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Go City: Orlando Explorer Pass — выберите 2, 3, 4 или 5 достопримечательностей

С пропуском Orlando Explorer Pass от Go City вы можете выбирать из множества достопримечательностей Орландо, чтобы создать свой собственный маршрут, экономя при этом деньги. Это самый простой и доступный способ познакомиться с достопримечательностями Орландо, которые обязательно нужно посетить, включая The Wheel в ICON Park, WonderWorks, Музей мадам Тюссо и многое другое.

Попрощайтесь с несколькими билетами и наслаждайтесь прямым доступом к достопримечательностям с одним простым в использовании пропуском. Просто сохраните абонемент Orlando Explorer на своем мобильном устройстве и отправляйтесь в путь — активация ваучера не требуется!

Выберите абонемент на 2, 3, 4 или 5 выборов и выберите свои любимые достопримечательности или туры. Затем у вас есть 60 дней, чтобы использовать свой пропуск с момента первого посещения аттракциона.
Город: Орландо
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $54.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $54.00
Что включено
FREE Digital guide with attraction information and tips
Admission to your choice of 2, 3, 4 or 5 attractions or tours
FREE Digital guide with attraction information and tips
Admission to your choice of 2, 3, 4 or 5 attractions or tours
FREE Digital guide with attraction information and tips
Admission to your choice of 2, 3, 4 or 5 attractions or tours
Использование снаряжения для сноркелинга
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Ваш проездной Orlando Explorer Pass будет сразу же доступен как ваш «билет» после покупки. Сохраните свой пропуск («билет») на своем мобильном устройстве и используйте его для прямого входа на аттракционы.
  • Детские пропуска Go City доступны только для детей в возрасте от 3 до 12 лет. Для любых сопровождающих детей в возрасте до 3 лет, пожалуйста, уточните в каждом отдельном аттракционе или туре, принимаются ли младенцы и /или нужно ли платить за вход.
  • Наиболее популярные мероприятия требуют предварительного бронирования, ознакомьтесь с инструкциями на включены цифровой гид или приложение Go City, и не забудьте сделать бронирование заблаговременно, чтобы избежать разочарований.
  • Во всех местах действуют разные меры в соответствии с инструкциями местных властей. Пожалуйста, посетите веб-сайты площадок для получения более подробной информации. Для дополнительной гибкости ваш пропуск действителен в течение 2 лет с даты покупки и активируется только при первом посещении достопримечательности.
Что ожидать
Madame Tussauds Orlando
Choose this attraction with your Go Explorer pass and get general admission to Madame Tussauds Orlando. There are dozens of themed zones to explore, Hollywood A-listers, sports stars, and musicians.
Equal parts entertaining and educational, WonderWorks offers fun for all ages within the upside-down walls of this Orlando classic. Choose this attraction with your Go Explorer pass to get general admission to all exhibits, a round of laser tag, access to the 36-foot-tall indoor ropes course, and a ride on the 4D Extreme Motion attraction.
The Outta Control Magic Comedy Dinner Show
Your Go Orlando pass includes a 90-minute comedy show, unlimited fresh, hand-tossed cheese and pepperoni pizza, salad, and dessert, unlimited beer, wine, and soda.
Fun Spot America
Admission with your Go Orlando pass includes a choice of four rides; the chance to ride roller coasters, bumper cars, and more. Get an adrenaline high at Fun Spot America Theme Park. Bursting with roller coasters, go-carts, bumper boats, and more, this family-friendly attraction has something for everyone. Take a spin on four different rides from a choice of over twenty.
Congo River Golf
Your Explorer Pass includes a round of mini golf on the jungle-themed course; 18 holes to work your way through; golf clubs and balls.
Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition (Orlando)
Your Go Orlando pass includes a replica boarding pass and self-guided tour; original artifacts recovered from the ship; interactive exhibits and recreated sets.
Coco Key Water Resort
Your Go Orlando Pass includes general admission to the water park, access to 14 slides and three heated pools.
Museum Of Illusions Orlando
This fun museum has over 50 interactive exhibits where you’ll find yourself defying the laws of gravity, shrinking to miniature size, and gazing into infinity. Along with plenty of "instagrammable" opportunities, the Museum of Illusions has a built-in photo experience in some of the key exhibits for some incredible snaps.
Amway Center
The Amway Center is a powerhouse of world-class sport, featuring the biggest teams in the NBA. Your ticket includes access to the Amway Center, giving you the chance to see the iconic Orlando Magic basketball team do what they do best. But you don't need to be a sports fan to enjoy the action. In-game entertainment, incredible halftime performances and the Center's designated fun zones for kids will make an enjoyable day out for the whole family. The Orlando Explorer pass is valid for select games and seat location is subject to availability (Promenade Level or Standing Room sections).
Madame Tussauds Orlando
Choose this attraction with your Go Explorer pass and get general admission to Madame Tussauds Orlando. There are dozens of themed zones to explore, Hollywood A-listers, sports stars, and musicians.
Equal parts entertaining and educational, WonderWorks offers fun for all ages within the upside-down walls of this Orlando classic. Choose this attraction with your Go Explorer pass to get general admission to all exhibits, a round of laser tag, access to the 36-foot-tall indoor ropes course, and a ride on the 4D Extreme Motion attraction.
The Outta Control Magic Comedy Dinner Show
Your Go Orlando pass includes a 90-minute comedy show, unlimited fresh, hand-tossed cheese and pepperoni pizza, salad, and dessert, unlimited beer, wine, and soda.
Fun Spot America
Admission with your Go Orlando pass includes a choice of four rides; the chance to ride roller coasters, bumper cars, and more. Get an adrenaline high at Fun Spot America Theme Park. Bursting with roller coasters, go-carts, bumper boats, and more, this family-friendly attraction has something for everyone. Take a spin on four different rides from a choice of over twenty.
Congo River Golf
Your Explorer Pass includes a round of mini golf on the jungle-themed course; 18 holes to work your way through; golf clubs and balls.
Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition (Orlando)
Your Go Orlando pass includes a replica boarding pass and self-guided tour; original artifacts recovered from the ship; interactive exhibits and recreated sets.
Coco Key Water Resort
Your Go Orlando Pass includes general admission to the water park, access to 14 slides and three heated pools.
Museum Of Illusions Orlando
This fun museum has over 50 interactive exhibits where you’ll find yourself defying the laws of gravity, shrinking to miniature size, and gazing into infinity. Along with plenty of "instagrammable" opportunities, the Museum of Illusions has a built-in photo experience in some of the key exhibits for some incredible snaps.
Amway Center
The Amway Center is a powerhouse of world-class sport, featuring the biggest teams in the NBA. Your ticket includes access to the Amway Center, giving you the chance to see the iconic Orlando Magic basketball team do what they do best. But you don't need to be a sports fan to enjoy the action. In-game entertainment, incredible halftime performances and the Center's designated fun zones for kids will make an enjoyable day out for the whole family. The Orlando Explorer pass is valid for select games and seat location is subject to availability (Promenade Level or Standing Room sections).
Madame Tussauds Orlando
Choose this attraction with your Go Explorer pass and get general admission to Madame Tussauds Orlando. There are dozens of themed zones to explore, Hollywood A-listers, sports stars, and musicians.
Equal parts entertaining and educational, WonderWorks offers fun for all ages within the upside-down walls of this Orlando classic. Choose this attraction with your Go Explorer pass to get general admission to all exhibits, a round of laser tag, access to the 36-foot-tall indoor ropes course, and a ride on the 4D Extreme Motion attraction.
The Outta Control Magic Comedy Dinner Show
Your Go Orlando pass includes a 90-minute comedy show, unlimited fresh, hand-tossed cheese and pepperoni pizza, salad, and dessert, unlimited beer, wine, and soda.
Fun Spot America
Admission with your Go Orlando pass includes a choice of four rides; the chance to ride roller coasters, bumper cars, and more. Get an adrenaline high at Fun Spot America Theme Park. Bursting with roller coasters, go-carts, bumper boats, and more, this family-friendly attraction has something for everyone. Take a spin on four different rides from a choice of over twenty.
Congo River Golf
Your Explorer Pass includes a round of mini golf on the jungle-themed course; 18 holes to work your way through; golf clubs and balls.
Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition (Orlando)
Your Go Orlando pass includes a replica boarding pass and self-guided tour; original artifacts recovered from the ship; interactive exhibits and recreated sets.
Coco Key Water Resort
Your Go Orlando Pass includes general admission to the water park, access to 14 slides and three heated pools.
Museum Of Illusions Orlando
This fun museum has over 50 interactive exhibits where you’ll find yourself defying the laws of gravity, shrinking to miniature size, and gazing into infinity. Along with plenty of "instagrammable" opportunities, the Museum of Illusions has a built-in photo experience in some of the key exhibits for some incredible snaps.
Amway Center
The Amway Center is a powerhouse of world-class sport, featuring the biggest teams in the NBA. Your ticket includes access to the Amway Center, giving you the chance to see the iconic Orlando Magic basketball team do what they do best. But you don't need to be a sports fan to enjoy the action. In-game entertainment, incredible halftime performances and the Center's designated fun zones for kids will make an enjoyable day out for the whole family. The Orlando Explorer pass is valid for select games and seat location is subject to availability (Promenade Level or Standing Room sections).
Madame Tussauds Orlando
Choose this attraction with your Go Explorer pass and get general admission to Madame Tussauds Orlando. There are dozens of themed zones to explore, Hollywood A-listers, sports stars, and musicians.
Equal parts entertaining and educational, WonderWorks offers fun for all ages within the upside-down walls of this Orlando classic. Choose this attraction with your Go Explorer pass to get general admission to all exhibits, a round of laser tag, access to the 36-foot-tall indoor ropes course, and a ride on the 4D Extreme Motion attraction.
The Outta Control Magic Comedy Dinner Show
Your Go Orlando pass includes a 90-minute comedy show, unlimited fresh, hand-tossed cheese and pepperoni pizza, salad, and dessert, unlimited beer, wine, and soda.
Fun Spot America
Admission with your Go Orlando pass includes a choice of four rides; the chance to ride roller coasters, bumper cars, and more. Get an adrenaline high at Fun Spot America Theme Park. Bursting with roller coasters, go-carts, bumper boats, and more, this family-friendly attraction has something for everyone. Take a spin on four different rides from a choice of over twenty.
Congo River Golf
Your Explorer Pass includes a round of mini golf on the jungle-themed course; 18 holes to work your way through; golf clubs and balls.
Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition (Orlando)
Your Go Orlando pass includes a replica boarding pass and self-guided tour; original artifacts recovered from the ship; interactive exhibits and recreated sets.
Coco Key Water Resort
Your Go Orlando Pass includes general admission to the water park, access to 14 slides and three heated pools.
Museum Of Illusions Orlando
This fun museum has over 50 interactive exhibits where you’ll find yourself defying the laws of gravity, shrinking to miniature size, and gazing into infinity. Along with plenty of "instagrammable" opportunities, the Museum of Illusions has a built-in photo experience in some of the key exhibits for some incredible snaps.
Amway Center
The Amway Center is a powerhouse of world-class sport, featuring the biggest teams in the NBA. Your ticket includes access to the Amway Center, giving you the chance to see the iconic Orlando Magic basketball team do what they do best. But you don't need to be a sports fan to enjoy the action. In-game entertainment, incredible halftime performances and the Center's designated fun zones for kids will make an enjoyable day out for the whole family. The Orlando Explorer pass is valid for select games and seat location is subject to availability (Promenade Level or Standing Room sections).
Музей мадам Тюссо Орландо
Выберите эту достопримечательность с пропуском Go Explorer и получите доступ к музею мадам Тюссо в Орландо. Есть десятки тематических зон для изучения, голливудские знаменитости, звезды спорта и музыканты.
В равной степени развлекательный и образовательный, WonderWorks предлагает развлечения для всех возрастов в перевернутых стенах этого классического Орландо. Выберите этот аттракцион с пропуском Go Explorer, чтобы получить общий доступ ко всем экспонатам, раунд лазертага, доступ к крытому веревочному курсу высотой 36 футов и поездку на аттракционе 4D Extreme Motion.
Волшебное комедийное шоу Outta Control с ужином
Ваш пропуск Go Orlando включает в себя 90-минутное комедийное шоу, неограниченное количество свежей пиццы с сыром и пепперони, приготовленной вручную, салат и десерт, неограниченное количество пива, вина и газированных напитков.
Веселое место в Америке
Вход с пропуском Go Orlando включает в себя четыре аттракциона на выбор; возможность покататься на американских горках, бамперных машинах и многом другом. Получите заряд адреналина в тематическом парке Fun Spot America. В этом семейном аттракционе, полном американских горок, картингов, бамперных лодок и многого другого, каждый найдет что-то для себя. Прокатитесь на четырех разных аттракционах из более чем двадцати вариантов.
Гольф на реке Конго
Ваш Explorer Pass включает в себя партию в мини-гольф на поле, оформленном в стиле джунглей; 18 отверстий, через которые нужно пройти; клюшки и мячи для гольфа.
Титаник: выставка артефактов (Орландо)
Ваш пропуск Go Orlando включает в себя точную копию посадочного талона и самостоятельную экскурсию; оригинальные артефакты, извлеченные с корабля; интерактивные экспонаты и воссозданные декорации.
Коко Ки Уотер Резорт
Ваш Go Orlando Pass включает общий вход в аквапарк, доступ к 14 горкам и трем бассейнам с подогревом.
Музей иллюзий Орландо
В этом забавном музее представлено более 50 интерактивных экспонатов, где вы обнаружите, что бросаете вызов законам гравитации, сжимаетесь до миниатюрных размеров и смотрите в бесконечность. Наряду с множеством возможностей для «инстаграма», в Музее иллюзий есть встроенная функция фотосъемки некоторых ключевых экспонатов для создания невероятных снимков.
Амвэй Центр
Amway Center — это центр спорта мирового класса, в котором участвуют крупнейшие команды НБА. Ваш билет включает в себя доступ в Amway Center, что дает вам возможность увидеть, как легендарная баскетбольная команда Orlando Magic делает то, что у них получается лучше всего. Но вам не нужно быть спортивным фанатом, чтобы насладиться действием. Внутриигровые развлечения, невероятные представления в перерыве между таймами и специально отведенные для детей развлекательные зоны центра сделают приятный день для всей семьи. Пропуск Orlando Explorer действителен для некоторых игр, и расположение мест зависит от наличия (секции Promenade Level или Standing Room).
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Отзывы (56)
Nov 2022
Value for money, great places to see. Saw Madame Tussauds, The Wheel, Sea Aquarium, NASA, Wonderworks and saved a bit of money through go city which covered all admission fees for the above places. The go inclusive pass is the way to go. The pass worked well for us because we stayed at the International Drive, a walking distance from the Icon Park, thus, we were able to visit the above places conveniently by foot or by the Lynx bus. Highly recommended.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Hi! That sounds like a great adventure! We’re glad you managed to explore many of Orlando's attractions. We're glad to have been a part of this excellent trip. Regards, Go City - JT
April T
Sep 2022
The attractions were great and everyone had fun. The process for getting your physical tickets is confusing and time consuming. It seems like ordering ahead of time should make things go smoothly.
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Hello April, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. We are glad to hear you enjoyed the trip with our passes. Regards, Go City -MC
Sep 2022
We stumbled upon this pass when looking up prices for Wonderworks. We decided to give it a shot after seeing the different attractions available and we went with the 2 attraction ticket. It was simple to do and we downloaded the Go City app for digital tickets. We went to wonder works and the comedy magic dinner show. Both were great and gave us a full day of activities.

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