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Обзорная экскурсия по Гранд Денали из Талкитны

Окончательный тур по Денали, который охватывает большую часть Аляскинского хребта, чем любой другой доступный тур. Следуйте по речным системам Талкитны через долину Суситна в невероятный ландшафт ледопадов, ледников и снежных вершин. Исследуйте Аляску глубже, включая ледник Кахилтна, самый длинный в национальном парке Денали, протяженностью 45 миль с потрясающими гребнями земли и льда. Вы пересечете Аляскинский хребет и станете свидетелем арктической альпийской тундры на северной стороне отдаленного интерьера национального парка Денали. Добавьте посадку на ледник в обзорную экскурсию, чтобы получить незабываемые впечатления на всю жизнь (это добавит 30 минут к вашему времени в пути).
Город: Аляска
Sat 21 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $405.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $405.00
Что включено
Local Taxes
Hotel pickup and drop-off for select hotels in Talkeetna (Does not include Denali National Park hotels)
Live narration from your expert pilot
Local Taxes
Hotel pickup and drop-off for select hotels in Talkeetna (Does not include Denali National Park hotels)
Live narration from your expert pilot
Local Taxes
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на на коленях у взрослого.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Доступны местные трансферы в пределах Талкитны до аэропорта. Звоните, чтобы договориться о месте и времени встречи. Пассажиры, которые находятся за пределами 3-мильной зоны от Талкитны, должны прибыть в аэропорт Талкитны, где находится наш офис. Фактический адрес: 14212 E. Second Street, Talkeetna AK, 99676.
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски.
  • Для гидов в общественных местах требуются маски.
  • Путешественникам предоставлены маски для лица.
  • Путешественникам и персоналу доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением.
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием.
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гид должен регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярная проверка температуры у персонала
  • Проверка температуры у путешественников по прибытии
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
Talkeetna Air Taxi
You will start your excursion by checking into our log cabin office at the Talkeetna State Airport 45 minutes prior to your flight departure.  Be sure to bring your sunglasses, light jacket (in the summer) and plenty of memory on your camera. Board our ski-equipped aircraft and enjoy your pilots' commentary about the geological history and local wildlife on your individual headset.   Continue your flight above Talkeetna and over the river systems of the Susitna valley as you enter into an incredible landscape of icefalls, glaciers and snow peaks.  You'll be awed by the Great Gorge of the Ruth Glacier, filled with a 4,000 foot thick river of ice, making this one of the deepest gorges in the world. Travel further into the range to explore the seven major glaciers that blanket the southside of the Alaska Range. Add a glacier landing onto your trip for a highlight of your Alaska vacation.  This will add 30 minutes onto your trip time for this chance to bask in awe inspiring scenery.
Talkeetna Air Taxi
You will start your excursion by checking into our log cabin office at the Talkeetna State Airport 45 minutes prior to your flight departure.  Be sure to bring your sunglasses, light jacket (in the summer) and plenty of memory on your camera. Board our ski-equipped aircraft and enjoy your pilots' commentary about the geological history and local wildlife on your individual headset.   Continue your flight above Talkeetna and over the river systems of the Susitna valley as you enter into an incredible landscape of icefalls, glaciers and snow peaks.  You'll be awed by the Great Gorge of the Ruth Glacier, filled with a 4,000 foot thick river of ice, making this one of the deepest gorges in the world. Travel further into the range to explore the seven major glaciers that blanket the southside of the Alaska Range. Add a glacier landing onto your trip for a highlight of your Alaska vacation.  This will add 30 minutes onto your trip time for this chance to bask in awe inspiring scenery.
Talkeetna Air Taxi
You will start your excursion by checking into our log cabin office at the Talkeetna State Airport 45 minutes prior to your flight departure.  Be sure to bring your sunglasses, light jacket (in the summer) and plenty of memory on your camera. Board our ski-equipped aircraft and enjoy your pilots' commentary about the geological history and local wildlife on your individual headset.   Continue your flight above Talkeetna and over the river systems of the Susitna valley as you enter into an incredible landscape of icefalls, glaciers and snow peaks.  You'll be awed by the Great Gorge of the Ruth Glacier, filled with a 4,000 foot thick river of ice, making this one of the deepest gorges in the world. Travel further into the range to explore the seven major glaciers that blanket the southside of the Alaska Range. Add a glacier landing onto your trip for a highlight of your Alaska vacation.  This will add 30 minutes onto your trip time for this chance to bask in awe inspiring scenery.
Talkeetna Air Taxi
You will start your excursion by checking into our log cabin office at the Talkeetna State Airport 45 minutes prior to your flight departure.  Be sure to bring your sunglasses, light jacket (in the summer) and plenty of memory on your camera. Board our ski-equipped aircraft and enjoy your pilots' commentary about the geological history and local wildlife on your individual headset.   Continue your flight above Talkeetna and over the river systems of the Susitna valley as you enter into an incredible landscape of icefalls, glaciers and snow peaks.  You'll be awed by the Great Gorge of the Ruth Glacier, filled with a 4,000 foot thick river of ice, making this one of the deepest gorges in the world. Travel further into the range to explore the seven major glaciers that blanket the southside of the Alaska Range. Add a glacier landing onto your trip for a highlight of your Alaska vacation.  This will add 30 minutes onto your trip time for this chance to bask in awe inspiring scenery.
Talkeetna Air Taxi
You will start your excursion by checking into our log cabin office at the Talkeetna State Airport 45 minutes prior to your flight departure.  Be sure to bring your sunglasses, light jacket (in the summer) and plenty of memory on your camera. Board our ski-equipped aircraft and enjoy your pilots' commentary about the geological history and local wildlife on your individual headset.   Continue your flight above Talkeetna and over the river systems of the Susitna valley as you enter into an incredible landscape of icefalls, glaciers and snow peaks.  You'll be awed by the Great Gorge of the Ruth Glacier, filled with a 4,000 foot thick river of ice, making this one of the deepest gorges in the world. Travel further into the range to explore the seven major glaciers that blanket the southside of the Alaska Range. Add a glacier landing onto your trip for a highlight of your Alaska vacation.  This will add 30 minutes onto your trip time for this chance to bask in awe inspiring scenery.
Talkeetna Air Taxi
You will start your excursion by checking into our log cabin office at the Talkeetna State Airport 45 minutes prior to your flight departure.  Be sure to bring your sunglasses, light jacket (in the summer) and plenty of memory on your camera. Board our ski-equipped aircraft and enjoy your pilots' commentary about the geological history and local wildlife on your individual headset.   Continue your flight above Talkeetna and over the river systems of the Susitna valley as you enter into an incredible landscape of icefalls, glaciers and snow peaks.  You'll be awed by the Great Gorge of the Ruth Glacier, filled with a 4,000 foot thick river of ice, making this one of the deepest gorges in the world. Travel further into the range to explore the seven major glaciers that blanket the southside of the Alaska Range. Add a glacier landing onto your trip for a highlight of your Alaska vacation.  This will add 30 minutes onto your trip time for this chance to bask in awe inspiring scenery.
Talkeetna Air Taxi
You will start your excursion by checking into our log cabin office at the Talkeetna State Airport 45 minutes prior to your flight departure.  Be sure to bring your sunglasses, light jacket (in the summer) and plenty of memory on your camera. Board our ski-equipped aircraft and enjoy your pilots' commentary about the geological history and local wildlife on your individual headset.   Continue your flight above Talkeetna and over the river systems of the Susitna valley as you enter into an incredible landscape of icefalls, glaciers and snow peaks.  You'll be awed by the Great Gorge of the Ruth Glacier, filled with a 4,000 foot thick river of ice, making this one of the deepest gorges in the world. Travel further into the range to explore the seven major glaciers that blanket the southside of the Alaska Range. Add a glacier landing onto your trip for a highlight of your Alaska vacation.  This will add 30 minutes onto your trip time for this chance to bask in awe inspiring scenery.
Воздушное такси Талкитна
Вы начнете экскурсию с регистрации в нашем бревенчатом офисе в аэропорту штата Талкитна за 45 минут до вылета вашего рейса. Не забудьте взять с собой солнцезащитные очки, легкую куртку (летом) и много памяти на фотоаппарате. Поднимитесь на борт нашего оснащенного лыжами самолета и насладитесь комментариями пилотов о геологической истории и местной дикой природе через индивидуальную гарнитуру. Продолжайте свой полет над Талкитной и над речными системами долины Суситна, когда вы попадете в невероятный пейзаж с ледопадами, ледниками и снежными вершинами. Вы будете в восторге от Великого ущелья ледника Рут, заполненного ледяной рекой толщиной 4000 футов, что делает это ущелье одним из самых глубоких в мире. Отправляйтесь дальше вглубь хребта, чтобы исследовать семь основных ледников, покрывающих южную сторону Аляскинского хребта. Добавьте к своему путешествию высадку на ледник, чтобы сделать отпуск на Аляске ярким событием. Это добавит 30 минут к вашему времени в пути, чтобы вы могли насладиться впечатляющими пейзажами.
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Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (158)
Jul 2018
The flight had beautiful views of the Alaskan mountains including Denali. It really helped us to understand how massive the area is and how small we are in the grand skeem of things.
Jul 2018
We took the 11am flight around Denali and land on a glacier. I can’t imagine a better way to see the mountain and get a sense for how big it is! We had 5 total in our plane (including the pilot). The pilot did an excellent job describing the landscape and giving us a sense for the vast expanse we were flying over. We rose to about 12,000 feet on a party cloudy day. We saw incredible views the entire way, including the peak of Denali. We were also able to see one of the base camps of the mountain climbers who were about halfway to the top. As amazing as seeing Denali up close, landing on the glacier made the trip for us. After a smooth landing, we walked on untouched snow which sat on top of about 2,000 feet of ice. Because of how high the mountains are (granite walls rising 5,000 feet) I found it almost impossible to put anything into perspectives that my mind can comprehend. When we listened quietly, we could hear small landslides occurring on the granite shelves. We had some issues with our schedule and the folks at Talkeetna were extremely accommodating. Overall the service and experience were excellent from beginning to end! Quick tips: we went on a warm day (70 degrees Fahrenheit) and were glad to have a decent jacket in the plane and on the glacier. Also we wore hiking boots and didn’t need to borrow the shoe covers. Sitting up front in the plane is terrific, but the curvature of the plane glass will limit some of the photo opportunities (at least straight on). You can still take photos through the side windows while sitting up front.
Jun 2018
Alex was a great pilot/guide! We did the tour with a glacier landing. You don't want to miss landing on the glacier. This company offered more bang for the buck and it did not disappoint. We weren't sure we were going to be able to do this tour so we ended up having to schedule at the last minute and they were able to accommodate us. The ladies in the office informed us due to the weather we may not be able to see all the sides of Denali and told us if we weren't able to they would refund that part of the trip. Fortunately, the weather worked with us rather than against us and we got to do the whole tour. As a pilot, I can tell you the aircraft was well maintained and Alex was professional and proficient.

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