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Большой вертолетный тур

Гранд-тур включает в себя все из туров Свободы и Центрального парка, а затем добавляет другие фавориты Big Apple, известные во всем мире, в том числе:

Статуя Свободы и остров Эллис

Морской порт на Саут-Стрит.

Бруклин, Джордж Вашингтон и Манхэттенские мосты



Центральный парк

The Intrepid Air , Музей моря и космонавтики

Стадион Янки и Бэттери-парк
Город: Нью-Джерси
Thu 13 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $229.00
Thu 13 Feb
Начинается с $229.00
Что включено
Helicopter tour
We provide headsets and life vests for the tour.
Helicopter tour
We provide headsets and life vests for the tour.
Helicopter tour
We provide headsets and life vests for the tour.
Helicopter tour
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла.
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок.
  • Подходит для все уровни физической подготовки
  • Сиденье зависит от веса и баланса. Максимальный вес 250 фунтов на человека. Пассажиры взвешиваются на нашем объекте, и пассажиры, вес которых превышает ограничение по весу, должны приобрести дополнительное место, иначе они потеряют право на полет.
  • Вертолет вмещает 6 пассажиров и 1 пилота. Все туры разделены с другими пассажирами. Все 6 мест должны быть приобретены для частного тура. Существует возможность отмены после подтверждения, если пассажиров недостаточно для выполнения требований. В этом случае вам будет предложено другое время или дата.
  • В зависимости от благоприятных погодных условий. В случае отмены из-за плохой погоды вам будет предложена альтернативная дата.
  • Пассажиры должны прибыть за 45 минут до запланированного времени полета с удостоверением личности. Настоятельно рекомендуется прибыть до времени регистрации, чтобы избежать взимается плата за опоздание *** ***ЦЕНЫ ЗА ОСТАНОВКУ*** С пассажиров, не прибывающих за 45 минут до запланированного времени полета, взимается штраф в размере 50 долларов США с человека за опоздание. С пассажиров, прибывающих за 30 минут или менее до времени вылета по расписанию, взимается плата в размере 100 долларов США с человека за опоздание.
  • New York Helicopter имеет право отменить, изменить или задержать любой рейс в любое время по любой причине, включая погодные условия. условия, временные ограничения на полеты, введенные FAA, минимальное количество пассажиров, не соблюденное для тура, техническое обслуживание вертолета и все другие обстоятельства, не зависящие от нас.
  • Стоимость вертолетной площадки в размере 35 долларов США на человека (должна быть оплачена на месте во время путешествия дата)
  • 35 долларов США за вертолетную площадку для детей в возрасте до 2 лет (должна быть оплачена на месте в день поездки)
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски для лица
  • Маски обязательны для гидов в общественных местах
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Statue of Liberty
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Brooklyn Bridge
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Statue of Liberty
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Brooklyn Bridge
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Statue of Liberty
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Brooklyn Bridge
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Statue of Liberty
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Brooklyn Bridge
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Statue of Liberty
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Brooklyn Bridge
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Statue of Liberty
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Yankee Stadium
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Brooklyn Bridge
Want a little more? Our Grand Tour offers all of the sights listed above and then some! See Yankee Stadium from the sky, and relive the experience every time you catch a game on TV, no matter where you are. After that, you’ll fly along the Hudson to see the George Washington Bridge and wrap up the trip with a cruise by Battery Park and the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Стадион Янки
Хотите немного больше? Наш Гранд-тур предлагает все достопримечательности, перечисленные выше, а затем и некоторые другие! Посмотрите на стадион «Янки» с неба и переживайте каждый раз, когда смотрите игру по телевизору, где бы вы ни находились. После этого вы пролетите вдоль Гудзона, чтобы увидеть мост Джорджа Вашингтона, и завершите путешествие круизом по Бэттери-парку, Бруклинскому и Манхэттенскому мостам.
Статуя Свободы
Хотите немного больше? Наш Гранд-тур предлагает все достопримечательности, перечисленные выше, а затем и некоторые другие! Посмотрите на стадион «Янки» с неба и переживайте каждый раз, когда смотрите игру по телевизору, где бы вы ни находились. После этого вы пролетите вдоль Гудзона, чтобы увидеть мост Джорджа Вашингтона, и завершите путешествие круизом по Бэттери-парку, Бруклинскому и Манхэттенскому мостам.
Стадион Янки
Хотите немного больше? Наш Гранд-тур предлагает все достопримечательности, перечисленные выше, а затем и некоторые другие! Посмотрите на стадион «Янки» с неба и переживайте каждый раз, когда смотрите игру по телевизору, где бы вы ни находились. После этого вы пролетите вдоль Гудзона, чтобы увидеть мост Джорджа Вашингтона, и завершите путешествие круизом по Бэттери-парку, Бруклинскому и Манхэттенскому мостам.
Бруклинский мост
Хотите немного больше? Наш Гранд-тур предлагает все достопримечательности, перечисленные выше, а затем и некоторые другие! Посмотрите на стадион «Янки» с неба и переживайте каждый раз, когда смотрите игру по телевизору, где бы вы ни находились. После этого вы пролетите вдоль Гудзона, чтобы увидеть мост Джорджа Вашингтона, и завершите путешествие круизом по Бэттери-парку, Бруклинскому и Манхэттенскому мостам.
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Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (5)
Apr 2019
I did one of the most expensive tour. It was nice but we've flight only on top of the river. It was great to see lady liberty from the top but it was more fun on boat and cheaper.
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2020
Thank you for choosing New York Helicopter, hate to say it but can't compare boat with helicopter tours Jet fuel is more expensive
Feb 2019
We were brought 2 tickets for the grand tour, the most expensive tour New York Helicopters do as a Christmas present. We were so excited and knew it would be the most important experience of our time in NYC. When arriving into the city our booking was changed twice, he weather wasn’t great so we understood and agreed to change on both occasions. Finally after waiting all week we managed to get our tour, the 3pm tour on 21st February 2019. We arrived as requested just before 2:30pm and left almost immediately alongside two other couples. We were barely given any information onboard the flight. We booked this tour specifically so we could see places like the Yankee stadium (as we had no plans to physically visit) yet this wasn’t pointed out to us. In fact the only places pointed out where the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge - places we already knew! The tour didn’t even last the full 25 minutes and then we were charged for our photos afterwards. Like almost $1000 wasn’t already enough? We honestly thought this was a must do in NYC but it’s really not. The tour isn’t personal, the customer service is shocking and above all my husbands an aircraft engineer and said the rotors were off balance causing the helicopter to constantly shudder and drop when flying - something he looked at when we landed. Won’t be recommending this tour at all. Such a shame this is such a huge disappointment after being so excited for it!!!!

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