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Ghost and Haunt Tour по Гатлинбургу

Прогуляйтесь по проселочным дорогам Гатлинбурга и узнайте о его истории с привидениями и фольклоре в этом ночном туре. С руководством вы узнаете, как делать паранормальные фотографии. Используйте снаряжение для охоты за привидениями, которое вы видите по телевизору, чтобы потенциально общаться с призраками по пути.
Экскурсия представляет собой пешеходную экскурсию на открытом воздухе, поэтому здесь достаточно места для социального дистанцирования, а маски не являются обязательными. Он доступен для инвалидных колясок и колясок. разрешены животные-поводыри.
К сожалению, из-за позднего завершения строительства троллейбусы не ходят так поздно, но мы предлагаем бесплатную парковку и, конечно же, такси и Uber, Lyft доступны.
Прогулка составляет около одной мили по квартире. асфальтированная земля растянулась на 2 часа с множеством остановок, так что это грязная расслабляющая прогулка, но во время тура нет мест для сидения или туалетов.
Это не частный тур. Группы могут достигать 20-летнего возраста в самое загруженное время, но в среднем составляют группу от старшего до 20-летнего возраста.
Город: Гатлинбург
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $30.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $30.00
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Professional guide
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Professional guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в колясках
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Минимальное количество бронирований 4, необходимых для тура; если сделано менее 4 бронирований, тур может быть отменен.
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослого
  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок; сообщите при бронировании, требуется ли помощь в инвалидной коляске.
  • Работает при любых погодных условиях; пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответствующим образом.
  • Гиды должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Тур проходит на открытом воздухе с достаточным пространством для социального дистанцирования. Маски необязательны, так как это запрещено местными правилами.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (856)
Mar 2011
We had a group of about 10 ladies, some local and some visiting, that went on this tour in Oct. We wanted something differentt, so after a great dinner downtown, we went on tour. It was cool, and but we saw on the card it was a walking tour, so we prepared. When our guide shared the history part, many of us were suprised, as we learned a lot about Gatlinburg. We brought our cameras, and they shared a lot of information about what could be on our pictures. Stories were good, and at times even funny, but when we looked at our pictures, most of us were very surprised. There are things which several of us really did look at, and most of us decided that we would like to go again!! The tour ended in an old cemetery that I did not even know existed, and we did have a few chills when we left. A very positive experience. Loved out guide, cant remember her name, but she was great! We are planning another get together for this spring, and this time bringing our families, as it was age appropiate for kids too!!
Mar 2011
We found a pamphlet for this tour in our hotel lobby and thought it looked interesting because I love ghost tours. DO NOT give these people your credit cars information because they will take your money no matter what! It was pouring rain and I am 6 months pregnant. The tour starts at 9 and we called at 6 to tell them to cancel our reservation because let's face it, how many pregnant women would be able to stand and walk in the pouring rain!? Not many! The guy on the phone was very rude and informed us that there would be no refund no matter what! I was crying at this point because 40 bucks down the drain is a lot of money for newlywed expecting parents. We even went to the site at 8:30 to try and speak to the guide but he was equally as rude and we were told we should have visited the website where it apparently says no cancelations 4 hours prior to the tour. We were not told this when we booked and we were in a hotel with no wi-fi. Therefore, we have NO idea they were going to take our money no mater what! DO NOT give them your money! Needless to say this put a BIG damper on the weekend.
Jun 2010
Their advertisement says there will def be paranormal activity on the walk. I did not know what an orb looked like before so we were shown pictures of what ghosts can appear as which was cool. We were told alot of Gatlinburg history, which parts were interesting and some parts def should have been shortened up. The tour could have used some more ghost stories rather than just history stories. This tour was more pricey than the other ghost walk in the area so I am not sure how it compares to that. The reason I chose this one is that it sounded more ligit and the guide does not dress up in costume. The guide was very nice, but kind of corny at times. We were asked to take pictures on the walk and share the pictures if we had anything that appeared to be a ghost or orb. I do believe I got three pictures with orbs and a few other people on the tour had seen some as well. The guide asked that we send him our pictures to comfirm thats what they were. I thought the tour was fun and interesting and the tour ends in the cemetary. You did have to find your own way back to the hotel but it was not hard to do. You are just one street over from the main road.

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