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Знаменитый самогон и винный тур из Pigeon Forge

Получите дегустации в 6+ разных местах в туре Original Moonshine & Wine, все остальные - просто имитация. Мы настоящие местные жители, живущие на протяжении многих поколений, и мы работаем с 2015 года. Приходите на настоящий тур Moonshine & Wine и узнайте, почему мы были признаны туристической компанией №1 3 года подряд!

Наслаждайтесь 5-6-часовым туром по производству самогона и винокурни с дружелюбным и профессиональным гидом. Этот тур представляет собой тур с дегустацией вин и блеска, упакованный в один удобный пакет. Посмотрите на красивый центр города Пиджен-Фордж и Севьервилль, пока мы пробираемся через каждый город. Попробуйте старый модный самогон и вино из Теннесси. Наслаждайтесь демонстрацией уникальных вкусов местных пивоварен и ликероводочных заводов. Насладитесь вкусом самогона или мягким вкусом качественного вина. В рамках этого дегустационного тура мы посетим более 3 винных мест и 3+ места по производству самогона.
Город: Голубиная кузница
Fri 14 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $69.00
Fri 14 Mar
Начинается с $69.00
Что включено
Transportation to each location
Wine Tasting
Moonshine Tasting
Local Guide
Transportation to each location
Wine Tasting
Moonshine Tasting
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть общественный транспорт
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Подходит для любой физической подготовки уровни
  • Минимальный возраст 21 год
  • Возможна отмена после подтверждения, если пассажиров недостаточно для выполнения требований. В этом случае вам будет предложен альтернативный или полный возврат средств.
  • Работает при любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответствующим образом. Возврат денег из-за дождя невозможен, если погода не считается опасной.
  • Все гости должны посетить встречу за 5 минут до начала тура.
  • Для всех участников требуется удостоверение личности с фотографией.
Что ожидать
Mountain Valley Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Cider House
We make a stop at this location for cider tasting.
Hillside Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
We stop here for 30 minutes to give guests time to go get lunch before the start of the 2nd half of the tour and to load additional passengers (if any) for the Moonshine only version of the tour.
Tennessee Shine Co.
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting, a tour of the moonshine museum and shine wine tasting.
Tennessee Legend Distillery
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
Our last stop is back where we started for a tasting at Junction 35. After this stop you are welcome to stick around for food at Junction 35 restaurant.
Mountain Valley Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Cider House
We make a stop at this location for cider tasting.
Hillside Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
We stop here for 30 minutes to give guests time to go get lunch before the start of the 2nd half of the tour and to load additional passengers (if any) for the Moonshine only version of the tour.
Tennessee Shine Co.
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting, a tour of the moonshine museum and shine wine tasting.
Tennessee Legend Distillery
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
Our last stop is back where we started for a tasting at Junction 35. After this stop you are welcome to stick around for food at Junction 35 restaurant.
Mountain Valley Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Cider House
We make a stop at this location for cider tasting.
Hillside Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
We stop here for 30 minutes to give guests time to go get lunch before the start of the 2nd half of the tour and to load additional passengers (if any) for the Moonshine only version of the tour.
Tennessee Shine Co.
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting, a tour of the moonshine museum and shine wine tasting.
Tennessee Legend Distillery
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
Our last stop is back where we started for a tasting at Junction 35. After this stop you are welcome to stick around for food at Junction 35 restaurant.
Mountain Valley Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Cider House
We make a stop at this location for cider tasting.
Hillside Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
We stop here for 30 minutes to give guests time to go get lunch before the start of the 2nd half of the tour and to load additional passengers (if any) for the Moonshine only version of the tour.
Tennessee Shine Co.
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting, a tour of the moonshine museum and shine wine tasting.
Tennessee Legend Distillery
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
Our last stop is back where we started for a tasting at Junction 35. After this stop you are welcome to stick around for food at Junction 35 restaurant.
Mountain Valley Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Cider House
We make a stop at this location for cider tasting.
Hillside Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
We stop here for 30 minutes to give guests time to go get lunch before the start of the 2nd half of the tour and to load additional passengers (if any) for the Moonshine only version of the tour.
Tennessee Shine Co.
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting, a tour of the moonshine museum and shine wine tasting.
Tennessee Legend Distillery
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
Our last stop is back where we started for a tasting at Junction 35. After this stop you are welcome to stick around for food at Junction 35 restaurant.
Mountain Valley Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Cider House
We make a stop at this location for cider tasting.
Hillside Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
We stop here for 30 minutes to give guests time to go get lunch before the start of the 2nd half of the tour and to load additional passengers (if any) for the Moonshine only version of the tour.
Tennessee Shine Co.
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting, a tour of the moonshine museum and shine wine tasting.
Tennessee Legend Distillery
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
Our last stop is back where we started for a tasting at Junction 35. After this stop you are welcome to stick around for food at Junction 35 restaurant.
Mountain Valley Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Apple Barn Cider House
We make a stop at this location for cider tasting.
Hillside Winery
We make a stop at this location for wine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
We stop here for 30 minutes to give guests time to go get lunch before the start of the 2nd half of the tour and to load additional passengers (if any) for the Moonshine only version of the tour.
Tennessee Shine Co.
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting, a tour of the moonshine museum and shine wine tasting.
Tennessee Legend Distillery
We make a stop at this location for moonshine tasting.
Junction 35 Spirits
Our last stop is back where we started for a tasting at Junction 35. After this stop you are welcome to stick around for food at Junction 35 restaurant.
Винодельня Маунтин-Вэлли
Мы делаем остановку в этом месте для дегустации вин.
Винодельня Apple Barn
Мы делаем остановку в этом месте для дегустации вин.
Яблочный сарай Сидр Хаус
Мы делаем остановку в этом месте для дегустации сидра.
Винодельня на склоне холма
Мы делаем остановку в этом месте для дегустации вин.
Развязка 35 Духи
Мы останавливаемся здесь на 30 минут, чтобы дать гостям время пойти пообедать до начала 2-й половины тура и загрузить дополнительных пассажиров (если есть) для версии тура только самогон.
Теннесси Шайн Ко.
Мы делаем остановку в этом месте для дегустации самогона, экскурсии по музею самогона и дегустации блестящих вин.
Винокурня Tennessee Legend Distillery
Мы делаем остановку в этом месте для дегустации самогона.
Развязка 35 Духи
Наша последняя остановка там, где мы начали дегустацию на развязке 35. После этой остановки вы можете остаться в ресторане Junction 35, чтобы поесть.
Показать 61 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (176)
Dec 2022
We didn't even get to go to the last distillery and was told to leave by their management bc our driver didn't let them know he was bringing our group and then it turned into a racial thing. Very disappointing
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Lauren, come on now ... was that my fault? You are reviewing my tour a 1 star for something another company did. We went to all stops including the last one. I was talking with the new manager 60 seconds before the incident occured. I've been brining groups there for over 6 years and since the manager was new I was exchanging contact information with her. Why would you give me 1 star when you had an amazing tour right up until the last 5 minutes which is something I didn't do and had no control over. You may rate each facility we visited on their page, this review is strictly for Tennessee Mountain Tours, your driver, and the tour itself ... not the staff at any of the facilities or their behavior.
Dec 2022
We had a great time on the Famous Moonshine & Wine Tour. All of the stops were great! Dustin was a great host!
Nov 2022
Awesome tour! Plenty of time to enjoy everything and all the tastings. Great variety of moonshines and wine

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