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Западный край Гранд-Каньона с плотиной Гувера. Фотоостановка из Лас-Вегаса

Западный край Гранд-Каньона может многое предложить, и этот тур позволит вам увидеть все это! По пути к Большому каньону сделайте короткую остановку, чтобы сфотографироваться с плотиной Гувера с объездного моста. Оказавшись в каньоне, у вас будет 3 часа, чтобы полюбоваться великолепными видами с Игл-Пойнт и Гуано-Пойнт. Смелый стеклянный переход, который простирается на 700 футов над дном Каньона и почти на 4000 футов над землей (доступно для покупки). Этот тур включает в себя легкий континентальный завтрак и дополнительный обед, а также трансфер из большинства местных отелей.
Город: Лас Вегас
Mon 03 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $99.00
Mon 03 Mar
Начинается с $99.00
Что включено
Morning Snacks
Air-conditioned vehicle
Hot Lunch (if option selected)
Unlimited bottled water
Selected Hotel pickup and drop-off
Morning Snacks
Air-conditioned vehicle
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослого.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Обед в ресторане Eagle Point Skyview или закусочной Guano Point (обеды на западном краю экскурсии необязательны).
  • Утренние закуски включают кексы, печенье Belvita, банан и сок
  • Эмоциональные собаки не считаются служебными собаками. Должен иметь подтверждающий документ для поддержки любых других служебных собак.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гостям рекомендуется держаться подальше от края каньона, так как нет ограждения, определяющего края на мысе Игл и мысе Гуано. Кроме того, может потребоваться носить маски внутри зданий и перед посадкой в ​​маршрутные автобусы.
Что ожидать
Hoover Dam Bypass
Make a brief stop at the Hoover Dam bypass bridge for a photo opportunity and amazing views of the Dam.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a day away from the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas and head to the Grand Canyon's west rim - home to the world-famous Skywalk. Your tour begins with a brief stop at the Hoover Dam for a photo opportunity and amazing view of the Dam and Bypass Bridge. After a relaxing bus ride through the 900 year old Joshua Tree forest, you will arrive at the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. Once here, you will receive a ticket for lunch and your shuttle ticket which will allow you to move about the canyon very easily. You will have approximately three (3) hours to explore here on your own.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Your first stop will be Eagle Point. Here, you can step out onto the glass skywalk, a U-shaped glass deck that extends 70 feet beyond the rim of the Canyon giving you a full view of the 4,000 foot drop to the Colorado River below. The views from here are nothing short of spectacular and be sure to spot the eagle in the facing rock. Also at Eagle Point is a Native American Village which displays many tribal homes and depicts the lifestyle of the local natives and you can watch cultural activities such as performances by Indian dances in the amphitheater. This is an optional upgrade that you can select upon checkout.
Guano Point
From here, you can make your way to Guano Point with even more spectacular views over the Colorado River. You can hike the trail here which leads to the highest point where the scenic vantage offers a majestic view of the Colorado River or just simply relax and enjoy the peacefulness of Grand Canyon West whilst enjoying a hot meal with stunning views!
Hoover Dam Bypass
Make a brief stop at the Hoover Dam bypass bridge for a photo opportunity and amazing views of the Dam.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a day away from the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas and head to the Grand Canyon's west rim - home to the world-famous Skywalk. Your tour begins with a brief stop at the Hoover Dam for a photo opportunity and amazing view of the Dam and Bypass Bridge. After a relaxing bus ride through the 900 year old Joshua Tree forest, you will arrive at the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. Once here, you will receive a ticket for lunch and your shuttle ticket which will allow you to move about the canyon very easily. You will have approximately three (3) hours to explore here on your own.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Your first stop will be Eagle Point. Here, you can step out onto the glass skywalk, a U-shaped glass deck that extends 70 feet beyond the rim of the Canyon giving you a full view of the 4,000 foot drop to the Colorado River below. The views from here are nothing short of spectacular and be sure to spot the eagle in the facing rock. Also at Eagle Point is a Native American Village which displays many tribal homes and depicts the lifestyle of the local natives and you can watch cultural activities such as performances by Indian dances in the amphitheater. This is an optional upgrade that you can select upon checkout.
Guano Point
From here, you can make your way to Guano Point with even more spectacular views over the Colorado River. You can hike the trail here which leads to the highest point where the scenic vantage offers a majestic view of the Colorado River or just simply relax and enjoy the peacefulness of Grand Canyon West whilst enjoying a hot meal with stunning views!
Hoover Dam Bypass
Make a brief stop at the Hoover Dam bypass bridge for a photo opportunity and amazing views of the Dam.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a day away from the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas and head to the Grand Canyon's west rim - home to the world-famous Skywalk. Your tour begins with a brief stop at the Hoover Dam for a photo opportunity and amazing view of the Dam and Bypass Bridge. After a relaxing bus ride through the 900 year old Joshua Tree forest, you will arrive at the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. Once here, you will receive a ticket for lunch and your shuttle ticket which will allow you to move about the canyon very easily. You will have approximately three (3) hours to explore here on your own.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Your first stop will be Eagle Point. Here, you can step out onto the glass skywalk, a U-shaped glass deck that extends 70 feet beyond the rim of the Canyon giving you a full view of the 4,000 foot drop to the Colorado River below. The views from here are nothing short of spectacular and be sure to spot the eagle in the facing rock. Also at Eagle Point is a Native American Village which displays many tribal homes and depicts the lifestyle of the local natives and you can watch cultural activities such as performances by Indian dances in the amphitheater. This is an optional upgrade that you can select upon checkout.
Guano Point
From here, you can make your way to Guano Point with even more spectacular views over the Colorado River. You can hike the trail here which leads to the highest point where the scenic vantage offers a majestic view of the Colorado River or just simply relax and enjoy the peacefulness of Grand Canyon West whilst enjoying a hot meal with stunning views!
Hoover Dam Bypass
Make a brief stop at the Hoover Dam bypass bridge for a photo opportunity and amazing views of the Dam.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a day away from the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas and head to the Grand Canyon's west rim - home to the world-famous Skywalk. Your tour begins with a brief stop at the Hoover Dam for a photo opportunity and amazing view of the Dam and Bypass Bridge. After a relaxing bus ride through the 900 year old Joshua Tree forest, you will arrive at the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. Once here, you will receive a ticket for lunch and your shuttle ticket which will allow you to move about the canyon very easily. You will have approximately three (3) hours to explore here on your own.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Your first stop will be Eagle Point. Here, you can step out onto the glass skywalk, a U-shaped glass deck that extends 70 feet beyond the rim of the Canyon giving you a full view of the 4,000 foot drop to the Colorado River below. The views from here are nothing short of spectacular and be sure to spot the eagle in the facing rock. Also at Eagle Point is a Native American Village which displays many tribal homes and depicts the lifestyle of the local natives and you can watch cultural activities such as performances by Indian dances in the amphitheater. This is an optional upgrade that you can select upon checkout.
Guano Point
From here, you can make your way to Guano Point with even more spectacular views over the Colorado River. You can hike the trail here which leads to the highest point where the scenic vantage offers a majestic view of the Colorado River or just simply relax and enjoy the peacefulness of Grand Canyon West whilst enjoying a hot meal with stunning views!
Hoover Dam Bypass
Make a brief stop at the Hoover Dam bypass bridge for a photo opportunity and amazing views of the Dam.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a day away from the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas and head to the Grand Canyon's west rim - home to the world-famous Skywalk. Your tour begins with a brief stop at the Hoover Dam for a photo opportunity and amazing view of the Dam and Bypass Bridge. After a relaxing bus ride through the 900 year old Joshua Tree forest, you will arrive at the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. Once here, you will receive a ticket for lunch and your shuttle ticket which will allow you to move about the canyon very easily. You will have approximately three (3) hours to explore here on your own.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Your first stop will be Eagle Point. Here, you can step out onto the glass skywalk, a U-shaped glass deck that extends 70 feet beyond the rim of the Canyon giving you a full view of the 4,000 foot drop to the Colorado River below. The views from here are nothing short of spectacular and be sure to spot the eagle in the facing rock. Also at Eagle Point is a Native American Village which displays many tribal homes and depicts the lifestyle of the local natives and you can watch cultural activities such as performances by Indian dances in the amphitheater. This is an optional upgrade that you can select upon checkout.
Guano Point
From here, you can make your way to Guano Point with even more spectacular views over the Colorado River. You can hike the trail here which leads to the highest point where the scenic vantage offers a majestic view of the Colorado River or just simply relax and enjoy the peacefulness of Grand Canyon West whilst enjoying a hot meal with stunning views!
Hoover Dam Bypass
Make a brief stop at the Hoover Dam bypass bridge for a photo opportunity and amazing views of the Dam.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a day away from the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas and head to the Grand Canyon's west rim - home to the world-famous Skywalk. Your tour begins with a brief stop at the Hoover Dam for a photo opportunity and amazing view of the Dam and Bypass Bridge. After a relaxing bus ride through the 900 year old Joshua Tree forest, you will arrive at the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. Once here, you will receive a ticket for lunch and your shuttle ticket which will allow you to move about the canyon very easily. You will have approximately three (3) hours to explore here on your own.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Your first stop will be Eagle Point. Here, you can step out onto the glass skywalk, a U-shaped glass deck that extends 70 feet beyond the rim of the Canyon giving you a full view of the 4,000 foot drop to the Colorado River below. The views from here are nothing short of spectacular and be sure to spot the eagle in the facing rock. Also at Eagle Point is a Native American Village which displays many tribal homes and depicts the lifestyle of the local natives and you can watch cultural activities such as performances by Indian dances in the amphitheater. This is an optional upgrade that you can select upon checkout.
Guano Point
From here, you can make your way to Guano Point with even more spectacular views over the Colorado River. You can hike the trail here which leads to the highest point where the scenic vantage offers a majestic view of the Colorado River or just simply relax and enjoy the peacefulness of Grand Canyon West whilst enjoying a hot meal with stunning views!
Hoover Dam Bypass
Make a brief stop at the Hoover Dam bypass bridge for a photo opportunity and amazing views of the Dam.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a day away from the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas and head to the Grand Canyon's west rim - home to the world-famous Skywalk. Your tour begins with a brief stop at the Hoover Dam for a photo opportunity and amazing view of the Dam and Bypass Bridge. After a relaxing bus ride through the 900 year old Joshua Tree forest, you will arrive at the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. Once here, you will receive a ticket for lunch and your shuttle ticket which will allow you to move about the canyon very easily. You will have approximately three (3) hours to explore here on your own.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Your first stop will be Eagle Point. Here, you can step out onto the glass skywalk, a U-shaped glass deck that extends 70 feet beyond the rim of the Canyon giving you a full view of the 4,000 foot drop to the Colorado River below. The views from here are nothing short of spectacular and be sure to spot the eagle in the facing rock. Also at Eagle Point is a Native American Village which displays many tribal homes and depicts the lifestyle of the local natives and you can watch cultural activities such as performances by Indian dances in the amphitheater. This is an optional upgrade that you can select upon checkout.
Guano Point
From here, you can make your way to Guano Point with even more spectacular views over the Colorado River. You can hike the trail here which leads to the highest point where the scenic vantage offers a majestic view of the Colorado River or just simply relax and enjoy the peacefulness of Grand Canyon West whilst enjoying a hot meal with stunning views!
Hoover Dam Bypass
Make a brief stop at the Hoover Dam bypass bridge for a photo opportunity and amazing views of the Dam.
Grand Canyon West
Enjoy a day away from the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas and head to the Grand Canyon's west rim - home to the world-famous Skywalk. Your tour begins with a brief stop at the Hoover Dam for a photo opportunity and amazing view of the Dam and Bypass Bridge. After a relaxing bus ride through the 900 year old Joshua Tree forest, you will arrive at the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. Once here, you will receive a ticket for lunch and your shuttle ticket which will allow you to move about the canyon very easily. You will have approximately three (3) hours to explore here on your own.
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Your first stop will be Eagle Point. Here, you can step out onto the glass skywalk, a U-shaped glass deck that extends 70 feet beyond the rim of the Canyon giving you a full view of the 4,000 foot drop to the Colorado River below. The views from here are nothing short of spectacular and be sure to spot the eagle in the facing rock. Also at Eagle Point is a Native American Village which displays many tribal homes and depicts the lifestyle of the local natives and you can watch cultural activities such as performances by Indian dances in the amphitheater. This is an optional upgrade that you can select upon checkout.
Guano Point
From here, you can make your way to Guano Point with even more spectacular views over the Colorado River. You can hike the trail here which leads to the highest point where the scenic vantage offers a majestic view of the Colorado River or just simply relax and enjoy the peacefulness of Grand Canyon West whilst enjoying a hot meal with stunning views!
Обход плотины Гувера
Сделайте короткую остановку у объездного моста плотины Гувера, чтобы сфотографироваться и полюбоваться потрясающим видом на плотину.
Западный Гранд-Каньон
Проведите день вдали от шума и суеты Лас-Вегаса и отправляйтесь на западную окраину Гранд-Каньона, где находится всемирно известная смотровая площадка Skywalk. Ваш тур начинается с короткой остановки на плотине Гувера, где можно сфотографироваться и полюбоваться потрясающим видом на плотину и объездной мост. После расслабляющей поездки на автобусе по 900-летнему лесу Джошуа-Три вы доберетесь до западного края Гранд-Каньона. Оказавшись здесь, вы получите билет на обед и билет на трансфер, который позволит вам очень легко передвигаться по каньону. У вас будет примерно три (3) часа, чтобы исследовать это место самостоятельно.
Гранд-Каньон Скайуок
Вашей первой остановкой будет Игл-Пойнт. Здесь вы можете выйти на стеклянный мостик, U-образную стеклянную площадку, которая простирается на 70 футов за край Каньона, открывая вам полный вид на 4000-футовый обрыв вниз к реке Колорадо. Виды отсюда просто захватывающие, и обязательно заметьте орла на скале напротив. Также в Игл-Пойнт находится деревня коренных американцев, в которой представлено множество племенных домов и изображен образ жизни местных аборигенов, и вы можете посмотреть культурные мероприятия, такие как выступления индийских танцев в амфитеатре. Это дополнительное обновление, которое вы можете выбрать при оформлении заказа.
Гуано Пойнт
Отсюда вы можете отправиться в Гуано-Пойнт, откуда открывается еще более захватывающий вид на реку Колорадо. Вы можете прогуляться по тропе, ведущей к самой высокой точке, откуда открывается живописный вид на реку Колорадо, или просто расслабиться и насладиться спокойствием Западного Гранд-Каньона, наслаждаясь горячей едой и потрясающими видами!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (999)
Aug 2022
Sharon and the whole trip was great! We loved every second of it. Totally worth the money. The two viewpoints were gorgeous. I really want to thank Sharon for making us feel cared for the whole trip.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
Sharron is amazing and we are so lucky to have her on our team of guides. She is very inspirational and works hard to provide memorable experiences to her customers. I will pass on your comments to her. So glad you enjoyed this marvelous tour experience!
Aug 2022
Jackie the bus driver was amazing. Made the trip so much fun!! Sky walk was a great view of the canyon.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
Great driver, amazing sites to see, memorable experiences. Glad we could deliver this package to you and your family. Please come see us again maybe for a South Rim Tour. Best to all.
Aug 2022
Hoover Dam/Lake Mead. Our guide was very knowledgeable and explicit. Our driver was a very safe driver and we felt comfortable the whole tour. The Skywalk was an incredible experience. Pity we couldn’t take our own photos. Lunch was disappointing.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
Hello, so glad you enjoyed your tour with us, and yes, certainly agree with your comments regarding photos on the Skywalk....unfortunately that is a source of revenue for the Hualapai that we have no control over. Sorry that lunch did not meet your standards. If you could be more specific about your comments, would be very helpful so we can pass on to the vendors at the West Rim. We work very closely with the Hualapai nation, and together, we are always seeking ways to improve guests' experience at the West Rim, particularly the lunch options. Thanks again for your feedback.

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