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Небольшой групповой тур на целый день по Йосемити и Глейшер-Пойнт, включая трансфер из отеля

Отправляясь из Фресно или Окхерста, этот 9-часовой тур по национальному парку Йосемити охватывает некоторые из природных достопримечательностей долины Йосемити. Сфотографируйте водопад Бридалвейл, Хаф-Доум, водопад Йосемити и горную местность Йосемити, а также прогуляйтесь по 4-мильной тропе между весной и осенью. Обед, входные билеты, трансфер из отеля и обратно включены в стоимость.
Город: Йосемитский национальный парк
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $149.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $149.00
Что включено
Hotel pickup and drop-off
Lunch: Your choice of turkey, vegetarian or dagwood (combination of several meats) sandwich
Sports Refillable Water Bottle or Bottled Water
Hotel pickup and drop-off
Lunch: Your choice of turkey, vegetarian or dagwood (combination of several meats) sandwich
Sports Refillable Water Bottle or Bottled Water
Hotel pickup and drop-off
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровень физической подготовки
  • Глейшер-Пойнт обычно закрыт зимой с ноября по апрель. Любой из основных моментов тура может быть закрыт из-за погодных условий или строительных работ. Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы показать альтернативные сайты.
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослого
  • Детский тариф применяется только в сопровождении 2 платных взрослых
  • Родители с для маленьких детей должны быть предусмотрены автокресла и/или дополнительные сиденья, если это необходимо.
  • Младенцы в возрасте от 0 до 1 года должны находиться на заднем сиденье, пристегнутые в автокресле, обращенном назад, пока они не достигнут веса 20 фунтов.
  • Дети в возрасте от 1 до 8 лет (или тяжелее 20 фунтов) должны находиться на заднем сиденье (применяются некоторые исключения) и быть пристегнутыми ремнями: автокресло - Автокресло, обращенное вперед, с 5-точечным ремнем безопасности, пока они не достигнут максимального предела роста/веса для сиденья - Бустер, если рост менее 4 футов 9 дюймов и превышает предел роста/веса для автомобильного кресла - Обычное сиденье ремень на заднем сиденье, если рост выше 4 футов 9 дюймов.
  • Пожилые американцы с пропусками Senior Park Pass должны принести их. Пенсионерам из других стран не о чем беспокоиться.
  • В зимние месяцы (с 1 октября по 31 марта) для проведения тура требуется не менее 5 гостей.
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски для лица.
  • Маски для лица. требуется для гидов в общественных местах
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Социальное дистанцирование обязательно на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
  • Проверка температуры у путешественников по прибытии
  • 3 вопроса, которые относятся к вам и всем в вашей группе, на которые вы должны ответить НЕТ . 1. ...были диагностированы COVID 19? 2. .. попросили изолировать ? 3. .. вы были в контакте с кем-либо с COVID-19?
Что ожидать
Your day begins with pickup in either Fresno, Oakhurst, or Fish Camp aboard a comfortable touring vehicle. From here, enjoy a scenic journey to Yosemite, entering through the park’s Southgate entrance.
Glacier Point
Stop at Chinquapin and Glacier Point, an overlook offering remarkable views of Yosemite Valley, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, and Yosemite’s high country. After a short walk, you can gaze over the valley, including Curry Village and the renowned Majestic Yosemite Hotel (formerly the Ahwahnee), and take in picture-perfect views of the surrounding mountaintops.
Yosemite Valley
Between spring and fall, you also have the option of hiking Glacier Point’s 4-Mile Trail, which ends on Southside Drive. From here, simply hop on a shuttle or continue across the Swinging Bridge to Yosemite Valley Lodge, where you’ll meet back up with your guide. For those who’d prefer to stay on the bus, you'll make your way down to the Yosemite Valley.
Tunnel View
Starting from the Tunnel View to take in spectacular views.
Bridalveil Falls
Enjoy views of Bridalveil Falls, The Chapel, Sentinel Bridge, El Capitan..
Half Dome
and views of Half Dome and Yosemite Falls.
Yosemite Falls
The group will then break for lunch, along with an easy walk to the base of Yosemite Falls. You’ll also have time to peruse the souvenir gift shops.
El Capitan
After dining, you'll pay a visit to the meadows in front of El Capitan to see if anyone is rock climbing, an extremely popular park activity.
Merced River
Next, continue on with a drive alongside the Merced River and learn a bit about President Theodore Roosevelt’s 3-night camping trip with naturalist John Muir, who successfully lobbied for the creation of Yosemite National Park.
Pioneer Yosemite History Center
Your return trip includes a stop at The Pioneer Village History Center for some exploring and also a visit to the historical landmark Wawona Hotel, a perfect place for viewing the park’s young sequoias.
The tour concludes with a ride back to either Fresno or Oakhurst.
Your day begins with pickup in either Fresno, Oakhurst, or Fish Camp aboard a comfortable touring vehicle. From here, enjoy a scenic journey to Yosemite, entering through the park’s Southgate entrance.
Glacier Point
Stop at Chinquapin and Glacier Point, an overlook offering remarkable views of Yosemite Valley, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, and Yosemite’s high country. After a short walk, you can gaze over the valley, including Curry Village and the renowned Majestic Yosemite Hotel (formerly the Ahwahnee), and take in picture-perfect views of the surrounding mountaintops.
Yosemite Valley
Between spring and fall, you also have the option of hiking Glacier Point’s 4-Mile Trail, which ends on Southside Drive. From here, simply hop on a shuttle or continue across the Swinging Bridge to Yosemite Valley Lodge, where you’ll meet back up with your guide. For those who’d prefer to stay on the bus, you'll make your way down to the Yosemite Valley.
Tunnel View
Starting from the Tunnel View to take in spectacular views.
Bridalveil Falls
Enjoy views of Bridalveil Falls, The Chapel, Sentinel Bridge, El Capitan..
Half Dome
and views of Half Dome and Yosemite Falls.
Yosemite Falls
The group will then break for lunch, along with an easy walk to the base of Yosemite Falls. You’ll also have time to peruse the souvenir gift shops.
El Capitan
After dining, you'll pay a visit to the meadows in front of El Capitan to see if anyone is rock climbing, an extremely popular park activity.
Merced River
Next, continue on with a drive alongside the Merced River and learn a bit about President Theodore Roosevelt’s 3-night camping trip with naturalist John Muir, who successfully lobbied for the creation of Yosemite National Park.
Pioneer Yosemite History Center
Your return trip includes a stop at The Pioneer Village History Center for some exploring and also a visit to the historical landmark Wawona Hotel, a perfect place for viewing the park’s young sequoias.
The tour concludes with a ride back to either Fresno or Oakhurst.
Your day begins with pickup in either Fresno, Oakhurst, or Fish Camp aboard a comfortable touring vehicle. From here, enjoy a scenic journey to Yosemite, entering through the park’s Southgate entrance.
Glacier Point
Stop at Chinquapin and Glacier Point, an overlook offering remarkable views of Yosemite Valley, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, and Yosemite’s high country. After a short walk, you can gaze over the valley, including Curry Village and the renowned Majestic Yosemite Hotel (formerly the Ahwahnee), and take in picture-perfect views of the surrounding mountaintops.
Yosemite Valley
Between spring and fall, you also have the option of hiking Glacier Point’s 4-Mile Trail, which ends on Southside Drive. From here, simply hop on a shuttle or continue across the Swinging Bridge to Yosemite Valley Lodge, where you’ll meet back up with your guide. For those who’d prefer to stay on the bus, you'll make your way down to the Yosemite Valley.
Tunnel View
Starting from the Tunnel View to take in spectacular views.
Bridalveil Falls
Enjoy views of Bridalveil Falls, The Chapel, Sentinel Bridge, El Capitan..
Half Dome
and views of Half Dome and Yosemite Falls.
Yosemite Falls
The group will then break for lunch, along with an easy walk to the base of Yosemite Falls. You’ll also have time to peruse the souvenir gift shops.
El Capitan
After dining, you'll pay a visit to the meadows in front of El Capitan to see if anyone is rock climbing, an extremely popular park activity.
Merced River
Next, continue on with a drive alongside the Merced River and learn a bit about President Theodore Roosevelt’s 3-night camping trip with naturalist John Muir, who successfully lobbied for the creation of Yosemite National Park.
Pioneer Yosemite History Center
Your return trip includes a stop at The Pioneer Village History Center for some exploring and also a visit to the historical landmark Wawona Hotel, a perfect place for viewing the park’s young sequoias.
The tour concludes with a ride back to either Fresno or Oakhurst.
Your day begins with pickup in either Fresno, Oakhurst, or Fish Camp aboard a comfortable touring vehicle. From here, enjoy a scenic journey to Yosemite, entering through the park’s Southgate entrance.
Glacier Point
Stop at Chinquapin and Glacier Point, an overlook offering remarkable views of Yosemite Valley, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, and Yosemite’s high country. After a short walk, you can gaze over the valley, including Curry Village and the renowned Majestic Yosemite Hotel (formerly the Ahwahnee), and take in picture-perfect views of the surrounding mountaintops.
Yosemite Valley
Between spring and fall, you also have the option of hiking Glacier Point’s 4-Mile Trail, which ends on Southside Drive. From here, simply hop on a shuttle or continue across the Swinging Bridge to Yosemite Valley Lodge, where you’ll meet back up with your guide. For those who’d prefer to stay on the bus, you'll make your way down to the Yosemite Valley.
Tunnel View
Starting from the Tunnel View to take in spectacular views.
Bridalveil Falls
Enjoy views of Bridalveil Falls, The Chapel, Sentinel Bridge, El Capitan..
Half Dome
and views of Half Dome and Yosemite Falls.
Yosemite Falls
The group will then break for lunch, along with an easy walk to the base of Yosemite Falls. You’ll also have time to peruse the souvenir gift shops.
El Capitan
After dining, you'll pay a visit to the meadows in front of El Capitan to see if anyone is rock climbing, an extremely popular park activity.
Merced River
Next, continue on with a drive alongside the Merced River and learn a bit about President Theodore Roosevelt’s 3-night camping trip with naturalist John Muir, who successfully lobbied for the creation of Yosemite National Park.
Pioneer Yosemite History Center
Your return trip includes a stop at The Pioneer Village History Center for some exploring and also a visit to the historical landmark Wawona Hotel, a perfect place for viewing the park’s young sequoias.
The tour concludes with a ride back to either Fresno or Oakhurst.
Your day begins with pickup in either Fresno, Oakhurst, or Fish Camp aboard a comfortable touring vehicle. From here, enjoy a scenic journey to Yosemite, entering through the park’s Southgate entrance.
Glacier Point
Stop at Chinquapin and Glacier Point, an overlook offering remarkable views of Yosemite Valley, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, and Yosemite’s high country. After a short walk, you can gaze over the valley, including Curry Village and the renowned Majestic Yosemite Hotel (formerly the Ahwahnee), and take in picture-perfect views of the surrounding mountaintops.
Yosemite Valley
Between spring and fall, you also have the option of hiking Glacier Point’s 4-Mile Trail, which ends on Southside Drive. From here, simply hop on a shuttle or continue across the Swinging Bridge to Yosemite Valley Lodge, where you’ll meet back up with your guide. For those who’d prefer to stay on the bus, you'll make your way down to the Yosemite Valley.
Tunnel View
Starting from the Tunnel View to take in spectacular views.
Bridalveil Falls
Enjoy views of Bridalveil Falls, The Chapel, Sentinel Bridge, El Capitan..
Half Dome
and views of Half Dome and Yosemite Falls.
Yosemite Falls
The group will then break for lunch, along with an easy walk to the base of Yosemite Falls. You’ll also have time to peruse the souvenir gift shops.
El Capitan
After dining, you'll pay a visit to the meadows in front of El Capitan to see if anyone is rock climbing, an extremely popular park activity.
Merced River
Next, continue on with a drive alongside the Merced River and learn a bit about President Theodore Roosevelt’s 3-night camping trip with naturalist John Muir, who successfully lobbied for the creation of Yosemite National Park.
Pioneer Yosemite History Center
Your return trip includes a stop at The Pioneer Village History Center for some exploring and also a visit to the historical landmark Wawona Hotel, a perfect place for viewing the park’s young sequoias.
The tour concludes with a ride back to either Fresno or Oakhurst.
Your day begins with pickup in either Fresno, Oakhurst, or Fish Camp aboard a comfortable touring vehicle. From here, enjoy a scenic journey to Yosemite, entering through the park’s Southgate entrance.
Glacier Point
Stop at Chinquapin and Glacier Point, an overlook offering remarkable views of Yosemite Valley, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, and Yosemite’s high country. After a short walk, you can gaze over the valley, including Curry Village and the renowned Majestic Yosemite Hotel (formerly the Ahwahnee), and take in picture-perfect views of the surrounding mountaintops.
Yosemite Valley
Between spring and fall, you also have the option of hiking Glacier Point’s 4-Mile Trail, which ends on Southside Drive. From here, simply hop on a shuttle or continue across the Swinging Bridge to Yosemite Valley Lodge, where you’ll meet back up with your guide. For those who’d prefer to stay on the bus, you'll make your way down to the Yosemite Valley.
Tunnel View
Starting from the Tunnel View to take in spectacular views.
Bridalveil Falls
Enjoy views of Bridalveil Falls, The Chapel, Sentinel Bridge, El Capitan..
Half Dome
and views of Half Dome and Yosemite Falls.
Yosemite Falls
The group will then break for lunch, along with an easy walk to the base of Yosemite Falls. You’ll also have time to peruse the souvenir gift shops.
El Capitan
After dining, you'll pay a visit to the meadows in front of El Capitan to see if anyone is rock climbing, an extremely popular park activity.
Merced River
Next, continue on with a drive alongside the Merced River and learn a bit about President Theodore Roosevelt’s 3-night camping trip with naturalist John Muir, who successfully lobbied for the creation of Yosemite National Park.
Pioneer Yosemite History Center
Your return trip includes a stop at The Pioneer Village History Center for some exploring and also a visit to the historical landmark Wawona Hotel, a perfect place for viewing the park’s young sequoias.
The tour concludes with a ride back to either Fresno or Oakhurst.
Your day begins with pickup in either Fresno, Oakhurst, or Fish Camp aboard a comfortable touring vehicle. From here, enjoy a scenic journey to Yosemite, entering through the park’s Southgate entrance.
Glacier Point
Stop at Chinquapin and Glacier Point, an overlook offering remarkable views of Yosemite Valley, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, and Yosemite’s high country. After a short walk, you can gaze over the valley, including Curry Village and the renowned Majestic Yosemite Hotel (formerly the Ahwahnee), and take in picture-perfect views of the surrounding mountaintops.
Yosemite Valley
Between spring and fall, you also have the option of hiking Glacier Point’s 4-Mile Trail, which ends on Southside Drive. From here, simply hop on a shuttle or continue across the Swinging Bridge to Yosemite Valley Lodge, where you’ll meet back up with your guide. For those who’d prefer to stay on the bus, you'll make your way down to the Yosemite Valley.
Tunnel View
Starting from the Tunnel View to take in spectacular views.
Bridalveil Falls
Enjoy views of Bridalveil Falls, The Chapel, Sentinel Bridge, El Capitan..
Half Dome
and views of Half Dome and Yosemite Falls.
Yosemite Falls
The group will then break for lunch, along with an easy walk to the base of Yosemite Falls. You’ll also have time to peruse the souvenir gift shops.
El Capitan
After dining, you'll pay a visit to the meadows in front of El Capitan to see if anyone is rock climbing, an extremely popular park activity.
Merced River
Next, continue on with a drive alongside the Merced River and learn a bit about President Theodore Roosevelt’s 3-night camping trip with naturalist John Muir, who successfully lobbied for the creation of Yosemite National Park.
Pioneer Yosemite History Center
Your return trip includes a stop at The Pioneer Village History Center for some exploring and also a visit to the historical landmark Wawona Hotel, a perfect place for viewing the park’s young sequoias.
The tour concludes with a ride back to either Fresno or Oakhurst.
Ваш день начинается с пикапа во Фресно, Окхерсте или Фиш-Кэмпе на борту комфортабельного туристического автомобиля. Отсюда насладитесь живописным путешествием в Йосемити, войдя через вход в парк Саутгейт.
Остановитесь в Chinquapin и Glacier Point, откуда открываются замечательные виды на долину Йосемити, Хаф-Доум, водопад Йосемити и горную местность Йосемити. После короткой прогулки вы сможете осмотреть долину, в том числе деревню Карри и знаменитый отель Majestic Yosemite (бывший Ahwahnee), а также полюбоваться прекрасным видом на окружающие горные вершины.
Йосемитская долина
Между весной и осенью у вас также есть возможность отправиться в поход по 4-мильной тропе Glacier Point, которая заканчивается на Southside Drive. Отсюда просто сядьте на шаттл или продолжайте движение по качающемуся мосту до лоджа Yosemite Valley Lodge, где вы снова встретитесь со своим гидом. Для тех, кто предпочитает остаться на автобусе, вы отправитесь в долину Йосемити.
Туннельный вид
Начиная с Tunnel View, вы сможете полюбоваться захватывающими видами.
Брайдвейл Фолс
Насладитесь видом на водопад Бридалвейл, часовню, Сторожевой мост, Эль-Капитан.
Половина купола
и вид на Хаф-Доум и водопад Йосемити.
Йосемитский водопад
Затем группа сделает перерыв на обед, а также прогуляется до основания Йосемитского водопада. У вас также будет время осмотреть сувенирные магазины.
Эль Капитан
После обеда вы посетите луга перед Эль-Капитаном, чтобы узнать, занимается ли кто-нибудь скалолазанием, чрезвычайно популярным развлечением в парке.
Река Мерсед
Затем продолжите поездку вдоль реки Мерсед и узнайте немного о трехдневном походе президента Теодора Рузвельта с натуралистом Джоном Мьюиром, который успешно лоббировал создание национального парка Йосемити.
Исторический центр Pioneer Yosemite
Ваш обратный путь включает в себя остановку в историческом центре Pioneer Village для изучения, а также посещение исторической достопримечательности отеля Wawona, идеального места для просмотра молодых секвой в парке.
Тур завершается поездкой обратно во Фресно или Окхерст.
Показать 85 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (314)
Daniel M
Jul 2017

Mary was excellent. Her passion for the park and the area was a real plus. We had lunch at the famous formerly Ahwanee Hotel on the patio.

Sally B
Jul 2017

Yosemite National Park is just amazing - we had a great day and met some lovely people. Cathy from Crossroad Tours was very informative and a lot of fun. She does need a microphone tho - it was a very hot day and so she turned the air conditioner on in the bus for us but then it was very hard to hear what she was saying.

Douglas L
Jul 2017

We absolutely enjoyed our tour on 10 June 2017!! Mic was an extremely friendly and knowledgeable guide - and very safe driver! We were picked up at our Fresno hotel on time at 5:30am and returned for the tour about 4:30pm. We enjoyed the company of 2 other couples in the large GMC SUV. The day was BEAUTIFUL with temps varying from upper 50's to 70's. By the time we stopped to pick up food and other people, we got into the park around 7:30am. LOVED the fact that I wasn't driving and could actually enjoy the views all day instead of looking at rear bumpers. I lost count, but estimate we stopped at about 15-20 scenic spots along the way. Did a little bit of walking at the Bridal Veil Falls and the Yosemite Falls on the trails to actually get close and a little damp from water spray. Several stops throughout Yosemite Valley to see the falls, rock climbers, and historic hotel. The lunch provided was GREAT, I had the Dagwood sandwich - delicious! Ate at picnic tables in the valley. Did not see any bears. Stopped at a fresh water spring, which I will say was the best tasting water I have ever had! By about 1:00pm, we headed up elevation to Glacier Point road was open. Understand why this was the last stop - what a beautiful view of Half Dome and the Sierra Nevada. If you only have 1 day to see Yosemite, don't want to fight traffic for parking, or spend hours trying to figure out where to go and what to see and just want a relaxing day to take in the beauty - I highly recommend this tour!! My wife and I really enjoyed it!!

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