This was the second time we were on this trip to the Canyon. The trip up was OK. Not like before where the conductors were entertaining with local information and lore. Dennis was more concerned with telling us every fifteen minutes that we needed to board the train at 3:15 and if we weren’t there at 3:30 we missed the train. Also, if we were on a bus tour we needed to make sure we used the bathroom before departing the train. That wasn’t the boring part. Coming back, the same day, Alissa (she wanted us to know how to spell her name correctly) never interacted with us on the lower level of the Desert Wind car. She was too busy serving champagne in the dome deck, then opening the bar. At the bar, she continued to serve champagne to the dome car riders. The insulting thing was she made a mockery of the RV park residents that would come out to wave at the train. She called them “old retired people who had nothing better to do with their lives than to get up we’ve at the train. Then go back to bed, so they could get up to wave at the train as it came back.” So, I’m an active “old foggie” who took that as distract insult. Not implied. I wanted to use another medium to put the word out, but Grand Canyon Railway did not request an input. Would I use this trip again. Probably not! Simply because the quality of their attendants has severely gone down hill. It was a joy the first time. Second time, it was a very boring bus ride to the beautiful Canyon and then home.