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Тур отцов-основателей по Филадельфии

Испытайте лучшее из истории США с современным уклоном в этом небольшом групповом туре по Филадельфии. Посмотрите, где отцы-основатели подписали Декларацию независимости, сфотографируйте Колокол Свободы, посетите места, где жили прошлые президенты, такие как Джордж Вашингтон, и узнайте об Уильяме Пенне, основателе Пенсильвании. Вы откроете для себя оживленную местную культуру Старого города, проходя мимо художественных галерей и кафе, и завершите свою прогулку неожиданным угощением в местном заведении.
Город: Филадельфия
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $47.50
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $47.50
Что включено
Join friendly Local, English-speaking guide
Enjoy a surprise local treat
Get tips on what else to see, do and eat during your stay
Explore the iconic sights of Philadelphia with a local guide
Pass the Liberty Bell and hear why this iconic symbol is famous all around the world
Join friendly Local, English-speaking guide
Enjoy a surprise local treat
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Рекомендуется носить соответствующую погоде одежду и удобную обувь.
  • Вход в здания/участки находятся в зависимости от времени и очереди.
  • Этот тур подходит для детей. Дети в возрасте от 6 до 11 лет включительно допускаются в этот тур по тарифу, указанному выше. Дети в возрасте до 6 лет могут участвовать в этом туре бесплатно. Пожалуйста, сообщите нам во время бронирования, если вы будете брать с собой ребенка в возрасте до 6 лет.
  • Этот тур не проходит внутри Крайст-Черч при отправлении в 17:30. Мы осмотрим его снаружи.
  • Некоторые церкви могут быть закрыты для нас в воскресенье.
  • Гиды обязаны регулярно мыть руки.
  • Все туры проходят по расписанию. последние рекомендации местных органов здравоохранения, включая использование масок и социальное дистанцирование. Компания Urban Adventures получила от Всемирного совета по путешествиям и туризму знак Safe Travels, которым награждаются компании, принявшие глобальные стандартизированные протоколы в области здравоохранения и гигиены.
Что ожидать
Betsy Ross House
Outside, get a glimpse of the Betsy Ross House and hear stories from your guide about the birth of the American flag.
Elfreth's Alley
From here, weave through the charming back alleys of Old City and walk down Elfreth's Alley, one of the country’s oldest continuously occupied residential streets. In this vibrant neighborhood, you’ll pass trendy cafes, shops, art galleries and buildings featuring industrial architecture.
Christ Church
When you reach Christ Church, where the Founding Fathers once worshiped, head inside (if it is open and available) to learn about the birth of the Episcopal Church in America. Then stop at a local coffee shop, where you may grab a quick snack or beverage (own expense) and relax with your guide — it’s the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you have about Philadelphia history.
Franklin Court
As your small-group tour continues through the Historic District, pass Franklin Court — the site of Ben Franklin's home — and view Independence Mall, the National Constitution Center and the US Mint.
Independence Mall
Follow your guide across the Mall and visit the President's House, once the home of George Washington and John Adams during Philadelphia’s tenure as the nation's capital.
Dream Garden Glass Mosaic
Continue to the Curtis Center, where you’ll enter (weekdays only) for a view of Maxfield Parrish's Dream Garden, a beautiful mosaic mural.
Washington Square
Then, it’s off to Washington Square for stories of William Penn, the state’s founder.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution
And a possible visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Independence National Historical Park
Stroll Independence Mall - the three block section of Independence National Park and the must-see Independence Hall (tour does not enter Independence Hall), where the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were signed. As you walk, learn about Congress Hall, Old City Hall, the Philosophical Society, the Second Bank of the US and Carpenter's Hall.
Old City Arts District
Making your way back to the Old City neighborhood, end the tour at a local establishment. Enjoy a craft beer or refreshing non-alcoholic beverage before saying farewell to your guide or upgrade your tour and join us for a historical beer tour to learn about how beer and various pubs played a role in shaping our nation's history.
Betsy Ross House
Outside, get a glimpse of the Betsy Ross House and hear stories from your guide about the birth of the American flag.
Elfreth's Alley
From here, weave through the charming back alleys of Old City and walk down Elfreth's Alley, one of the country’s oldest continuously occupied residential streets. In this vibrant neighborhood, you’ll pass trendy cafes, shops, art galleries and buildings featuring industrial architecture.
Christ Church
When you reach Christ Church, where the Founding Fathers once worshiped, head inside (if it is open and available) to learn about the birth of the Episcopal Church in America. Then stop at a local coffee shop, where you may grab a quick snack or beverage (own expense) and relax with your guide — it’s the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you have about Philadelphia history.
Franklin Court
As your small-group tour continues through the Historic District, pass Franklin Court — the site of Ben Franklin's home — and view Independence Mall, the National Constitution Center and the US Mint.
Independence Mall
Follow your guide across the Mall and visit the President's House, once the home of George Washington and John Adams during Philadelphia’s tenure as the nation's capital.
Dream Garden Glass Mosaic
Continue to the Curtis Center, where you’ll enter (weekdays only) for a view of Maxfield Parrish's Dream Garden, a beautiful mosaic mural.
Washington Square
Then, it’s off to Washington Square for stories of William Penn, the state’s founder.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution
And a possible visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Independence National Historical Park
Stroll Independence Mall - the three block section of Independence National Park and the must-see Independence Hall (tour does not enter Independence Hall), where the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were signed. As you walk, learn about Congress Hall, Old City Hall, the Philosophical Society, the Second Bank of the US and Carpenter's Hall.
Old City Arts District
Making your way back to the Old City neighborhood, end the tour at a local establishment. Enjoy a craft beer or refreshing non-alcoholic beverage before saying farewell to your guide or upgrade your tour and join us for a historical beer tour to learn about how beer and various pubs played a role in shaping our nation's history.
Betsy Ross House
Outside, get a glimpse of the Betsy Ross House and hear stories from your guide about the birth of the American flag.
Elfreth's Alley
From here, weave through the charming back alleys of Old City and walk down Elfreth's Alley, one of the country’s oldest continuously occupied residential streets. In this vibrant neighborhood, you’ll pass trendy cafes, shops, art galleries and buildings featuring industrial architecture.
Christ Church
When you reach Christ Church, where the Founding Fathers once worshiped, head inside (if it is open and available) to learn about the birth of the Episcopal Church in America. Then stop at a local coffee shop, where you may grab a quick snack or beverage (own expense) and relax with your guide — it’s the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you have about Philadelphia history.
Franklin Court
As your small-group tour continues through the Historic District, pass Franklin Court — the site of Ben Franklin's home — and view Independence Mall, the National Constitution Center and the US Mint.
Independence Mall
Follow your guide across the Mall and visit the President's House, once the home of George Washington and John Adams during Philadelphia’s tenure as the nation's capital.
Dream Garden Glass Mosaic
Continue to the Curtis Center, where you’ll enter (weekdays only) for a view of Maxfield Parrish's Dream Garden, a beautiful mosaic mural.
Washington Square
Then, it’s off to Washington Square for stories of William Penn, the state’s founder.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution
And a possible visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Independence National Historical Park
Stroll Independence Mall - the three block section of Independence National Park and the must-see Independence Hall (tour does not enter Independence Hall), where the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were signed. As you walk, learn about Congress Hall, Old City Hall, the Philosophical Society, the Second Bank of the US and Carpenter's Hall.
Old City Arts District
Making your way back to the Old City neighborhood, end the tour at a local establishment. Enjoy a craft beer or refreshing non-alcoholic beverage before saying farewell to your guide or upgrade your tour and join us for a historical beer tour to learn about how beer and various pubs played a role in shaping our nation's history.
Betsy Ross House
Outside, get a glimpse of the Betsy Ross House and hear stories from your guide about the birth of the American flag.
Elfreth's Alley
From here, weave through the charming back alleys of Old City and walk down Elfreth's Alley, one of the country’s oldest continuously occupied residential streets. In this vibrant neighborhood, you’ll pass trendy cafes, shops, art galleries and buildings featuring industrial architecture.
Christ Church
When you reach Christ Church, where the Founding Fathers once worshiped, head inside (if it is open and available) to learn about the birth of the Episcopal Church in America. Then stop at a local coffee shop, where you may grab a quick snack or beverage (own expense) and relax with your guide — it’s the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you have about Philadelphia history.
Franklin Court
As your small-group tour continues through the Historic District, pass Franklin Court — the site of Ben Franklin's home — and view Independence Mall, the National Constitution Center and the US Mint.
Independence Mall
Follow your guide across the Mall and visit the President's House, once the home of George Washington and John Adams during Philadelphia’s tenure as the nation's capital.
Dream Garden Glass Mosaic
Continue to the Curtis Center, where you’ll enter (weekdays only) for a view of Maxfield Parrish's Dream Garden, a beautiful mosaic mural.
Washington Square
Then, it’s off to Washington Square for stories of William Penn, the state’s founder.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution
And a possible visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Independence National Historical Park
Stroll Independence Mall - the three block section of Independence National Park and the must-see Independence Hall (tour does not enter Independence Hall), where the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were signed. As you walk, learn about Congress Hall, Old City Hall, the Philosophical Society, the Second Bank of the US and Carpenter's Hall.
Old City Arts District
Making your way back to the Old City neighborhood, end the tour at a local establishment. Enjoy a craft beer or refreshing non-alcoholic beverage before saying farewell to your guide or upgrade your tour and join us for a historical beer tour to learn about how beer and various pubs played a role in shaping our nation's history.
Betsy Ross House
Outside, get a glimpse of the Betsy Ross House and hear stories from your guide about the birth of the American flag.
Elfreth's Alley
From here, weave through the charming back alleys of Old City and walk down Elfreth's Alley, one of the country’s oldest continuously occupied residential streets. In this vibrant neighborhood, you’ll pass trendy cafes, shops, art galleries and buildings featuring industrial architecture.
Christ Church
When you reach Christ Church, where the Founding Fathers once worshiped, head inside (if it is open and available) to learn about the birth of the Episcopal Church in America. Then stop at a local coffee shop, where you may grab a quick snack or beverage (own expense) and relax with your guide — it’s the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you have about Philadelphia history.
Franklin Court
As your small-group tour continues through the Historic District, pass Franklin Court — the site of Ben Franklin's home — and view Independence Mall, the National Constitution Center and the US Mint.
Independence Mall
Follow your guide across the Mall and visit the President's House, once the home of George Washington and John Adams during Philadelphia’s tenure as the nation's capital.
Dream Garden Glass Mosaic
Continue to the Curtis Center, where you’ll enter (weekdays only) for a view of Maxfield Parrish's Dream Garden, a beautiful mosaic mural.
Washington Square
Then, it’s off to Washington Square for stories of William Penn, the state’s founder.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution
And a possible visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Independence National Historical Park
Stroll Independence Mall - the three block section of Independence National Park and the must-see Independence Hall (tour does not enter Independence Hall), where the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were signed. As you walk, learn about Congress Hall, Old City Hall, the Philosophical Society, the Second Bank of the US and Carpenter's Hall.
Old City Arts District
Making your way back to the Old City neighborhood, end the tour at a local establishment. Enjoy a craft beer or refreshing non-alcoholic beverage before saying farewell to your guide or upgrade your tour and join us for a historical beer tour to learn about how beer and various pubs played a role in shaping our nation's history.
Дом Бетси Росс
Снаружи взгляните на дом Бетси Росс и послушайте рассказы своего гида о рождении американского флага.
Аллея Эльфрета
Отсюда пройдитесь по очаровательным переулкам Старого города и прогуляйтесь по Аллее Эльфрета, одной из старейших постоянно занятых жилых улиц страны. В этом оживленном районе вы пройдете мимо модных кафе, магазинов, художественных галерей и зданий промышленной архитектуры.
Церковь Христа
Когда вы доберетесь до церкви Христа, где когда-то поклонялись отцы-основатели, зайдите внутрь (если она открыта и доступна), чтобы узнать о рождении Епископальной церкви в Америке. Затем остановитесь в местном кафе, где вы можете быстро перекусить или выпить (за свой счет) и отдохнуть с гидом — это прекрасная возможность задать любые вопросы об истории Филадельфии.
Франклин Корт
По мере того, как ваш тур для небольшой группы продолжается по историческому району, пройдите мимо Двора Франклина — места, где жил Бен Франклин, — и осмотрите торговый центр Independence Mall, Национальный центр Конституции и Монетный двор США.
Индепенденс Молл
Следуйте за своим гидом по торговому центру и посетите Дом президента, который когда-то был домом Джорджа Вашингтона и Джона Адамса во время пребывания Филадельфии в качестве столицы страны.
Стеклянная мозаика "Сад мечты"
Продолжайте движение в Центр Кертиса, куда вы войдете (только в будние дни), чтобы увидеть Сад мечты Максфилда Пэрриша, красивую мозаичную фреску.
Затем отправляйтесь на Вашингтон-сквер за рассказами об Уильяме Пенне, основателе штата.
Могила Неизвестного солдата американской революции
И возможное посещение Могилы Неизвестного Солдата
Национальный исторический парк Независимости
Прогуляйтесь по торговому центру Independence Mall — три квартала Национального парка Независимости и обязательный к посещению Зал Независимости (тур не входит в Зал Независимости), где были подписаны Декларация независимости и Конституция США. Во время прогулки узнайте о Конгресс-холле, Старой ратуше, Философском обществе, Втором банке США и Карпентер-холле.
Район искусств Старого города
Возвращаясь в район Старого города, завершите тур в местном заведении. Насладитесь крафтовым пивом или освежающим безалкогольным напитком, прежде чем попрощаться со своим гидом, или улучшите свой тур и присоединитесь к нам для исторического пивного тура, чтобы узнать о том, как пиво и различные пабы сыграли роль в формировании истории нашей страны.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (838)
Apr 2018
Went to Philadelphia for the first time and took this tour. Our guide (Tim) was extremely knowledgeable and very easily wove humor and historical facts together to make for a very entertaining hour and a half. Our stops included Betsy Ross’s house, Independence Hall, Christ Church, Elphreths Street and Carpenter’s Hall. Would definitely book this tour again on a return trip to Philadelphia.
Kathryn P
Mar 2018

This tour wasn't exactly what I expected. It was less about constitutional history and historic sights and more about the neighborhood and Philadelphia history. All very interesting and some unexpected local treasures like the Tiffany mural, just not what I was expecting. The tour guide Nina was great, well informed but it was just a little too much walking for me.

Mar 2018
Our guide, Lee, was phenomenal! He had a passion for sharing historical details of each site in a fun, easy to understand manner. He told a story to go with each fact which kept our interest and made it easy to connect each stop. He asked questions to keep everyone engaged. I learned more about the city during this tour than when I lived in Philadelphia! I highly recommend this tour - great overview, and we went back to some stops after the tour to explore more. Loved it! Make sure to tip your tour guide well - some people are not aware of this etiquette, and they work hard to make it interesting! You will enjoy this tour!

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