии и мероприятия привлекают семьи в близлежащий Денверский зоопарк. К югу от парка на Ист-Колфакс-авеню расположены модные кафе, бары в стиле ретро и концертная площадка Bluebird Theater. Мы проедем через парк и вокруг озера, прежде чем отправиться на юг.
Чизман Парк
Мы проедем через парк Чизман и ботанический сад Денвера, которые расположены на земле, которая когда-то служила кладбищем, вдохновляющим множество историй о привидениях.
Мы пойдем к реке и поедем по велосипедной дорожке на север, где встречаются реки Платт и Черри-Крик, где находится REI, а также несколько хороших мест для отдыха и просмотра.
Район искусств Рино
Модный район Ривер-Норт Арт-Дистрикт, получивший прозвище «РиНо», включает в себя галереи современного искусства и модные концертные площадки в реконструированных промышленных зданиях. Ресторанные залы включают Центральный рынок Денвера и The Source, оживленное крытое заведение с разнообразными продуктами и баром, где можно заказать небольшие порции и крафтовое пиво. На Аппер-Лаример-стрит, известной своими красочными фресками, также есть коктейль-бары, пабы-пивоварни с внутренними двориками и ночные фургоны с едой. Если людям нравится, мы можем выпить или поужинать в зависимости от группы, но это не входит в тур.
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