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СЕМЬИ!! Группы!! Индивидуальное 2-часовое настраиваемое увлекательное приключение на горном велосипеде

Увидеть пустыню Сонора на двух колесах может быть незабываемо. У нас есть множество вариантов для любого уровня райдера. Если вы какое-то время не катались на велосипеде, не волнуйтесь, мы можем помочь вам заново открыть в себе этот талант.

Мы можем позаботиться о шоссейных велосипедистах, начинающих, опытных и продвинутых гонщиках, а также о тех из вас, кто просто хочет получать удовольствие.

Город: Скоттсдейл
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $135.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $135.00
Что включено
Bottled water
We provide snacks that are gluten free, NON GMO, vegan, vegetarian, soy free, dairy free and healthy.
MIPS helmet
Borrow a back pack
Mountain bike full finger glvoes
Hard tail mountain bike
Bottled water
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с слабое сердечно-сосудистое здоровье
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
Что ожидать
McDowell Sonoran Preserve
True, beautiful Sonoran Desert scenary. Sonoran Desert flora and fauna.
McDowell Sonoran Preserve
True, beautiful Sonoran Desert scenary. Sonoran Desert flora and fauna.
McDowell Sonoran Preserve
True, beautiful Sonoran Desert scenary. Sonoran Desert flora and fauna.
McDowell Sonoran Preserve
True, beautiful Sonoran Desert scenary. Sonoran Desert flora and fauna.
McDowell Sonoran Preserve
True, beautiful Sonoran Desert scenary. Sonoran Desert flora and fauna.
Заповедник Макдауэлл Соноран
Настоящий, красивый пейзаж пустыни Сонора. Флора и фауна пустыни Сонора.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (27)
Apr 2022
I booked two separate trips with Wild Bunch. Everything was great, from Laurel contacting me and seeing what kind of rides was I looking for, to the guides showing up with everything we needed for the rides and teaching us about the Sonoran desert while taking us on rides that suited our ability levels and desires perfectly. We had Rebel for our family group trip and she was great at keeping an eye on all of us and adjusting our ride after I overestimated the abilities and comfort levels of a couple family members. She taught us a lot of cool things about the desert. I had Robert for my longer solo ride and had a great time. I told him I had already learned about the plant life from Rebel, so we got in a pretty long ride that allowed us to hit quite a few cool sites in the desert and have fun on some great trails. I had fun and got a great workout in, which is exactly what I looking for.
Ответ от хоста
May 2022
We appreciate first and foremost the multiple trips and you booking with us. Thank you so much for that. We strive to make sure each tour is special and specific to the needs of the family or solo rider. Thank you again so much for going out with Wild Bunch Desert Guides. Sincerely and thank you so much!! Laurel
Mar 2022
This 1.5 hour mountain bike adventure was a great family activity and one of the highlights of our family Spring Break 2022! Don, our tour guide, was great and the whole outfit made this very easy and enjoyable. Our 12 yr olds were determined to go mountain biking this trip and Wild Bunch Desert Guides is definitely the way to go!
Ответ от хоста
May 2022
Thank you so much for choosing us to ride with we really appreciate that so much!! I am so glad your 12 year old got out there. It makes our day to get kids out on bikes. Thank you so much again!! Sincerely, Laurel
Mar 2022
The Wild Bunch Desert Mountain Bike Tour was one of the highlights of Spring Break 2022 for our family! Our kids (12 yr old B/G twins) were determined to mountain bike this trip and Wild Bunch made it easy for us. Don was an amazing guide and he made biking on the Pima Dynamite Trailhead area a fun, educational experience while ensuring the trails we rode pushed us to become better bikers without getting us into anything we couldn’t handle. Great communication throughout the booking, leading up to the trip, and the night before to help make sure we were good to go. The extras like snacks, water bottles, and sunscreen lip balm were a bonus. Highly recommend Wild Bunch Desert Guides and this family friendly mountain bile adventure!
Ответ от хоста
May 2022
Thank you so much for this amazing review and I am so happy you were able to mountain bike while here. Don is exceptional when he leads as guide. I appreciate that you took the time to sit down and write a review. Thank you so much again for choosing my company. Sincerely, Laurel

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