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Северо-западный круиз по национальному парку Кенай-Фьордс на целый день

Отправляйтесь в отдаленные районы национального парка Кенай-Фьордс в этом приключенческом круизе на целый день. Этот 8,5-часовой круиз идеально подходит для фотографов, орнитологов и любителей наблюдения за китами. Он исследует нетронутую территорию Северо-Западного фьорда в национальном парке Кенай-Фьордс. Этот круиз путешествует с небольшой группой для более интимного круиза, предоставляя наилучшую возможность для близкого обзора дикой природы и ледников. Полный день на воде дает капитану достаточно времени, чтобы найти лучшие возможности для наблюдения за дикой природой в этом районе, где обитают горбатые киты, касатки, морские львы, обыкновенные тюлени, морские выдры и многие виды морских птиц. Вы проведете время перед впечатляющим Северо-Западным ледником, активно образующимся приливным ледником. Деликатесный обед включен.
Город: Сьюард
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $297.33
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $297.33
Что включено
Use of binoculars on board
Narration by knowledgeable, experienced Captain
Restroom on board
Sandwich options are turkey, roast beef, or vegetarian.
All taxes and fees included in price
Water, coffee, and tea
Use of binoculars on board
Дополнительная информация
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки.
  • Цена для взрослых распространяется на всех путешественников.
  • Дети до 12 лет не подходят для круиза.
  • Доступны вегетарианские блюда, при необходимости сообщите об этом при бронировании
  • Работает при любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответствующим образом
  • Вместимость наших судов ограничена, чтобы гарантировать, что наши гости и экипаж могут следовать рекомендуемым правилам социального дистанцирования.
  • Мы продолжаем поддерживать высокий уровень чистоты и внедрили дополнительные процедуры очистки поверхностей, к которым часто прикасаются во время круиза.
  • Маски для лица предоставлены для путешественники
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Дезинфекция снаряжения/оборудования между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируется
  • Гид обязан регулярно мыть руки
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
Resurrection Bay
This adventure cruise is the only small-vessel cruise that explores the remote, glacier-carved Northwestern Fjord in Kenai Fjords National Park. Ideal for photographers, birders, and whale-watching enthusiasts, this 8.5 hour cruise departs from the Seward Harbor 360 Hotel dock 8:30 a.m. and returns at 5:00 p.m. The cruise will travel through Resurrection Bay, Kenai Fjords National Park, the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, Cape Resurrection, Granite Pass, Harris Bay, and into the spectacular Northwestern Fjord. Due to the vessel size and the cruise length, children under 12 are not suitable on this cruise.
Kenai Fjords National Park
Narrated by our knowledgeable, experienced captain and crew, guests have the unique opportunity to explore remote, untouched areas of Kenai Fjords National Park with a small group. Depending on sea conditions and wildlife-viewing opportunities, the captain’s route to Northwestern Fjord can vary from day to day. After cruising through Resurrection Bay, you will explore the Chiswell Islands (part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge) or Cape Resurrection, home to thousands of nesting seabirds, Steller sea lions, and other wildlife. The cruise will then enter Harris Bay, where you will be greeted with views of beautiful hidden coves, rugged mountains, and possibly feeding whales. Once we enter the virtually untouched and untamed Northwestern Fjord, look for the numerous alpine glaciers nestled high on the cliffs. You will visit Northwestern, Anchor, and Ojive Glaciers at the end of Northwestern Fjord. You will spend time in front of the glacier to watch for glacial calving.
Bear Glacier
Cruise through Resurrection Bay, the Gulf Of Alaska, and Harris Bay in search of wildlife such as humpbacks, killer whales, sea lions, harbor seals, seabirds, and more.
Resurrection Bay
This adventure cruise is the only small-vessel cruise that explores the remote, glacier-carved Northwestern Fjord in Kenai Fjords National Park. Ideal for photographers, birders, and whale-watching enthusiasts, this 8.5 hour cruise departs from the Seward Harbor 360 Hotel dock 8:30 a.m. and returns at 5:00 p.m. The cruise will travel through Resurrection Bay, Kenai Fjords National Park, the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, Cape Resurrection, Granite Pass, Harris Bay, and into the spectacular Northwestern Fjord. Due to the vessel size and the cruise length, children under 12 are not suitable on this cruise.
Kenai Fjords National Park
Narrated by our knowledgeable, experienced captain and crew, guests have the unique opportunity to explore remote, untouched areas of Kenai Fjords National Park with a small group. Depending on sea conditions and wildlife-viewing opportunities, the captain’s route to Northwestern Fjord can vary from day to day. After cruising through Resurrection Bay, you will explore the Chiswell Islands (part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge) or Cape Resurrection, home to thousands of nesting seabirds, Steller sea lions, and other wildlife. The cruise will then enter Harris Bay, where you will be greeted with views of beautiful hidden coves, rugged mountains, and possibly feeding whales. Once we enter the virtually untouched and untamed Northwestern Fjord, look for the numerous alpine glaciers nestled high on the cliffs. You will visit Northwestern, Anchor, and Ojive Glaciers at the end of Northwestern Fjord. You will spend time in front of the glacier to watch for glacial calving.
Bear Glacier
Cruise through Resurrection Bay, the Gulf Of Alaska, and Harris Bay in search of wildlife such as humpbacks, killer whales, sea lions, harbor seals, seabirds, and more.
Resurrection Bay
This adventure cruise is the only small-vessel cruise that explores the remote, glacier-carved Northwestern Fjord in Kenai Fjords National Park. Ideal for photographers, birders, and whale-watching enthusiasts, this 8.5 hour cruise departs from the Seward Harbor 360 Hotel dock 8:30 a.m. and returns at 5:00 p.m. The cruise will travel through Resurrection Bay, Kenai Fjords National Park, the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, Cape Resurrection, Granite Pass, Harris Bay, and into the spectacular Northwestern Fjord. Due to the vessel size and the cruise length, children under 12 are not suitable on this cruise.
Kenai Fjords National Park
Narrated by our knowledgeable, experienced captain and crew, guests have the unique opportunity to explore remote, untouched areas of Kenai Fjords National Park with a small group. Depending on sea conditions and wildlife-viewing opportunities, the captain’s route to Northwestern Fjord can vary from day to day. After cruising through Resurrection Bay, you will explore the Chiswell Islands (part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge) or Cape Resurrection, home to thousands of nesting seabirds, Steller sea lions, and other wildlife. The cruise will then enter Harris Bay, where you will be greeted with views of beautiful hidden coves, rugged mountains, and possibly feeding whales. Once we enter the virtually untouched and untamed Northwestern Fjord, look for the numerous alpine glaciers nestled high on the cliffs. You will visit Northwestern, Anchor, and Ojive Glaciers at the end of Northwestern Fjord. You will spend time in front of the glacier to watch for glacial calving.
Bear Glacier
Cruise through Resurrection Bay, the Gulf Of Alaska, and Harris Bay in search of wildlife such as humpbacks, killer whales, sea lions, harbor seals, seabirds, and more.
Resurrection Bay
This adventure cruise is the only small-vessel cruise that explores the remote, glacier-carved Northwestern Fjord in Kenai Fjords National Park. Ideal for photographers, birders, and whale-watching enthusiasts, this 8.5 hour cruise departs from the Seward Harbor 360 Hotel dock 8:30 a.m. and returns at 5:00 p.m. The cruise will travel through Resurrection Bay, Kenai Fjords National Park, the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, Cape Resurrection, Granite Pass, Harris Bay, and into the spectacular Northwestern Fjord. Due to the vessel size and the cruise length, children under 12 are not suitable on this cruise.
Kenai Fjords National Park
Narrated by our knowledgeable, experienced captain and crew, guests have the unique opportunity to explore remote, untouched areas of Kenai Fjords National Park with a small group. Depending on sea conditions and wildlife-viewing opportunities, the captain’s route to Northwestern Fjord can vary from day to day. After cruising through Resurrection Bay, you will explore the Chiswell Islands (part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge) or Cape Resurrection, home to thousands of nesting seabirds, Steller sea lions, and other wildlife. The cruise will then enter Harris Bay, where you will be greeted with views of beautiful hidden coves, rugged mountains, and possibly feeding whales. Once we enter the virtually untouched and untamed Northwestern Fjord, look for the numerous alpine glaciers nestled high on the cliffs. You will visit Northwestern, Anchor, and Ojive Glaciers at the end of Northwestern Fjord. You will spend time in front of the glacier to watch for glacial calving.
Bear Glacier
Cruise through Resurrection Bay, the Gulf Of Alaska, and Harris Bay in search of wildlife such as humpbacks, killer whales, sea lions, harbor seals, seabirds, and more.
Воскресенский залив
Этот приключенческий круиз является единственным круизом на небольшом судне, который исследует отдаленный, вырезанный ледником Северо-Западный фьорд в национальном парке Кенай-Фьордс. Идеальный для фотографов, орнитологов и любителей понаблюдать за китами, этот 8,5-часовой круиз отправляется от причала отеля Seward Harbour 360 в 8:30 утра и возвращается в 17:00. Круиз пройдет через залив Воскресения, национальный парк Кенай-Фьордс, морской национальный заповедник дикой природы Аляски, мыс Воскресения, Гранитный перевал, залив Харрис и впечатляющий Северо-Западный фьорд. Из-за размера судна и продолжительности круиза дети до 12 лет не подходят для участия в этом круизе.
Национальный парк Кенай-Фьордс
Под руководством нашего знающего, опытного капитана и команды у гостей есть уникальная возможность исследовать отдаленные, нетронутые районы национального парка Кенай-Фьордс с небольшой группой. В зависимости от состояния моря и возможностей наблюдения за дикой природой маршрут капитана к Северо-Западному фьорду может меняться изо дня в день. После круиза по заливу Воскресения вы исследуете острова Чизуэлл (часть Морского национального заповедника дикой природы Аляски) или мыс Воскресения, где обитают тысячи гнездящихся морских птиц, морских львов и других диких животных. Затем круиз войдет в залив Харрис, где вас встретят красивыми скрытыми бухтами, скалистыми горами и, возможно, кормящимися китами. Как только мы войдем в практически нетронутый и дикий Северо-Западный фьорд, обратите внимание на многочисленные альпийские ледники, расположенные высоко на скалах. Вы посетите Северо-Западный, Анкорный и Оживский ледники в конце Северо-Западного фьорда. Вы проведете время перед ледником, чтобы наблюдать за ледниковым отелом.
Медвежий ледник
Совершите круиз по заливу Воскресения, заливу Аляски и заливу Харрис в поисках диких животных, таких как горбатые киты, косатки, морские львы, морские тюлени, морские птицы и многие другие.
Показать 12 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (88)
Oct 2022
My wife and I joined the 8.5-hour Northwestern Cruise during our honeymoon trip in August and we were so glad that we selected the full-day experience. The crew – John, Scott, and Shannon – went above and beyond to make our boat excursion as enjoyable as possible. They announced animal sightings and provided on-boat binocular rentals with informative wildlife brochures, helping us to identify orcas, bald eagles, puffins, seals, sea lions, mountain goats, and more. The crew eagerly answered all of our questions about wildlife and the Seward peninsula, and Scott volunteered to take many photos for us, especially in front of the breathtaking Northwestern glacier. Scott and Shannon served up some delicious cocktails with real glacial ice – we highly recommend that you get one! Please note that the weather can be unpredictable and tall waves might make portions of the trip rocky – take motion sickness medication before the trip or ask the crew for Dramamine on-board. Fortunately, Scott and Shannon took great care of everyone who was feeling seasick, allowing affected guests to recover quickly. The hosts define the quality of an experience like this one, and our Major Marine cruise guides were the primary reason that our Northwestern Cruise was the best day of our honeymoon trip.
Dorthy R
Sep 2022
We went on the NW Cruise and the 6 hr. Kenai Fjord Cruise (2 days earlier). Both were great, but we really enjoyed the longer (NW) Cruise. The scenery and wildlife were amazing. Captain Nat narrated about different points of interest & wildlife. Enjoyed getting close to a glacier & waterfalls. He & the crew did a great job taking care of us and making it a memorable experience!
Sep 2022
One of the highlights of our trip! It was 8.5 hours on a fairly rough day at sea, but didn't seem like it! Our guide Zach was wonderful! Two members of our party have celiac, and Zach personally ensured that the sandwiches with gluten free bread were on board before we sailed. He went around to each party multiple times asking if everything was ok , partially due to the rough seas and also just because he genuinely cared about each guest. The captain did a wonderful job of keeping us comfortable and the ability to spot wildlife and point it out was amazing!. We saw a lot of wildlife and the views of the Northwestern Glacier were amazing! Would highly recommend.

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