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Экскурсия с гидом на полдня к водопаду Шошон и экскурсия по городу

Вы сходите с ума по природным чудесам? Вам нравится американская история и пионерская культура? Тогда это идеальное Большое Зеленое Приключение для вас! Присоединяйтесь к этому живописному туру к водопаду Шошон - "Западной Ниагаре".

Проезжайте по историческому Старому городу и складскому району Твин-Фолс 1904 года, недавно отреставрированному и обновленному с современными элементами.

Остановка у плотины и водопада Твин-Фолс, где естественные источники прорвались сквозь скалу из базальтовой лавы, обнажив «скрытые ручьи и висячие сады».

Затем остановитесь у водопада Шошон, где 15 000 лет назад древнее озеро вышло из берегов. обод примерно в 300 милях, разрывая ландшафт Айдахо и создавая это потрясающее чудо природы, которое входит в тройку лучших водопадов в Соединенных Штатах.

Наша последняя остановка - наш Центр для посетителей. Приобретите сувениры, посетите Мемориальный мост Перрин на захватывающей дух высоте 486 футов и оцените величие нашего знаменитого каньона и реки Снейк внизу.
Город: Айдахо
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $69.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $69.00
Что включено
Bottled water
Air-conditioned vehicle
All Fees and Taxes
Bottled water
Air-conditioned vehicle
All Fees and Taxes
Bottled water
Дополнительная информация
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  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Регулярно используются транспортные средства продезинфицировано
  • Руководители должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Обновление Covid19: мы открыты для бизнеса и соблюдаем рекомендации штата.
Что ожидать
Twin Falls
With a height of 200 feet, Twin Falls is the namesake of the City of Twin Falls, Idaho. Take a short walk on a paved overlook for views of the falls, arch gravity dam and Snake River Canyon. Learn about the people who came here mining for gold while you keep your eye out for the animals that live in the canyon.
Shoshone Falls
Visit three viewpoints at Shoshone Falls. The first viewpoint is just above the mighty falls at the historic Glenn's Ferry crossing where you will stand water level behind the Shoshone Falls Dam. Reach down and touch the mighty Snake River! Second, jump back in the tour vehicle and arrive above Shoshone Falls. Take a short five minute walk on a paved trail for an aerial view of Shoshone Falls and the Shoshone Power Plant. Third, enjoy some "free time" at the main viewing platform at Shoshone Falls exploring the park displays and informational boards. Get an up close experience and spectacular views just yards from the top of the flowing falls.
Perrine Bridge
Walk along the pedestrian walkway atop this breathtaking 1,500 foot long four-lane truss arch bridge. Span the majestic Snake River Canyon with views of the river, lakes, and waterfalls. Here, your guide will interpret the natural occurrence that created this canyon over 15,000 years ago.
Buzz Langdon Visitor Center
Stop in for some gift shopping, displays and local attraction information. See the original stage coach that visionary I.B. Perrine used for transportation into and out of the Snake River Canyon. 15 minutes.
Twin Falls
With a height of 200 feet, Twin Falls is the namesake of the City of Twin Falls, Idaho. Take a short walk on a paved overlook for views of the falls, arch gravity dam and Snake River Canyon. Learn about the people who came here mining for gold while you keep your eye out for the animals that live in the canyon.
Shoshone Falls
Visit three viewpoints at Shoshone Falls. The first viewpoint is just above the mighty falls at the historic Glenn's Ferry crossing where you will stand water level behind the Shoshone Falls Dam. Reach down and touch the mighty Snake River! Second, jump back in the tour vehicle and arrive above Shoshone Falls. Take a short five minute walk on a paved trail for an aerial view of Shoshone Falls and the Shoshone Power Plant. Third, enjoy some "free time" at the main viewing platform at Shoshone Falls exploring the park displays and informational boards. Get an up close experience and spectacular views just yards from the top of the flowing falls.
Perrine Bridge
Walk along the pedestrian walkway atop this breathtaking 1,500 foot long four-lane truss arch bridge. Span the majestic Snake River Canyon with views of the river, lakes, and waterfalls. Here, your guide will interpret the natural occurrence that created this canyon over 15,000 years ago.
Buzz Langdon Visitor Center
Stop in for some gift shopping, displays and local attraction information. See the original stage coach that visionary I.B. Perrine used for transportation into and out of the Snake River Canyon. 15 minutes.
Twin Falls
With a height of 200 feet, Twin Falls is the namesake of the City of Twin Falls, Idaho. Take a short walk on a paved overlook for views of the falls, arch gravity dam and Snake River Canyon. Learn about the people who came here mining for gold while you keep your eye out for the animals that live in the canyon.
Shoshone Falls
Visit three viewpoints at Shoshone Falls. The first viewpoint is just above the mighty falls at the historic Glenn's Ferry crossing where you will stand water level behind the Shoshone Falls Dam. Reach down and touch the mighty Snake River! Second, jump back in the tour vehicle and arrive above Shoshone Falls. Take a short five minute walk on a paved trail for an aerial view of Shoshone Falls and the Shoshone Power Plant. Third, enjoy some "free time" at the main viewing platform at Shoshone Falls exploring the park displays and informational boards. Get an up close experience and spectacular views just yards from the top of the flowing falls.
Perrine Bridge
Walk along the pedestrian walkway atop this breathtaking 1,500 foot long four-lane truss arch bridge. Span the majestic Snake River Canyon with views of the river, lakes, and waterfalls. Here, your guide will interpret the natural occurrence that created this canyon over 15,000 years ago.
Buzz Langdon Visitor Center
Stop in for some gift shopping, displays and local attraction information. See the original stage coach that visionary I.B. Perrine used for transportation into and out of the Snake River Canyon. 15 minutes.
Twin Falls
With a height of 200 feet, Twin Falls is the namesake of the City of Twin Falls, Idaho. Take a short walk on a paved overlook for views of the falls, arch gravity dam and Snake River Canyon. Learn about the people who came here mining for gold while you keep your eye out for the animals that live in the canyon.
Shoshone Falls
Visit three viewpoints at Shoshone Falls. The first viewpoint is just above the mighty falls at the historic Glenn's Ferry crossing where you will stand water level behind the Shoshone Falls Dam. Reach down and touch the mighty Snake River! Second, jump back in the tour vehicle and arrive above Shoshone Falls. Take a short five minute walk on a paved trail for an aerial view of Shoshone Falls and the Shoshone Power Plant. Third, enjoy some "free time" at the main viewing platform at Shoshone Falls exploring the park displays and informational boards. Get an up close experience and spectacular views just yards from the top of the flowing falls.
Perrine Bridge
Walk along the pedestrian walkway atop this breathtaking 1,500 foot long four-lane truss arch bridge. Span the majestic Snake River Canyon with views of the river, lakes, and waterfalls. Here, your guide will interpret the natural occurrence that created this canyon over 15,000 years ago.
Buzz Langdon Visitor Center
Stop in for some gift shopping, displays and local attraction information. See the original stage coach that visionary I.B. Perrine used for transportation into and out of the Snake River Canyon. 15 minutes.
Twin Falls
With a height of 200 feet, Twin Falls is the namesake of the City of Twin Falls, Idaho. Take a short walk on a paved overlook for views of the falls, arch gravity dam and Snake River Canyon. Learn about the people who came here mining for gold while you keep your eye out for the animals that live in the canyon.
Shoshone Falls
Visit three viewpoints at Shoshone Falls. The first viewpoint is just above the mighty falls at the historic Glenn's Ferry crossing where you will stand water level behind the Shoshone Falls Dam. Reach down and touch the mighty Snake River! Second, jump back in the tour vehicle and arrive above Shoshone Falls. Take a short five minute walk on a paved trail for an aerial view of Shoshone Falls and the Shoshone Power Plant. Third, enjoy some "free time" at the main viewing platform at Shoshone Falls exploring the park displays and informational boards. Get an up close experience and spectacular views just yards from the top of the flowing falls.
Perrine Bridge
Walk along the pedestrian walkway atop this breathtaking 1,500 foot long four-lane truss arch bridge. Span the majestic Snake River Canyon with views of the river, lakes, and waterfalls. Here, your guide will interpret the natural occurrence that created this canyon over 15,000 years ago.
Buzz Langdon Visitor Center
Stop in for some gift shopping, displays and local attraction information. See the original stage coach that visionary I.B. Perrine used for transportation into and out of the Snake River Canyon. 15 minutes.
Twin Falls
With a height of 200 feet, Twin Falls is the namesake of the City of Twin Falls, Idaho. Take a short walk on a paved overlook for views of the falls, arch gravity dam and Snake River Canyon. Learn about the people who came here mining for gold while you keep your eye out for the animals that live in the canyon.
Shoshone Falls
Visit three viewpoints at Shoshone Falls. The first viewpoint is just above the mighty falls at the historic Glenn's Ferry crossing where you will stand water level behind the Shoshone Falls Dam. Reach down and touch the mighty Snake River! Second, jump back in the tour vehicle and arrive above Shoshone Falls. Take a short five minute walk on a paved trail for an aerial view of Shoshone Falls and the Shoshone Power Plant. Third, enjoy some "free time" at the main viewing platform at Shoshone Falls exploring the park displays and informational boards. Get an up close experience and spectacular views just yards from the top of the flowing falls.
Perrine Bridge
Walk along the pedestrian walkway atop this breathtaking 1,500 foot long four-lane truss arch bridge. Span the majestic Snake River Canyon with views of the river, lakes, and waterfalls. Here, your guide will interpret the natural occurrence that created this canyon over 15,000 years ago.
Buzz Langdon Visitor Center
Stop in for some gift shopping, displays and local attraction information. See the original stage coach that visionary I.B. Perrine used for transportation into and out of the Snake River Canyon. 15 minutes.
Твин Фолс
Твин-Фолс высотой 200 футов является тезкой города Твин-Фолс, штат Айдахо. Совершите короткую прогулку по мощеной смотровой площадке, откуда открывается вид на водопад, арочную гравитационную плотину и каньон реки Снейк. Узнайте о людях, которые пришли сюда, чтобы добывать золото, и следите за животными, которые живут в каньоне.
Шошонские водопады
Посетите три смотровые площадки на водопаде Шошон. Первая точка обзора находится прямо над могучим водопадом на исторической переправе Гленнс-Ферри, где вы будете стоять на уровне воды за плотиной водопада Шошон. Наклонись и коснись могучей реки Снейк! Во-вторых, прыгайте обратно в туристический автомобиль и прибудьте выше водопада Шошон. Совершите короткую пятиминутную прогулку по мощеной тропе, чтобы увидеть с высоты птичьего полета водопад Шошон и электростанцию ​​Шошон. В-третьих, насладитесь «свободным временем» на главной смотровой площадке водопада Шошон, изучая парковые экспозиции и информационные щиты. Получите близкий опыт и захватывающие виды всего в нескольких метрах от вершины водопада.
Мост Перрин
Прогуляйтесь по пешеходной дорожке на вершине этого захватывающего дух четырехполосного арочного моста длиной 1500 футов. Прогуляйтесь по величественному каньону реки Снейк с видом на реку, озера и водопады. Здесь ваш гид расскажет о природном явлении, создавшем этот каньон более 15 000 лет назад.
Туристический центр Базза Лэнгдона
Загляните за покупками подарков, выставками и информацией о местных достопримечательностях. Посмотрите на оригинальную дилижанс, которую провидец И.Б. Перрин использовался для перевозки в каньон реки Снейк и обратно. 15 минут.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (23)
Sep 2022
Gabrielle was a wonderful guide and very knowledgeable about the area. We saw things we would have never found on our own. So glad we booked this tour!!
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thank you so much for your review..I am so happy you were able to enjoy some of our "hidden gems". I hope to see you on tour again on your next visit to Twin Falls!
Sep 2022
This was a geat tour and highly recommend it. Had lots of fun and got great pictures.The tour guide was great and made the tour fun.
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Thank you so much for sharing your review. It is our goal to help you enjoy your tour to the fullest and we are so pleased that you had a great time. We look forward to seeing you again on tour on your next visit to Twin Falls!
Janet P
Sep 2022
Awesome!! Comfortable, large SUV, friendly and knowledgeable driver/guide, and just the right balance of sightseeing, history, and stops to walk around. We saw and experienced SO much more than if we tried to do it on our own.
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Hello and thank you so much! We very much appreciate you review and that you enjoyed the balance offered on this tour. We look forward to seeing you again in Twin Falls!

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